Linda Thorson
출생 : 1947-06-18, Toronto, Canada
Linda Thorson (born Linda Robinson) is a Canadian actress, most famous for her work as Tara King in The Avengers.
Gayle Bennet
Lion vs The Little People is a documentary comedy about the greatest internet hoax of all time. In 2005, a hoax news post masquerading as a bonafide BBC news website article, announced a fight had taken place between a lion and an army of 42 fighting dwarfs. The hoax spread like wild fire across the internet before eventually being accepted to be fake. While the article’s veracity has been diminished, the myth lives on in this outrageous deadpan comedy.
An event planner must organize the perfect wedding for her sister in less than a month when she finds out that the Rosewood, a historic inn and beloved wedding venue, is being sold.
Seniors unexpectedly fall for each other over a shared love of music.
Sarah, a single mother working as an in-home nurse, confronts a parents worst nightmare when her daughter is abducted and she has to do the unthinkable to find her.
With the holidays approaching, a young party planner arranges a special Christmas party for a New York toy store. When a powerful corporation threatens to shut her down, she decides to follow her heart, moving forward with the party plans and finding true love in time for Christmas.
Denise Blaine
Sports reporter Max Havoc, a former kickboxer, travels to Seattle. There he encounters orphans who are threatened by an unscrupulous broker because he wants to build a hotel on the grounds of their home. Max takes up the fight with him.
Giles's mother
Alim is a gay man living in London to escape the domineering eye of his conservative Muslim mother, Nuru, back in Canada. Alim keeps his homosexuality secret from his mother, so when she comes for a surprise visit, he and his boyfriend, Giles, must put on a straight facade to hide the truth.
The movie encompasses several different elements-the perils of war, a touch of macabre, sadness and redemption.
Judge Jane McPherson
FBI 비밀요원인 사샤(스티븐 시걸)는 국제 자동차 도둑으로 위장, '킹핀'이란 조직에 잠입한다. 킹핀의 중간보스 닉(자 룰)에게 접근, 신뢰를 쌓아갈 무렵 FBI가 조직을 급습한다. 위험에 처한 닉을 구하다가 7방에 달하는 총상을 입은 사샤의 심장은 22분간이나 멈춰버리는데. 죽음의 문턱에서 벗어난 사샤가 깨어난 곳은 역사상 가장 악명높은 감옥 알카트라즈를 최신식 설비와 방어벽으로 재정비한 '뉴 알카트라즈'. 이곳에 설치된 최신식 사형 집행 시스템 "슬로터 하우스 5 (Slaughter House 5)"의 첫번째 사형수는 2억달러의 금괴를 훔친 전설적인 범죄자 레스터. 그러나 미연방법원 판사와 최고위층이 참석한 가운데 레스터의 사형이 집행되려는 찰나, 이곳의 보안 시스템을 꿰뚫고 있는 교도관 도니는 "49ERS"로 불리는 전투 용병들을 동원하여 고위층을 인질 삼아 순식간에 뉴 알카트라즈를 장악한다. 이제 사샤는 그의 신분을 알게된 닉과 함께 금괴를 강탈하려는 도니와 49ERS의 음모를 막고 인질을 구해내야만 하는데.
Mind Prey is an adaptation of the John Sandford mystery novel of the same name, featuring Sandford's famous detective Lucas Davenport. Andi Manette (Sheila Helley), a well respected psychiatrist, and her two daughters have been kidnapped and detective Lucas Davenport (Eriq La Salle) is about to meet his ultimate nemesis in their sadistic captor, John Mail (Titus Welliver). Davenport and Mail both have a penchant for computer games and gaming culture. Their shared interest helps Davenport to understand and guess the kidnapper's next move, but the victims are put in further danger when Mail forces Davenport into a cruel and insane cat-and-mouse game.
Drew Evanson
A mentally challenged girl proves herself to be every bit as capable as her "perfect" sister when she moves into an apartment and begins going to college.
Olympian gods watch the Earth and resolve to fight a group of terrorists who stole a diskette containing a secret that can destroy the world.
