Pyotr Fyodorov

Pyotr Fyodorov

출생 : 1982-04-21, Moscow, USSR


Pyotr Fyodorov was born on April 21, 1982. He is an actor and producer, known forStalingrad (2013), The Darkest Hour - En 3D (2011) and Obitaemyy ostrov (2009).

프로필 사진

Pyotr Fyodorov
Pyotr Fyodorov

참여 작품

One Real Day
The hero of the film, the investigator of the UK, appears to the viewer as a cynical, calm person, ready to do anything to achieve his goals. But a series of events forces him to take a fresh look at himself. The hero is faced with a difficult choice, where on the one hand – a career and prosperity, and on the other – an act by which he can lose everything, even his life.… And here comes that very day - One real day that gives the hero the opportunity for moral rebirth and spiritual takeoff!
Our Children
Ivan Fedorov
A magical performance in the circus on the eve of the New Year miraculously twists the fates of two girls absolutely different from each other. Sonya lives with a rich dad - the owner of a candy empire, and Katya and her brother Kolya grow up in an orphanage. They are not familiar, but they are united by the love of fairy tales about the sweet Kingdom, which were composed by Sonya's mother, a famous children's writer. That's just her story is not enough finals. Sonya is sure that the last page of her mother's tale will bring happiness to her family, and for this she is even ready to exchange places with Katya.
파일럿: 배틀 포 서바이벌
제2차 세계대전이 한창인 1942년 겨울. 러시아로 진격하는 독일군에 의해 모스크바 상공은 새까만 전투기로 뒤덮인다. 공군용사 파일럿 ‘니콜라이’가 불구덩이 전선에 뛰어들지만 독일군의 폭격으로 그가 탑승한 항공기는 시베리아 한가운데 외딴 숲에 불시착하고 만다. 꼭 돌아오겠다는 말을 남긴 채 이별한 연인 ‘올가’와의 약속을 위해 ‘니콜라이’는 혹독한 추위와 극한 전쟁 속 생존을 위한 사투를 시작하는데… 운명의 기로에 선 파일럿의 처절한 서바이벌이 시작된다!
Don't Heal Me
Ilya works as a trauma surgeon in a hospital. In the transition, he saves the life of a man who is trying to get compensation from a surgeon for broken ribs. This is the lesser of the doctor’s troubles. Saving the life of one of the patients, Ilya has to marry the girl while she is sleeping. With good intentions, the protagonist hides the official’s son in the hospital to knock out the latest equipment, but when the fraud is revealed, Ilya is kicked out and deprived of his license. In the maelstrom of events, Ilya does not lose his humor and self-confidence and challenges all troubles in spite of his enemies.
Mini Max
Ambitious scientist Maksim Minaev is on the verge of discovery, thanks to which he can receive the Nobel Prize. In pursuit of fame, Maxim conducts a risky experiment on himself and shrinks to the size of an ordinary test tube. The young scientist desperately needs help, but his girlfriend abandoned him, his best friend betrayed him, and he has no one else to count on... Suddenly, the hero volunteers to help a 12-year-old boy chained to a wheelchair.
Konstantin Veshnyakov
1983년. 우주궤도를 돌던 오르비타-4호가 원인불명의 사고로 지구에 불시착한다. 국가는 사고의 원인을 규명하기 위해 유일한 생존자인 우주비행사를 조사한다. 이상하리만큼 빠른 회복 속도와 안정세, 모든 것이 의심스러운 가운데 보다 정밀한 조사를 위해 뇌전문의 클리모바가 연구소로 향하고 알 수 없는 새로운 현상들을 발견하게 되는데… 유일한 생존자, 그리고 함께 귀환한 그것, 예상치 못한 최악의 시나리오! 전쟁이 시작된다!
