Jonathon Trent

Jonathon Trent

출생 : 1984-06-05, Los Angeles, California, USA


Jonathon Trent, born June 5, 1984, in Los Angeles, California, is an American actor, best known for his role as Joey in the Allan Brocka drama, Boy Culture (2006). Trent's first acting role came in 2004 as Flynn in the movie, Delusion (2004). He followed that up with lead roles in the movies Screech, Miracle Dogs, Love Is the Drug, Pray for Morning and Boy Culture, among others. In 2006, Trent landed his first television role as Kyle in the American teen drama,  The O.C. (2003). Not long after, he guest-starred in various television series such as Dirt(2007), Cold Case (2003), and Cane (2007), just to name a few. Trent later appeared in the movies Making Change (2012) and Fashion Victim (2008).

프로필 사진

Jonathon Trent

참여 작품

Damon / Bumper Band Member
순박한 시골 소녀 앨리 로즈는 큰 무대에서 노래 부르고 싶다는 꿈을 안고 LA로 향한다. 그곳에서 그녀는 우연히 ‘버레스크’라는 클럽을 발견하고, 춤과 노래가 환상적으로 어우러진 새로운 세계에 빠진다. 앨리는 그곳에서 웨이트리스로 일하며 꿈을 키우고, 또 사랑을 하게 된다. 어느 날 전설적인 디바이자 클럽 주인인 테스의 눈에 띄어 그녀가 꿈꾸던 솔로 무대에 서게 되는데...
World's End
Wes Keller
Wes Keller is a young man living in a world where oil has collapsed, the food supply has been wiped out, and cancer rates for women have skyrocketed, depleting the female population. In a barbaric environment where bio fuel, batteries, bullets and people are currency and marauders roam free, Wes tries to escape to a mythical world run on cold fusion "Plutopia", a place that may only exist in the mind. THE BILL IS DUE. 'Downstream' is a view of the not so distant future. We follow a young man (everyone's son) as he pays the price for society's decadence.
트랜스포머: 패자의 역습
샘 윗윅키가 오토봇과 디셉티콘, 두 로봇 진영간의 치열한 싸움에서 우주를 구한 지 2년. 일상으로 돌아간 샘은 여자친구인 미카엘라와 새 친구이자 수호 로봇인 범블비와 떨어져 대학에 진학하게 된다. 그러나 학교생활에 적응하며 평범하게 살고 싶은 샘의 희망과는 달리 운명적으로 또 다시 우주의 사활을 건 전쟁에 말려들게 된다. 샘은 알지 못하지만 오직 그만이 선과 악, 궁극의 힘이 펼치는 전쟁의 향방을 가를 열쇠를 가지고 있던 것이다. 희생 없이는 승리도 없는 법! 마침내 샘은 윗익키 가에 전해 내려온 운명에게서 도망치지 않고 맞서 싸우기로 결심하게 된다. 인류를 위협하는 디셉티콘 군단과 인류를 보호하려는 오토봇 군단의 총력전! 지구의 운명을 건 거대한 전쟁이 다시 시작된다!
Four friends search for the answers to a series of deadly text messages killing students at their high school.
Flu Bird Horror
A group of teenagers go on a excursion to the mountains. There, they are attacked by birds infected with a lethal virus. When the teens reach a nearby village, the haunting birds start passing their virus on to all the dwellers.
패션 빅팀
Andrew Cunanan
Andrew Cunanan started his murderous spree in Minnesota, continued through Chicago, and despite being the subject of an intense manhunt, was able to kill fashion great Gianni Versace, in Miami, before killing himself.
Love Is the Drug
Troy Daniels
Jonah Brand (John Patrick Amedori) isn't necessarily the type of guy who would interest ultra-hot Sara Weller (Lizzy Caplan). But when she and her friends find out he works at a pharmacy, they charm him into their circle and gain his trust with manipulative fawning. Jonah knows he's playing with danger, but it's tough to resist the game. Daryl Hannah and D.J. Cotrona co-star in this grizzly tale of addiction and obsession.
Boy Culture
A successful gay male escort describes in a series of confessions his tangled romantic relationships with his two roommates and an older, enigmatic male client.
Pray For Morning
Looking for a night of thrills, eight friends roam the abandoned Royal Crescent Hotel, where five students were murdered more than 20 years ago. When they discover a severed hand, they conjure up a evil spirit and unleash its bloody wrath. To survive the night, the friends must solve a century-old mystery that threatens to annihilate them one by one.
얼론 위드 허
The harrowing story of a disturbed young man's attempts to win the affections of an unsuspecting young woman. When Doug first sees Amy, he instantly falls for her and begins to watch her every move, going so far as to set up spy cameras in her apartment. However, as his fascination grows into obsession he's no longer satisfied with just watching.
Miracle Dogs Too
Zack, a young boy, finds two Cocker Spaniels caged in the woods and takes them home. The animals, Sissy and Buddy, have magical healing powers that change the people of a small town.
Introduced to a volunteer opportunity with the Doctor's Gift Program, Katie (Mika Boorem) signs up for a trip to China, where she meets Lin (Yi Ding), a girl with whom she shares a birthday. Lin has a facial deformity that discourages her from ever showing her face, but her friendship with Katie helps her start to see life in a new way.