Reporter at Airport
Christine Jorgensen goes to 1950s Denmark and makes headlines for having the first sex-change operation.
This pilot for the TV series stars Pernell Roberts as Jim Conrad, who runs an airport, much to the chagrin of his boss, "his way." In this, two plots run - a kid whose parents are splitting up decides to take off in a little red prop plane (and Conrad talks him down), and thieves played by the handsome Tab Hunter and his truly ugly sidekicks try to steal a money shipment. Roberts was replaced by Lloyd Bridges when the show went to series.
Technician at Radio (uncredited)
A flying saucer hidden in a Red Chinese peasant village is sought by teams from the United States and U.S.S.R. On finding it, they band together to explore the saucer and take a trip into space.
Two brothers, one a popular race car driver that all the women love and the other a brilliant mechanic who makes the winning possible, become enemies when one messes with the other's girlfriend
Furnas (uncredited)
The handsome top agent Matt dies a tragic death in his bath tub - the women mourn about the loss. However it's just faked for his latest top-secret mission: He shall find Dr. Solaris, inventor of the Helium laser beam, powerful enough to destroy a whole continent. It seems Dr. Solaris has been kidnapped by a criminal organization. The trace leads to the Cote D'Azur.
Hospital Policeman
A motorcycle gang arrives in a small town in search of a motorcycle that has been stolen by a rival gang; but, pursued by the police, one of its members is injured, an event that will cause an orgy of violence and destruction.
Matt Helm is called out of retirement to stop the evil Big O organization who plan to explode an atomic bomb over Alamagordo, NM, and start WW III.
The 1930s outlaw teams up with Pretty Boy Floyd, Baby Face Nelson and Homer Van Meter.
George Keely
Gunslinger Murphy helps an ungrateful town fight off a raid by his former gang.
Police Lieutenant
할리우드 B급 영화의 거장으로 알려진 사무엘 풀러의 대표작으로 광기에 사로잡힌 미국 사회를 특유의 박진감 넘치는 스타일로 그린 작품이다. 영화는 흑백으로 촬영했지만 후반부 주인공의 환상 장면은 컬러다. 정신병원에서 일어난 살인사건의 전말을 밝혀 퓰리쳐 상을 타기위해 야심을 불태우는 민완기자 자니 배릿은 살인사건의 전모를 취재하려고 정신병자로 가장해 병원에 잠입한다. 바렛은 정신병자들 속에서 차츰 자신이 미쳐가고 있다는 사실을 깨닫는 동시에 살인자를 밝혀내게 된다. 하지만 자신을 껴안는 애인을 알아보지 못할 정도로 완전히 미쳐 파멸한다. 풀러는 당대 사회상을 정신병동이라는 비정상적 공간으로 전유하여 고발하고자 했다.
Dr. Otto Frank
A rich but unscrupulous old woman plots with a scientist to have her brain implanted in the skull of a sexy young woman.
Romero's Manager (uncredited)
After completing his military service, Walter Gulick takes a job as a sparring partner at a gym, the owner of which sees potential in Walter as a professional fighter—and takes him under his wing.
Mr. Johnson
Walt Sherill is attacked and beat down by a group of juvenile delinquents on his way home from work one night. The boys who attacked him are not previously known by the police and are therefore hard to track down. As Sherill starts getting impatient he begins his own investigation. Meanwhile, Detective Sergeant Koleski does his best to track down the culprits.
Sergeant in Charge of the Brig
A weary sergeant in Korea commands military prisoners on a dangerous mission and is joined by a nun and a group of schoolgirls in enemy territory.
Capt. William Brennan
A prostitute sets out to frame a cop.
Frank (uncredited)
1936년, 영국 사우샘프턴(Southampton, England 1936). 가십 칼럼니스트인 셰일라 그레이엄(데보라 카 분)은 당대 미국 최고의 작가 중 한 사람으로 명성이 높았던 F. 스콧 피츠제럴드(그레고리 펙 분)를 할리우드에서 만난다. 피츠제럴드는 정신 병원에 입원한 아내의 치료비와 딸의 사립학교 비용을 대기 위해 할리우드에서 영화 시나리오 쓰는 일을 하고 있는 중이었다. 시나리오를 쓰는 틈틈이 이전에 누리던 명예를 다시 찾기 위해 "최후의 거물"이란 소설을 구상하고 있던 피츠제럴드와 그의 조수가 된 셰일리는 서로의 글에 대한 평이나 조언을 해 주기도 하고 서로 의지하며 사랑을 키워 나간다. 하지만 예전의 명성에 비해 초라해진 모습이나 경제적인 문제가 주는 부담감, 작품 활동에 대한 부담감 등으로 피츠제럴드가 가끔 술을 마시는 것 때문에 두 사람 사이에 사소한 갈등이 생기기도 한다. 그럼에도 여전히 아름다운 사랑을 쌓아가던 어느 날 갑자기 피츠제럴드가 심장마비로 사망하고 혼자 남게 된 셰일라는 바닷가를 거닐며 눈물을 짓는다.
