Rick Tae

Rick Tae

출생 : 1973-07-07, Hong Kong

프로필 사진

Rick Tae

참여 작품

Daughter for Sale
When a runaway teenager is kidnapped by sex traffickers, her mother, a newly appointed judge, has to find and rescue her before they ship her overseas and sell her into sex slavery.
2 Frogs in the West
Marie Deschamps has her whole life ahead of her but isn't sure what to do with it. To the disappointment of her parents, she drops out of college and decides to go work in Whistler in order to perfect her English. After a journey across Canada, her arrival in British-Columbia is less glorious than she dreamt. Fortunately, she meets Jean-Francois Laforest, a Quebecois skier who has been living on the West Coast for 10 years. J-F will introduce her to his Anglo friends and to the lifestyle of the mountains. Somewhere out West, this adventure will change her life forever.
Megaphone Officer
고대 마야 문명에서부터 끊임없이 회자되어 온 인류 멸망. 2012년, 저명한 과학자들은 오랜 연구 끝에 실제로 멸망의 시기가 다가오고 있음을 감지하고 각국 정부에 이 사실을 알린다. 그리고 곧 고대인들의 예언대로 전세계 곳곳에서는 지진, 화산 폭발, 거대한 해일 등 각종 자연 재해들이 발생해 그 누구도 막을 수 없는 최후의 순간이 도래한다. 한편, 이혼 후 가족과 떨어져 살던 소설가 잭슨 커티스(존 쿠삭)는 인류 멸망에 대비해 진행되어 왔던 정부의 비밀 계획을 알아차리고 가족과 함께 살아남기 위한 필사의 사투를 벌이는데…
Waiting 4 Goliath
Associate Producer
While waiting for his date at a café, Florian bumps into Hassan, a charming but nosy ex-lover, who decides to join him on the wait. What starts out as a lively discussion about online dating quickly turns into a conscience-stricken heated debate over straight-acting gay guys and the quest for the elusive Mr. Wonderful. Eventually, egos are bruised, and old wounds are ripped open once more. Alas, only Goliath could save the day...if only he'd show up.
Waiting 4 Goliath
While waiting for his date at a café, Florian bumps into Hassan, a charming but nosy ex-lover, who decides to join him on the wait. What starts out as a lively discussion about online dating quickly turns into a conscience-stricken heated debate over straight-acting gay guys and the quest for the elusive Mr. Wonderful. Eventually, egos are bruised, and old wounds are ripped open once more. Alas, only Goliath could save the day...if only he'd show up.
코드네임 - 클리너
Mini Bar Attendant
어느 날 아침, 호텔방에서 깨어난 제이크는 자신의 곁에 누워있는 FBI 요원의 시체를 발견하고 그 옆에 있던 돈 가방을 들고 도망친다. 자신의 부인이라고 주장하는 다이앤을 따라 저택으로 간 제이크는, 다이앤이 자신을 죽이려 한다는 걸 깨닫고 다시 도망친다. 한 식당에서 다시 애인을 만난 제이크는 자신이 특수 요원이라고 확신하고, 돈 가방과 FBI 요원의 시체에 얽힌 비밀을 파헤치는데...
The Dead Zone
Dr. Tran, Ph.D.
A young man awakens from a six-year coma with the ability to see into peoples futures. This is the first two episodes of the television series.
The Miracle of the Cards
Dr. Kassell's Assistant
"The Miracle of the Cards" is based on the true story of Marion Shergold and her son, Craig, an eight-year-old English boy who had a brain tumor. Several events convinced Marion that God was leading her to a cure for Craig and that the get-well cards he was receiving had the power to keep him alive, so she launched a worldwide campaign to break the Guinness record for receiving the most get-well cards. At the time, the world record seemed an impossible 1,000,265, but Craig received over 350 million cards from all over the world. Against the advice of her doctors, Marion followed one of those cards to America for Craig's miraculous cure.
프레디 성추행당하다
Security Guard
MTV의 인기 토크쇼 로 유명한 인기 코미디언인 톰 그린이 주연, 연출 및 각본까지 담당한 코미디로 28살의 괴짜 청년 고드의 좌충우돌 코미디가 주된 내용. 개봉당시 저조한 수입과 평론가들로부터 졸작이라는 평가를 받았다.
Runaway Virus
Young Doctor (as Ricky Cheng)
Two virus experts track down contagious people across the world. But it's only a matter of time before L.A. is exposed to the virus.
Lt. Wong
It's millennium eve. At the stroke of midnight the Y2K computer bug kicks in, causing widespread chaos in the US.