블랙아웃: 인베이젼 어스
가까운 미래, 어느 날 평화로웠던 어느 거대 도시는 갑자기 전 세계와의 통신이 두절되는 초유의 사태를 겪는다. 도시 밖으로 한 걸음만 나가도 전기를 비롯한 일체의 시설이 작동하지 않고, 심지어 전 세계 인류의 생사조차 불분명한 상황. 사태의 원인을 규명하고 생존자를 찾고자 탐색에 나선 특수부대는 그곳에서 충격적인 장면을 목격하는데... 꺼지지 않은 단 1%의 인류는 생존의 실마리를 찾을 수 있을 것인가!
Last Quest
Oleg is a regular office clerk. His days are grey and almost identical. Taking care of his small son has become passive pandering to a capricious child. But Oleg leads a double life — he is hooked on stimulants, an interest he shares with his mistress. He buys the drugs through the Darknet and regularly picks up the stashes. The story follows him on another quest for synthetic emotions, but this time Oleg has no idea what’s coming for him.
Last Quest
Oleg is a regular office clerk. His days are grey and almost identical. Taking care of his small son has become passive pandering to a capricious child. But Oleg leads a double life — he is hooked on stimulants, an interest he shares with his mistress. He buys the drugs through the Darknet and regularly picks up the stashes. The story follows him on another quest for synthetic emotions, but this time Oleg has no idea what’s coming for him.
Last Quest
Oleg is a regular office clerk. His days are grey and almost identical. Taking care of his small son has become passive pandering to a capricious child. But Oleg leads a double life — he is hooked on stimulants, an interest he shares with his mistress. He buys the drugs through the Darknet and regularly picks up the stashes. The story follows him on another quest for synthetic emotions, but this time Oleg has no idea what’s coming for him.
The Last Six Degrees of Celebration
"The Last Six Degrees of Celebration" will be the most touching, kind and magical of all, because your favorite characters will say goodbye to the audience. The film almanac will include five New Year stories. In the novel "Pines" millenial will help his brutal stepfather, Uncle Yura, to make a marriage proposal. In "The Brothers", the inseparable friends, Borya and Zhenya, will once again be on the verge of breaking up, because Zhenya is going to return to Yakutsk. The skier and snowboarder turned the whole city over for the sake of the smile of one beauty in the short story “Restaurant of quick acquaintance”. “The Station for Three” will tell the story of a simple girl from Voronezh who went in pursuit of her happiness - the capital actor Komarovsky, and in the novel “Bad Grandpa” the Snow Maiden will go to save a lonely, but very grumbling grandpa.
Electric Current
Original Music Composer
A story about attraction and parting, the laws of physics and Gippius’s poetry.
Electric Current
A story about attraction and parting, the laws of physics and Gippius’s poetry.
Electric Current
A story about attraction and parting, the laws of physics and Gippius’s poetry.
Electric Current
A story about attraction and parting, the laws of physics and Gippius’s poetry.
Just Like Grown Ups
Kirill in his youth
How often do we live through two, three, or even more versions of ourselves during one lifetime? How often do we change, irreversibly, under the influence of other people, often close relatives? The timid Polya (24) works as an accountant and studies economics. She is in love with Kirill (25), who is her polar opposite. Kirill is a young cameraman: ambitious and talented. Kirill and Polya love each other and try to live together, but each of them has their own philosophy, their own value system and their own convictions. Even when they part, Kirill and Polya continue to carry on an inner dialogue with each other. Everyone tries to prove to the other that they can achieve everything on the other’s wish list. Twenty years later they meet, and now the heroes must find out the most important thing: whether one of them has found happiness in those years.
쇄빙선 미하일 그로모프 호는 항해 도중 빙산과 충돌한다. 쏟아지는 빙산 파편은 가까스로 피했으나 오히려 해빙에 사이에 갇히고 만다. 선체가 망가지고 엔진이 고장나서 움직일 수도 없는 상황. 70명의 쇄빙선 선원들이 남극 한 가운데에 고립되고 만다. 과연 그들은 살아남을 수 있을까?
