여자 친구 살해 혐의로 기소된 매혹적인 예술가의 사건을 맡은 형사소송 변호사. 자기도 모르게 강렬한 욕망에 사로잡혀 격정적이고도 위험한 상황에 휘말린다.
여자 친구 살해 혐의로 기소된 매혹적인 예술가의 사건을 맡은 형사소송 변호사. 자기도 모르게 강렬한 욕망에 사로잡혀 격정적이고도 위험한 상황에 휘말린다.
여자 친구 살해 혐의로 기소된 매혹적인 예술가의 사건을 맡은 형사소송 변호사. 자기도 모르게 강렬한 욕망에 사로잡혀 격정적이고도 위험한 상황에 휘말린다.
금지된 사랑과 가족 간의 갈등. 미국 남부를 배경으로 40년에 걸친 비밀과 거짓말을 풀어낸다. 주크 조인트 블루스 음악으로 사운드트랙을 가득 채운 타일러 페리 작품.
금지된 사랑과 가족 간의 갈등. 미국 남부를 배경으로 40년에 걸친 비밀과 거짓말을 풀어낸다. 주크 조인트 블루스 음악으로 사운드트랙을 가득 채운 타일러 페리 작품.
금지된 사랑과 가족 간의 갈등. 미국 남부를 배경으로 40년에 걸친 비밀과 거짓말을 풀어낸다. 주크 조인트 블루스 음악으로 사운드트랙을 가득 채운 타일러 페리 작품.
마디아가 돌아왔다! 증손자의 대학 졸업을 축하하는 자리. 가족들이 말썽을 부리자 마디아 할머니의 인내심이 한계에 달한다.
마디아가 돌아왔다! 증손자의 대학 졸업을 축하하는 자리. 가족들이 말썽을 부리자 마디아 할머니의 인내심이 한계에 달한다.
Executive Producer
마디아가 돌아왔다! 증손자의 대학 졸업을 축하하는 자리. 가족들이 말썽을 부리자 마디아 할머니의 인내심이 한계에 달한다.
Madea / Uncle Joe
마디아가 돌아왔다! 증손자의 대학 졸업을 축하하는 자리. 가족들이 말썽을 부리자 마디아 할머니의 인내심이 한계에 달한다.
Jack Bremmer
천문학과 대학원생 케이트 디비아스키(제니퍼 로렌스)와 담당 교수 랜들 민디 박사(레오나르도 디카프리오)는 태양계 내의 궤도를 돌고 있는 혜성이 지구와 직접 충돌하는 궤도에 들어섰다는 엄청난 사실을 발견한다. 하지만 지구를 파괴할 에베레스트 크기의 혜성이 다가온다는 불편한 소식에 아무도 신경 쓰지 않는다. 지구를 멸망으로 이끌지도 모르는 소식을 사람들에게 알리기 위해 언론 투어에 나선 두 사람. 혜성 충돌에 무관심한 대통령 올리언(메릴 스트립)과 그녀의 아들이자 비서실장 제이슨(조나 힐)의 집무실을 시작으로 브리(케이트 블란쳇)와 잭(타일러 페리)이 진행하는 인기 프로그램 출연까지 이어가지만 성과가 없다. 혜성 충돌까지 남은 시간은 단 6개월. 24시간 내내 뉴스와 정보는 쏟아지고 사람들은 소셜미디어에 푹 빠져있는 시대이지만 정작 이 중요한 뉴스는 대중의 주의를 끌지 못하는데...
Filmed at the Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse in Cleveland, Ohio, the 2021 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony honors inductees: Tina Turner, Carole King, The Go-Go's, JAY-Z, Foo Fighters, and Todd Rundgren; along with Kraftwerk, Charley Patton and Gil Scott-Heron; LL Cool J, Billy Preston and Randy Rhoads; Clarence Avant for the Ahmet Ertegun Award. The special music event also features a host of all-star presenters, performers, and special guests, including Angela Bassett, Christina Aguilera, Mickey Guyton, H.E.R., Keith Urban, Taylor Swift, Jennifer Hudson, Drew Barrymore, Paul McCartney, Lionel Richie, and many others.
어디서도 볼 수 없는 아델의 특별 퍼포먼스 무대와 오프라 윈프리의 토크쇼가 포함됐다. ‘30’ 앨범 수록곡 비하인드와 6년 공백기에 겪은 출산과 이혼, 다이어트까지 아델 삶 전반에 관한 이야기를 나눈다.
Gus (voice)
시민들을 속여 어드벤처 시티의 시장이 된 날씨 악당 `험딩어`는 취임식 당일, 구름을 조종해 천둥번개를 만드는 등 시민들을 위협하며 본모습을 드러낸다. 그런 가운데, 용감한 시민 퍼피 `리버티`로부터 어드벤처 시티가 위험에 빠진 소식을 들은 퍼피 구조대는 신속하게 시티로 출동하는데…! 위기에 빠진 어드벤처 시티의 운명은?
화재 현장에서 세 명의 아이를 구하지 못한 죄책감과 트라우마로 감시탑에 배정된 공수소방대원 한나는 거대 범죄의 증거를 가지고 도주 중인 소년을 만난다. 한편 소년을 쫓던 두 명의 킬러는 사람들의 눈을 돌리기 위해 불을 내고 삽시간에 번져가는데… 죽이려는 자와 지키려는 자, 거대한 불길 속에서 치닫는 생사를 건 대결. 그날 밤, 삶과 죽음이 타오르는 불길 속에 모두가 있었다!
Despite humble beginnings, Tyler Perry established a successful career as a writer, director, and producer for stage, television and film. Perry's acclaimed work has lead to international stardom making him Hollywood's highest paid man.
Filmed version of Tyler Perry final stage tour production of 'Madea's Farewell Play'.
Primetime special honoring the late civil rights leader John Lewis, featuring live musical performances and segments that examine his life, his work and the principles that guided him.
Executive Producer
평소 온화하고 법을 잘 지키는 그레이스. 그녀가 새 남편을 살해했다고 자백한다. 무슨 일이 있었을까. 그녀의 변호사가 숨겨진 진실을 파헤친다. 타일러 페리 감독 영화.
평소 온화하고 법을 잘 지키는 그레이스. 그녀가 새 남편을 살해했다고 자백한다. 무슨 일이 있었을까. 그녀의 변호사가 숨겨진 진실을 파헤친다. 타일러 페리 감독 영화.
평소 온화하고 법을 잘 지키는 그레이스. 그녀가 새 남편을 살해했다고 자백한다. 무슨 일이 있었을까. 그녀의 변호사가 숨겨진 진실을 파헤친다. 타일러 페리 감독 영화.
평소 온화하고 법을 잘 지키는 그레이스. 그녀가 새 남편을 살해했다고 자백한다. 무슨 일이 있었을까. 그녀의 변호사가 숨겨진 진실을 파헤친다. 타일러 페리 감독 영화.
