Nicholas Hope

Nicholas Hope

출생 : 1958-12-25, Manchester, England, UK

프로필 사진

Nicholas Hope

참여 작품

Simon Baker stars as Travis Hurley, a detective who arrives in a small Australian outback city to research a twenty-year-old unsolved homicide of a neighborhood Aboriginal lady. Forming bonds with the sufferer's fractured household, Travis unravels a collection of arduous truths, highlighting the complexities of loss and injustice skilled by First Nations Australians.
The Drover's Wife: The Legend of Molly Johnson
Judge Eisenmangher
In 1893, heavily pregnant Molly Johnson and her children struggle in isolation to survive the harsh Australian landscape after her husband left to go droving sheep in the high country. One day, she finds a shackled Aboriginal fugitive named Yakada wounded on her property. As an unlikely bond begins to form between them he reveals secrets about her true identity. Realizing Molly’s husband is actually missing, new town lawman Nate Clintoff starts being suspicious and sends his constable to investigate.
The Home Team
A romantic plumber and his unblinking wife are the only survivors of a suicide space cult. Two decades after the others went Next Level, they're still wearing capes, still trying to recruit members, and still not having sex. When a cancer scare forces them to face involuntary mortality, they rediscover the transcendent things down here on The Human Level.
Pete the Journalist
Ricky Nasser is a young Australian whose peaceful suburban life turns to hell when his sister Ameena disappears without a trace. In a climate of distrust and xenophobia, Ricky is forced to denounce her as an extremist.
The Story of Lee Ping
In the 1920s, the unlikely bond between Chinese erotic dancer Lee Ping and an Aboriginal farmhand enables her to escape the clutches of her white employer.
먼데이의 위대한 여정
The Bobbins
시드니에 사는 9살 소녀 먼데이는 아빠와 홈스쿨링을 하고 있어 바깥에 나갈 기회라고는 일주일에 한 번 병원에 가는 것뿐이다. 울루루-오스트레일리아 노던주 남서쪽에 있던 거대한 바위 ‘문록’이 자신의 병을 치료해 줄 것이라 믿는 먼데이는 문록이 있는 지역으로 여행 가길 간절히 원한다. 그러나 운명의 장난일까? 먼데이는 경찰에 쫓기고 있는 16세 소년 타일러와 엮이게 된다. 처음에 타일러는 경찰을 따돌리기 위해 먼데이를 이용하지만 결국 둘은 친구가 된다. 문록을 보러 가는 도중, 그 길에서 다양한 호주 오지 사람들을 만난다. 한편, 먼데이의 아빠 밥은 경찰보다 먼저 먼데이를 찾기 위해 안간힘을 쓰는데...
Head Doctor
모든 것을 통제하려는 소시오패스 남자에게서 도망친 세실리아. 그의 자살 소식과 함께 상속받게 된 거액의 유산. 하지만 그날 이후, 누구에게도 보이지 않지만 오직 자신만이 느낄 수 있는 투명인간의 소름 끼치는 공포에 갇히게 된다. 주변의 모든 것을 의심하며 점차 공포에 질려가는데...
Henry Needs a New Home
Henry and his canine companion must defend their tiny home from a seemingly unstoppable force. Inspired by his loyal companion, an old man tries everything to amend his living quarters. A tale of hope and home that will leave you spinning.
북 위크
Ken Cutler
Nicholas Cutler is a smart yet self-destructive, once famous novelist who is stuck teaching English to iPhone-addicted teenagers at a working class high school. After writing a trashy zombie story he recaptures the interest of publishers who are willing to give him a second chance as long as he can prove he has cleaned up his act. However, what could have been the best week of his life spirals into chaos and he's forced to finally put others ahead of his selfish dreams.
The Reckoning of Christian Spencer
In this enchanting thriller, a friendly visit to an old friend turns sinister when Chris is surreptitiously propelled into an unknown past.
더 스쿨
Dr. Masuta
의사인 '에이미'는 병원에서 아이들이 하나 둘씩 죽어가는 것을 경험한다. 같은 병원에 입원해 있는 에이미의 아들 '데이빗' 또한 2년째 혼수 상태. 에이미는 자신이 근무하고 있는 병원이 한때는 학교였고, 당시 큰 화재 사건으로 많은 아이들이 죽었다는 사실을 알게 된다. 에이미는 데이빗의 영혼이 같은 공간, 다른 차원에 존재하는 '학교' 어딘가에 갇혀 있다는 사실을 알게 되는데...!