1860년의 상트페테르부르크. 퇴역 장교인 야코블레프는 돈을 받고 싸우는 천하무적의 싸움꾼이 된다. 그는 힘이나 재간이 없고 싸울 용기도 없는 사람들 대신에 싸운다. (2017년 제18회 전주국제영화제)
Her Name Was Mumu
A young Russian woman, trying to make it in the big city, is hired for an off-the-books government operation, which involves seducing and later exposing a number of prominent political opposition figures.
모탈 어페어
잡지사 기자로 활동하다가 사진작가로 전업한 사샤. 그녀에게는 재능 있고 유명한 화가인 약혼자, 안드레이가 있다. 어느 날 그녀는 그의 집 앞에서 수상한 남자들을 보게 되지만 별 의심 없이 집안으로 들어가고, 그 곳에서 이미 싸늘한 시체로 변해버린 안드레이를 발견한다. 유일한 목격자로써 경찰의 조사를 받던 사샤는 경찰로부터 이상한 낌새를 눈치채고 도망친다. 그리고 이제는 자신을 쫓는 범인으로부터 살아남기 위해 위해 안드레이의 죽음과 관련된 진실을 추격하기 시작한다. 하지만 그녀가 파고들면 들수록 사샤의 주변에서는 원인 모를 끔찍한 살인 사건이 계속 발생하는데…
Chef's Life Is Available
Андрей Телегин
While visiting the old pub Andrey suddenly gets an opportunity to try to live somebody's else life. Available for rent is a life of famous chef and restaurants owner...
The Honored Priest: Confession of a Samurai
An Orthodox priest, Father Nikolay, the brother of a Yakuza boss, is drawn into in a mob war in Japan. He escapes to the small Russian village of Glubokoe, where he finds that war has found him again.
The Fortress: By Shield and Sword
In the war-torn countryside, an orphan and his young friend use all their skills to defend their home and people from opposing forces.
Igor, a Russian oligarch gets into a heated argument with Eva, his estranged daughter whilst traveling on his private jet. Igor orders the plane to land. As the plane touches down Eva disappears into the Goan jungle. Thus begins Igor's desperate search for his only daughter. A search that will bring him and Eva into contact with various characters who in turn are trying to find their own paths through life. Makar, a guy from Novosibirsk, who is desperately searching for enlightenment. Alexey and Kristina are ending their marriage here, while Dimon and Lenya are raising hell and pushing Goa to its partying limits. Kosmos the Guru ("just don't call him that") dispenses the chemicals that in a bat of an eyelid will take you to an alternate reality. There are different destinies here. There are a myriad of people. But all of them have one Motherland, which is easy not to love as long it is close to you
1942: 최정예특수부대 스페츠나츠
Fedot Vaskov
1942년 늦은 봄, 제2차 세계대전이 극에 치달을 무렵 전선과는 다소 멀리 떨어진 한적한 곳에 있는 소련 여군 대공포부대 지역에 독일군 무장친위대가 소련의 주요 보급로인 키로프 철로와 백해-발트 운하를 폭파하기 위해 침투를 시작한다. 바스코프 상사는 총조차 제대로 쏴본 적 없는 5명의 여자 대공포부대원을 데리고 나치의 계획을 저지하기 위해 나선다. 하지만 2명으로만 알았던 독일군의 숫자가 16명인 것으로 드러나면서 바스코프와 여자 부대원들은 당혹감을 감추지 못하는데...
uncle Kostya
It happened in the sixties, during the political thaw in the Soviet Union... but our story unfolds in the coldest terrain of the country. It was an unexplored and unbeaten terrain of boundless ice-field and forbidding rocks. This was the proper place for real men and real romantics. Our story is about the geologists prospecting gold in the Extreme North.