A joyous family reunion becomes a hilarious nightmare as Madea and the crew travel to backwoods Georgia, where they find themselves unexpectedly planning a funeral that might unveil unpleasant family secrets.
A joyous family reunion becomes a hilarious nightmare as Madea and the crew travel to backwoods Georgia, where they find themselves unexpectedly planning a funeral that might unveil unpleasant family secrets.
Mabel "Madea" Simmons / Joe / Brian / Heathrow
A joyous family reunion becomes a hilarious nightmare as Madea and the crew travel to backwoods Georgia, where they find themselves unexpectedly planning a funeral that might unveil unpleasant family secrets.
A joyous family reunion becomes a hilarious nightmare as Madea and the crew travel to backwoods Georgia, where they find themselves unexpectedly planning a funeral that might unveil unpleasant family secrets.
Self - Host
Tyler Perry hosts a tribute to the singer's legendary career, featuring performances from Yolanda Adams, Shirley Caesar, Alessia Cara, Kelly Clarkson, Common, Celine Dion, Jennifer Hudson, Alicia Keys, John Legend, Patti LaBelle and more.
Colin Powell
미국 행정부 역사를 통틀어 가장 강력한 권력을 행사한 부통령이자 네오콘의 상징적인 인물이었던 딕 체니. 그의 의중에 대해서는 거의 알려진 바 없다. 영화는 예일대학교를 중퇴하고 전기설비공으로 일하던 알코올중독자 청년이 어떻게 대기업 CEO에서 펜타곤 수장을 거쳐 미국 부통령이 되었는지, 또 부통령 재임 시절 그가 내린 결정이 세계에 얼마나 치명적인 변화를 가져왔는지를 쫓는다. 딕 체니와 모종의 관계가 있다고 고백하는 내레이터의 정체가 호기심을 자극하는 가운데, 권력자들의 부침, 권력의 이면을 목격하며 점점 더 괴물이 되어가는 한 정치인의 초상이 펼쳐진다.
Executive Producer
사고뭉치 언니 타니아는 감옥에서 출소를 하면서 정 반대 성격의 동생 대니카와 함께 하게된다. 동생과 함께 생활하게 되면서, 언니 타니아는 동생인 대니카가 정체도 모르는 남성과 온라인 연애를 하고 있다는 사실을 알게되고 동생의 남자친구의 정체를 밝히려 하는데…
사고뭉치 언니 타니아는 감옥에서 출소를 하면서 정 반대 성격의 동생 대니카와 함께 하게된다. 동생과 함께 생활하게 되면서, 언니 타니아는 동생인 대니카가 정체도 모르는 남성과 온라인 연애를 하고 있다는 사실을 알게되고 동생의 남자친구의 정체를 밝히려 하는데…
사고뭉치 언니 타니아는 감옥에서 출소를 하면서 정 반대 성격의 동생 대니카와 함께 하게된다. 동생과 함께 생활하게 되면서, 언니 타니아는 동생인 대니카가 정체도 모르는 남성과 온라인 연애를 하고 있다는 사실을 알게되고 동생의 남자친구의 정체를 밝히려 하는데…
발명품 하나에 매달려 성공을 꿈꾸는 남자와 결혼하여 18년 간 물심양면으로 뒷바라지했지만 집도 재산도 다 날리게 되자 이혼을 선택한 여성이 겪게 되는 파국을 그린 영화
발명품 하나에 매달려 성공을 꿈꾸는 남자와 결혼하여 18년 간 물심양면으로 뒷바라지했지만 집도 재산도 다 날리게 되자 이혼을 선택한 여성이 겪게 되는 파국을 그린 영화
Cyrus (voice)
자유를 꿈꾸는 방앗간의 당나귀 ‘보’. 어느 날, 베들레헴에서 밝게 빛나는 별 하나를 발견하고 방앗간을 박차고 나온 ‘보’는 장난꾸러기 비둘기 ‘데이브’와 사랑스러운 양 ‘루스’, 그리고 ‘마리아’와 ‘요셉’과 함께 꿈에 그리던 모험을 시작한다. 첫 번째 크리스마스의 비밀이 드디어 밝혀진다!
Madea and the gang encounter monsters, goblins and boogeymen at a haunted campground.
Madea and the gang encounter monsters, goblins and boogeymen at a haunted campground.
Madea and the gang encounter monsters, goblins and boogeymen at a haunted campground.
Madea and the gang encounter monsters, goblins and boogeymen at a haunted campground.
뉴욕 포스트의 저널리스트 ‘수잔나’(클로이 모레츠).
21살 그녀는 갑자기 심한 건망증과 환각증세 등으로 괴로운 나날을 보낸다. 게다가 조울증의 증세처럼 갑자기 웃고 울고 하는 그녀.
하지만 병원에서는 그녀 병에 대해 아무것도 파악하지 못하는데…
In trouble with the local authorities, Mabel Simmons, notoriously known as Madea, is on the run from the law. With no place to turn, she moves in with her friend Bam who is recovering from surgery. Unbeknownst to Bam however, Madea is only using the "concerned friend" gag as a way to hide out from the police.
In trouble with the local authorities, Mabel Simmons, notoriously known as Madea, is on the run from the law. With no place to turn, she moves in with her friend Bam who is recovering from surgery. Unbeknownst to Bam however, Madea is only using the "concerned friend" gag as a way to hide out from the police.
In trouble with the local authorities, Mabel Simmons, notoriously known as Madea, is on the run from the law. With no place to turn, she moves in with her friend Bam who is recovering from surgery. Unbeknownst to Bam however, Madea is only using the "concerned friend" gag as a way to hide out from the police.
한 해 중 가장 으스스한 날, 마디아는 브라이언의 10대 딸을 감시하고 말썽에 휘말리지 않게 해달라는 부탁에 응한다. 하지만 마디아는 자신이 말썽에 휘말릴 거라고는 생각도 못 한다. 다행인지 불행인지, 마디아에게는 뱀, 해티와 조라는 무장대가 있었고, 그들이 유령들과 살인 광대들을 막아준다. 배꼽 잡는 온갖 공포가 가득한 축제가 열린다.
한 해 중 가장 으스스한 날, 마디아는 브라이언의 10대 딸을 감시하고 말썽에 휘말리지 않게 해달라는 부탁에 응한다. 하지만 마디아는 자신이 말썽에 휘말릴 거라고는 생각도 못 한다. 다행인지 불행인지, 마디아에게는 뱀, 해티와 조라는 무장대가 있었고, 그들이 유령들과 살인 광대들을 막아준다. 배꼽 잡는 온갖 공포가 가득한 축제가 열린다.
