Wolfgang Thaler

출생 : 1958-03-09, Möllbrücke, Austria

참여 작품

Andrea Gets a Divorce
Director of Photography
Rural policewoman Andrea wants to end her marriage and become a detective inspector in the city. After a birthday party, her drunken soon-to-be ex-husband runs out in front of her car. In a state of shock, Andrea commits a hit-and-run.
The Hawk
Director of Photography
The long-lost bon vivant Mike Bittini learns that his brother has fallen into a coma. He returns to his family, sneaks in like a hawk in the chicken coop and mixes things up properly. The uncle comes to help, brings chaos and finds love.
Director of Photography
Richie Bravo, once upon a time a successful pop star, chases after his faded fame in wintry Rimini. Trapped between permanent intoxication and concerts for busloads of tourists, his world starts to collapse when his adult daughter breaks into his life.
Risks + Side Effects
Director of Photography
A routine check-up reveals that the Pilates trainer Kathrin is suffering from kidney disease and needs a transplant. Her husband Arnold is a successful architect in the middle of a large project and is afraid of donating one of his kidneys. Götz, a friend of the couple's, would undergo the operation immediately if it means saving Kathrin's life - even though this causes problems with his partner Diana. Confronted by issues of life and death, the fragility of the relationships within and between the couples is laid bare. Eventually, the question can no longer be avoided: what is true love?
Camera Department Manager
A sophisticated hotel somewhere on the French coast. Silvia and Gustav meet here, they have recently split up after 19 years of marriage. But they know each other well, and a fight begins in which Silvia always seems one step ahead. So she quickly realizes that Gustav's new, younger girlfriend is already expecting a child from him. The secret meeting between Silvia and Gustav takes a new turn when Gustav suddenly finds out that the conference center in Toulouse, where he is allegedly staying, was blown up in a terrorist attack.
Die Wunderübung
Director of Photography
Joana and Valentin Dorek are a married couple going through a crisis. This prompts them to take a trial session with a couple’s therapist. In the therapist’s consulting room they start off with their standard programme: she won’t stop talking and he isn’t even listening. The broken communication between the couple is a real challenge for the therapist. He is almost at his wits’ end when his mobile rings and a surprising message brings chaos into their therapy session.
Director of Photography
Africa. In the wild expanses, where bush-bucks, impalas, zebras, gnus and other creatures graze by the thousands, they are on holiday. German and Austrian hunting tourists drive through the bush, lie in wait, stalk their prey. They shoot, sob with excitement and pose before the animals they have bagged. A vacation movie about killing, a movie about human nature.
Hotel Rock'n'Roll
Director of Photography
Stefan Zweig: Farewell to Europe
Director of Photography
Before Dawn charts the years of exile in the life of famous Jewish Austrian writer Stefan Zweig, his inner struggle for the "right attitude" towards the events in war torn Europe and his search for a new home.
Director of Photography
Mae quit school and ran away from home. After her brother’s death her family is broken. Only his red shoes (Chucks) remain. Mae has to start working in a social institution where she meets Paul. He is funny, sensitive, takes Mae as she is - and he is terminally ill. In a book named Chucks Mae writes down her own story about growing up between life and death: wild, tender and absolutely honest.