Paws, Bones & Rock'n'roll
A funny story about the adventures of a two hairy friends familiar from the "Six Degrees of Celebration" series.
네 이웃의 아내를 탐하지 마라
Артём Цыганов
가난하지만 작가의 꿈을 가진 젊은 청년 아르튬는 돈을 벌기 위해 어느 부호의 별장에 머물던 중, 휴가차 별장에 내려와있던 레라를 만나 뜨거운 정사를 나눈다. 휴가가 끝나고 다시 도시로 돌아가게 된 레라는 부모님의 뜻에 따라 아버지의 사업 파트너인 이르고와 결혼하고, 용납할 수 없는 이별에 방황하던 아르튬도 여류 사업가 나타샤와 결혼한다. 몇 년 뒤, 다시 재회하게 된 아르튬과 레라는 서로의 남편과 아내를 눈앞에 두고도 뜨거운 욕망을 참지 못한다. 아르튬은 레라와 함께 하기 위해 위험한 선택을 하게 되고, 그들의 사랑은 점차 위태로움과 비극 속으로 치닫게 되는데…
Six Degrees of Celebration 3
And again a heroes of "Yolki" series are ready and prepared for a New Year. The Magic Laptop
An advertising creative in a rut finds his life turned upside down when he discovers his ability to write his wishes into reality.
Kapitan Gromov
1942년 가을, 그로모프(표트르 페도로프) 대위가 이끄는 소련군 정찰대는 볼가 강을 건너 교두보를 확보, 독일군이 도시를 장악하고 강에 접근하는 것을 막는 작전에 투입된다. 정찰대는 생존한 민간인들이 살고 있는 마을에 들어서고, 볼가 강으로 가는 길목의 건물에 남은 18살의 소녀 카트야를 만난다. 그로모프를 비롯한 대원들은 카트야를 보호하며 끈끈한 동지애를 키워가고, 생존한 병사들이 건물로 찾아들면서 그곳은 소련군의 진지가 되어간다. 독일군 칸(토마스 크레취만) 대위는 도강로를 불태울 요지인 이 문제의 건물을 탈환하고자 작전을 펼치는 한편, 죽은 아내와 닮은 소련 여성 마샤와 사랑에 빠지는데…
A Habit of Breaking-Up
This is a story about a girl in search of the man of her life... While she tries to find him she asks herself what was the reason of the break ups. She visits all of her ex-boyfriends to find the reason. Later on she starts a blog on the web to keep all the thoughts together. All of a sudden her blog becomes really popular. Will she find the answer to her question? No, she won't. Will she find the love of her life? Most definitely!
The Rehearsals
Actor Fedya Petrov
Igor and Alexandra are 30 -years old lovers.She is a theater production designer.He is an actor.She works hard,he drinks.They cannot leave and cannot get on.This story is about eternal problem of choice and talent to listen to ones heart .About a dangerous illusion of the youth that there is a lot of time to make mistakes and that is too early to make decision,to get married,to give birth to a child.The main characters have to realize that there is no time and there is no rough copy we have to live present moment because tomorrow may never come.
Bullet Collector
A haunting, violent tale of a youth lost in an uncaring world, Bullet Collector is visual, nightmarish masterpiece. A shy 14-year-old boy, disconnected from home life and school, and sent to a hellish reform school, eventually lashes out on the injustices of his life.
A Man with Warranty
A big mall security guard becomes friend with the attractive woman. The only problem: he doesn't know yet that she is a mall owner.
Eight different greetings and situations on March 8th... Eight different Moms.
There's No Hurry
Every year, 25,000 people die on Russian roads. You could say a whole city is disappearing from our planet. And about a third of its "residents" were involved in an accident due to speeding. Many drivers do not consider acceleration even at 30 km / h a violation, but statistics show that they are wrong. Five different stories combined in movie almanacs will make every viewer, at least, think about the right choice of speed. Both on the road and in life.