한 해 중 가장 으스스한 날, 마디아는 브라이언의 10대 딸을 감시하고 말썽에 휘말리지 않게 해달라는 부탁에 응한다. 하지만 마디아는 자신이 말썽에 휘말릴 거라고는 생각도 못 한다. 다행인지 불행인지, 마디아에게는 뱀, 해티와 조라는 무장대가 있었고, 그들이 유령들과 살인 광대들을 막아준다. 배꼽 잡는 온갖 공포가 가득한 축제가 열린다.
Mabel "Madea" Simmons / Uncle Joe Simmons / Brian Simmons
한 해 중 가장 으스스한 날, 마디아는 브라이언의 10대 딸을 감시하고 말썽에 휘말리지 않게 해달라는 부탁에 응한다. 하지만 마디아는 자신이 말썽에 휘말릴 거라고는 생각도 못 한다. 다행인지 불행인지, 마디아에게는 뱀, 해티와 조라는 무장대가 있었고, 그들이 유령들과 살인 광대들을 막아준다. 배꼽 잡는 온갖 공포가 가득한 축제가 열린다.
Baxter Stockman
감옥을 탈출한 ‘슈레더’는 인간을 동물로 바꿀 수 있는 의문의 보라색 액체를 손에 넣어 막강 파워 악당을 만들어 내고 다시 한번 지구 정복을 꿈꾼다. 강력한 전투력, 끈끈한 유대로 뭉친 닌자터틀 4총사! 열혈 여기자 에이프릴 오닐과 하키 마스크를 쓴 케이시 존스와 함께 이들을 막기 위한 역대급 팀플레이를 펼치게 되는데...
A two-hour musical event, airing live from New Orleans, that tells the 2000-year-old story of the last hours of Jesus Christ’s life on earth.
Madea / Joe / Brian
After a hilarious run-in with the law, Madea is sentenced to community service. Determined to do good for the 'hood, Madea enlists Aunt Bam and Uncle Joe to try and save the Moms Mabley Youth Center from being shut down. With her irresistible sass and wisdom, Madea rallies the local kids to make a stand-and proves that behind her tough exterior is a whole lot of love!
After a hilarious run-in with the law, Madea is sentenced to community service. Determined to do good for the 'hood, Madea enlists Aunt Bam and Uncle Joe to try and save the Moms Mabley Youth Center from being shut down. With her irresistible sass and wisdom, Madea rallies the local kids to make a stand-and proves that behind her tough exterior is a whole lot of love!
Anita is a successful, single woman who has it all - a great job, a loving family, and the ability to pay for her baby sister's wedding. According to her best friend, however, there's only one thing missing...the love of a good man. At her friend's insistence, she meets the seemingly perfect man online and all seems well, until he convinces her to get married in Las Vegas and her life quickly spirals out of control. Can she regain the upper hand, or will the tides turn for the worse?
Anita is a successful, single woman who has it all - a great job, a loving family, and the ability to pay for her baby sister's wedding. According to her best friend, however, there's only one thing missing...the love of a good man. At her friend's insistence, she meets the seemingly perfect man online and all seems well, until he convinces her to get married in Las Vegas and her life quickly spirals out of control. Can she regain the upper hand, or will the tides turn for the worse?
Anita is a successful, single woman who has it all - a great job, a loving family, and the ability to pay for her baby sister's wedding. According to her best friend, however, there's only one thing missing...the love of a good man. At her friend's insistence, she meets the seemingly perfect man online and all seems well, until he convinces her to get married in Las Vegas and her life quickly spirals out of control. Can she regain the upper hand, or will the tides turn for the worse?
Tanner Bolt
모두가 부러워하는 삶을 살아가는 완벽한 커플인 닉과 에이미. 결혼 5주년 기념일 아침, 에이미가 흔적도 없이 실종된다. 유년시절 어린이 동화 시리즈 어메이징 에이미의 실제 여주인공이었던 유명인사 아내가 사라지자, 세상은 그녀의 실종사건으로 떠들썩해진다. 한편 경찰은 에이미가 결혼기념일 선물로 숨겨뒀던 편지와 함께 곳곳에서 드러나는 단서들로 남편 닉을 유력한 용의자로 지목한다. 미디어들이 살인 용의자 닉의 일거수일투족을 보도하기 시작하고, 시간이 갈수록 세상의 관심이 그에게 더욱 집중되는데...
Madea's neighborhood takes a turn for the worse when a foster mother moves in with her unruly kids. Suspicious activity leads Madea to take justice into her own hands. With Aunt Bam by her side, Madea uses her unique wit and wisdom for unforgettable results.
Madea's neighborhood takes a turn for the worse when a foster mother moves in with her unruly kids. Suspicious activity leads Madea to take justice into her own hands. With Aunt Bam by her side, Madea uses her unique wit and wisdom for unforgettable results.
A group of single moms are brought together in the aftermath of an incident at their children's school.
A group of single moms are brought together in the aftermath of an incident at their children's school.
A group of single moms are brought together in the aftermath of an incident at their children's school.
A group of single moms are brought together in the aftermath of an incident at their children's school.
Madea dispenses her unique form of holiday spirit on rural town when she's coaxed into helping a friend pay her daughter a surprise visit in the country for Christmas.
Madea dispenses her unique form of holiday spirit on rural town when she's coaxed into helping a friend pay her daughter a surprise visit in the country for Christmas.
Madea dispenses her unique form of holiday spirit on rural town when she's coaxed into helping a friend pay her daughter a surprise visit in the country for Christmas.
Madea dispenses her unique form of holiday spirit on rural town when she's coaxed into helping a friend pay her daughter a surprise visit in the country for Christmas.
Grandma Hattie Mae's family is poor and struggling to save her home. The Willis family is filthy rich. When Hattie's daughter, Rose, and son-in-law, Frank, go to work at the Willis estate, it appears as if their financial worries are over. But when Mrs. Willis tries to buy Frank's affections, both families learn that choices often come with a price.
Grandma Hattie Mae's family is poor and struggling to save her home. The Willis family is filthy rich. When Hattie's daughter, Rose, and son-in-law, Frank, go to work at the Willis estate, it appears as if their financial worries are over. But when Mrs. Willis tries to buy Frank's affections, both families learn that choices often come with a price.
The story follows what happens when a child psychologist surprises his girlfriend by showing up at her political family's annual get-together at their Sag Harbor vacation home only to find them desperately in need of therapy.
킴 카다시안은 아이비 리그 출신의 결혼중개 전문가이다. 영화는 '주인공인 유부녀의 외도'로 그녀의 가족의 삶을 잃게되는 비극적인 내용. 연기와도 같은 지나면 없어 질 스치는 감정의 선택이 얼마나 많이 남은 세월 ,사람들, 주인공 자신을 불행하게 하는지...
