The life and career of comedian Rose Marie is documented through interviews with friends and colleagues as well as never-before-seen home movies shot by the actress herself.
Seagull (voice)
Bikini Bottom's baddest gang, the Sharks, just got a new member! But can SpongeBob prove that he isn't as square as he looks when they face their rivals, the Pods? Soak up the action and 7 more tales of nautical nonsense, including prophetic fortune cookies, Sandy's newest food craze, countless SpongeBob clones and more!
This Christmas extravaganza is filled with sidesplitting short films and joyous comedy sketches starring Santa's favorite elf, Dorf (Tim Conway.
Professor VanVanguard
Six zombie hunting teams compete to be known as the world's greatest zombie killers in Chip & Bernie's Zomance. Pre-Apocalypse exterminators, Chip & Bernie, are best friends that have an unorthodox way of killing zombies with their often crazy and hilarious antics. Their friendship is tested as the contest continues and they learn that their friendship is what helps them survive.
Seagull (voice)
비키니 시티의 최고 메뉴 ‘게살 버거’의 특급 레시피가 사라졌다! 레시피를 되찾기 위해 최초로 육.지.상.륙! 비키니 시티의 최고 인기 메뉴 ‘게살 버거’. 어느 날, ‘게살 버거’의 특급 레시피가 사라지자 비키니 시티는 혼란에 빠지게 된다. 스폰지밥과 친구들은 해적 ‘버거수염’에게 특급 레시피가 있다는 사실을 알게 되고 레시피를 되찾기 위해 인간 세상으로 모험을 떠나게 되는데… 마법의 주문으로 거대하고 생생해진 슈퍼 히어로 스폰지밥! 상상 그 이상의 웃음이 넘치는 인간 세상 모험에 흡수된다!
The story of a young businesswoman who tries to convince her uptight parents to accept her current boyfriend and instead finds herself falling for an old high school flame.
Mulch (voice)
A hunt for a lost sheep turns into a competition between Hiccup and friends as they compete to become the first Dragon Racing champion of Berk.
Santa (voice)
메리 크리스마스를 위한 특급 작전! 산타는 내가 구한다! 루돌프의 외양간 청소를 하며 차세대 발명가를 꿈꾸는 엉뚱한 요정 버나드. 전 세계 아이들에게 선물을 나눠주는 산타클로스를 돕는다는 자부심으로 가득하지만 하는 일마다 실수투성이인 허당 요정이다. 그러던 어느 날, 악당 네빌과 그의 병사들이 하루 만에 전 세계 어린이들에게 선물을 주는 산타 썰매의 비밀을 파헤치기 위해 산타클로스를 납치하는데.. 순식간에 난장판이 된 북극 마을! 만약 산타 썰매의 비밀이 네빌의 손에 넘어가게 되면 크리스마스는 영원히 사라지게 된다. 엉뚱한 요정 버나드는 타임머신 썰매를 타고 과거로 돌아가 루돌프 블리첸과 함께 악당들로부터 마을을 지켜야 한다. 산타의 비밀, 타임머신 썰매를 타고 과거로 고고! 버나드는 산타클로스와 북극 마을을 지켜낼 수 있을까?
Deputy Sniffer
신나는 모험으로 가득한 디즈니의 귀여운 슈퍼 히어로 탄생! 웃음과 액션으로 가득 찬 '수퍼 버디즈'는 슈퍼 히어로가 되는 데는 슈퍼 파워보다 지혜와 협동이 필요하다는 것을 보여준다.
Deputy Sniffer (voice)
디즈니가 여러분을 버디들과 함께하는 보물찾기 모험에 초대합니다. 친구들의 도움으로 버디들은 동물 세계에서 가장 위대한 보물을 찾아 이집트로 여행을 떠나게 됩니다.
Documentary about Laurel & Hardy
Deputy Sniffer (voice)
월트 디즈니의 귀여운 버디즈 시리즈의 최신작인 '스푸키 버디즈'! 펀필드 마을의 저주로부터 우리의 레트리버 5남매는 자신들의 주인들을 모두 구해낼 수 있을까?