Director of Photography
제1차 세계대전, 전쟁이 끝나지 않는 가운데 아라비아 사막에서 부족들과 살고 있는 소년 ‘디브’. 어느날 밤, 한 영국인 장교가 찾아와 ‘로마인의 우물’로 길안내를 부탁한다. ‘로마인의 우물’은 새로 생긴 철도 근처로 순례자의 길이지만, 전쟁으로 인한 폐허로 무자비한 강탈과 살인이 끊이지 않는 가장 위험한 지역. 디브는 형과 함께 수많은 위험을 감수하고 영국군 일행의 길 안내를 떠나게 된다. 그리고, 붉은 사막에서 그들의 삶과 운명이 송두리째 바뀌게 되는데…
문화의 전당 3D
Director of Photography
“건물들이 말을 할 수 있다면, 우리에게 무슨 말을 할까?” 건물들의 영혼에 관한 이 3D 프로젝트 은 이 질문에 대한 여섯 가지 다채로운 대답들을 보여준다. 영화 속에서 건물들은 인공 구조물의 관점에서 조망한 인간의 삶에 대한 이야기를 독백하듯 풀어놓는다. 빔 벤더스, 로버트 레드포드를 포함한 여섯 명의 감독들은 각각 상징적이고 특징적인 건축물을 택해 자기만의 스타일과 예술적 방식으로 접근했다. 그들이 우리에게 보여주는 건축물들은 인간의 사유와 행위의 물질적 현현이다. 모더니티의 상징인 베를린 필하모닉, 사상의 왕국 러시아국립도서관, 세상에서 가장 인도적인 할든교도소, 그리고 세상을 뒤흔든 과학 이론들의 탄생지인 소크연구소, 예술과 삶이 공존하는 미래적 공간 오슬로 오페라하우스, 그리고 현대문화기구 퐁피두센터. 은 이 랜드마크들이 우리 시대의 문화를 반영하고 우리의 집단적 기억을 보존하는 방식을 조명한다. (2014년 제6회 DMZ국제다큐영화제)
파라다이스: 호프
Director of Photography
13살이 된 멜라니는 어머니가 케냐로 여행을 간 사이 엄격하기로 소문이 난 다이어트 캠프로 보내진다. 캠프에서 지루한 생활을 하던 중 양호실에서 근무하는 40대 의사에게 묘한 매력을 느끼기 시작한다.
파라다이스: 신념
Director of Photography
마리아는 오스트리아의 중년 여성이다. 그녀는 신에 대한 사랑으로 외로움을 달래며, 포교 활동에도 적극적이다. 그녀는 이민자 이웃이나 무슬림으로 살아가는 남편을 위해서도 헌신적인 태도를 보인다. 그러나 이 맹목적인 믿음은 삶의 공허함을 더 크게 보여줄 따름이다.
파라다이스: 러브
Director of Photography
케냐에서 그녀들은 ‘슈가 마마’로 알려져 있다. 생활을 위해 사랑을 팔고 있는 아프리카 소년들을 찾는 유럽 여인들. 50세인 오스트리아 여자이자 사춘기에 접어든 딸을 가진 엄마인 테레사는 파라다이스를 꿈꾸며 아프리카로 여행을 떠난다. 그녀는 거기서 실망과 실망을 거듭하며 한 비치 소년에서 다른 비치 소년으로 옮기다 결국 케냐 해변가에서의 사랑은 비즈니스라는 것을 깨닫는다.
Termites: The Inner Sanctum
Termites are underrated. They build high rises without any technical devices that are, according to scale, 25 times higher than the the Empire State Building in New York. They are the only animals that have managed to build an air-conditioning system without electricity. How do they do it?
매춘의 그림자
Director of Photography
세 개의 나라, 세 개의 언어, 세 개의 종교. 각기 다른 배경에서 벌어지는 성매매의 현실을 여과 없이 담아낸 미카엘 글라보거 감독의 최신작. 남녀가 나눌 수 있는 가장 친근하고 은밀한 행위는 상품이 되어버린 지 오래. 직업 여성들은 매춘을 통해 많은 돈을 벌지만, 쌓여가는 것은 말 못할 사연 뿐, 결코 그들의 삶이 풍족해지는 것은 아니다. (2012년 4회 DMZ국제다큐멘터리영화제) 는 매춘에 대한 영화적 삼면화이다. 세 개의 국가, 세 개의 언어, 세 개의 종교. 태국에서 여자들은 판유리 뒤에서 반사된 자신들을 쳐다보며 고객을 기다린다.방글라데시에서 남자들은 욕구를 채우기 위해 사랑의 게토로 간다. 멕시코에서 여자들은 자신들의 현실을 회피하고자 여성의 죽음을 기도한다. 가장 내밀한 행위가 상품이 되어버린 세상에서, 이 여자들은 남자와 여자 사이에 일어날 수 있는 모든 것을 경험해 보았다. (2016년 제13회 서울환경영화제)
Contact High
Director of Photography
Gangster boss Carlos orders the dodgy Viennese junkyard owner Harry to bring him a bag from Poland. Harry passes the order on to his "best man" Schorsch. Schorsch, not exactly the brightest, is currently without a driver's license and completely fixated on the 24-hour car race of Le Mans. So he gives the order to Mao and sends in their place the takeaway lessees Hans and Max to Poland. Their journey leads to a seemingly endless drug trip full of extraordinary phenomena.