킴 카다시안은 아이비 리그 출신의 결혼중개 전문가이다. 영화는 '주인공인 유부녀의 외도'로 그녀의 가족의 삶을 잃게되는 비극적인 내용. 연기와도 같은 지나면 없어 질 스치는 감정의 선택이 얼마나 많이 남은 세월 ,사람들, 주인공 자신을 불행하게 하는지...
킴 카다시안은 아이비 리그 출신의 결혼중개 전문가이다. 영화는 '주인공인 유부녀의 외도'로 그녀의 가족의 삶을 잃게되는 비극적인 내용. 연기와도 같은 지나면 없어 질 스치는 감정의 선택이 얼마나 많이 남은 세월 ,사람들, 주인공 자신을 불행하게 하는지...
Eddie Murphy: One Night Only will pay homage to Murphy's journey from a 15-year-old aspiring comedian, to the record-breaking Raw, which remains the highest grossing stand-up film of all time, to his indelible characters and impressions from Saturday Night Live including Buckwheat, Gumby, Mr. Robinson and James Brown. Written by Spike TV
Yolanda is a woman who is anxiously waiting for her new husband to return from fighting in Iraq. Financial struggles force her to move back home with her parents Reverend Wallace and Hattie. It will take lots of laughter, love and prayers to keep the entire family together under one roof.
Yolanda is a woman who is anxiously waiting for her new husband to return from fighting in Iraq. Financial struggles force her to move back home with her parents Reverend Wallace and Hattie. It will take lots of laughter, love and prayers to keep the entire family together under one roof.
Dr. Alex Cross
도시 개발을 앞두고 있는 대기업의 임원진들이 연쇄살인으로 인해 죽어간다. 사건 현장에 남겨진 유일한 단서는 피카소 풍의 그림뿐! 디트로이트 최고의 프로파일러 형사팀은 의문의 연쇄살인범을 쫓기 시작한다. 그 와중, 리더 알렉스 크로스 박사의 아내 역시 연쇄살인범의 희생양으로 지목되고, 팀원 모니카마저 납치당하는 위험에 처하게 되는데…
월스트리트 투자 은행의 CFO 인 조지는 회사 중역으로 일하지만 회사 사정에 대해서는 아무것도 모른다. 회사의 최고 운영 책임자인 월터는 투자자들의 돈을 빼돌리고 마피아의 돈을 세탁해 왔었고 마지막 순간에 조지에게 뒤집어 씌운 뒤 유럽으로 도망간다. 조지는 아무 잘못도 없음을 호소하지만, 수많은 투자자들의 재산을 날린 경제사범을 쉽게 용서해 줄 리 만무했다. FBI는 조지의 회사에 악명 높은 마피아 말론 패밀리가 돈 세탁을 해왔음을 알고 조지의 증언을 받아 마피아를 일망 타진 하려 한다. 그런데 마피아가 조지를 노리고 있음이 드러나자 FBI는 그런 조지의 가족을 보호해야 할 상황에 처하고, 전혀 새로운 차원의 증인보호프로그램을 시작하는데…
월스트리트 투자 은행의 CFO 인 조지는 회사 중역으로 일하지만 회사 사정에 대해서는 아무것도 모른다. 회사의 최고 운영 책임자인 월터는 투자자들의 돈을 빼돌리고 마피아의 돈을 세탁해 왔었고 마지막 순간에 조지에게 뒤집어 씌운 뒤 유럽으로 도망간다. 조지는 아무 잘못도 없음을 호소하지만, 수많은 투자자들의 재산을 날린 경제사범을 쉽게 용서해 줄 리 만무했다. FBI는 조지의 회사에 악명 높은 마피아 말론 패밀리가 돈 세탁을 해왔음을 알고 조지의 증언을 받아 마피아를 일망 타진 하려 한다. 그런데 마피아가 조지를 노리고 있음이 드러나자 FBI는 그런 조지의 가족을 보호해야 할 상황에 처하고, 전혀 새로운 차원의 증인보호프로그램을 시작하는데…
Madea / Joe / Brian
월스트리트 투자 은행의 CFO 인 조지는 회사 중역으로 일하지만 회사 사정에 대해서는 아무것도 모른다. 회사의 최고 운영 책임자인 월터는 투자자들의 돈을 빼돌리고 마피아의 돈을 세탁해 왔었고 마지막 순간에 조지에게 뒤집어 씌운 뒤 유럽으로 도망간다. 조지는 아무 잘못도 없음을 호소하지만, 수많은 투자자들의 재산을 날린 경제사범을 쉽게 용서해 줄 리 만무했다. FBI는 조지의 회사에 악명 높은 마피아 말론 패밀리가 돈 세탁을 해왔음을 알고 조지의 증언을 받아 마피아를 일망 타진 하려 한다. 그런데 마피아가 조지를 노리고 있음이 드러나자 FBI는 그런 조지의 가족을 보호해야 할 상황에 처하고, 전혀 새로운 차원의 증인보호프로그램을 시작하는데…
월스트리트 투자 은행의 CFO 인 조지는 회사 중역으로 일하지만 회사 사정에 대해서는 아무것도 모른다. 회사의 최고 운영 책임자인 월터는 투자자들의 돈을 빼돌리고 마피아의 돈을 세탁해 왔었고 마지막 순간에 조지에게 뒤집어 씌운 뒤 유럽으로 도망간다. 조지는 아무 잘못도 없음을 호소하지만, 수많은 투자자들의 재산을 날린 경제사범을 쉽게 용서해 줄 리 만무했다. FBI는 조지의 회사에 악명 높은 마피아 말론 패밀리가 돈 세탁을 해왔음을 알고 조지의 증언을 받아 마피아를 일망 타진 하려 한다. 그런데 마피아가 조지를 노리고 있음이 드러나자 FBI는 그런 조지의 가족을 보호해야 할 상황에 처하고, 전혀 새로운 차원의 증인보호프로그램을 시작하는데…
One weekend, Aunt Bam's nephew-in-law Stewart is granted a court-ordered visitation with his children. Although his new, much-younger wife Mona is a bundle of nerves, Stewart seizes the opportunity to reconnect with his children, whom he loves dearly. Then their mother, his ex-wife Gloria, shows up drunk. It will take Madea's partner-in-crime, Bam, to tame this situation and set a few things straight.
One weekend, Aunt Bam's nephew-in-law Stewart is granted a court-ordered visitation with his children. Although his new, much-younger wife Mona is a bundle of nerves, Stewart seizes the opportunity to reconnect with his children, whom he loves dearly. Then their mother, his ex-wife Gloria, shows up drunk. It will take Madea's partner-in-crime, Bam, to tame this situation and set a few things straight.
Tyler Perry's new musical stage play starring the infamous Mabel Simmons or "Madea" as her fans know her. When a judge orders Madea to do 20 hours of community service at a local retirement home the residents and staff are not ready for Madea's brand of "the truth", but all is well that ends well when Madea helps the residence of Easy Rest Retirement Home realize the importance of family, love and forgiveness.
