Director Sunny Chan, the mastermind behind Hong Kong’s No. 1 comedy box officehit “Table for Six”, reunites the original cast and crew for three weddings, which humorously showcase the intricate relationships amongst the three couples within the Chan family. Belief in our own blessings can bring us good fortune, but what is true fortune? Fortune and misfortune, love and hate, what is their ultimate definitions? One family, three couples, three weddings. After they decided to move on, what further challenges await them? Marriage isn’t just about two individuals; it involves a whole family of aunts, uncles, and cousins. Sunny Chan, with his unique sense of humor, once again dives into the complex dynamics of modern society’s men and women, families and romance.
Believing that writing Cantopop is her God-given talent, Law Wing-sze decides to make it her lifelong career. But as hard as Sze tries to polish her lyrics writing skills and expand her social circle, nothing seems to go her way. What if there’s a will, but there’s no way? The first major motion picture about Cantopop lyrics writing. Norris Wong’s long-awaited follow-up to her acclaimed debut My Prince Edward is an unsentimental autobiographical dramedy that reminds us no dream is guaranteed to come true. Ironically, the film’s star, up-and-coming actress Chung Suet-ying, is actually a real- life Cantopop lyricist.
Tsui Hiu Ching
법의학팀 정신과 의사인 칭은 사람들의 잠재의식을 들여다볼 수 있는 특별한 힘을 지니고 있다. 가족을 죽이고 자살하려던 사회복지사의 정신감정을 실시하던 중, 칭은 범인의 잠재의식 속에 다른 존재가 있고 그 목소리의 강요로 범행을 저질렀음을 알게 된다. 칭은 범인을 치료하던 정신과 의사 얀 박사를 의심하며 형사와 함께 사건 해결에 나선다. 그러나 수사 과정에서 칭은 결국 자신의 트라우마에 맞닥뜨리게 된다.
To big brother Dai (Dayo Wong), nothing is more satisfying than dining with his two younger half-siblings (Louis Cheung Kai Chung and Peter Chan Charm Man). But when his old flame (Stephy Tang) shows up as his brother’s girlfriend, kitchen nightmare strikes and it’s up to his part-time girlfriend (Lim Min-chen) to simmer down the situation.
Like her directorial debut Twelve Nights, Twelve Days depicts 12 scenes of a tumultuous marriage, from its blissful beginning through its bitter collapse. On day one, Jeannie and Simon seem to have the makings of a perfect marriage, but the following 11 vignettes reveal the various conflicts, both big and small, that slowly eat away at their bond. Love may build a marriage, but Twelve Days shows that reality can just as easily shatter it.
Cheung Lei-Fong
30대 중반의 퐁은 오랜 연인이자 웨딩사진작가인 에드워드와 오래된 만큼 복잡한 관계를 이어가고 있다. 결혼을 앞둔 사람들이 주로 찾는 홍콩 프린스 에드워드역 인근에 있는 골든 플라자를 배경으로, 결혼식을 준비하는 퐁의 고군분투를 통해 결혼과 행복의 의미를 현실감 있게 담아낸 영화. 홍콩영화개발펀드가 론칭한 신인감독 장편지원프로그램에 선정된 첫 번째 프로젝트이자 TV드라마작가로 활동하던 노리스 웡의 데뷔작으로, 금마장영화제를 통해 큰 주목을 받았다.
Fong Ning
어린 시절, 머리가 9개 달린 전설의 용을 만난 기이한 경험으로 용 문신을 새긴 ‘구룡’. 지금은 피도 눈물도 없는 잔인한 수사 방식으로 에이스 형사가 되었다. 어느 날, 홍콩에서 여경 연쇄살인 사건이 발생하고 함께 범인을 수사하던 약혼녀도 살해된다. ‘구룡’은 사건을 쫓을수록 오히려 복수의 칼날은 자신을 향해있다는 사실을 마주하게 되는데. 끈질긴 악연으로 서로를 향한 복수심에 불타오른 ‘구룡’과 살인범은 마침내 일대일 대결을 펼치고, 과연 전설의 용은 누구의 손을 들어줄 것인가...