다크 아워
Anton Batkin
칠흑 같은 밤하늘 위에 미스터리 한 발광체들이 수없이 떨어진다. 세계 곳곳에서는 각종 기계들의 기이한 오작동이 속출하게 되고, 그 시각 각기 다른 이유로 모스크바의 한 클럽에서 모인 다섯 명의 젊은이들 앞에 보이지 않는 외계 생명체들의 무차별적인 공격이 시작된다. 인간을 순식간에 분쇄시켜 먼지로 만들어 버리는 충격적인 장면을 목격한 이들은 공포에 휩싸이게 된다. 전 세계는 순식간에 빛을 잃고 암흑 속에 갇혀 인류 멸종 위기에 놓이고 가까스로 살아남은 다섯 명의 생존자들은 오직 생존을 위해 처절한 사투를 시작한다. 지구를 침략하고 인간을 무차별적으로 공격하는 그들의 실체와 목적은 무엇인가?
Six Degrees of Celebration 2
Николай, папа Насти
A lot of things happened in the life of "Yolki" hepes during the last year, but here it's again - the New Year's eve...
Boris Godunov
Our eternal theme is crime and punishment. In Boris Godunov, the problems of conscience and existential choice are linked to the history of the country. Pushkin says that these things are woven into a mysterious knot or pattern. The choice of each of us is also the choice of our own history. An incorrect individual choice or a karmic mistake can lead to a chain of fatal events. If a person finds himself in power, it can become a problem for the whole people.
Bez Muzhchin
Пассажиры вечернего рейса пристегнули ремни и приготовились к взлету.Но полет отложили до утра. Пассажиры отстегнули ремни и вышли из аэропорта. Под светом фонаря поблескивали капли косого дождя. В луже отразились два женских силуэта. Две женщины, две случайные попутчицы отправились в путешествие длиной в московскую ночь…Они меняют машины и настроение, мчатся по кольцевым и бульварам, смеются и плачут. Кажется, они могут позволить себе все в эту странную ночь, словно выпавшую из реальной жизни. Они могут все: страдать, любить, ненавидеть. Они не могут только одного — разойтись. Ими движет одна идея, одна мысль, одна страсть, и имя ее МУЖЧИНА.
The PyraMMMid
Russia, early 90s. A fictional story inspired by financier Sergey Mavrodi, his securities company "MMM", and the pyramid scheme he ran that left upwards of fifteen million investors with nothing when it crashed.
Phobos. Fear Kills
Rainy summer evening... Young people are arriving at the new trendy club named Phobos which is still under construction. Or re-construction - since it's a former bomb shelter which is reconstructed to become a club. At first, the party sees nothing wrong, but soon the bunker doors turn out to be locked, and the teenagers get trapped underground without light and communication. At first, all of them are joking and do not realize how dangerous their situation is. Then they get frightened. All of them will need to cope with their fears before the bunker will let them free.
The Inhabited Island 2: Rebellion
Guy Gaal, Corporal of the Battle Guard
Maxim Kammerer fights for his love and freedom. He leads a rebel movement challenging the five greedy rulers. One of the rulers, Strannik, knows how dangerous Maxim can be. He makes up his mind to stop the young man at any cost. The last close fight will decide everything.
Russia 88
A gang of skinheads 'Russia 88' are filming propaganda videos in order to place it on the internet. At the same time the camera records the life of the gang, they become accustomed to this and stop paying attention to it. The leader of the gang 'Blade' discovers that his sister is dating a guy from the Caucausus. This family drama develops into a tragedy.
Russia 88
A gang of skinheads 'Russia 88' are filming propaganda videos in order to place it on the internet. At the same time the camera records the life of the gang, they become accustomed to this and stop paying attention to it. The leader of the gang 'Blade' discovers that his sister is dating a guy from the Caucausus. This family drama develops into a tragedy.