Brave and fearless, Antonio is a hero as he leads his fellow army ants to defend the garden against Big Bully Croaker. But when a group of foreign ants moves into the neighborhood, their strange ways challenge Antonio to use something other than brute strength to solve a problem. Features voices of Tim Conway and Fred Willard.
Hermie (voice)
Freddy Flea comes to the home of Lucy Ladybug to fix her TV but has an accident. It makes him question his purpose in life until God visits and shows Freddy that everyone has a place in His plan, even a single, tiny flea.
Tim Conway, the beloved comedian best known from his work on The Carol Burnett Show showcases his comedic genius with his portrayal of the diminutive, dark-haired Scandinavian Known as Dorf. Prepare to laugh yourself silly as Dorf takes you around the world of sports through a series of "instructional" videos where things have a tendency to go awry and slapstick antics ensue. All of Dorf's greatest moments are included for the first time in this hilarious DVD collection!
Sniffer (voice)
산타 나라에 있는 거대한 크리스마스 고드름이 빠른 속도로 녹아내리자 산타와 산타 퍼즈는 걱정이 태산이다. 남들과 나누려는 마음보다 남보다 더 가지려고 하는 마음이 앞서는 인간 세상. 크리스마스의 진정한 의미를 이해 못하면 마법의 고드름이 이제 곧 사라질 것이 뻔하다. 한편 산타 퍼즈의 아들인 퍼피 퍼즈는 사슴들과 마냥 노는 일이 즐겁다. 하지만 같이 어울려 노는 사슴들마저 퍼피 포즈가 앞으로 크리스마스를 지켜나갈 수 있는지 걱정이 된다.
Barnacle Boy
This is a 50 hour marathon celebrating the 10th Anniversary of SpongeBob SquarePants
When Flo gets her own TV talk show, she is positively thrilled! She has to think about what to say, what to wear, and who to invite as guests. What she isn't thinking about are other people's feelings. After insulting every guest on her show, she finally realizes that she needs to apologize for the means things she said. Flo learns that words are very powerful. In fact, the words "I'm sorry" can make all the difference. Children will learn that by saying you're sorry, you are asking forgiveness and fixing your friends with another person.
Another Classic Hermie episode that finds Skeeter's "perfect" brother Sir Sinclair M. Skeeto, the world famous adventurer, coming to the garden with a mysterious treasure map left by their father. Everyone in the garden are in awe of Sinclair, and fawn all over him. But could it really be up to wrong-way Skeeter and his crooked stinger to solve the mystery of the treasure's location? As it turns out...it is! Skeeter saves the day!
Freddy Frog / Gate Guard / Roger / Marra Tor (voice)
‘큰웃음 대회’에서 매년 우승을 차지하며 잔뜩 거만해진 고양이 '가필드'. 엇! 그런데 이게 왠 일?! 더 이상 가필드의 유머에 사람들이 웃지 않게 된 것!! 여기에 엎친데 덮친 격으로 여친 ‘알린’까지 제멋대로인 가필드 대신 다른 대회 파트너를 찾는다. 완전 충격 먹은 우리의 가필드는 절친 '오디'와 함께 한 모금이면 '큰 웃음' 빵 터지게 해준다는 '마법의 샘물'을 찾아 신비의 숲으로 모험을 떠나게 된다. 과연 우리의 못말리는 뚱보 고양이 가필드는 잃어버린 웃음을 되찾고 여친 ‘알린’의 사랑과 ‘큰웃음 대회’ 1위의 영광을 차지할 수 있을까?
Oldie Hollis / Narrator / Derk Dorf
Oldie Hollis is the world's oldest table tennis player in the world. He has been the champion for over 60 years but has he met his match this time around?
Oldie Hollis is the world's oldest table tennis player in the world. He has been the champion for over 60 years but has he met his match this time around?