Suitcases of cash fall out of an armored car onto the busy streets, and people go crazy picking it up! Typical loner Jay Kwan (Sing Lam) and his buddy Ang Ray (Neo Yau) are both witnesses, and they're curious about the incident. They then call up a 'search team' on Golden Forum to look into it. Golden Forum Goddess (Larine Tang) is attracted, and joins them. Policewoman Nancy O (Stephy Tang), the money-minded girl Mandy O (Grace Chan)'s sister, is the only one there to guard the money that day even if she's off duty, and is regarded as a heroine! She's therefore asked to join the investigation to the case. Police believe that it's an accident, and it's difficult to get all the money back, so the investigation should stop. But as the 'search team' keep digging, they realize that there's more than meets the eye...
제작자에게 잔소리를 듣던 감독은 조명 사고로 인해 쓰러지게 되고 꿈인지 현실인지 모를 여러 장르의 꿈을 꾸게 된다. 기쁜 날을 빙자해서 돈을 사기 치려는 세계, 분노로 직장 상사를 죽이는 범지진, 사랑으로 딸을 위해 자신의 목숨을 버리는 엄마, 기사가 실종되는 노선을 운행하게 된 아총의 공포가 즐거움으로 뒤바뀌는 꿈.
Eva Ng
불법 자금 세탁의 온상이 된 홍콩. 홍콩 세관까지 연루된 불법 자금 세탁 사건이 터지자 홍콩 부패방지국 ICAC(염정공서)와 홍콩 금융정보분석원 JFIU가 동시에 나섰다. 하지만 ICAC에서 불법 자금을 추적하던 열혈 팀장 육지렴이 뇌물 수수 혐의로 정직 처분을 받고 되려 쫓기는 신세가 된다. 육지렴은 누명을 벗기 위해 자신의 결백을 믿어주는 유일한 절친, JFIU의 류보강 경감과 함께 사건을 조사하다가 베일에 싸여있던 거대 불법 자금세탁 조직의 꼬리를 잡게 되는데...
An ageing bachelor playboy finally meets the girl of his dreams and proposes marriage, only to discover her psychologist stepmom was his first love long ago. The future in-laws initially pretend not to know each other but as the wedding date gets nearer, the rekindling of long-dormant feelings develops into a cross-generational love triangle.
다큐멘터리 작업으로 잘 알려진 청킹와이 감독의 극영화데뷔작으로, 충격적인 실화를 소재를 통해 홍콩사회의 현실을 서늘한 시선으로 담아낸 수작. 임신한 경찰관 안젤라는 부모를 살해한 혐의로 체포된 고등학생 코니의 조사를 맡는다. 태연하게 자신의 범죄를 시인하고 사건을 설명하는 그녀를 보며 사건의 이면에 다른 사연이 있지 않을까 생각한다. 영화는 치매에 걸린 아버지로 일상생활이 불가능한 안젤라의 일상과 코니의 충격적인 사건을 교차로 보여주며 질식할듯한 현실의 무게를 견뎌내는 홍콩인들의 모습을 집요하게 담아낸다.
Mari Hirakawa
대학을 졸업하고 취업도 하지 못한 마리. 그녀는 백수로 살지언정 홍콩 내 공수도 마스터인 아버지의 강요에 따라 공수도 사부가 되고싶지는 않다. 그러던 어느날, 아버지가 갑자기 돋아가시고, 아버지가 집을 마리의 명의가 아닌 자신의 제자에게 주려 했다는 사실을 알게 되는데...! 집을 되찾기 위해서는 공수도 마스터로서 서바이벌에서 살아남아야 한다. 그녀는 마스터가 되어 새 인생을 찾을 수 있을까?
Chanel Chui
낮에는 조신한 아내지만, 밤에는 냉혹한 킬러인 샤넬(등려흔)은 어느 날 남편에게 내연녀가 있다는 것을 알게 된다. 그날로 내연녀인 디올(주수나)에게 연락하여 약속을 잡는 샤넬. 그녀는 자신의 주특기를 살려 디올을 죽이려 했지만, 그녀 역시 킬러였다. 그 순간 걸려 온 또 다른 전화 한 통. 그것은 샤넬과 디올 외에 또 다른 여인 헤르메스(러지얼)가 있다는 뜻이었고, 샤넬과 디올은 의기투합하여 헤르메스를 처단하기 위해 ‘용화호텔’로 향한다. 그때 등장한 또 다른 위험. 과연 그녀들은 자신들을 이렇게 만든 남자들에게 복수를 행할 수 있을 것인가?