Tyler Perry's new musical stage play starring the infamous Mabel Simmons or "Madea" as her fans know her. When a judge orders Madea to do 20 hours of community service at a local retirement home the residents and staff are not ready for Madea's brand of "the truth", but all is well that ends well when Madea helps the residence of Easy Rest Retirement Home realize the importance of family, love and forgiveness.
Tyler Perry's new musical stage play starring the infamous Mabel Simmons or "Madea" as her fans know her. When a judge orders Madea to do 20 hours of community service at a local retirement home the residents and staff are not ready for Madea's brand of "the truth", but all is well that ends well when Madea helps the residence of Easy Rest Retirement Home realize the importance of family, love and forgiveness.
Glen Deeds
Businessman Wesley Deeds is jolted out of his scripted life when he meets Lindsey, a single mother who works on the cleaning crew in his office building.
Businessman Wesley Deeds is jolted out of his scripted life when he meets Lindsey, a single mother who works on the cleaning crew in his office building.
Businessman Wesley Deeds is jolted out of his scripted life when he meets Lindsey, a single mother who works on the cleaning crew in his office building.
When a family meets for Christmas at their posh Cape Cod estate, family arguments and secrets cause a stir. It takes a real down-to-earth family - like Aunt Bam and the almighty Madea - to save this holiday.
When a family meets for Christmas at their posh Cape Cod estate, family arguments and secrets cause a stir. It takes a real down-to-earth family - like Aunt Bam and the almighty Madea - to save this holiday.
When a family meets for Christmas at their posh Cape Cod estate, family arguments and secrets cause a stir. It takes a real down-to-earth family - like Aunt Bam and the almighty Madea - to save this holiday.
When Shirley, Madea's niece, receives distressing news about her health, the only thing she wants is her family gathered around her. However, Shirley's three adult children are too preoccupied with their own troubled lives to pay attention to their mother. It is up to Madea, with the help of rowdy Aunt Bam, to bring the clan together and help Shirley deal with her crisis.
When Shirley, Madea's niece, receives distressing news about her health, the only thing she wants is her family gathered around her. However, Shirley's three adult children are too preoccupied with their own troubled lives to pay attention to their mother. It is up to Madea, with the help of rowdy Aunt Bam, to bring the clan together and help Shirley deal with her crisis.
When Shirley, Madea's niece, receives distressing news about her health, the only thing she wants is her family gathered around her. However, Shirley's three adult children are too preoccupied with their own troubled lives to pay attention to their mother. It is up to Madea, with the help of rowdy Aunt Bam, to bring the clan together and help Shirley deal with her crisis.
Madea / Joe / Self
When Shirley, Madea's niece, receives distressing news about her health, the only thing she wants is her family gathered around her. However, Shirley's three adult children are too preoccupied with their own troubled lives to pay attention to their mother. It is up to Madea, with the help of rowdy Aunt Bam, to bring the clan together and help Shirley deal with her crisis.
Shirley has important news for her family, but she has five grown children with different lifestyles and finds it difficult to get them and the kids all together. So in steps Madea, the Matriarch General, to put the family's life in perspective with a hilarious twist on financial difficulties, drugs and, most important, family secrets. The next generation has a lot to learn. In her own way, Madea expresses how deliverance won't change you to be someone else, but will allow you to be who you really are.
Shirley has important news for her family, but she has five grown children with different lifestyles and finds it difficult to get them and the kids all together. So in steps Madea, the Matriarch General, to put the family's life in perspective with a hilarious twist on financial difficulties, drugs and, most important, family secrets. The next generation has a lot to learn. In her own way, Madea expresses how deliverance won't change you to be someone else, but will allow you to be who you really are.
Shirley has important news for her family, but she has five grown children with different lifestyles and finds it difficult to get them and the kids all together. So in steps Madea, the Matriarch General, to put the family's life in perspective with a hilarious twist on financial difficulties, drugs and, most important, family secrets. The next generation has a lot to learn. In her own way, Madea expresses how deliverance won't change you to be someone else, but will allow you to be who you really are.
아동 보호를 위해 일하는 켈리는 어느 날 신고를 받고 가정폭력을 당하고 있는 크리스탈의 집을 찾지만 문전박대를 당한다. 알고 보니 옆 집에 사는 아이들의 보모인 길다가 대신 신고를 한 것이었다. 한편, 이들과 같은 건물에 사는 바텐더 탠지는 무분별한 성관계로 주위에서 매춘으로 오해를 산다. 탠지의 엄마가 사이비 종교에 빠져 사는 동안 탠지의 여동생 나일라는 원치 않는 임신 사실을 알게 된다. 이렇게 서로의 존재를 조금씩 알아가는 그녀들에게 누구에게도 말하지 않았던 흑인 여성으로서 삶의 아픔이 하나씩 드러나게 되는데…
아동 보호를 위해 일하는 켈리는 어느 날 신고를 받고 가정폭력을 당하고 있는 크리스탈의 집을 찾지만 문전박대를 당한다. 알고 보니 옆 집에 사는 아이들의 보모인 길다가 대신 신고를 한 것이었다. 한편, 이들과 같은 건물에 사는 바텐더 탠지는 무분별한 성관계로 주위에서 매춘으로 오해를 산다. 탠지의 엄마가 사이비 종교에 빠져 사는 동안 탠지의 여동생 나일라는 원치 않는 임신 사실을 알게 된다. 이렇게 서로의 존재를 조금씩 알아가는 그녀들에게 누구에게도 말하지 않았던 흑인 여성으로서 삶의 아픔이 하나씩 드러나게 되는데…
Four couples reunite for their annual vacation in order to socialize and to spend time analyzing their marriages. Their intimate week in the Bahamas is disrupted by the arrival of an ex-husband determined to win back his recently remarried wife.
Four couples reunite for their annual vacation in order to socialize and to spend time analyzing their marriages. Their intimate week in the Bahamas is disrupted by the arrival of an ex-husband determined to win back his recently remarried wife.
Four couples reunite for their annual vacation in order to socialize and to spend time analyzing their marriages. Their intimate week in the Bahamas is disrupted by the arrival of an ex-husband determined to win back his recently remarried wife.
Four couples reunite for their annual vacation in order to socialize and to spend time analyzing their marriages. Their intimate week in the Bahamas is disrupted by the arrival of an ex-husband determined to win back his recently remarried wife.