Good thing God never says anything unusual to Hermie. Uh-oh… suddenly there's room for doubt. What possible need would the Garden Gang have for a boat? It hasn't rained in ages. Isn't it good enough to believe God once-why do we have to keep on trusting Him time after time? Hermie and the High Seas teaches the lesson based on Jesus' words from the mountain-side in Matthew 6 about relying on God to care for our every need.
Most twins Have abiding love for each other. Hailey and Bailey are no different. Well, there was that one time...It's the age-old conflict: blueberries vs. tomatoes. Or was it oatmeal vs. cereal? She hit me first? Come to think of it, sibling disputes are almost never "about" anything. They are just silly. When Hailey and Bailey can't agree on what to pack for their picnic, the resulting feud spills over to the entire garden and threatens to undo the good deeds the twins have actually agreed to perform. Join our favorite garden friends as we learn about getting along.
Himself - Host
Hot on the heels of the hit DVD Thou Shalt Laugh comes the newest and funniest of this great new series, Thou Shalt Laugh The Deuce. Brought to you by the producers of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour and hosted by five time Emmy Award winning comedian Tim Conway, TSL the Deuce is 90 minutes of fun for the entire family!
America in the 1960s and 70s was in turmoil. The civil rights struggle, the war in Vietnam and the sexual revolution defined a nation in conflict. But at 10 o'clock every Saturday night, in dorms and dens, in living rooms and bedrooms across the country, Americans watched 'The Carol Burnett Show.' For 11 years, the wacky performer yelled like Tarzan and won -- and sometimes broke -- our hearts with her edgy, always sympathetic, characters. She could fall down a flight of stairs or hold her own in a duet with Julie Andrews. Yet, as with so many brilliant comedians, hers was a difficult childhood. A glimpse of something deeper and darker began to emerge in the dramatic career that followed her TV variety show.
Hermie (voice)
The garden bugs secretly agree to help Buzby show his misbehaving niece and nephew how unpleasant life would be if everyone misbehaved the way they do. After a few encounters with misbehaving bugs-seeing how dangerous, gross, and uncomfortable things can become when no one cleans up after themselves, uses good table manners, or gets enough sleep- Beebee and Buddy decide to practice good behavior.
When a big storm destroys Milo's Snack Shack, he doesn't know what to do and that includes just talking to God about it. Milo thinks he has to get God's attention in order for God to hear him. Milo finally learns to pray and realizes that God has been helping him all along. Then ironically sees that all the things he was using to get God's attention are the very things he needs to rebuild his Snack Shack. The garden learns an important lesson about how to trust God after we pray and that God's answers come in many different forms.
One of America's best loved comedians, Tim Conway (The Carol Burnett Show, Mchale's Navy) is featured here in hilarious TV clips from the 1960s. Conway portrays the popular character, Dag Hereford. A self-professed expert on everything, Dag proves to be the classic bumbler. Whether he's a horse-racing jockey, wine taster, prison warden or one of the country's leading race car drivers, Conway hams it up with stars of the day in rare, stand-up performances not seen in over 30 years.
In Together Again, Conway and Korman reprise their classic characters from the show, plus perform new sketches and stand-up routines. Both longtime admirers of the show and new fans enjoying re-runs on the TV Land network will be transported back to the pure, unadulterated, madcap entertainment of the variety-show era.
The garden literally goes "nuts" when a shortage of nuts causes panic, especially with the Garden Talent Show & Tell starting tomorrow. And wouldn't you know it--everyone's talent involves a nut. With only one nut left in the entire garden, friends turn into enemies as it's a mad dash to see who grabs the last, elusive nut. To remain friends and to save the show, the bugs must learn to share.
