Edgar Dutka
출생 : 1941-05-21, Vídeňské Nové Město, Rakousko
Script Editor
In a desolate landscape process strange creatures. The foreman of the group picks a suitable spot and the whole multiplying colony starts excavating a pit. They encounter various natural disasters that ruin their efforts – but the colonists always rise from the ruins and continue their work. We do unequivocally sympathise… till the moment when we return to the people’s daily lives.
In a desolate landscape process strange creatures. The foreman of the group picks a suitable spot and the whole multiplying colony starts excavating a pit. They encounter various natural disasters that ruin their efforts – but the colonists always rise from the ruins and continue their work. We do unequivocally sympathise… till the moment when we return to the people’s daily lives.
A story of an extraordinary artist who has unintentionally signed a deal with a devil. Jiří Trnka was one of the biggest Czech artists of the 20th century and one of the founders of the puppet animation. His work demonstrated the world that communist society can provide better conditions for extraordinary artistic creations. The ideological clash between West and East didn’t leave children and their stories apart from their struggle in ideological and political positions.
Life is not easy for Laika, a dog on the outskirts of a big Russian city. She is caught and forcibly retrained to become a pioneer in astronautics. Soon after her lift-off into space, a number of animals follow that are hurriedly launched from Houston and Baikonur. The animals travel astray, but finally manage, with the help of a black hole, to colonize a faraway planet. After a short period of harmonious, undisturbed co-existence with indigenous life forms, however, first human cosmonaut run ashore on their planet, and their harmonious life, indeed their very survival, are suddenly in jeopardy.
Flower Buds tells the story of the gradual breakdown of a family living in a small town. Each character lives according to his or her own ideals. Agata wants a happy life far from home, fully aware that her only hope is to escape and therefore betray those close to her. Honza believes in the purity and power of love, regardless of the circumstances under which it is born. Kamila looks confidently to the future and does not intend to accept the misery of the present. The only Jarda knows that he will not change the world or himself. Aware of his weakness, he does not even try. In his mind, of course, his addiction to slot machines, which has led to a nearly impossible situation, is as certain as most gamblers' belief of an imminent win. The real and convincing attempt to rescue his family comes when it is too late. It is just a futile gesture, a desperate last ditch effort.
어느 집 다락방에서 행복하게 살아가는 장난감들이 있다. 스페인 꼭두각시 인형 ‘핸섬 경’, 최고의 도자기 인형이며 귀여운 제빵사인 ‘버터컵’, 기차역장인 “테디”, 진흙 인형 ‘로랑’ 등. 아침이면 늘 맛있는 케익을 구워주던 버터컵이 어느 날 갑자기 악의 세계를 다스리는 잔인한 무리들에게 의해 납치된다. 버터컵을 구하고 평화를 되찾기 위해 친구들의 노력은 과연 성공할 수 있을까?
이 영화는 전설적인 얀 베리치의 책 "핌파룸"의 이야기 중 다섯 가지 에피소드를 다루고 있다. 영화는 작가가 직접 우리에게 각각의 이야기를 들려주는 것으로 시작한다. 어떻게 하면 우리에게 주어진 일상의 문제들을 풀어갈 것인지에 관해 들려준다. 술 중독이라는 악마, 오만하고 두려움 없는 마음, 악명 높은 구두쇠, 도박증 그리고 부부간의 배신 등 체코 애니메이션의 오랜 전통인 퍼핏 애니메이션의 전통을 따르는 이 영화는 15년이라는 제작 기간이 걸렸다.
There are two different boys in the zoo. Ivoš is a small wrestler who wanders himself in the barracks when a blind boy throws it and squeezes it with lemonade. Out of a primordial friendship will spring up. Both of them love animals, and Ivoš decides to involve Sleppo, as he tells him, into the common child's world. It sneezes it to the animals and allows him to touch the turtles, elephants or camel - the animals he knew at the time only by the sounds.
Laid-off old mannequins spend their cracked and broken lives in an old, abandoned warehouse. New mannequins are brought to the warehouse. They are old as well, but from a younger generation. The two groups must live together, but it's not easy at all.
A satiric film travesty of Shakespeare's dramas set in the year 2000. The protagonists are to convince the audience that human passions such as love, hatred, jealousy, etc. remain unchanged even 500 years later (paralleling the up-to-date quality of Shakespeare's dramas).
Theatre Play
A man sits down to watch a football match, which seems to consist of the players being violently mutilated in various inventive ways. The players then leave the football pitch and invade the spectator's flat...
A modern version of a classical fairy-tale by Hans Christian Andersen about a veteran who got rich thanks to a magic flint and thus he could marry a beautiful princess.
A fairy-tale about a brave, self-sacrificial and faithful girl named Maryska who sets free an enchanted princess and her twelve maids from a mysterious castle.