Chin Kang

Chin Kang

출생 : 1939-08-26,

프로필 사진

Chin Kang

참여 작품

18 Bronze Girls of Shaolin
Shaolin temples thousands of years ago were famous for their kung fu schools, and everybody has come to relate these temples with kung fu. Even the best fighters in the world didn't dare challenge the Shaolin students. During the Ching Dynasty, the reigning government had total control of the Shaolin temples and schools. The monk Chi Kong wasn't a real monk. In fact he was evil. He even accepted girls as students. He taught these girls the kung fu style. There were eighteen of them...
Eagle Claw vs. Butterfly Palm
Butterfly Clan King
Having wiped out both the Shaolin and Wu Tang, the Butterfly Clan's objective is clearly the destruction of any and all rival factions. A wushu knight, and his rag-tag followers move in to challenge their oppressors in a deadly battle.
The Jade Badger
Shen as a Demon
A marriage between nobles in Ancient China sets the stage for murder, monsters, and mutilation as the invited guests search for a secret hidden treasure. A search that leads them through dark evil forests, opulent palaces, and each other! When two sick and twisted killers enter the fray it is up to our hat wearing hero to straighten things out and put the warlords, henchmen, and evil ninja six feet under! But is he working for the law, or himself?
No One Can Touch Her
(as Kong Kam)
A blind martial arts practitioner is out to find her father's killers and hopefully regain her sight in this chop-and-kick-filled combat film.
Tai Chi Shadow Boxing
A pair of brothers befriend an old drunk, who turns out to be an expert in the esoteric form of Kung Fu.
The Legendary Strike
Shaolin monk
The plot deals with a search for a valuable pearl, dubbed the Buddha's Relic, which is sold to an unwitting Japanese emissary by a corrupt Ching Dynasty prince who seeks to steal it back for his own purposes.
Thousand Faces
고려는 몽고와의 전쟁에서 패하고 그 댓가로 몽고에 조공을 바쳐야 하는 굴욕을 당하게 된다. 그러나 조공 행렬은 번번이 비적들로부터 약탈을 당하고, 이유를 받아들이지 않는 몽고의 독촉을 받게 된다. 이에 고려는 새로운 조공책으로 장군 이방위를 임명하고 그의 딸 영란과 떠돌이 무사 강도성, 그의 사부 모오로 하여금 조공행렬을 호위하게 한다. 이들은 지나는 길에 오독문 장문인 묘춘화와 그 부하 만당곤을 만나기도 하고 태행쌍괴 형제들의 위협에 쫓기면서 행렬을 계속한다. 마지막 협곡에서는 수많은 죄수들이 나타나 위기에 처하나 강도성과 모오의 신묘한 무술로 그들을 전부 쓰러뜨린다
The Mysterious Heroes
Mysterious Heroes centers around Lau Tien, master of the deadly 13-Sword Style. Thrown into prison by a group of jealous enemies, the 13-Sword Style is rarely spoken of, let alone seen, until 20 years later, when a second swordsman going by the name of Lau Tien proves to be the world's second 13-Sword expert. Action-packed martial arts chaos ensues when the enemies of the original Lau Tien vow to destroy his successor
Return of the Chinese Boxer
Yin Feng
In wake of the First Sino-Japanese War 1894-1895, a group of Japanese warlords calculate that the best way to prepare an invasion of the rest of China from their southern Manchuria staging ground.
Shaolin Kung-Fu Mystagogue
Brother Tien
The evil Ching government has taken over and is out to rid the land of the remaining Ming rebel patriots, including the still surviving Ming Prince. Unknowingly, the evil Ching overlord and his men capture the incognito Prince and throw him in jail. Hearing word of the Prince's capture, Shao Chang and Fang Ping mount a rescue effort to get the Prince before his identity is found out.
The Invincible Kung Fu Trio
Chief Abbot of Wu Tang
The film takes up the tale of Shaolin students Fong Si Yu and Hung Si Kwan (joined here by a third comrade, Lu Ka Chai) and their efforts to battle Ching oppressors. Their chief antagonist is the Abbot of Wutang who makes it his job to get rid of the three heroes and actually comes up with a clever plan to do so. He creates three exact doubles of the heroes and trains them to fight their counterparts.
Duel with the Devils
As the daughter of the Chinese police chief, Angela secretly dresses up as a man to use her kung fu on Japanese troublemakers.
General Lu Kuai
명나라 멸망시기에 왕조를 우롱하며 횡포를 일삼는 내시들이 있었으니 그의 우두머리는 악명 높은 「싸오 타이치」였다. 이들은 천왕의 동생「닝」태자가 숨어있는 황체사에 사병을 보내 태자를 무참히 죽인다. 이 비참한 광경을 목격한 의기 높은 쾌남아「탄」은 복수를 결심한다. 황체사에서 오랫동안 신비의 무예를 갈고 닦던「탄」은「닝」태자를 남몰래 존경하는 사이였고 13년 전「탄」의 가족도「싸오」의 모함에 재물로 잃어야 했던 과거를 갖은 사람이었다. 그는 복수의 여정에 오르는데...
The place: Shanghai. The time: 1921. The Japanese aggression towards China is getting stronger each day. Enter Hsueh Ao-Lin, an agent of the government sent to uncover the Chinese traitors helping the enemy. Once inside, Hsueh must fight both the Japanese and his countrymen for his sake, and the future of China.