Hermie (voice)
There's someone new coming to the garden's Summer Camp this year, and, well he has a problem. He stinks. But that's what stinkbug do. So, when Stanley arrives at Camp-Bug-a-Boo he creates quite a…well, stink. Everyone tries their best to put up with the unusual odor, but things don't go so well. But then God helps the summer camp to realize that the reason Stanley stinks is because he is afraid. And the thing he is most afraid of is others not liking him and accepting him the way he is. Our garden friends soon learn that God created each of us for very special reasons and that, even though Stanley is different, they need to show him love and be his friend.
Skip Jones (voice)
Ghost pirates attack the cruise ship that Scooby and the gang are vacationing on.
It's Christmastime in the garden and Hermie and his friends are hustling and bustling to prepare for the big day. But more than anything they all eagerly anticipate the crowning moment of the holiday season: the arrival of Grannypillar's scrumptious fruitcake. Suddenly, Christmas is hijacked when Iggy and Ziggy Cockroach - the greediest bugs in the garden - steal Grannypillar's fruitcake. How will Christmas survive!? But deep in the hearts of the youngest of hearts, the true meaning of Christmas shines through. Hailey and Bailey, through an act of unheard of generosity, together remind the garden that the celebration of Christmas is nothing about fruitcake, but about God's gift to us.
In this animated adventure, Buzby the misbehaving bee is kicked out of the hive for his troublemaking and now he has made the garden his new home. His behavior is no less bothersome there, however, and when Buzby neglects to follow the Garden Golden Rules, it comes time for him to learn about why it is best to follow God's rules about kindness.
Man in Closing Credits
One hundred superstar comedians tell the same very, VERY dirty, filthy joke--one shared privately by comics since Vaudeville.
A frightened little spider named Webster ventures into the garden. He's a walking encyclopedia of fears and phobias, shocked when the other denizens of the garden seem even more afraid of him than he is of them. His primary coping mechanism consists of praying to God for the courage to fact life in this Christian animated film aimed at young children.
For 11 smash hit seasons Carol's cry, "Let's Bump up the Lights!" was the signal for something unexpected to begin. Now you can enjoy a sensational hour of spontaneous moments captured in the lengendary Question and Answer segment of every Carol Burnett Show. Here Carol Burnett and her incredibly talented cast of Harvey Korman, Vicki Lawrence, Tim Conway and Lyle Waggoner are reunited before a live audience to relive, recount and remember their favorite moments from interacting with the show's studio audiences.
Hermie (voice)
Stingo, Lingo, Bingo and Zingo are from Riverpool and they are on their way to perform. Flo is not happy. Her friends encourage her and try to teach her to be truthful.
So what's so bad about being a common caterpillar? Just ask Hermie-or his friend, Wormie-and they'll tell you. No splashy stripes. No stand-out spots. Not even a cool house like the snail or super-strength like the ant. Compared to the rest of God's beautiful creation, they just feel ordinary. Unimportant. A little out of place. But God sees past their plainness, and plans an incredible surprise to show them just how special they are.Featuring the voices of Tim Conway as Hermie and Don Knotts as Wormie, these caterpillars encounter a host of delightful characters and quickly wriggle their way into the hearts of young and old alike. But as the animation engages young minds, the truth of God's purpose and plan for His people touches their souls. It's a message of hope you'll want your kids to hear, and a fun-filled adventure that will keep them crawling back for more.
Cartoon Network holds an awards show awarding cartoon excellence.
Originally broadcast on CBS in 2001, this affectionate retrospective reunites the peerless cast of Burnett's variety show--Burnett, Vicki Lawrence, Tim Conway, and Harvey Korman--to answer audience questions and reminisce. The cast recalls the many times they lost composure on camera, halting sketches due to all varieties of faux pas, from faulty props (or urinating horses) to mutual crack-ups.
Dorf Da Bingo King, with the help of his clueless assistant, Howard, instructs his students on the fine art of playing bingo. In his own unique style, he discusses and demonstrates daubing techniques and equipment, superstitions, and playing etiquette. True to form, Dorf proves to be as successful at bingo as he is at everything else.