Madam Kill-all
중국 금나라 말기, 축구팀 독수리발톱을 앞세운 칸 바오가 침략한다. 독수리발톱은 100전 100승의 천하무적팀. 황제를 비롯한 신하들이 두려움에 떨고 있는 사이 공주 장평(종흔동 분)은 나라를 지키기 위해 무림8대 고수들을 찾아 나선다. 그 때 몰락한 모산파 재건에 힘쓰던 모차랑(허지옹 분)과 그의 사매(채탁연 분)은 공주가 무림8대 고수들을 찾아나선다는 소식을 듣는다. 이에 모차랑은 모산파도 무림8대 고수 축구팀에 들어가기 위해 공주에게 의도적으로 접근한다. 하지만 모차랑은 장평공주와의 첫 만남에서 사기꾼으로 오해를 받게 되고 설상가상 두 사람은 칸 바오와 결탁한 진승상의 사주를 받은 도적무리에게 납치를 당하게 된다. 그리고 무림8대 고수들 마저 진승상의 계략으로 인해 축구경기에 참가하지 못할 위험에 처한다.
On the night that Bo finds his boyfriend Sun cheating on her, she befriends Louis, a professional swindler who ends up recruiting her to join his entourage.
Madam Fong (20 years ago)
여경으로 이루어진 홍콩 최정예 팀 ‘패왕화’는 총통이라 불리는 테러범을 잡기 위해 프로젝트에 투입되었다가 대장 방만 살아남고, 그 틈을 타 총통은 도망치고 만다. 그로부터 20년이 지난 후 메이시의 절친이었던 소방은 패왕화의 교관으로 일한다. 한편 홍콩 경찰은 패왕화를 부활시키기 위해 전직 경찰을 포함한 여성들을 모집한다. 지원자 중 총통에게 죽음을 당한 요원 메이시의 딸 아화를 비롯해 아켓, 괴매 등이 한 팀이 되어 훈련을 받는다. 하지만 성적이 저조하고 단합조차 안되어 탈락 위기에 놓이는데... 과연 이 팀은 훈련을 무사히 마치고 패왕화가 될 수 있을까?
The story follows the 10th anniversary of Bo and Keung. In the ten years, the couple has gone through quite a number of ups and downs. After trying to develop his career in the mainland, Keung has returned to work in Hong Kong while Bo has stayed in Hong Kong to run a wedding consultancy firm. Bo firmly believes that love is forever and has witnessed over the years numerous sweet stories of love bearing fruits. However in private, the love between her and Keung has long turned bland. Keung wants to have children but Bo cannot care less. Once again, the couple is plunged into emotional ebb. Meanwhile, the betrayals years back begin to emerge again…
Debbie Chow
Chan Ka Sing, Choi Kai Kwong and Lee Yuk Lan had been best friends since they were young. They hung out all the time at the lighthouse. Everything was fine until Ka Sing and Kai Kwong both fell in love for Yuk Lan. Compared to ambitious Kwong, Yuk Lan chose Ka Sing.
Yvonne's assistant
어느 부잣집 저택에서는 약혼식으로 큰 파티가 열릴 예정이다. 그리하여 그 가족들은 파티 준비로 분주하게 움직이고 있는데 갑자기 '칼(고천락)'이라는 형사가 들이닥친다. 다름 아니라 2시간 전에 한 여자가 살충제를 마시고 자살하는 사건이 발생을 하여 용의선상에 오른 가족들을 조사하러 온 것이다. 그러나 그 가족들은 자살한 여자는 전혀 모르는 사람이고 이번 사건과 무관하다며 어리둥절하고 있는데, '칼' 형사가 한명씩 심문을 하는 과정에서 가족 구성원인 여섯명 전부 자살 사건과 연관이 있다는 것을 알게 된다.
Elna Cheung
Sit Ho Ching used to be an everyday white-collar worker who had no ambition and no plans for his future. Everything went smoothly until one day, when his boss set him up and his girlfriend cheated on him, he suddenly became a jobless single man, which made him rethink his past life of duties and routines. From then on, he decides to pursue wealth and fame by all means.
The rich merchant Lui Ming and a his old opponent Yeung Wai fight for everything for years. This time they compete for first to be grandpa! Yeung is going have a grandson from his son Alex and daughter in law Shan. Lui therefore threat his grandnephew couple Scallop and Snowy who live off his money to have baby, or will cut off all financial supports. Lui also hire the Super Star midwife Gong San to supervise and urge Scallop and Snowy. The couple’s life turns upside down, but recalls their romantic passion of the beginning of love…
Le Tong
Three stories: An assistant marriage officiator in love with her engaged boss. A psychosomatically colour-blind pool champion cannot get over the death of her boyfriend. A tour guide in love with a woman seeking the legendary white lotus.