나이트클럽 가수 주인공이 멕시코에서 이민 온 잘 생기고 성실한 만나게 되고 이를 통해 자신을 돌아보며 가족의 소중함을 깨닫게 되는 이야기
나이트클럽 가수 주인공이 멕시코에서 이민 온 잘 생기고 성실한 만나게 되고 이를 통해 자신을 돌아보며 가족의 소중함을 깨닫게 되는 이야기
나이트클럽 가수 주인공이 멕시코에서 이민 온 잘 생기고 성실한 만나게 되고 이를 통해 자신을 돌아보며 가족의 소중함을 깨닫게 되는 이야기
나이트클럽 가수 주인공이 멕시코에서 이민 온 잘 생기고 성실한 만나게 되고 이를 통해 자신을 돌아보며 가족의 소중함을 깨닫게 되는 이야기
Admiral Richard Barnett
지도자의 운명을 안고 태어났으나, 자신의 갈 길을 깨닫지 못한 채 방황하던 젊은 청년 커크는 우연한 기회로 엔터프라이즈호의 대원으로 입대하여 아버지를 잃었던 함선에 승선하게 된다. 아버지가 그랬던 것처럼 함선을 이끄는 함장이 되기 위해 엔터프라이즈호에서 우주 항해를 위한 훈련을 받기 시작하는 커크. 그는 자신과는 정반대로 냉철하고 이성적인 불칸족 스팍을 만나게 되고, 끊임없는 부딪힘 속에서 두 라이벌 커크와 스팍은 선의의 경쟁을 계속하게 된다. 패기 넘치는 첫 출격 이후 시행착오를 거듭하며 정식 대원의 자질을 갖춰가던 커크와 엔터프라이즈호의 대원들. 그러던 어느 날 불칸족의 행성과 엔터프라이즈호를 위협하는 파괴자의 존재가 감지되고, 복수를 위해 찾아온 네로 일당과 맞닥뜨린 이들은 인류의 미래를 위해 피할 수 없는 도전을 시작하게 되는데...
THE BLACK LIST: VOL. 2 profiles some of today's most fascinating African-Americans. From the childhood inspirations that shaped their ambitions, to the evolving American landscape they helped define, to the importance of preserving a unique cultural identity for future generations, these prominent individuals offer a unique look into the zeitgeist of black America, redefining the traditional pejorative notion of a blacklist.
Madea / Joe / Brian
After a high-speed car chase, Madea winds up behind bars because her quick temper gets the best of her. Meanwhile, Assistant District Attorney Josh Hardaway lands a case that's too personal to handle: that of a young prostitute and former drug addict named Candace. When Candace winds up in jail, Madea takes the young woman under her protective wing.
After a high-speed car chase, Madea winds up behind bars because her quick temper gets the best of her. Meanwhile, Assistant District Attorney Josh Hardaway lands a case that's too personal to handle: that of a young prostitute and former drug addict named Candace. When Candace winds up in jail, Madea takes the young woman under her protective wing.
After a high-speed car chase, Madea winds up behind bars because her quick temper gets the best of her. Meanwhile, Assistant District Attorney Josh Hardaway lands a case that's too personal to handle: that of a young prostitute and former drug addict named Candace. When Candace winds up in jail, Madea takes the young woman under her protective wing.
After a high-speed car chase, Madea winds up behind bars because her quick temper gets the best of her. Meanwhile, Assistant District Attorney Josh Hardaway lands a case that's too personal to handle: that of a young prostitute and former drug addict named Candace. When Candace winds up in jail, Madea takes the young woman under her protective wing.
Roger Jackson (Tony Grant) made sacrifices so his wife, Judith (Tamar Davis), could set up practice as a marriage counselor. Now the most disastrous relationship of Judith's career could be the one she shares with her husband! Master playwright Tyler Perry crafts an unforgettable tale of laughter, loss, and love.
Roger Jackson (Tony Grant) made sacrifices so his wife, Judith (Tamar Davis), could set up practice as a marriage counselor. Now the most disastrous relationship of Judith's career could be the one she shares with her husband! Master playwright Tyler Perry crafts an unforgettable tale of laughter, loss, and love.
Roger Jackson (Tony Grant) made sacrifices so his wife, Judith (Tamar Davis), could set up practice as a marriage counselor. Now the most disastrous relationship of Judith's career could be the one she shares with her husband! Master playwright Tyler Perry crafts an unforgettable tale of laughter, loss, and love.
Executive Producer
Roger Jackson (Tony Grant) made sacrifices so his wife, Judith (Tamar Davis), could set up practice as a marriage counselor. Now the most disastrous relationship of Judith's career could be the one she shares with her husband! Master playwright Tyler Perry crafts an unforgettable tale of laughter, loss, and love.
Alice Pratt, a hard working Christian woman, raised her two daughters while managing a simple diner of her own. Her snobbish and arrogant daughter Andrea graduated in Economic Science and works in a construction corporation while her sister Pam stayed with Alice and worked in the diner. Andrea is married to construction worker Chris, who works in the same corporation as his wife but dreams of starting up his own business. However she is being unfaithful to him - with their boss William Cartwright. William is the son of Alice's best friend, the wealthy Charlotte Cartwright. While Alice travels with Charlotte on a road trip, the ambition and infidelity of William triggers a series of events that will affect relationships in both families.
Alice Pratt, a hard working Christian woman, raised her two daughters while managing a simple diner of her own. Her snobbish and arrogant daughter Andrea graduated in Economic Science and works in a construction corporation while her sister Pam stayed with Alice and worked in the diner. Andrea is married to construction worker Chris, who works in the same corporation as his wife but dreams of starting up his own business. However she is being unfaithful to him - with their boss William Cartwright. William is the son of Alice's best friend, the wealthy Charlotte Cartwright. While Alice travels with Charlotte on a road trip, the ambition and infidelity of William triggers a series of events that will affect relationships in both families.
인기 시나리오 작가 타일러 페리스의 코미디로 직장에서 갑작스럽게 해고된 싱글맘이 아버지의 장례식을 계기로 새로운 인연을 만들어 가게 되는 내용.
인기 시나리오 작가 타일러 페리스의 코미디로 직장에서 갑작스럽게 해고된 싱글맘이 아버지의 장례식을 계기로 새로운 인연을 만들어 가게 되는 내용.
인기 시나리오 작가 타일러 페리스의 코미디로 직장에서 갑작스럽게 해고된 싱글맘이 아버지의 장례식을 계기로 새로운 인연을 만들어 가게 되는 내용.
인기 시나리오 작가 타일러 페리스의 코미디로 직장에서 갑작스럽게 해고된 싱글맘이 아버지의 장례식을 계기로 새로운 인연을 만들어 가게 되는 내용.
Stage and screen multi-hyphenate Tyler Perry returns to the helm for this lively tale of emergency room bedlam that finds a group of doctors, nurses, and patients desperately struggling to keep their secrets in the dark. Unfortunately for this crew, these things always find a way of coming to light.
Stage and screen multi-hyphenate Tyler Perry returns to the helm for this lively tale of emergency room bedlam that finds a group of doctors, nurses, and patients desperately struggling to keep their secrets in the dark. Unfortunately for this crew, these things always find a way of coming to light.