Henry Whitaker
Ted, a young father (Todd Andrew Bryant), is on pins and needles as he counts down the days before the birth of his first child. Unsure of how to deal with the situation, the soon-to-be-dad suddenly realizes that the only person who can truly prepare him for a child version of himself is very own dad (Tim Conway). It's comic mayhem galore as granddad tries to school his own son in the art of staying young forever. Co-stars Jennifer Grant.
On Christmas Eve, a forlorn little pine tree feels she is too homely to ever realize her dream of being a real Christmas tree. With the help of a comical Baby Bear, a happy-go-lucky Squirrel, a cynical Nutcracker, and a host of other forest critters, as well as a visit from Santa Claus himself, the little tree discovers the true beauty of the season... shines from within!
Fred Davis
Josh and Buddy move from basketball to football in this first of several sequels to the original Air Bud.
Self (archive footage)
Acknowledged as one of the greatest singers of the twentieth century, Arena explores the rise of the legendary crooner Frank Sinatra from his early family background to overwhelming show business success. Interviews with friends, family and associates reveal a star-studded career in music and film alongside a fascinating private life of four marriages, liaison with the Kennedy family, Las Vegas business interests and an alleged association with the Mafia
Mr. Kenter
전편의 여주인공 애니 포터(산드라 블록 분)은 경찰 잭과 헤어지고, 지금의 새 애인 알렉스(제이슨 페트릭 분) 역시 경찰이지만 자전거를 타고 다니며 십대 소매치기를 감시하는 것이 고작 그의 임무라고 생각하고 있다. 그러나 사실 알렉스는 FBI 강력범 검거 특수요원으로 애니에게는 자신의 신분에 대하여 정확하게 얘기하지 않았다. 모터 사이클을 타고 범죄 일당의 차를 추적하는 위험한 임무 수행 중, 운전 면허 연수 중인 애니와 우연히 만나게 된 알렉스는 자신이 FBI 요원임이 노출되자 미안한 마음에서 카리브해로 휴가를 떠나자고 제의한다. 그것도 세상에서 가장 멋진 유람선 여행을. 애니와 알렉스는 낭만적인 카리브해의 호화유람선에서 멋진 시간을 보내던 중 존 가이거(윌리엄 데포우 분)라는 위험한 인물을 만나게 된다. 그는 선박 회사의 전직 고용인으로 회사에 불만을 갖고 있던 정신이상자였다. 컴퓨터 천재인 가이거는 복수의 대상으로 호화 유람선을 선택했으며, 자신의 컴퓨터 기술로 유람선의 통제 시스템을 조작하여 항로를 바꿀 수도, 멈출 수도 없게 만들어 놓는다.
Dorf / Wally / Flash
Baseball Super-fan Dorf goes to a baseball game and gets involved in several funny situations.
Baseball Super-fan Dorf goes to a baseball game and gets involved in several funny situations.
Herman Dooly
탐 티너(Tom Turner: 그렉 키니어 분)는 전형적인 사기꾼으로 그의 사기수법은 너무나 다양해 일일이 열거하기도 힘들 정도. 불구자 행세를 하며 돈을 뜯거나 수녀의 헌금함을 터는 등 갖가지 방법으로 사기행각을 일삼는다. 그러던 중 거리에서 관광객을 상대로 한 건 하려던 그는 잠복중이던 경찰에 체포된다. 법원은 그에게 징역형과 사회봉사형 중 하나를 선택하라고 한다. 사회봉사형을 택한 탐은 업무가 폭주하는 연말연시의 우체국에서 일하게 되고, 주소가 잘못된 우편물을 분류하는 일을 맡게 된다. 수취인이 잘못 기재된 편지, 주나 도시이름이 누락된 것, 슈퍼맨이나 엘비스 프레슬리 등 실존하지 않는 사람에게 보내는 것 등을 가려내는 것이 그의 주업무. 그 중에는 하나님께(Dear God) 보내는 우편물도 있다. 하나님께 보내는 우편물은 대개 어려움을 호소하는 내용이 대부분이다. 탐은 실수로 송달처가 불분명한 귀금속을 하나님께 도움을 청한 사람에게 보내주기 시작하는데...