수입 수출
Director of Photography
[수입 수출]은 서로 다른 나라로 향하는 두 사람에 대해 이야기한다. 첫 번째는 젊은 간호사이자 갓난아기의 엄마이며 생계를 짊어지고 있는 올가에 대한 이야기. 그녀는 우크라이나에서 버는 돈으로는 도저히 생계를 유지할 수 없어 결국엔 오스트리아로 떠난다. 그 낯선 나라에서 그녀는 일을 구하지만 번번히 잃고, 가까스로 구한 병원 청소부 일을 하는 올가는 그 곳에서 죽어가는 병자들과 우정을 나누지만 친했던 할아버지가 죽은 뒤 삶의 의욕이 꺾인다. 다른 한 이야기는 젊은 오스트리아인 파울이 풀어간다. 그는 여자친구와의 관계도 원만치 않고, 돈벌이도 시원찮다. 그의 양부는 결국 그를 우크라이나로 데려가 도박게임기 설치하는 일을 맡긴다. 하지만 그들은 사사건건 부딪히고 끝내 파울은 양부를 뒤로하고 나와버린다.
To the Limit
Director of Photography
Daredevil mountain climbers on their attempt to break yet another speed climbing record.
Life in Loops (A Megacities RMX)
Director of Photography
Timo Novotny labels his new project an experimental music documentary film, in a remix of the celebrated film Megacities (1997), a visually refined essay on the hidden faces of several world "megacities" by leading Austrian documentarist Michael Glawogger. Novotny complements 30 % of material taken straight from the film (and re-edited) with 70 % as yet unseen footage in which he blends original shots unused by Glawogger with his own sequences (shot by Megacities cameraman Wolfgang Thaler) from Tokyo. Alongside the Japanese metropolis, Life in Loops takes us right into the atmosphere of Mexico City, New York, Moscow and Bombay. This electrifying combination of fascinating film images and an equally compelling soundtrack from Sofa Surfers sets us off on a stunning audiovisual adventure across the continents. The film also makes an original contribution to the discussion on new trends in documentary filmmaking. Written by KARLOVY VARY IFF 2006
Workingman's Death
Lighting Supervisor
Is heavy manual labour disappearing or is it just becoming invisible? Where can we still find it in the 21st century? Workingman's Death follows the trail of the HEROES in the illegal mines of the Ukraine, sniffs out GHOST among the sulphur workers in Indonesia, finds itself face to face with LIONS at a slaughterhouse in Nigeria, mingles with BROTHERS as they cut a huge oil tanker into pieces in Pakistan, and joins Chinese steel workers in hoping for a glorious FUTURE.
Workingman's Death
Director of Photography
Is heavy manual labour disappearing or is it just becoming invisible? Where can we still find it in the 21st century? Workingman's Death follows the trail of the HEROES in the illegal mines of the Ukraine, sniffs out GHOST among the sulphur workers in Indonesia, finds itself face to face with LIONS at a slaughterhouse in Nigeria, mingles with BROTHERS as they cut a huge oil tanker into pieces in Pakistan, and joins Chinese steel workers in hoping for a glorious FUTURE.