Five Kung Fu Daredevil Heroes
Hoop Earring
The heroes pose as gun dealers and acrobats in order to get close to the bad guys so they can avenge the death of one of their brothers.
Triumph Of Two Kung-Fu Arts
For a movie with kung fu right there in the title this one sure takes it's time before we even get to any fight scenes. For the first half hour or so it's all heavy melodrama about a guy seeking revenge for his dead father and his mom's disappointment with him for not getting it and generally for being such a loser. When we finally get to some fighting there are some weird choices including one of the end fight scenes being just a series of stills shown over some music.
Shaolin Deadly Kicks
Chang Fang, Eight Dragons member #3
Eight thieves steal a treasure map and split it into eight pieces, vowing to regroup three years later. But they'll have to deal with a deadly-kicking cop.
소림사 18동인
관지원은 대청에 귀순하지 않아 멸문을 당하고 아들인 관룡만 살아남아 이름을 당소룡으로 바꾸고 도망을 다니다 소림사로 들어가 무예를 배우게 된다. 관지원의 시위장 만장군은 관룡을 보호하고 그의 복수를 돕기 위해 아들 철군을 소림사로 보낸다. 20년간 고된 무예 수련을 거친 당소룡과 철군은 소림사 18동인진에 도전하고 갖은 고생 끝에 성공하여 하산하게 된다. 삼사형인 철군과 보름 후 안동현에서 만나기로 하고 할머니를 만나러 간 당소룡은 뜻 밖의 사실을 알게 되는데...
Exit the Dragon, Enter the Tiger
This martial arts movie tries to explain the strange death of the international movie star and kung fu master Bruce Lee. Most of the story centers on a former disciple of Lee who launches a private investigation and ends up avenging the brutal death of his own girlfriend.
옹정황제는 즉위 이후 소림사가 반역을 꾀한다는 명목으로 소림사를 탄압한다. 그 과정에서 수많은 제자와 스승이 죽고, 소림사는 불타 사라져 버린다. 주지승의 희생과 동인지를 격파하며 살아남은 소림의 제자들은 옹정에게 복수하기 위해 칼을 갈지만, 오히려 계략에 속아 죽거나 부상을 입는데…
Shaolin Chamber of Death
Little Mute (Jackie Chan) attempts to learn martial arts skills in the Shaolin Temple, in order to avenge the death of his father. However, to get out he must survive the Shaolin Chamber of Death, which has claimed the lives of many before him.
The Best of Shaolin Kung Fu
Turmoil outside the walls of the temple lead Cliff Lok to go there and find the answers to save his country from the Manchus. Nothing could prepare him for the tests and trials he will face inside the walls of Shaolin: martial monks, hidden chambers, and the 18 Bronzemen.
The Shaolin Kids
Chin Chen Shan
Lui is a powerful ex-minister who opposes the ambitious premier Hu Wei Yen. Lui is assassinated, so his daughter Lui Sin and an assorted band of people loyal to the emperor seeks revenge and justice. The premier made a mistake - he allowed a scroll of battle orders to fall into loyalist hands. Lui and Co learn this, and vow to take this proof of treason to the emperor. But, though the loyalists have Shaolin on their side, the premier has two renegade shaolin, who say "Earth and Sky", which makes them invincible, as well as golden pills, which restore their health if badly wounded. And, naturally, there are loads of old men who stroke their long white beards whilst nodding their heads.
The Dumb Ox
A group of thiefs takes over a village. The main character is the blacksmith of the village. He has a criminal record as a thief but has served his time and now earns an honest living. He is first accused by the citizens of the village, but eventually he finds out the true criminals and challenges them.
Fatal Strike
Two policemen try to defeat a drug lord using the ancient art of Kung Fu.
Lightning Of Bruce Lee
Two Martial art experts take on Canton, and the most notorious Triad overlord and his posse of vile fighters with devastating effect. A must for all kung fu fans! This is a foot to face action at its best.
A Girl Called Tigress
Here's a foxy tale of love, pigtails and slapped faces with a spitfire heroine that fights Yasuaki Kurata and his bully gang in old china town.
Chong's loyal trainee
Instructor Lin who is home from training the imperial troops for several years. He meets his wife and runs into his brother who has become a monk at the local temple. His superior Lord Gao, strangely decides to rape Lin's wife in the temple but Lin interrupts the crime. His brother is enraged and tries to kill Gao but Lin stops him with the help of Lin's training brother and old friend Lu who works for Gao. Lin is loyal to the Commissioner and will not do anything to harm his son. Once back at the Commissioner's house, Gao and Lu hatch a plan to discredit and eventually kill Lin all with the Commissioner's approval. The plan is put into motion and Lin is unjustly arrested for trespassing on imperial property.