Tim Conway as Dorf in more of his misadventures. This time he goes fishing. Dorf drags his wife into a day of fishing but is frustrated as his wife catches an awful lot of fish. This comedic approach on the world of fishing will have you laughing again and again.
Dorf / Cave Man (Grunt) / Cooking Show Host
Tim Conway as Dorf in more of his misadventures. This time he goes fishing. Dorf drags his wife into a day of fishing but is frustrated as his wife catches an awful lot of fish. This comedic approach on the world of fishing will have you laughing again and again.
World-famous European race car driver, Duessel Dorf, comes to America to take on his greatest challenge-stock car racing in the Indy 500. However, Dorf, with his usual skill, soon turns the race into a shambles and sets the world of stock car racing on its ear.
Deussel Dorf
World-famous European race car driver, Duessel Dorf, comes to America to take on his greatest challenge-stock car racing in the Indy 500. However, Dorf, with his usual skill, soon turns the race into a shambles and sets the world of stock car racing on its ear.
Self (archive footage)
Documentary about James Stewart's long career as an actor and positive personal life.
In this sequel to Dorf on Golf, avid diminutive sportsman Derk Dorf and his new dorky caddy play some golf. However, a god-like narrator decides to use them to teach the viewers the commandments of the gold bible. A sexy angel helps.
In this sequel to Dorf on Golf, avid diminutive sportsman Derk Dorf and his new dorky caddy play some golf. However, a god-like narrator decides to use them to teach the viewers the commandments of the gold bible. A sexy angel helps.
Avid diminutive sportsman Derk Dorf is now an Olympian who must organize the first Olympic Games. He presents various disciplines, but his fellow citizen Leonard keeps beating him which only increases Derk's frustration.
Dorf on Golf is a 1987 comedy film starring Tim Conway, Vincent Schiavelli and Michele Smith. The film is the first in a series of eight films released by Conway using the Dorf sporting theme. The film had a total cast of three.
Dorf on Golf is a 1987 comedy film starring Tim Conway, Vincent Schiavelli and Michele Smith. The film is the first in a series of eight films released by Conway using the Dorf sporting theme. The film had a total cast of three.
A lazy man falls asleep for twenty years.
Himself - Host
A live-action and animated television special featuring clips from past episodes and spin-offs combined with new animation and musical segments.
Four losers borrow money from gangsters to bet on a "sure thing", but lose. The gangsters go after them to get their money.
Four losers borrow money from gangsters to bet on a "sure thing", but lose. The gangsters go after them to get their money.
CHP #1
수천년 동안 아라비아 사막에서 '가장 빠른 부족'이란 영예를 지켜왔던 중동 어느나라 왕이 캘리포니아에서 커네티커트까지 대륙 횡단 경주의 우승을 노리고 특수 제작한 롤스로이스로 압둘 왕자를 참가시켰으나 우승을 놓친다. 이에 분개한 왕이 100만 달러의 상금을 걸고 '캐논볼 2'를 개최해 전세계 레이서들이 몰려든다. 그런데 상금을 노린 악당들에게 압둘 왕자가 납치되고 돈도 강탈당한다. 레이스를 중단하고 참가자들이 힘을 합쳐 왕자와 100만달러 탈환 작전을 벌여 왕자를 무사히 구하고, 이에 감사한 왕자가 상금을 200만달러로 올려 그 다음날 대륙횡단의 대장정이 시작된다.
Howard Simpson
A comedy film directed by Michael Preece.
Self (archive footage)
A collection of bloopers and outtakes from an enormous selection of Hollywood classic productions spanning from the 1930s through the 1980s.