Det. Lee Coulter
Jonathan Drake, while attending his brother's funeral, is shocked to find the head of the deceased is missing. When his brother's skull shows up later in a locked cabinet, Drake realizes an ancient curse placed upon his grandfather by a tribe of South American Jivaro Indians is still in effect and that he himself is the probable next victim.
Les Hellman
The head of a major cosmetics company experiments on herself with a youth formula made from royal jelly extracted from wasps, but the formula's side effects have deadly consequences.
A mob assassin holds innocent hostages at an airport in upstate New York.
District Attorney
The rise and fall of gang lord Joe Sante. A crime boss appears before a Senate subcommittee. A flashbacks tell his story.
Capt. Sam Precott
A small Army patrol unit and a couple of former Confederates reluctantly throw in their lot together after being attacked by a band of Native Americans.
The marital difficulties of four couples living in a southern California housing development become intertwined. Among the unhappy couples are ne'er-do-well Jerry Flagg and his long-suffering wife Isabelle, flirtatious Leola Boone and her sadistic husband Troy, hard-working Herman Kreitzer and his understanding wife Betty, and newlyweds Jean and David Martin.
Col. Dundee
An Army lawyer defends a World War II hero and his men accused of desertion.
Harry Castleton
마가렛은 전과가 있는 여자로써 감옥에 있을 때 현재 남편 캐머론과 알게 되어 시골에서 목장을 하면서 살고 있다. 어느 날 그녀의 전 남자친구 나르도가 나타나서 자신과 같이 도망을 가자고 그녀에게 말을 하고, 그녀가 보는 앞에서 살인을 하게 된다. 이 사실을 안 전문 안내인 이자 그녀의 남편인 케머론은, 그녀를 구하기 위하여 나르도와 그녀를 멕시코로 탈출을 시켜주면서 경찰에게 쫓기는 탈출극이 시작 된다.
Mr. Ramsey
A woman falls for a younger man with severe mental problems.
Chuck Evans
Two oilmen coax a cook, an oilwoman and a gusher in South America.
Robert Ryan plays an aging sheriff responsible for law and order in a frontier cattle town. Virginia Mayo plays his fiancee. As if handling wild cattle drovers isn't enough, a crooked casino operator from Ryan's past comes to town. An early scuffle in the casino leaves Ryan with vision problems that interfere with his duties. Jeffrey Hunter who came to town with a cattle drive encounters Ryan, who killed Hunter's father when Hunter was young. Feelings of animosity soon change as Hunter begins to sense Ryan is telling the truth about his father. What follows is a plot that continues to thicken to the inevitable showdown.
The tale of a young bookie, married to a beautiful woman who goes to jail, and becomes involved with hoodlums.
Holdup Man (uncredited)
레온의 일당들은 은행을 털고 잠적한다. 샘을 비롯한 경찰들은 집요한 추적 끝에 레온의 집을 급습하지만 그 과정에서 무고한 레온의 부인이 죽고 만다. 레온은 그 자리에서 체포 당해 감옥에 갇히지만 얼마 지나지 않아 다시 탈출에 성공하고, 아내의 복수를 위해 곧바로 샘의 집을 찾아간다. (2014년 한국시네마테크협의회 - 버드 보티커 특별전)
Det. Fuller
A life-long criminal continues his practice of breaking out of Oregon State Prison - much to the frustration of the police.
Dum-Dum Wilson
Gunner O'Hara is about to be released from prison after serving a five-year sentence, and receives a visit from his twin brother John, a divinity student soon to be ordained as a priest. Aware that Gunner plans to resume his criminal career, John decides to stop him.