Neue Welt
Director of Photography
Hell on Wheels
Director of Photography
Year after year hundreds of thousands of fans line the route of the Tour de France, cheering on their heroes and willing them to victory, while millions of viewers worldwide tune in on their televisions. Academy Award-winning director Pepe Danquart, fascinated by the spectacle of the three week race, chose to focus on the courage, the pain and the fear of the riders of the Tour. Training his lens on German superstar sprinter Eric Zabel and his loyal domestique Rolf Aldag, Danquart captures the thrill of the race and the teamwork behind the stars of the peleton. He also shines light on the Tour's supporting cast - the director sportifs, masseurs, and, of course, the wildly enthusiastic fans. Reveling in the stunning landscape - from the Alps to the Pyrenees to the Massif Central to Paris - and with a nice dollop of Le Tour's history, HELL ON WHEELS transcends the sport it celebrates to reveal an astonishing human endeavor.
Director of Photography
Three loser-type ex-students who earn too little money and don´t get laid as much as they want, try to change that by producing a home made porn movie starring themselves. They loan money from a pimp and begin casting the girls. When filming starts they find out that sex in front of the camera is hard work. Also you should know how to work a video camera. Frustration, relationship problems and cabin fever culminate in a dope induced garden orgy. But is it a film?
Hallstatt - Living Between Rock and Lake
The Austrian region of Hallstatt-Dachstein features breathtaking landscapes, crystal clear lakes and a deep historic relevance: During the Hallstatt era, 2500 years ago, the celtics built an empire on the ancient salt-mines of the region. Using the latest CGI techniques, dramatic reenactments and outstanding nature photography director Wolfgang Thaler lets this fascinating region come to life.
Blue Moon
Director of Photography
After screwing up a money exchange a Viennese small-time crook accompanied by a Russian hostess hits the road to the East.
개 같은 나날
Director of Photography
베니스 영화제 심사위원 대상 수상. 비엔나 외곽의 한 시골마을을 무대삼아 스트레스에 가득 찬 세일즈맨, 자신을 학대하는 남자를 떨치지 못하는 노년의 여성, 반쯤 미친 히치하이커, 사실상 부부관계가 실종된 중년 부부 등 여러 인물들이 펼치는 일그러진 삶의 이어달리기. 보다 적나라하게 난교파티, 사도마조히스트적 성행위가 거침없이 등장하기도 한다.
France, Here We Come!
Director of Photography
FRANKREICH WIR KOMMEN is a highly enjoyable documentary, obviously intended for TV, but showing at film festivals. It shows us the highlights of the 1998 World Cup Championships in France through the eyes of several interesting and diverse fans of the Austrian national team. Entertaining, even for those not interested in football.
Automat Kalashnikov
Director of Photography
Documentary about Mikhael T. Kalashnikov, inventior of the AK-47 assault rifle. The story of a tragic hero whose name will be synonymous with struggle and terrorism forever.
Director of Photography
Megacities is a documentary about the slums of five different metropolitan cities.
Fun Without Limits
Director of Photography
An afternoon in the biggest fair of Germany.
Blut und Boden
Director of Photography
A family has the death of a pregnant daughter on its conscience. Their hollow understanding of tradition leads them to insist on revenge by the sword, and so the girl's boyfriend must die.
An der Grenze
Director of Photography
A film about ignorance, intolerance and the lack of responsibility in people. A political film about human kindness, which in many of the so-called "incidents on the border" has been sadly missing.
Die Stadt der Anderen
Director of Photography
Two women in two different countries leading different lives. One lives in Austria, one in Yugoslavia, yet their lives become strangely entangled for a moment in time. What if you wake up in somebody else's head and the city around you isn't the one you used to know?
War in Vienna
Camera Operator
A film about news, life and death. Before the media became so prevalent, we were concerned about our immediate neighborhood. At the end of the day, news was the subject of our conversations, but now it's possible to converse with someone at the other end of the globe. We do it all the time. It's simple. The world has become one big neighborhood. Now Headline News has replaced the back fence. That's the news service of the eigthies. It's a new idea and a new approach.
Das Hartmut-Wolf-System
Director of Photography
The Hartmut-Wolf-System is a relationship between two people which adheres to strict internal and external rules. The Hartmut-Wolf-System leads to self-destruction. A face à la viennoise.