1980년도에 제작된 설록홈즈를 패러디한 미스테리 코미디 영화. 1940년, 런던 외곽에 위치한 대저택에서 벌어진 살인사건을 해결하기 위해, 사설탐정 원쉽과 그의 조수 닥터 타트가 나서게 된다. 아름다운 상속녀와 저택을 관리하는 집사부터 하녀, 사무라이 요리사(?) 등등.. 모두가 충분한 살인동기를 가지고 있었다. 그 와중에 저택의 사람들이 한명씩 살해 당하기 시작하는데..
Dr. Tart
1980년도에 제작된 설록홈즈를 패러디한 미스테리 코미디 영화. 1940년, 런던 외곽에 위치한 대저택에서 벌어진 살인사건을 해결하기 위해, 사설탐정 원쉽과 그의 조수 닥터 타트가 나서게 된다. 아름다운 상속녀와 저택을 관리하는 집사부터 하녀, 사무라이 요리사(?) 등등.. 모두가 충분한 살인동기를 가지고 있었다. 그 와중에 저택의 사람들이 한명씩 살해 당하기 시작하는데..
"Bags" the boxer (funnyman Tim Conway) and his manager, Shake (Don Knotts), are quite a pair: One is a dim bulb, and the other has a mean streak. Times are tough and they must save their gym, so they line up some moneymaking fights. But when Bags and Shake discover that the bouts have been rigged, they end up with their backs to the wall and must fight back -- literally.
Amos Tucker
Amos and Theodore, the two bumbling outlaw wannabes from The Apple Dumpling Gang, are back and trying to make it on their own. This time, the crazy duo gets involved in an army supply theft case -- and, of course, gets in lots of comic trouble along the way!
Dewey and Wallace are small-town lawmen who are ordered by the governor to go undercover as prison inmates to find out where a gang of thieves have hidden their loot. While they're undercover, however, the governor dies, and because no one else knows about the ruse Dewey and Wallace are stranded in prison.
Dewey and Wallace are small-town lawmen who are ordered by the governor to go undercover as prison inmates to find out where a gang of thieves have hidden their loot. While they're undercover, however, the governor dies, and because no one else knows about the ruse Dewey and Wallace are stranded in prison.
The host and his family travel back in time to an early 19th century Christmas in England.
공원 관리인 요리사 등등 수없이 직업을 전전하는 버논은 약간 모자란 듯 하지만 아이들을 좋아하고,심성이 착한 사람이다. 요리사로 취직한 식당에서 일하다가 불을 내고 도망나온 버논은 형사같이 보이는 사람들에게 체포되어 가는데, 잡혀간 곳은 유명한 츄츄 트레인 기업의 회장 앞이었다. 버논은 트레인씨의 생존하는 유일한 핏줄로 회장의 뒤를 잇기 위해 테스트를 받는다. 트레인 회장은 ' 보' 란 개를 내어주며 6일안에 시애틀까지 가라는 임무를 준다. 시애틀에 가는 도중, 기차를 잘못 타서 다시 자동차에 합승을 하지만 중화민국에서 선물로 오는 리친우라는 개를 납치할 계획을 세우고 있는 도둑놈들을 만나 그들에게 이용당하기 시작한다. 착하기만 하고 의협심이 강한 버논은 시애틀로 가는 임무도 잊어 버린채, 리친우를 되돌려 주려고 최선을 다해 애를 쓴다. 버논의 원대로 리친우는 다시 찾게 되었지만 버논은 범인들 중의 한사람으로 누명을 쓰고 범인들과 같이 검거되는데...
