Joanne Vannicola

Joanne Vannicola

출생 : 1968-04-20, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Joanne Vannicola is a Canadian actor and writer.

프로필 사진

Joanne Vannicola

참여 작품

동성애가 질병으로 간주되었던 1969년, 동성애자라는 이유로 부모님에게서 쫒겨난 ‘대니(제레미 어바인)’는 뉴욕의 거리에 나앉게 된다. 대니와 친구들의 유일한 피신처인 ‘스톤월’ 여관에서 즐거운 나날을 보내지만, 끊임없는 경찰의 무차별적인 핍박에 견디지 못한 그들은 대항을 시작하는데… ‘우리에겐 더 이상 선택권이 없어’ 1969년 6월 28일의 뉴욕, ‘스톤월’의 영웅들이 일어났다!
The Animal Project
As a thirty something acting teacher attempts to push a group of eager young performers out of their comfort zones, he struggles with his own ability to live an authentic and fulfilling life with his teenage son.
Days of Darkness
La jeune anglophone
Jean-Marc is a man without qualities living in times that are out of joint. His wife and children ignore him; he's a mid-level government functionary in Montreal doing his job without care. He has an active imagination of sexual conquest, but his only real feelings come when he visits his aged mother, whose health is failing. When his wife leaves abruptly to work in Toronto, Jean-Marc sets out to reorder things with his daughters, his social life, and at work. In a world that at best is a farce, does he stand a chance?
What Makes a Family
Janine and Sandy are a lesbian couple who decide to have a baby, but after a few years Sandy dies. This tragedy is exploited by Sandy's parents to snatch the girl from Janine's care. But then, and despite having the laws against her, Janine decides to fight in order to regain custody of her daughter.
The Stalking of Laurie Show
A teenage girl becomes entangled in a volatile relationship with a pair of high-school lovers.
A young girl is plucked from small-town obscurity and thrust into the spotlight of the glamorous world of super-models.
Legendary actor Patrick McGoohan turns his famous character from THE PRISONER upside down as the psychiatrist in charge of an insane asylum. He has connected his inmates into a group mind where they share each other's psychoses, dreams and sexuality with all the scary and titillating implications imaginable! Like his highly acclaimed cult classic MASSACRE AT CENTRAL HIGH, director Rene Daalders provocative excursion into sci fi-horror filmmaking looks at first glance like a classic grindhouse movie, but it is up to much more. In addition to its operatic mayhem, HYSTERIA is a mind-expanding reflection on individual vs. group consciousness, power, control, and freedom.
아이언 이글 4
공군 퇴역 후 은둔 생활을 하던 더그 마스터즈(Doug Masters: 제이슨 카디어스 분)는 어느 날 공군 퇴역 장교인 채피 시이클레어(Chappy Sinclair: 루이스 고셋 쥬니어 분)의 방문을 받는다. 채피의 비행학교의 교사로 일해달라는 제안을 받고 처음에는 거절하지만 결국 비행교사로 가게 된다. 자기가 맡게 된 학생들이 다 문제아라는 것을 알게 된 더그는 채피에게 그만두겠다고 말하지만 채피는 다음달에 있을 비행 전투 시험까지만 있어달라고 부탁하고 더그는 어쩔수 없이 이를 승낙한다. 학생 중의 한 명인 휠러(Wheeler: 조안느 바니콜라 분)는 마약거래 혐의로 쫓기고 있는 신세였다. 전투시험 도중 도망간 아이들을 뒤쫓던 더그는 버려진 비행장에서 총격을 받게 되고, 그곳에서 이상한 물질이 담긴 드럼통들을 발견하는데...
Katie once left her parent's horse ranch behind her. Now, when her father is sick Katie has to return to the farm. She meets Cass, now a grown man whom she had a crush on as a kid.
Love & Human Remains
In a Canadian metropolis, failed actor David shares a place with the bookish Candy, whom he dated before coming out as gay. While David, who now waits tables, pursues an aimless romance with a younger coworker, Candy dabbles in both same-sex and heterosexual affairs. As David and Candy's odd assortment of friends — including a telepathic sex worker and an ill-tempered yuppie — pass in and out of their beds, a serial murder stalks the city's women.
To Save the Children
Melanie Young
Teacher Jake Downey has relocated to a small town in Wyoming hoping to escape the urban problems of his last assignment. His myth of rural bliss is shattered when a former police officer comes unglued, builds a bomb and takes Jake's class hostage. The heroism of his true story unfolds as the hostage drama takes many surprising turns towards the phenomenal conclusion.
Love & Murder
A photographer who lives in an apartment building takes sneak photos of women in their apartments. One day he accidentally photographs a murder, and the killer goes after him.
Taking Care of Terrific
Enid / Cynthia
14-year-old Enid Crowley hates her name and everything about her boring life. All this changes when she becomes a full-time babysitter to a sheltered boy. The two hook up for some hilarious adventures in the park with a mysterious bag lady and a street musician. With the help of Enid's boyfriend, Seth, they try to give the park dwellers a "special evening," but their good deed backfires and lands them in trouble.
Betrayal of Silence
A new lawyer investigates the abuse case of a young orphan girl and begins to believe that the orphanage priests have something to hide.
The Marriage Bed
Linda Griffiths stars as very pregnant Annie Graham, who's about to give birth to her third child in seven years. Annie looks back via flashbacks at how her own plans for a career got sidetracked and how her marriage suddenly went off the rails on a crazy train. At the same time she's trying to cope with a Christmas season full of inlaws, family and neighbours.. and a husband who's gone awol in order to 'find himself'.
Mary Neissbrkor
The story of a young idealistic teacher and his struggle with a class of difficult students in a northern British Columbia school.
Toby McTeague
Toby is a teenager who doesn't care much about school. In fact, he has his eyes on the title of a prestigious dog-sleigh race. He will have to undergo extensive training in order to win it.