Event Zero
Langston Charlesworth
When a terrorist attack hits Sydney releasing a highly contagious virus into the population, Detective Leyla Nassar (Ash Ricardo) must race across the city and find the culprits while the Deputy Premier Pamela Laird (Zoe Carides) battles power hungry politicians eager to use the catastrophe for their own nefarious means.
Maurice's Symphony
Mr. Ferk
A brilliant and young flute player discovers a life filled with love, joy and independence when he overcomes his disability after suffering an industrial accident.
Mary: The Making of a Princess
Per Thornitt
This is the story of a fateful encounter and the life-changing choices that led to one of Australia's and the world's most recognisable and romantic love stories.
Marcel Matley
CBS 뉴스 프로그램 [60분]의 베테랑 프로듀서 메리 메이프스. 진실보도를 위해 의기투합한 메이프스팀은 간판 앵커 댄 래더와 손을 맞잡고 [60분]을 이끌어 나간다. 부시 대통령의 재선 캠페인이 이어지던 중, 메리는 부시의 군복무 비리 의혹을 뒷받침할 증거를 입수하고 추적 끝에 심층 보도 방송을 한다. 하지만 이내 증거 조작과 오보라는 주장이 제기되며 진실을 밝힐 논점은 조금씩 변질되어 [60분]팀을 위협하기 시작하는데…
나의 딸
‘헨리’(제프리 러쉬)의 결혼식에 참석하기 위해 고향으로 돌아온 ‘크리스천’(폴 슈나이더). 어머니가 죽은 뒤 집을 떠난 지 16년만에 다시 돌아온 그를 반갑게 맞아준 ‘올리버’(이웬 레슬리)는 아내 ‘샬롯’(미란다 오토) 그리고 딸 ’헤드빅’과 함께 행복한 결혼생활을 이어가고 있다. ‘올리버’를 보면서 사랑하는 사람을 잃은 상처로 인한 악몽에 여전히 갇혀 살고 있는 자신을 발견한 ‘크리스천’. 여기에 결혼식 분위기에 도취되어 어머니가 모두에게 잊혀진 과거로만 남아 있음을 느끼게 되면서 그는 끊었던 술까지 다시 마시게 되고 어머니의 죽음과 관련된 충격적인 진실이 밝혀지면서 크리스천의 분노는 극에 달하게 되는데...
Synnøve seemingly has it all: a good job, a nice flat and a boyfriend on his way up. But she's stuck, and unhappy, and one night she decides to go back to her roots in the North.
Dalton Hearst
A young artist sits on the sidewalk, struggling to make a living. She makes drawings for the passersby. A businessman recognises her talents and offers her a paying job. The prospect seems inviting but the reality threatens to kill her imagination.
Greg's First Day
Two men in finance try to find themselves in the world after the collapse of the company they work for. Greg, a young man, should be at the beginning of his career, but suddenly he's at the end of it. Bernard, an older man, should be teaching Greg the ropes of the company. But the company is gone. Bernard will have to teach Greg in other ways.
Double Happiness Uranium
Reuben Henschke
The newly formed Independent Republic of South Australia is the phoenix that rises from the ashes of a decaying and corrupt Australian Commonwealth, becoming wealthy beyond imagination on the back of uranium.
레드 주식회사
Thomas Reddmann
여섯 명의 사람들이 잔인한 살인마에게 납치된다. 정신을 차려 보니 그들은 책상 앞에 묶인 채로 마치 사무실에서 일하듯이 앉아 있다. 그들을 납치한 토마스는 자신이 인사부의 담당이라며 그들에게 일을 시킨다. 자신의 말에 반항하는 이들에게는 엄청난 문책이 뒤따르는데… 와 의 뒤를 잇는 완성도 높은 밀실 호러 스릴러. (2012년 제16회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
Wide Blue Yonder
An anti-authority rogue in an old folks' home breaks all the rules and causes mayhem honoring his friend's dying wish to be buried at sea.
3 Acts of Murder
Detective Harry Manning
In 1928 Arthur Upfield, Australia’s premier crime writer, plotted the perfect murder for his novel The Sands of Windee. Meanwhile, one of his friends, stockman Snowy Rowles, put the scheme into deadly effect, even before the book was published. This true story resulted in one of Australia’s most sensational murder trials of the 1930’s and catapulted Upfield’s name onto the world stage.
The Prime Minister Is Missing
William McMahon
With Australia at war in Vietnam in 1967, suddenly Prime Minister Harold Holt disappeared without a trace—an event unparalleled in the history of western democracy. Four decades later, a coronial inquiry confirmed that Harold Holt had accidentally drowned. Some people may still believe that Holt was a spy and fled to China in a submarine. But most suspect there was more to his disappearance than has ever been revealed. Reconstructed from eyewitness accounts, this dramatised documentary tells the story of the Prime Minister's secret world in the months before he disappeared — a world of betrayal, blackmail, political treachery, a poisonous feud, mounting physical and mental strain, and near-death experiences. Featuring Normie Rowe as Harold Holt, Nicholas Hope as William McMahon and Tony Llewellyn-Jones as John McEwen, this film reveals explosive new aspects of the case.