Vernon Praiseworthy
공원 관리인 요리사 등등 수없이 직업을 전전하는 버논은 약간 모자란 듯 하지만 아이들을 좋아하고,심성이 착한 사람이다. 요리사로 취직한 식당에서 일하다가 불을 내고 도망나온 버논은 형사같이 보이는 사람들에게 체포되어 가는데, 잡혀간 곳은 유명한 츄츄 트레인 기업의 회장 앞이었다. 버논은 트레인씨의 생존하는 유일한 핏줄로 회장의 뒤를 잇기 위해 테스트를 받는다. 트레인 회장은 ' 보' 란 개를 내어주며 6일안에 시애틀까지 가라는 임무를 준다. 시애틀에 가는 도중, 기차를 잘못 타서 다시 자동차에 합승을 하지만 중화민국에서 선물로 오는 리친우라는 개를 납치할 계획을 세우고 있는 도둑놈들을 만나 그들에게 이용당하기 시작한다. 착하기만 하고 의협심이 강한 버논은 시애틀로 가는 임무도 잊어 버린채, 리친우를 되돌려 주려고 최선을 다해 애를 쓴다. 버논의 원대로 리친우는 다시 찾게 되었지만 버논은 범인들 중의 한사람으로 누명을 쓰고 범인들과 같이 검거되는데...
Wilby Daniels, a successful lawyer running for District Attorney, suddenly finds himself being transformed into an English sheepdog. Somehow he has to keep his change a secret and find just what is causing it, all the while eluding the local dog catcher.
Hinky Pinky
A Halloween-themed television special starring Paul Lynde which aired only once on October 29, 1976 on ABC. It features guest stars including Margaret Hamilton (who reprises her role as the Wicked Witch of the West), Billie Hayes (as Witchiepoo from H.R. Pufnstuf), Tim Conway, Roz Kelly, Florence Henderson, rock band KISS, Billy Barty, Betty White and, in an unbilled surprise appearance, Donny and Marie Osmond.
A Halloween-themed television special starring Paul Lynde which aired only once on October 29, 1976 on ABC. It features guest stars including Margaret Hamilton (who reprises her role as the Wicked Witch of the West), Billie Hayes (as Witchiepoo from H.R. Pufnstuf), Tim Conway, Roz Kelly, Florence Henderson, rock band KISS, Billy Barty, Betty White and, in an unbilled surprise appearance, Donny and Marie Osmond.
The California Atoms are in last place with no hope of moving up. But by switching the mule from team mascot to team member, (He can kick 100 yard field goals!) they start winning, and move up in the rankings, Hurrah! The competition isn't so happy.
Amos Tucker
A roving bachelor gets saddled with three children and a wealth of trouble when the youngsters stumble upon a huge gold nugget. They join forces with two bumbling outlaws to fend off the greedy townspeople and soon find themselves facing a surly gang of sharpshooters.
America's sweetheart Doris Day offers songs and sketches with some of her famous friends in this smash hit television special from 1975. John Denver and Day sing a few entertaining duets, and funnyman Tim Conway joins in on a couple of skits. Then, Rich Little impersonates some of Day's legendary co-stars, including Cary Grant, Jimmy Stewart and Jack Lemmon. Songs include selections from Love Me or Leave Me, Teacher's Pet, Calamity Jane and more.
Freddy Danton
A man determined to impress his son--and show up his son's stepfather--decides to try to get into the Guinness Book of World Records by setting a record for staying the longest time on roller skates. (IMDb)
Milo Jackson
Stuck with a feeble sports department, college coach Sam Archer (John Amos) faces the ax unless he can reverse the school's athletic fortunes. An African vacation with his assistant (Tim Conway) answers Archer's prayers when he spots the athletically gifted Nanu (Jan-Michael Vincent). Sam counts on Nanu's remarkable abilities to put the team back on the winning track. This upbeat farce boasts an impressive cast of comedians.
Telecast December 1972, DON RICKLES: ALIVE AND KICKING was a huge ratings extravaganza for the network, especially when you consider the guest stars on Rickle's comedy special: Carroll O'Connor, Harvey Korman, Johnny Carson, Bob Newhart, Anne Meara and Don Adams!
Telephone Repairman
A collection of television celebrities pitch United States Savings bonds.
Ensign Charles Parker
The crew of PT-73 are in trouble again when Ensign Parker is mistaken for a pilot and gets shanghied into the Air Force.