Jakob Þór Einarsson

Jakob Þór Einarsson

프로필 사진

Jakob Þór Einarsson

참여 작품

Læknir Önnu
저명한 외과 의사 ‘피누르’. 부족한 것 없이 평온했던 ‘피누르’의 일상이, 딸 ‘안나’의 연인 ‘오타르’로 인해 무너지게 된다. 마약 중독으로 인해 점점 망가져가고 범죄의 위협 속에 놓여 있는 ‘안나’를 지키기 위해 경찰의 도움도 받으려 했지만 소용이 없다는 것을 알게 되자 직접 ‘오타르’를 처단할 계획을 세우기 시작한다. ‘안나’의 ‘오타르’를 향한 맹목적인 사랑을 멈추기 위해, 그리고 가족을 위협하고 이용하려 하는 ‘오타르’의 협박과 폭력에서 벗어나기 위해 ‘피누르’는 의사로서 할 수 있는 가장 잔혹한 방법으로 죽음 없는 살인 계획을 시작한다.
Hver var Jónas?
A documentary about the Icelandic poet Jónas Hallgrímsson
At the Frontlines
No plot found
A modern businessman surrounded by all the trappings of success, picks up a beautiful woman who is hitchhiking along a lonely stretch of road in the south. Quiet, mysterious, the woman is an artist on the way to Meðalland to sketch. Always ready to take advantage of an opportunity, the young man adjusts his itinerary to help the beautiful artist, and with luck, he thinks, help himself add another notch to his sexual belt. But all is not what it seems in this world. The question arises as to whether all the expensive aids of modern affluent society can help him avoid what appear to be forces that transcend time - or is it all imagination, or hallucination, or both?
Journey to the Center of the Earth
No plot found
Marriage, a Card Game
A boy growing up in the country in the sixties is fascinated by card games and ancient poetry.
Með allt á þurru
Dramatized educational film about alcoholism in the past and the present.
When the Raven Flies
Vikings pillage Ireland, seeking silver and slaves, slaying men and women in the process. A young boy is spared when a Viking takes pity on him instead of killing him. Twenty years later the boy returns to Iceland take his revenge.
Father's Estate
A country boy has to quit school in Reykjavík and move back home.