콜드 런치
크리스터는 세탁중인 셔츠 주머니에 집세를 넣어 둔 생각이 난다. 돈을 찾을 생각에 그는 세탁기를 멈추려고 메인 퓨즈를 차단한다. 관리인이 새 퓨즈를 넣을 때 한 노인이 위층의 퓨즈상자를 만지다 갑자기 죽는다. 노인의 딸 레니는 이제 세상에 홀로 남겨지게 된다. 한편 초보 엄마 하이디는 세탁물을 가지러 갔다가 세탁기가 멈춘 것을 보고 서둘러 젖은 옷을 꺼낸다. 이런 사실을 모른 채 크리스터는 일을 계속 하는데….
Varg Veum - Bitter Flowers
Warren Donaldson
Karsten Aslaksen, chief engineer of a large chemical company, disappears without trace. His married lover, a successful politician named Vibeke Farang, approaches private investigator Varg Veum to track him down discreetly.
Chief Supt. Edridge
Jason Shepherd awakens in hospital in an amnesiac state. Discovering that he is a police detective he tries to solve the mystery of how he came to lose his memory and uncovers some shocking truths.
아나콘다 2: 사라지지 않는 저주
Christian Van Dyke
영원한 젊음을 준다고 알려진 전설속의 희귀난 '블러드 오키드(혈난초)'를 연구하던 의학자 잭과 연구팀은 7년에 한번 꽃피우는 블러드 오키드가 보르네오섬의 정글에 서식중이란 사실을 발견하고 서둘러 탐사대를 조직, 장마철인 몬순기의 정글로 떠난다. 블러드 오키드의 꽃잎이 떨어지기 전에 채취를 해야하는 절박한 상황에 처한 탐사대를 실은 선박은 최단코스를 선택, 무리한 탐사를 하던 도중 폭포를 만나 간신히 몸만 살아남는 처지가 된다. 탐사 도중 엄청난 크기의 아나콘다에게 하나둘씩 희생을 당하면서도 천신만고 끝에 블러드 오키드 서식지를 찾아낼 즈음, 번식기를 맞이해서 먹이에 굶주린 거대한 아나콘다 무리들이 그들을 노리고 있다는 걸 알게 되는데…
The 13th House
Man from the 14th Floor
A highly stylized metaphorical tale about the brutalization of employees under corporate culture.
The Night We Called It a Day
Based on the true events surrounding Frank Sinatra's tour of Australia. When Sinatra calls a local reporter a "two-bit hooker", every union in the country black-bans the star until he issues an apology.
The Flaming Brain
Abattoir worker Eric's brain is external to his head, and he keeps it protected in a jar connected by cables to his nervous system. Maddie is the mesmeric meat slicer of his dreams, but Maddie loves the overly charismatic Polson. With his weird and peripheral brain, what must Eric do to become more like Polson?
Paradise Found
Paradise Found is a biography about the painter Paul Gauguin. Focusing on his personal conflict between citizen life and his family life and the art scene in Frane. In an incredible imagery montage Gauguin manages to make a successful living in the South Pacific, while being in opposition to France.
스쿠비 두
Old Man Smithers
유령을 쫓거나 불가사의한 사건을 해결해온 '미스터리 주식회사'의 맴버들은 성격차이로 서로 뿔뿔이 흩어진 지 2년 후, 다시 '미스테리 주식회사'를 재결성해서 '스푸키' 섬에서 발생한 또다른 사건을 맡게 된다. 그 섬에서 초자연적인 괴현상이 계속 발생하자, 손님이 끊길 것을 염려한 섬 주인인 몬다베리우스(로완 아킨슨 분)가 사건 수사를 의뢰하기 위해 '미스터리 주식회사'의 맴버를 초대한 것이다. '미스터리 주식회사'의 멤버는 스쿠비-두라는 말하는 견공과 프레드(프레디 프린즈 Jr. 분), 다프네(사라 미셸 겔러 분), 섀기(매튜 릴라드 분), 벨마 (린다 카델리니 분)로 구성되어 있다. 본의 아니게 다시 한자리에 모인 멤버들은 서로의 성격차이와, 과거의 갈등을 묻어둔 채 다시 한마음으로 사건해결에 임하는데... 과연 이들은 알 수 없는 존재의 위협으로부터 자신들과, 나아가서 인류까지 구해낼 수 있을 것인가?
