Annika Hallin

Annika Hallin

출생 : 1968-02-16,

프로필 사진

Annika Hallin

참여 작품

하루 반의 시간
Dr. Gardelius
딸을 만나지 못하게 되자 절망감에 빠진 남자. 어떻게든 딸과 재회할 생각으로 총을 소지한 채 헤어진 아내가 일하는 의료 센터에 난입해 아내를 인질로 납치한다.
Margrete: Queen of the North
1402. Queen Margrete I has gathered the Nordic kingdoms in a union, ruled through her adopted son, Erik. But a conspiracy is in the making and Margrete finds herself in an impossible dilemma that could shatter her life's work: The Kalmar Union.
Acrimonius Alfie Atkins
The investigative journalist is back to find out what happened to the children's book character Alfie Atkins.
Off Radar
A pregnant woman is escaping from her husband by trying to delete her digital traces and identity.
Veronika's Mother
A hard-working farmer, despairing by the harsh reality of his daily struggle, is determined to have his son taking over the farm and continue his legacy. The mother tries her best to keep the family together. Yet, with increasing horror, the son witnesses his father's psychotic behavior escalate.
There Should Be Rules
Mia and Mirjam are two 14-year-olds who live in a very dreary little town. Though not especially grown-up, they're both trying. Mirjam gets a head start by forming a relationship with an older man who says he loves her. Mia has a dad who drinks a little too much. Lucky for them that they have each other. Not forgetting Karl, their super-smart buddy.
Just Like You
The day has arrived - the big operation! What will life be like with only one arm? Can you continue your life as usual and still be accepted for who you are? Tanja runs away from the hospital in a panic, tying her arm to her body with a belt and hiding it under the shirt. She needs to be convinced that nothing will change.
My Skinny Sister
Just as Stella enters the exciting world of adolescence she discovers that her big sister and role model Katja is hiding an eating disorder. The disease slowly tears the family apart. A story about jealousy, love and betrayal told with warmth, depth and laughter - on and off the ice.
The Boy with the Golden Pants
Katarina Heed
When Mats stumbles upon a pair of pants containing an unlimited amount of money, everything changes. Now he can buy everything he ever wanted, not knowing that powerful forces are tracking him down. The boy with the golden pants is an adventure film based on the Swedish classical bestseller by Max Lundgren.
The Fjällbacka Murders: The Coast Rider
The young coast guard and diver Jessica finds two dead scuba divers after a storm. She disagrees with her superiors that it was an accident and seeks the help of her childhood friend Patrik. Patrik and Erica, who are on their way to a romantic holiday, make a detour to the beautiful village of Kungshamn. They soon become involved in the case. Erica hides her real identity as the policemans wife and is invited to join the museum association. Already during the first meeting she attends the associations chairman is found murdered... The three deaths are now officially opened for investigation, and the common denominator between the victims seems to have been an interest in the wreckage of a 1820s ship. Did somebody finally find it? And what cargo did it carry? What caused the ship to sink?
There is something going on in the small town of Backberga. The towns proud telecom company Unicom is just about to launch a new modern profile when they discover that there is something lurking in the outskirts of Backberga. An accident triggers a power failure, which leads to a chain of events,mishaps and love stories. Flicker is a warm comic story about people trying to find their place within the modern society.
