Jacek Klimontko

출생 : 1968-01-01,

참여 작품

Horst Schlämmer - Isch kandidiere!
So far he has earned his living as deputy editor-in-chief at the Grevenbroicher Tagblatt, but actually Horst Schlämmer had always guessed: he was destined for something bigger - too much bigger. Without further ado, he therefore quits his old job, founds his very own party and thus starts his rush to the chancellor's office. While the election machinery is quickly started and soon picks up speed, only two questions remain unanswered: Is Horst Schlämmer ready for Germany? And is Germany ready for him?
The Sandra Situation
Paul, shy, and not exactly what one would call a ladies man, checks his answering machine and gets a surprise message from a woman named Sandra. Great, except that he knows three Sandras: one he'd love to hear from, one he'd hate to hear from and a third he'd never expect to call him. Paul desperately wants to find out who is the woman who called and enlists the help of his close friend, who is a ladies man. Marc, though very busy himself and eager to pursue his business, agrees to help. And so begins an urgent investigation. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Die Musterknaben 3 - 1000 und eine Nacht
심리학의 권위자 Dr 톤은 사람들을 14일간 임시감옥에 가둬놓고 그들이 어떻게 변해가는가에 대한 실험을 위해 참가자를 모집한다. 임시감옥은 미로와 같으며 곳곳에 카메라를 설치하고 실험자들의 모습을 감시할 수 있다. 연구자들은 이들 사이에 일어나는 일에 개입하지 못하고 관찰만 할 뿐이다. 엄격한 심리테스트를 거쳐 선발된 20명은 전직기자인 택시운전자 타렉, 7년간 한 번도 지각을 해 본적이 없는 항공사 직원 베루스, 엘비스 모창가수 등으로 12명의 죄수와 8명의 간수로 나뉘어 14일간의 역할을 수행하면 된다. 처음엔 즐거웠던 실험이 시간이 지나갈수록 사람들은 진짜 간수와 죄수가 되어 간다. 분위기는 점점 험악해져 금지되었던 폭력이 난무하고 결국 통제할 수 없는 상황이 된다.