The owner and employees of the Love in the Air Bar attempt several schemes to save the failing business.
Woman Driver
홍콩에서 젊은 남성들이 미소를 지은 채 죽는 이른 바 ‘미소 살인사건’이 잇따라 일어나자 이를 해결하기 위해 ‘여반장’과 그녀의 수하인 꼴통형사 ‘왕부얼’, 그리고 노땅 형사 ‘황비홍’이 투입된다. 그러던 중 죽은 네 명의 남자들은 모두 ‘리우진쉐이’라는 여자에게 청혼을 했었고, 모두 거액의 보험에 가입되어 있었다는 공통점이 밝혀진다. 경찰은 ‘리우진쉐이’의 언니가 보험회사에 다니며 죽은 남자들의 사망 보험금 수혜자가 언니로 되어있다는 사실을 알고 수사에 돌입하지만 진척이 없다. 결국 범인을 잡기 위해 ‘왕부얼’은 죽은 남자들처럼 ‘리우진쉐이’에게 청혼을 하고, 결혼 사진을 찍으러 간 날 ‘리우진쉐이’가 걸고 있는 목걸이가 3년 전 뉴욕 박물관에서 도난 당한 것이라는 사실을 알게 된다. ‘황비홍’과 ‘왕부얼’은 ‘리우진쉐이’의 죽은 아버지와 작은 아버지가 희대의 명품 도난 범이라는 걸 밝혀낸다. 과연 진범은 누구이며 죽은 이들은 왜 미소를 짓고 있는 것일까?...
A young couple and their friends are climbing a snowy mountain. Unexpectedly, the weather conditions turned hazardous. The boy (Ron) leaves his girlfriend (Stephy) to wait at the campsite and keeps climbing with the others. Seven days later, the rest of the climbers come back except for Ron. They tell Stephy that there was an avalanche on the first day, and her boyfriend did not make it back alive. Hopefully he will come in a form of spirit to find her at the campsite. In the midnight, Ron covered in blood appears in front of her. He reveals that during the first day, there was an avalanche, and everyone was killed except for him. Human or ghost? Who should Stephy believe?
The lives of two Hong Kong room-mates with an ice cream truck change when an attractive cousin from Taiwan moves in. Cho is a slacker who spends his day selling ice cream with his best friend/roommate Beer. Even though his ice cream truck business is failing, he still has a roof over his head because his apartment belongs to his uncle. When his cousin Tina decides to return to Hong Kong, Cho and Beer are forced to share their home with her, creating an antagonistic relationship between the three. However, Cho and Tina begin to bond over time, though they won't admit to having feelings for each other. When Tina's charismatic boss Machi enters the picture, Cho realizes that he may already be too late.
Siu Sheung (Juno Mak) is a solitary and frustrated young man. He works as a delivery boy at a small noodle shop and lives with his mother (Pat Ha) in a large, dilapidated Kowloon housing estate. As a young boy he enjoyed nothing more than watching his favourite anime, Space Emperor God Sigma, and singing along to Leslie Cheung's theme song with his father. However, after seeing his dad shot dead trying to apprehend a bank robber, Siu Sheung has spent the last twenty years wandering aimlessly, looking for a way to bring justice back to the community
Wong Jing's Classroom follows Ling, the new substitute teacher at a suburban high school. She feels something wrong about her class. The students in her Class 4E are an unruly bunch, except for Don Don, who always sits quietly in the corner. Suspecting that her students Gi Gi, Co Co, and Fong engage in prostitution, Ling reports the problems with her class to the dean, only to be told that there has never been a Class 4E in the school... In Patrick Kong's Travel, a group of friends go on vacation in Mainland, during which Bo gets killed in a road accident. At Bo's funeral, her travel mates meet Bo's estranged lover Ka Ming , with whom Bo had a heated quarrel on the phone just prior to her tragic death. At the hot-pot dinner after the funeral, a pale-faced Ka Ming reveals to the survivors the secret of his relationship with Bo before going on a killing spree...
The story begins with three men from different walks of life who lead very ordinary lives in Hong Kong but all have something in common - single and desperate for love. They decide to travel to Hainan, China, in search of love. On their adventure, they suffer plenty of bad luck, one after another, but love may just be around the corner.