Russia 88
A gang of skinheads 'Russia 88' are filming propaganda videos in order to place it on the internet. At the same time the camera records the life of the gang, they become accustomed to this and stop paying attention to it. The leader of the gang 'Blade' discovers that his sister is dating a guy from the Caucausus. This family drama develops into a tragedy.
레볼루션 아일랜드
Guy Gaal
인간 문명의 황금기를 맞은 2157년. 프리랜서 우주 비행조종사들은 행성 간의 여행을 즐기기에 이른다. 우주를 비행하던 22살의 막심은 갑작스런 운석과의 충돌로 불시착하게 된다. 그 곳은 지구에서 먼 사락쉬(Saraksh) 행성! 사람이 살고 있다는 사실에 신기해하며 적응해나가는 것도 잠시, 그 행성의 사람들은 그를 위협하기 시작하는데…
Law of Corruption
Events of the film take place in both hemispheres. Presidents of countries, bosses of drug cartels, special agents and powerful secret service agencies from all around the world are the first hand participants of its events. The film begins with an account of a shocking yet quite ordinary skirmish - an average drug kin pin is beating one of his assistants with a golf club with a purpose of educating him, because the assistant's cell phone was quite unlawfully confiscated by an overly diligent secret service agent. The mutilated gangster understands the incommensurability of his guilt and the level of his fault, and becomes the first character who asks the question: What do we know about the world we live in?
Per Rectum
One day a young man named Gleb decides one day to abandon ... his gay orientation. With the help of ex-boyfriend Vladik, he tries to establish his new “male” life, but everywhere he stumbles on his own kind, or on primordially Russian homophobia, which ultimately leads him to a tragic and paradoxical ending in the form of death from above.
Per Rectum
One day a young man named Gleb decides one day to abandon ... his gay orientation. With the help of ex-boyfriend Vladik, he tries to establish his new “male” life, but everywhere he stumbles on his own kind, or on primordially Russian homophobia, which ultimately leads him to a tragic and paradoxical ending in the form of death from above.
Неуправляемый занос
Two friends, Al and Max, decide to spend the weekend fishing, during which, amid an incomprehensible noise, a briefcase full of dollars suddenly appears at the end of Al's fishing line. A boss who has lost a million dollars can't calm down, and his two bodyguards have to find a case within 48 hours. In the pursuit of money, the bandits work out various scenarios, forcing Al and Max to participate in this whole nightmare – an attempt to rob a bank, participation in a drug deal.
Moscow Suburbs Elegy
While people's artist of the USSR Sergey Cherkassky "fights" with the role of king Lear, trying to understand the psychology and actions of Shakespeare's character, his own large family presents him with one riddle after another. His daughter Elena, who broke off her unsuccessful marriage, falls in love with rock musician Dean Makarov. The grandfather does not know that the son of his late daughter - in-law Sonia is gay, who is madly in love with the same Dean. All Sonya's daughter, Lala, "twists" the love with a student Vakhtangov school, the future actor Misha, but dreams of a luxurious life abroad. Son of Sergei Andreevich, father of Vitya and Lyali - Andrey - General, Hero of Russia, serving in Chechnya.
101st Kilometer
The film is set in the 50s in a town located on the 101st kilometer from Moscow, where in Soviet times were sent from the capital of the unreliable — political and criminal. The hero of the picture Lenka gets into the company of criminals. Local leader Kostya Konovalov offers him to participate in robberies. On the other hand, people from the police and the state security service persuade Lenka to write denunciations…
The student, Rifle, has managed to seduce his professor's wife, Bomber, an average working guy, has bought a factory and Bullet, the casino lover, is hiding from creditors. They all share a common path and conscription. In the army they teach you that everything must be smart and in order - cockades, straps and all, otherwise you're not fit to call yourself a person, you're a maggot. For a real man, there's no better place than the army.
The Bridge
The documentary "The Bridge" is telling the story about the friendship between Americans and Russians and how art can bring people together despite global politics.