Just Like Zorro
The story is about Zorro and his best friend Kevin. Zorro, his mother Meta and his older sister Zavanna lives in a messy, run down apartment. Zorro's father is dead and his mother is an alcoholic but despite their situation they share a strong bond. Kevin and his family live in one of the more expensive family homes in the area. Although they are financially well off, the father is a violent man who takes his frustrations out on Kevin, his mother and younger sister. Through Kevin's and Zorro's courage and strong friendship they are able to overcome almost anything.
About Lillemor Östlin in the 60s and 70s. Her downfall from the glamorous Stockholm nightlife to drug addiction, crime and prostitution.
스톡홀름 이스트
Tina, Minnas mamma
교통 사고로 딸을 잃은 안나는 슬픔과 상실감에 젖어 의미없는 나날을 보낸다. 어느 날 기차역에서 요한을 우연히 만난 안나는 그에게 빠져들면서 위안을 얻기 시작하지만, 진실과 거짓이 혼재된 그들의 사랑이 비극으로 치달을 수 밖에 없는 위험한 여정임을 깨닫게 된다. 스칸디나비아는 물론 할리우드에서도 왕성하게 활동해온 이븐 야일리와 와 시리즈의 미카엘 페르스브란트가 열연한 멜로드라마. (2013년 스웨덴영화제)
Wallander 24 - The Heritage
When Manfred Stjarne is stabbed to death outside the Brada cider factory his wife Claire has inherited - suspicion falls on Polish worker Jan Kowalski, with whose wife Manfred was having an affair, but Jan is found hanged - later evidence suggesting foul play. Benjamin Wilkes, an ex-psychologist who helped Manfred select redundancy candidates, is killed in the same way as Manfred, putting disgruntled ex-Brada employees in the frame, but a third slaying implicates a former patient of Wilkes, who has connections to the Stjarne family. A newly loved-up Isabelle and Pontius start to fool around whilst on surveillance, taking their eye off the ball and allowing this suspect to confront Claire.
PAX is a grand-scale drama. An intimate and powerful romantic film about seven people's encounter with themselves as life forces them into the raging storm. They all have someone waiting. PAX, the Latin word for peace, is also flight terminology for flight passengers. When flying in an airplane we are all "pax".
밀레니엄: 제3부 벌집을 발로 찬 소녀
Annika Giannini
어둠을 향한 최후의 결전이 시작된다! 밀레니엄 3부작의 거대한 결말을 확인하라! 전편 (2부)에서 살해당할 뻔한 ‘리스베트’가 삼엄한 경비 속에 병원에서 깨어난다. 하지만 건강이 회복되면 그녀는 교도소로 이감되어 세명을 살해한 혐의에 대한 재판을 받아야 하는 운명을 맞는다. 그리고 그녀의 결백을 증명하려는 언론인 ‘미카엘 블룸키스트’의 노력과 ‘리스트베’ 자신이 직접 녹화한 치부와 같은 더러운 비디오 테잎을 증거로 제출해야 하는 상황에 몰리며 마침내 결백을 증명하면서 가진자들과 부패한 권력자들의 그늘에서 벗어나 이들을 파멸의 구덩이에 밀어 넣는데…
밀레니엄: 제2부 불을 가지고 노는 소녀
Annika Giannini
전세계를 강타한 밀레니엄 신드롬 그 거대한 제2막이 시작된다! 3명의 살인사건! 살인용의자로 몰린 리스베트의 복수의 대반격이 시작된다! 동유럽과 스웨덴을 연결하는 인신매매조직과 사회지도층 인사들에게 만연된 성매매를 연구하는 한 젊은 언론인이 밀레니엄지 편집장 ‘미카엘 블룸키스트’와 접촉하고 이에 흥미를 느낀 ‘미카엘’이 부정과 부패로 얼룩진 스웨덴 고위층에 만연한 부조리를 폭로하기로 결심하지만 기사로 다루기도 전에 젊은 언론인과 그의 여자친구가 살해당하면서 사건은 엉뚱한 방향으로 전개되고 게다가 행방이 묘연한 ‘리스베트 살란다’의 보호감찰관 ‘닐스 뷰르만’까지 같은 총에 의해 살해당한 것이 밝혀진다. 위조된 증거물들은 하나같이 모두 ‘리스베트’를 지목하기 시작하고 용의자를 구속하려는 경찰 당국과 결백을 믿는 ‘미카엘’간의 동상이몽 속에 ‘리스베트’의 기억 속에 남아 괴롭히고 있는 방화 사건과 출생의 비밀을 비롯하여 한 어린 소녀에게 가해진 어두운 과거들이 하나 둘씩 베일을 벗기 시작하는데…
밀레니엄: 제1부 여자를 증오한 남자들
Annika Giannini
전세계를 전율시킨 충격의 화제작! 진실을 파헤치는 기자와 용 문신을 한 천재 해커가 밝혀내는 충격적 진실! 40년 전 어느 날, 명망 있는 뱅거 가문 소유의 외딴 섬에서 가족 모임을 하던 중 뱅거 가문의 일원이었던 ‘하리에트 뱅거’가 실종된다. 그녀의 삼촌은 그녀가 살해당했을 것이라고 추측하고 불명예로 기자 생활을 접어야 하는 ‘미카엘 블룸키스트’와 문신이 새겨진 반항적인 컴퓨터 해커 ‘리스베트 살란다’에게 이 사건 조사를 의뢰 한다. ‘하리에트’의 실종을 조사하던 이 둘은 40년 전에 일어난 끔찍한 연쇄 살인 사건과 그녀의 실종이 연관되어 있음을 알게 되고 음침하고도 간담이 서늘한 가족 역사의 비밀을 밝혀나가기 시작하는데…
The Mother
한적한 지방 외딴 집 10살짜리 소녀가 어른들의 세계에 첫 발을 내딛게 된다. 그녀의 부모는 아프리카 개발 프로젝트에 참여하기 위해 먼 길을 떠나 버리고, 남겨진 소녀는 어쩔 수 없이 이모와 함께 살게 된다. 멋 부리기 좋아하는 이모가 그녀의 연인과 함께 바다 멀리 여행을 가버리자 소녀는 홀로 남겨져 혼자 모든 일을 개척해야만 하는 상황에 놓인다. 소녀는 이제 거칠고 외로운 삶의 모험을 시작하게 된다.