Wen Rou
This romantic comedy follows three introverted guys, ZaiZai, Nick and Jacky. All three are finding it tough when it comes to the matters of love. Jacky, a homey guy only goes out when he sees the opportunity to be with Mindy, an actress. Elsewhere, when ZaiZai comes to the aid of the pretty Diana, his good intentions gets misunderstood and his girlfriend breaks up with him. Feeling guilty, Diana gets confused with her feelings for ZaiZai, and tries to hook up her friend, Lucy with ZaiZai’s best friend, Nick. The two hit it off at first, but as their relationship progresses, Lucy starts to question her relationship with Nick. As the 3 guys deal with their heartache, follow their lives in the city, as they long for the love they find hard to reach.
Painted Skin
한 바보가 어떤 상자를 갖게 된 후 과거 적벽시대의 이야기로 가게 되는 이야기
Jade Akiho Yoshizawa
72가구의 세입자라는 제목대로 엄청난 출연진들이 나와 세입자들의 애환을 코믹하게 그리고 있다. 과거에 친구였던 두 사람이 사랑하는 한 여인을 사이에 두고 20여 년간을 원수처럼 지내는데 그들의 아들 딸은 서로 사랑하는 사이가 된다. 두 친구를 둘러싼 소소한 싸움이 웃음을 준다.
Although Randy's family is involved in the casino business, he has never shared an interest in gaming until he played Texas Hold 'Em on the Internet. Rival Uno is the manager at Randy's casion. These two bitter enemies will now face off in the Asian Poker King Championships.
14명의 남녀가 발렌타인 데이에 벌이는 5단 러브라인을 그린 영화다. 발렌타인 데이에는 14명의 삶이 영원히 바뀔 것이다. 한 커플은 함께 할지를 토론하고, 한 남자는 세 명의 여자들 중 하나를 선택해야 하고, 한 가수는 그가 사랑하는 소녀와 접촉하기 위해 자신의 음악을 사용해야 하며, 그리고 온라인으로 만나던 커플은 마침내 얼굴을 마주하게 된다.
Lam Fung Giu / Alexandra
Former classmates Alexandra (Stephy Tang) and Alexis (Kary Ng) may share the same name, but they couldn’t be more different. Alexandra is beautiful, intelligent, rich, and completely insufferable. Self-centered and patronizing, she’s an expert in quick put-downs, nasty name-calling, and brokering gossip into profit. Alexis is a simple-minded, pure-hearted, and hard-working gal who is constantly bullied by her future sister-in-law’s family with whom she stays. Crossing paths again by chance, the two girls don’t want anything to do with each other – until a freak accident causes them to switch bodies!
Miu Ho
La Lingerie concerns four women Miu, Donut, Celine and CC who’s lives and loves are linked through a sexy lingerie shop where Donut works.
Everything was going well for Ah Bo until recently. After graduating from college, she decided to open a shop with her long-time boyfriend, Ah Jun, thinking that she would eventually marry Jun when everything has been set up and running smoothly. One day, Bao met her old classmate Kei Kei. Kei Kei decided to steal Ah Jun for her own, not caring about Ah Bo's feelings.
Kate Cheung
2001년 로 데뷔해 길지 않은 기간 동안 부지런히 재기발랄한 영화를 만들어온 팽호상 감독의 일곱 번째 영화. 는 7개의 짧은 이야기를 묶은 옴니버스 영화다. 혼전순결을 지키느라 세계축제일마다 선물 삼아 오럴섹스를 하던 커플이 질식사하는 이야기부터 우리 별의 원죄가 거짓말에 기원하게 된 (가짜)역사 이야기까지 팡호청 감독은 하나의 농담이 끝나면 곧장 다른 태도로 또 다른 농담을 줄줄이 지어낸다. 그는 짐짓 진지함을 가장한 채 지저분하고 황당하고 에로틱하고 무시무시한 이야기를 ‘이 얘긴 어때? 재미없어? 그럼 이건?’하는 식의 태도로 쏟아내는 것이다. 멜로에서 SF까지 매우 다양한 장르를 횡단하는 이 영화는 각각의 이야기 색깔에 따라 스타일과 톤도 바뀐다. 장르와 스타일뿐만 아니라 각 에피소드의 러닝 타임도 5분에서 20분에 이르기까지 일정하지 않다. 아마도 ‘블랙코미디’는 이 팔색조같은 영화를 관통하는 유일한 키워드일 것이다. 데뷔 전 홍콩 TV에서 개그쇼 작가로 일한 감독의 경력에 고개를 끄덕이게 된다. -강소원(영화평론가)
Luk Wai
In Hong Kong, the successful designer Ming lives with his beloved girlfriend Wai Luk and her younger sister who loves ghost story comic books. When Wai is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, Ming's life is turned upside-down, and he sacrifices his career to spend more time with Wai. He finds a new job in a lower position and out of the blue he finds that his new boss, Chu Fong, was his old friend in elementary school. When Wai gives up chemotherapy she decides to treat herself in accordance with the traditional Chinese medicine guided by her aunt. She has a weird behavior at home, and her frightened sister insists that she is a ghost. Meanwhile, Ming gets closer to Fong, who is a successful entrepreneur but a woman needy of love. During a trip to Peking, they have one night stand. Over the next days, Ming and Fong have a love affair and Ming believes that Wai is a spirit resolving her issues to move to the next level.