Stage and screen multi-hyphenate Tyler Perry returns to the helm for this lively tale of emergency room bedlam that finds a group of doctors, nurses, and patients desperately struggling to keep their secrets in the dark. Unfortunately for this crew, these things always find a way of coming to light.
The film is about the difficulty of maintaining a solid relationship in modern times. Eight married college friends plus one other non-friend (all of whom have achieved middle to upper class economic status) go to Colorado for their annual week-long reunion, but the mood shifts when one couple's infidelity comes to light. Secrets are revealed and each couple begins to question their own marriage
The film is about the difficulty of maintaining a solid relationship in modern times. Eight married college friends plus one other non-friend (all of whom have achieved middle to upper class economic status) go to Colorado for their annual week-long reunion, but the mood shifts when one couple's infidelity comes to light. Secrets are revealed and each couple begins to question their own marriage
The film is about the difficulty of maintaining a solid relationship in modern times. Eight married college friends plus one other non-friend (all of whom have achieved middle to upper class economic status) go to Colorado for their annual week-long reunion, but the mood shifts when one couple's infidelity comes to light. Secrets are revealed and each couple begins to question their own marriage
The film is about the difficulty of maintaining a solid relationship in modern times. Eight married college friends plus one other non-friend (all of whom have achieved middle to upper class economic status) go to Colorado for their annual week-long reunion, but the mood shifts when one couple's infidelity comes to light. Secrets are revealed and each couple begins to question their own marriage
Monty is a mechanic struggling to make ends meet as he raises his three young daughters. When the court awards custody of his daughters to his shady ex-wife, Monty desperately tries to win them back with the help of Julia, a beautiful, Ivy League-educated attorney. Monty and Julia couldn't be less alike, but a flame is ignited...touching off a firestorm of love and conflict.
Monty is a mechanic struggling to make ends meet as he raises his three young daughters. When the court awards custody of his daughters to his shady ex-wife, Monty desperately tries to win them back with the help of Julia, a beautiful, Ivy League-educated attorney. Monty and Julia couldn't be less alike, but a flame is ignited...touching off a firestorm of love and conflict.
Monty is a mechanic struggling to make ends meet as he raises his three young daughters. When the court awards custody of his daughters to his shady ex-wife, Monty desperately tries to win them back with the help of Julia, a beautiful, Ivy League-educated attorney. Monty and Julia couldn't be less alike, but a flame is ignited...touching off a firestorm of love and conflict.
From acclaimed and award-winning playwright Tyler Perry comes a sensational new stage play about love, faith and the joys--and trials--of marriage. When a sexy young temptress threatens an already troubled marriage, a close-knit family rallies together to examine their own marriages and to rediscover the precious reason that the one they have is the one they want forever.
From acclaimed and award-winning playwright Tyler Perry comes a sensational new stage play about love, faith and the joys--and trials--of marriage. When a sexy young temptress threatens an already troubled marriage, a close-knit family rallies together to examine their own marriages and to rediscover the precious reason that the one they have is the one they want forever.
Theatre Play
From acclaimed and award-winning playwright Tyler Perry comes a sensational new stage play about love, faith and the joys--and trials--of marriage. When a sexy young temptress threatens an already troubled marriage, a close-knit family rallies together to examine their own marriages and to rediscover the precious reason that the one they have is the one they want forever.
Madea returns in another hilarious story in which she gets sent to the big house. But regardless of the circumstances, she gives her trademark advice and wisdom to her friends and family as they learn the importance of letting go, moving on, and forgiveness.
Theatre Play
Based upon Tyler Perry's acclaimed stage production, Madea's Family Reunion continues the adventures of Southern matriarch Madea. She has just been court ordered to be in charge of Nikki, a rebellious runaway, her nieces, Lisa and Vanessa, are suffering relationship trouble, and through it all, she has to organize her family reunion.
Based upon Tyler Perry's acclaimed stage production, Madea's Family Reunion continues the adventures of Southern matriarch Madea. She has just been court ordered to be in charge of Nikki, a rebellious runaway, her nieces, Lisa and Vanessa, are suffering relationship trouble, and through it all, she has to organize her family reunion.
Based upon Tyler Perry's acclaimed stage production, Madea's Family Reunion continues the adventures of Southern matriarch Madea. She has just been court ordered to be in charge of Nikki, a rebellious runaway, her nieces, Lisa and Vanessa, are suffering relationship trouble, and through it all, she has to organize her family reunion.
Executive Producer
Based upon Tyler Perry's acclaimed stage production, Madea's Family Reunion continues the adventures of Southern matriarch Madea. She has just been court ordered to be in charge of Nikki, a rebellious runaway, her nieces, Lisa and Vanessa, are suffering relationship trouble, and through it all, she has to organize her family reunion.
Madea / Brian / Joe
Based upon Tyler Perry's acclaimed stage production, Madea's Family Reunion continues the adventures of Southern matriarch Madea. She has just been court ordered to be in charge of Nikki, a rebellious runaway, her nieces, Lisa and Vanessa, are suffering relationship trouble, and through it all, she has to organize her family reunion.
A funeral can be a time for laughter (and lessons) when the kooky Brown family gathers to bury Brown's 107-year-old father. It's a foot-stomping sound-stirring send-off and a great reminder--"Ain't nothin' like family, ain't nothin' like love!"
A funeral can be a time for laughter (and lessons) when the kooky Brown family gathers to bury Brown's 107-year-old father. It's a foot-stomping sound-stirring send-off and a great reminder--"Ain't nothin' like family, ain't nothin' like love!"
A funeral can be a time for laughter (and lessons) when the kooky Brown family gathers to bury Brown's 107-year-old father. It's a foot-stomping sound-stirring send-off and a great reminder--"Ain't nothin' like family, ain't nothin' like love!"
Executive Producer
흑인여성 헬렌 맥카터는 지금까지 매우 풍족하게 남부러울 것 없는 삶을 살아왔다. 그러나 결혼 18주년 기념이 전날 밤에 남편으로부터 이혼하고 싶다는 청천벽력 같은 소리를 듣는다. 헬렌의 친구와 바람을 피워온 남편은 헬렌에게 집을 나가달라는 요청을 하고 헬렌은 어쩔 수 없이 집을 떠나 홀로 거리로 나선다.
흑인여성 헬렌 맥카터는 지금까지 매우 풍족하게 남부러울 것 없는 삶을 살아왔다. 그러나 결혼 18주년 기념이 전날 밤에 남편으로부터 이혼하고 싶다는 청천벽력 같은 소리를 듣는다. 헬렌의 친구와 바람을 피워온 남편은 헬렌에게 집을 나가달라는 요청을 하고 헬렌은 어쩔 수 없이 집을 떠나 홀로 거리로 나선다.