Grace James
Michael has written a schollarly book on the revolutionary war. He has sold the film rights. The arrival of the film crew seriously disrupts him as actors want to change their characters, directors want to re-stage battles, and he becomes very infatuated with Faith who will play the female lead in the movie. At the same time, he is fighting with his crazy mother who thinks the Devil lives in her kitchen, and his girlfriend who is talking about commitment.
An innocent man is identified as a rapist, and the accusation ruins his life.
Woman in Class
A road warrior vigilante avenges his brother's death at the hands of a crazy motorist by using his souped-up pickup to apprehend drunken drivers and others who abuse their driving privileges.
School Principal
A high-school guitarist contends with an unhappy home environment while working to get his band noticed by a music promoter.
Aging New York cabbie Flanagan still has hopes of making it as a stage actor. He can recite any Shakespeare sonnet and is facile with accents, but he can't land an agent or a job. During the course of one summing-it-all-up day, he drives his cab around the city dealing with fare evaders, an insolent stage manager determined to keep him from auditioning for his choice director, his estranged wife who has a new lover, his mistress who seems awfully close to her "drawing teacher", and two teenage sons whose bright visions of the future don't seem to include jobs. If he can only cope with all the annoyances of this day, maybe he can deal with the limitations in his abilities and his future.
Cory Fuhrman
A shopkeeper is condemned by the police and the press for sleeping with a suspected terrorist.
Brooke Parsons
Six young actresses auditioning for a movie role at a remote mansion are targeted by a mysterious masked murderer.
자수성가한 그리스의 선박왕 데오 토마시스(Theo Tomasis: 안소니 퀸 분)는 아내 시미(Simi Tomasis: 카밀라 스파브 분)와의 사이에 장성한 아들 니코(Nico Tamasis: 에드워드 알버트 분)를 두고있지만 사업틈틈이 호화로운 요트위에서 인생을 즐기며 수많은 여성 편력을 한다. 상원의원으로 그리스를 방문한 케시디 의원(President James Cassidy: 제임스 프란시스커스 분)과 리즈(Liz Cassidy: 재클린 비셋 분) 부부는 데오 토마시즈에게 강한 인상을 받고 귀국하는데 케시디 의원은 곧 대통령에 당선 되어 리즈는 미국 대통령의 영부인이 된다. 곧이어 아들을 유산한 리즈는 휴식 차 혼자 그리스를 방문해 토마시스와 우정을 다지게 되고 귀국 즉시 남편의 죽음으로 미망인이 된다. 시동생인 존 케시디(John Cassidy: 로빈 클락 분)가 대통령에 출마하자 선거 열풍에 휘말리기 꺼려한 리즈는 또 다시 그리스로 휴가를 떠나 토마시즈와 만나게 된다. 이때 토마시즈는 리즈에게 청혼을 해, 두 사람은 돈과 명예를 바꾸는 계약 결혼에 들어간다. 그러나 첫날밤부터 여배우에게 전화가 걸려와 자유분방한 토마시즈의 생활이 드러나자 리즈는 몹시 절망한다. 게다가 토마시즈는 미국에서 전 대통령의 영부인을 아내로 맞아들인 점을 사업상 이용하는등 비열한 짓을 일삼고 리즈의 인격을 모독하는 등 마각을 들어 낸다. 사랑하던 아내가 자기에게 버림 받은후 충격으로 자살을 하고 아들 니코는 비행기 추락 사고로 죽자, 승승장구하던 토마시즈도 인생의 비애를 절감하게 된다. 한때 그리스의 대통령이 될 야망까지 품었던 토마시즈는 이제 젊은 아내 리즈의 후원자로 남아 인생을 보내게 된다.
Billie Streeter
무성영화시대의 최고의 스타중 한명인 루돌프 발렌티노의 일대기를 그린 영화. 감독은 예술가들의 전기 영화의 대가인 켄 러쎌이 맡았다.
Toni Tanner
A shy, lonely American girl marries a charming man she meets while on vacation in England, unaware that he has sinister plans for her.
Includes 'portraits' of Marianne Faithfull, Thelonious Monk and 28 others, some known, some less so.