The Goddess of 1967
A rich, young businessman travels to Australia with the intention of buying a 1967 Citroën DS. Once he arrives, things do not go to plan, and he must drive the DS into the outback alongside a blind young woman in order to track down its seller.
Når mørket er forbi
"Passing Darkness" - Oslo lawyer Josef Omgang returns to his native village on the Finnmark coast, where he finds his father's seafood company in trouble. International buyers have started trawling the market, and Josef realizes that the vital natural resources are in the hands of organized crime.
The Darkest Light
Farm life in the Yorkshire Dales isn't easy at the best of times, but things are exceptionally tough for Tom and Sue. Their eight-year-old son has leukaemia, and the doctors aren't making headway. Meanwhile, Catherine, ten, feels lonely and neglected; befriending Uma, the first Hindu at the village school, she takes her to the Moors. Something strange happens, which Catherine interprets as a vision of the Virgin Mary, and a sign her brother will be all right.
Getting Hurt
Edgar Bosco
The safe, secure, boring life of Charlie Cross, a wealthy, successful solicitor is irretrievably shattered when he embarks on an illicit, passionate affair with the beautiful, mysterious Viola whom he meets one evening whilst investigating the background of her husband, Edgar Bosco.
Water Easy Reach
Tells the story of Almar, a young Norwegian sailor whose gold watch, of great sentimental value, has been broken. While waiting for repairs in a remote Spanish town, he meets a number of unusual characters: Windy, an Australian seafarer with unusual experiences, real or imaginary; Marta, a beautiful Spanish girl; Martha's bizarre grandfather; and two old watchmakers who are painfully methodical. It seems to Almar that real time has also stopped when his watch did.
바보 헨리
Father Hawkes
조용하고 겸손한 성품을 지닌 사이먼은 우울증을 앓는 어머니를 모시고 과잉 성욕을 지닌 누이와 함께 사는 쓰레기 수거인이다. 그들 아파트의 습기 찬 지하에 새 거주자가 생긴다. 그는 바로 시끄럽고 담배와 폭음을 일삼는 바보 헨리이다. 아무도 그가 어디에서 왔는지 모르지만 그의 출현은 모든 것을 바꾸어 놓아, 사이먼이 누리던 조용한 교외의 일상은 격렬하고 신비하게 사라진다. 할 하틀리의 새로운 경지를 보여주었던 작품.
Little White Lies
The public facade and private life of an aspiring politician and his wife. This film reveals the little white lies that lead to revenge, blackmail and a fight for life.
Lust and Revenge
This caustic Australian comedy is meant to burn those commercial interests who sponsor artists for tax breaks. It also a sexually unresponsive wife's revenge against her cheating husband. Heiress Georgina Oliphant, the daughter of pharmaceutical magnate George Oliphant is on a mission to find a sculptor suitable of her father's sponsorship. Normally, George doesn't give a hoot about art, but tax time approaches and he needs a big deduction. Since large bronze statues are 100% deductible, that's what he wants. Georgina comes through with the lesbian sculptor Lily Carmichael who suggests a detailed male nude, sans fig leaf. For her model, lily chooses unemployed hunk Karl-Heinz Applebaum who at first doesn't realize he is to model totally nude. Fortunately, coquettish Georgina is around to convince him to shed those clothes.
North Star
Sheriff Lamont
Set during the Alaskan gold rush of the late 1800s. In his efforts to gain control of a small mining town, Sean McLennon is buying up every claim that becomes available, usually after the deaths of the previous owners at the hands of McLennon's 'assistants'. One of the miners targeted by McLennon, a half-Indian hunter named Hudson Saanteek, manages to escape his hired thugs and comes back into town looking to re-establish his claim and get revenge. McLennon and his men have the advantage of numbers and weapons, but Saanteek has his survival skills and knowledge of the Alaskan wilderness.
The Life of Harry Dare
Harry Dare is a shambolic Adelaide private investigator. He’s still not certain why he’s in the business; perhaps to understand his father’s disappearance, 20 years earlier? But now Harry’s got a real case: who stole his father’s old Kombi van, nicked (oddly) just after Harry finished restoring it?
배드 보이 버비
Bad Boy Bubby is just that: a bad boy. So bad, in fact, that his mother has kept him locked in their house for his entire thirty years, convincing him that the air outside is poisonous. After a visit from his estranged father, circumstances force Bubby into the waiting world, a place which is just as unusual to him as he is to the world.
Confessor Caressor
Michael Freely
A fake documentary following around a man who claims to be a serial killer.