Theatre Play
흑인여성 헬렌 맥카터는 지금까지 매우 풍족하게 남부러울 것 없는 삶을 살아왔다. 그러나 결혼 18주년 기념이 전날 밤에 남편으로부터 이혼하고 싶다는 청천벽력 같은 소리를 듣는다. 헬렌의 친구와 바람을 피워온 남편은 헬렌에게 집을 나가달라는 요청을 하고 헬렌은 어쩔 수 없이 집을 떠나 홀로 거리로 나선다.
Madea / Brian / Joe
흑인여성 헬렌 맥카터는 지금까지 매우 풍족하게 남부러울 것 없는 삶을 살아왔다. 그러나 결혼 18주년 기념이 전날 밤에 남편으로부터 이혼하고 싶다는 청천벽력 같은 소리를 듣는다. 헬렌의 친구와 바람을 피워온 남편은 헬렌에게 집을 나가달라는 요청을 하고 헬렌은 어쩔 수 없이 집을 떠나 홀로 거리로 나선다.
When Madea shows up for her 50th class reunion, you know it’s going to be a whopper! Between the belly laughs and the soulful songs are life lessons. Thanks to Madea’s wisdom, the message is clear: Learn to forgive and begin with yourself.
Mabel "Madea" Simmons / Dr. Willie Leroy Jones
When Madea shows up for her 50th class reunion, you know it’s going to be a whopper! Between the belly laughs and the soulful songs are life lessons. Thanks to Madea’s wisdom, the message is clear: Learn to forgive and begin with yourself.
When Madea gets sick, her family comes to her aid. What they don't realize is that they're the ones who need her help. As always, Madea's cockeyed outlook on life saves the day and guarantees side-splitting laughs along the way.
When Madea gets sick, her family comes to her aid. What they don't realize is that they're the ones who need her help. As always, Madea's cockeyed outlook on life saves the day and guarantees side-splitting laughs along the way.
Mable 'Madea' Simmons
When Madea gets sick, her family comes to her aid. What they don't realize is that they're the ones who need her help. As always, Madea's cockeyed outlook on life saves the day and guarantees side-splitting laughs along the way.
When Madea gets sick, her family comes to her aid. What they don't realize is that they're the ones who need her help. As always, Madea's cockeyed outlook on life saves the day and guarantees side-splitting laughs along the way.
Before it was a movie, it was a theatrical phenomenon! When Helen learns that her husband is leaving her for her best friend, the women in her family are ready with advice. Her devout mother preaches strength and forgiveness, while her parolee grandmother shows up with a gun! Acclaimed African-American playwright Tyler Perry dares to mix sacred and secular humor with riotous results. Experience his most famous morality tale, now a major motion picture, in its original stage format...complete with live musical numbers!
Daddy Charles / Mable 'Madea' Simmons
Before it was a movie, it was a theatrical phenomenon! When Helen learns that her husband is leaving her for her best friend, the women in her family are ready with advice. Her devout mother preaches strength and forgiveness, while her parolee grandmother shows up with a gun! Acclaimed African-American playwright Tyler Perry dares to mix sacred and secular humor with riotous results. Experience his most famous morality tale, now a major motion picture, in its original stage format...complete with live musical numbers!
Before it was a movie, it was a theatrical phenomenon! When Helen learns that her husband is leaving her for her best friend, the women in her family are ready with advice. Her devout mother preaches strength and forgiveness, while her parolee grandmother shows up with a gun! Acclaimed African-American playwright Tyler Perry dares to mix sacred and secular humor with riotous results. Experience his most famous morality tale, now a major motion picture, in its original stage format...complete with live musical numbers!
Before it was a movie, it was a theatrical phenomenon! When Helen learns that her husband is leaving her for her best friend, the women in her family are ready with advice. Her devout mother preaches strength and forgiveness, while her parolee grandmother shows up with a gun! Acclaimed African-American playwright Tyler Perry dares to mix sacred and secular humor with riotous results. Experience his most famous morality tale, now a major motion picture, in its original stage format...complete with live musical numbers!
The fireworks begin when Madea’s family gathers for her granddaughter’s wedding. As usual, Madea rules the roost, as she and her neighbor, the wacky Mr. Brown, deliver nonstop laughs. Live, love, rejoice...it’s Madea’s Family Reunion!
Mable 'Madea' Simmons
The fireworks begin when Madea’s family gathers for her granddaughter’s wedding. As usual, Madea rules the roost, as she and her neighbor, the wacky Mr. Brown, deliver nonstop laughs. Live, love, rejoice...it’s Madea’s Family Reunion!
The fireworks begin when Madea’s family gathers for her granddaughter’s wedding. As usual, Madea rules the roost, as she and her neighbor, the wacky Mr. Brown, deliver nonstop laughs. Live, love, rejoice...it’s Madea’s Family Reunion!
The inspiring true story of the incredible and brave women of the only all-black, all-female World War II Battalion. These 855 women joined the war effort with little knowledge of what exactly they would be doing, but were quickly given the mission of a lifetime: sort through and fix the three-year backlog of undelivered mail. A herculean task, that most thought to be impossible, the women not only succeeded but did it in half the time they were given. Facing discrimination, unfamiliar land, and a war-torn country, they persevered and sorted over 17 million pieces of mail, reconnecting American soldiers with their families and loved ones back home.
The inspiring true story of the incredible and brave women of the only all-black, all-female World War II Battalion. These 855 women joined the war effort with little knowledge of what exactly they would be doing, but were quickly given the mission of a lifetime: sort through and fix the three-year backlog of undelivered mail. A herculean task, that most thought to be impossible, the women not only succeeded but did it in half the time they were given. Facing discrimination, unfamiliar land, and a war-torn country, they persevered and sorted over 17 million pieces of mail, reconnecting American soldiers with their families and loved ones back home.
The inspiring true story of the incredible and brave women of the only all-black, all-female World War II Battalion. These 855 women joined the war effort with little knowledge of what exactly they would be doing, but were quickly given the mission of a lifetime: sort through and fix the three-year backlog of undelivered mail. A herculean task, that most thought to be impossible, the women not only succeeded but did it in half the time they were given. Facing discrimination, unfamiliar land, and a war-torn country, they persevered and sorted over 17 million pieces of mail, reconnecting American soldiers with their families and loved ones back home.
The inspiring true story of the incredible and brave women of the only all-black, all-female World War II Battalion. These 855 women joined the war effort with little knowledge of what exactly they would be doing, but were quickly given the mission of a lifetime: sort through and fix the three-year backlog of undelivered mail. A herculean task, that most thought to be impossible, the women not only succeeded but did it in half the time they were given. Facing discrimination, unfamiliar land, and a war-torn country, they persevered and sorted over 17 million pieces of mail, reconnecting American soldiers with their families and loved ones back home.
At the second annual BlumFest today, producers Tyler Perry and Jason Blum announced their first feature production together.