Love Is Not All Around explores modern relationships, interweaving the love stories of the six characters to reveal what love means to young people in metropolitan Hong Kong.
Singer-songwriter Kei is in love with his best friend Kristy, but she beings to date rich kid Tony.
Chu Yan Hong
This film is set in the historical city of Macau in 1943 during the Sino-Japanese war. A Chinese refugee (Aixinjueluo Qixin) falls in love with a local Macau man (Alex Fong), without knowing that her friend (Stephy Tang) has been his secret admirer for a long time. Written by Ai Movie Fansub
When Wah and Bo finally get married, everything's going great... until Sophie, his highschool love, who he never got comes back in his life and causes huge problems. Can he withstand...
Sammy, growing with women all his life, meets Suet in the MTR and falls for her at the first sight. One day, Sammy goes back to his office and to his surprise, Suet is there as a newcomer of their company together with Strong. Strong and Sammy are childhood rivals. However, their company asks them to create a new advertisement. From that day, love starts growing between Sammy and Strong. Their advertisement is a way success, and Suet finally falls for Sammy’s talent and starts dating him. Heartbroken, Strong decides to quit the job. Sammy finally realizes Strong is the one he loves. On Strong's farewell party, Sammy tells her how much he loves her, will Strong accept Sammy's love and have a happy ending?
Seven friends plan a reunion on a remote island and end up killed in bizarre incidents.
Stephy Ting Man-Ching
Cantonese pop star Ronald Cheng stars as spoiled rich kid Dragon Lung, who spends his days idly loafing with his fellow teenaged trust-fund brats, Sue-hei (Sam Lee) and Gold (Tat-ming Cheung). When the trio's frustrated fathers force their sons to attend a police academy for some much-needed discipline (or else face the loss of their hefty inheritances), the would-be cadets bungle their way through boot camp in a series of madcap, gun-fueled hijinx.
Comedy - Jerry and Lok are best buddies with a common goal - to find their respective, perfect goddess. But competition ensues when they both discover Cherie and the two friends wager to see who can win Cherie's heart before the other. - Shawn Yue, Cyrus Wong, Stephy Tang
A girl receives a Mini Cooper that is possessed by Marco, a ghost.
Auyeung Pui Yee
In a summer holiday, a father (Mr. Kuk) with his children (Ku Fung and Little Kuk-Ku) has decided to open a noodle bar on a 2-month lease. He has great expectations for his noodle business. Kuk Fung quickly falls in love with Carlily (Kuk Fung's friend). Meanwhile, Little Kuk-ku has met a new friend, Wo who is working at the noodle bar. As the vacation is going, the nodle bar has to be closed. Mr Kuk's business performance didn't come up to his expectations, but it ends up with two puppy loves.
An explosion takes place in an apartment late at night, with a charred body of a woman found on spot. Her name is Yin Ching. A woman called Lam Yam looks surprisingly similar to the deceased Ching, except that her temperament and background have no connections. But they happened to fall in love with the same man Lou Lou. Though it seems to be an accident, there is a romance behind with mixed feelings spanning over a decade. Ching and Lou were childhood friends, but Lou accidentally killed her mother more than ten years ago. The mortal sin being unexposed, fate made them break apart. Over a decade later, Ching met Lou again in the city. Ching finds Lou’s girlfriend Lam Yam has a striking resemblance to her. That inspires Ching to start her plan… After Ching was killed, Lou starts to notice something unusual with Yam, with a familiar but strange feeling.