Jim Hornsby (uncredited)
갱단 두목, 코스테인의 위법 행위에 대해 증언을 하기로 했던 피트가 살해되자 로이드 할렛 검사(Lloyd Hallett: 에드워드 G. 로빈슨 분)는 코스테인(Benjamin Costain: 론 그린 분)의 위법 행위 때 현장에 같이 있었고, 그 당시 감옥에 수감돼 있던 피트의 정부 셰리 콘리(Sherry Conley: 긴저 로저스 분)를 증언대에 세우기로 하고 호텔로 데려와 보호한다. 하지만 셰리는 증언하기를 꺼리고 코스테인은 한시 바삐 셰리를 처치하려고 혈안이 돼 있다. 셰리를 보호, 감시하는 경찰관 빈스(Vince Striker: 브라이언 키스 분)와 셰리는 서로에게 사랑을 느끼게 되고 달콤한 시간을 보내던 중 코스테인의 부하가 침입해 총을 난사하고, 여경찰 윌로비 부인이 총에 맞고도 끝까지 셰리를 피신시켜 주고 죽는 사고가 발생한다. 자신을 구하고 죽은 윌로비 부인에 대한 죄스러움과 고마움, 그리고 슬픔 때문에 셰리는 더욱 빈스에게 의지하게 되는데, 피가 묻은 옷을 갈아입으러 외출했던 빈스는 코스테인 일당에게 납치돼 셰리를 처치하는 일에 동조하지 않으면 목숨을 빼았겠다는 협박을 받는다. 갈등을 겪던 빈스는 결국 콘스테인의 말대로 킬러가 들어올 수 있도록 욕실 창문을 열어놓지만 마지막 순간 셰리의 방에 뛰쳐 들어가 셰리를 지키고 죽는다. 그리고 슬픔과 분노에 가득찬 셰리는 콘스테인을 벌하기 위한 증언대에 선다.
Dr. Curt Kruger
Atomic scientist/pilot Doug Martin is missing after his plane crashes on an reconnaissance mission after a nuclear test. Miraculously appearing unhurt at the base later, he is given sodium amethol, but authorities are skeptical of his story that he was captured by aliens determined to conquer the Earth with giant monsters and insects. Martin vows to use existing technology to destroy them.
Detective (uncredited)
A supermodel gets murdered. While investigating the case the story of a waitress turned glamor girl is revealed.
Mr. Wheeler, hunter
A scientist develops a formula which will cause animals to regress to the form of their primitive ancestors, and tries it on himself with disastrous results.
Col. Willis
The Office of Scientific Investigations tracks down the source of increased magnetism and radioactivity in Los Angeles, and discovers that a man-made isotope is consuming available energy from nearby mass every few hours, doubling its size in the process. Although microscopic, it will soon become big enough to destroy Earth; and how to stop it is yet to be determined. The film's Deltatron special effects footage is taken from the 1934 German sci-fi film GOLD.
Gabby Agent at the Party (uncredited)
여배우 조지아 로리슨과 감독 프레드 아니엘과 작가 제임스 리 바틀로우, 프로듀서 헤리 펩벨의 요청으로 헐리우드 사운드 스테지의 모임의 초대 받았다. 펩벨은 스튜디오 국장 조나단 실드와 일하고 있다. 조나단은 스튜디오의 제정적인 곤란을 겪고 있고 있으며 대히트를 해야만 한다. 만약 이 세명이 새로운 프로젝트에 참여 한다면 그가 손해볼 일은 없을거라 그는 확신한다.
Bill Collector (uncredited)
A Montana lawyer gets distracted after moving to California with his wife and children.
A scrupulously honest lawyer discovers that the client he's gotten off was really guilty.
Doctor (Uncredited)
A World War I widow loses her only child and spends the rest of her life as a children's nurse.
Ex-police/army dog King inherits a fortune from an eccentric millionaire. But someone poisons him for his fortune. He gets to go back to earth as a human detective to bring his killer to justice and protect the girl who used to look after him.
Plant Worker in Locker Room (uncredited)
The Next Voice You Hear... (1950) is a drama film in which a voice claiming to be that of God preempts all radio programs for days all over the world. It stars James Whitmore and Nancy Davis as Joe and Mary Smith, a typical American couple. It was based on a short story of the same name by George Sumner Albee.
Dr. MacDonald
Frank Bigelow is about to die, and he knows it. The accountant has been poisoned and has only 24 hours before the lethal concoction kills him. Determined to find out who his murderer is, Frank, with the help of his assistant and girlfriend, Paula, begins to trace back over his last steps. As he frantically tries to unravel the mystery behind his own impending demise, his sleuthing leads him to a group of crooked businessmen and another murder.