Glowing Stars
Young adolescent girl Jenna's mother is dying, while at the same time Jenna is turning from a young girl into a young woman. So it is difficult for her to admit that she is afraid to lose her mother; instead she behaves contrary to how one would expect.
The Gang of Lidingö
The Gang of Lidingö is a story about the art of taking what you want. The same day the 70's became the 80's we left our tiny flat in the city. We did a turnaround. Bought a big house at Lidingö and were suddenly far away from our beloved demonstrations against capitalism's exploitation of the poor.
Patrik, Age 1.5
Göran and Sven have been cleared for adoption and they have a possibility to adopt a swedish orphan, Patrik 1,5. But when Patrik arrives he turns out to be someone else, not the little boy they were expecting. A comma had been misplaced, and in comes a 15-year-old homophobic with a criminal past.
글래디에이터 - 템플 기사단
Syster Leonore
어린 시절부터 수도원에서 엄격하게 교육 받으면서 자라온 '아른'. 그는 마침내 템플 기사단의 단원이 되어 고향의 가족들에게로 돌아가게 된다. 아른은 고향에서 벌어진 영토 분쟁을 해결하기 위해 결투에 참가해 승리한다. 그리고 아름다운 '세실리아'를 만나 한눈에 사랑에 빠진다. 하지만 행복도 잠시, 두 사람을 둘러싼 거짓된 증언 때문에 아른과 세실리아는 교회에서 파문 당하고 강제로 헤어지게 된다. 결국 세실리아는 수도원에서 괴로운 감금 생활을 하게 되고, 십자군으로 차출된 아른은 전쟁터를 떠돌게 되는데...
When Darkness Falls
Stella Forsberg
A gripping and intense thriller about honour, loyalty, and the courage to fight for what you believe.
Kissed by Winter
Following her son's death, Victoria moves to a small community to work as a doctor at the local clinic. She attempts to forget and move on with her life but finds it impossible when a local boy is found dead in the snow and Victoria must tell the boy's parents. Police quickly explains it as an accident but Victoria finds that there is something strange about the whole affair.
Styckmordet: berättelsen om en rättsskandal
Originally planned as a two part docudrama - "The child's story" and "The double sentence". In the years 1982-84 was three women prostitutes murdered in Stockholm. 27-year-old Catrine da Costa was the third in this row. The murders had similarities that never before was recognized. Two medical doctors identifies as murderers in the media. The two was at first convicted of murder in the district court and then acquitted by the District Court.
Elisabeth Olsson
The young code breaker Karnell works in the Swedish intelligence service during the Cold War. Having cracked a secret code he is drawn into a conspiracy that stretches throughout the Baltic Sea. It turns out that there is a leak codenamed Ramona within the organization and now they have to stop Ramona before it wrecks havoc.
Beck 13 - Sender Unknown
Martin Beck, Gunvald Larsson and Alice Levander investigate the mysterious murder of an accountant that was found shot to death at the airport parking. At the same time a reporter receives a package from an anonymous source, with information regarding the embezzling of funds that should have been used for fixing up nuclear reactors. When the reporter contacts Beck, his home gets blown up by a bomb.
A Witch in the Family
Maria is 8 years old and thinks her younger brother is really annoying. She meets Makka in the neighborhood who has a magic ball. In some way Maria wishes her brother away. When the babysitter Gerda turns up Maria and Makka think she's the answer to Maria's wish - a witch that has come to abduct her brother. Maria who deeply regrets her wish must now do everything in her power to stop Gerda.