Ann Walker

Ann Walker

프로필 사진

Ann Walker

참여 작품

A Country Christmas Harmony
Pearl Covington
Follows Luke and Chrissy, a former country music duo and ex-sweethearts who run into each other years later after Chrissy disappeared on Luke, but now they realize they can only survive the holidays with the other one's help.
Sordid Lives
An All-Star reading of the original stage play version of Sordid Lives! A family in a small Texas town is preparing for a funeral. Among the characters are the grandson trying to find his identity in West Hollywood, the son who has spent the past twenty-three years dressed as Tammy Wynette, the sister and her best friend (who live in delightfully kitschy homes), and the two daughters, one strait-laced and one a bit looser.
어 베리 소디드 웨딩
LaVonda DuPree
Del Shores' follow-up to "Sordid Lives" revisits Winters, Texas for a showdown between the gradually liberalizing locals and the new fundamentalist preacher in the wake of the Supreme Court's marriage equality decision.
Big Gay Love
An overweight party planner meets the love of his life but is comically challenged by his own insecurity in image conscious Los Angeles.
Hollywood to Dollywood
Gay twins Gary and Larry have always loved Dolly Parton. They left their small town home ten years ago to make it in Hollywood and are finally ready to get their script to Dolly. In a RV named Jolene, the boys embark on the adventure of a lifetime. This road trip is also a journey of self-discovery and an attempt to resolve mommy issues that have divided them since childhood.
쉬스 노 엔젤
A drama and thriller story of a young woman who has suffered great abuse as a girl and who finds happiness when in a car accident, by mistake, she finds refuge in a false personality. She allows a pair of grieving parents to believe she is their late son's wife. But happiness is not so easy, since the past always comes out and Catherine will have to act to protect the family who has given so much affection.
Sordid Lives
LaVonda DuPree
"Sordid Lives" is about a family in a small Texas town preparing for the funeral of the mother. Among the characters are the grandson trying to find his identity in West Hollywood, the son who has spent the past twenty-three years dressed as Tammy Wynette, the sister and her best friend (who live in delightfully kitschy homes), and the two daughters (one strait-laced and one quite a bit of a loser).
The Fumbleheads
When his town's beloved football team, the Buzzards, moves out of state, diehard fan Charlie confronts the team's greedy owner. With the help of his nephew and a nervous accountant, Charlie embarks on a campaign to bring the Buzzards home.
Mrs. D'Arienzo
Teens on a study program abroad have to learn survival techniques when they crash on an uncharted Malaysian island.
Wealthy Woman at Party
A wealthy writer who has had terrible experiences with money-hungry girlfriends & ex-wives pretends to be a broke, washed-up novelist to see if the woman he loves wants him for himself or just for his money.
소울 맨
Mrs. Dunbar
하버드 법대로 전학한 마크(Mark Watson : C. 토마스 하우웰 분)는 독립심을 주기 위한 아버지의 재정지원 거부로 학교를 포기할 상황에 처한다. 마크는 화약약품을 이용하여 흑인으로 위장, 흑인에게만 주는 장학금을 받아내어 학교 생활을 계속하게 된다. 이로 인해 연속적인 위기에 처하던 마크는 마침내 약효가 떨어져 애인인 흑인 여학생 사라(Sarah Walker : 래 돈 종 분)와, 그를 사랑하는 휘트니, 때마침 방문한 부모에게 모든 사실이 들통난다. 이어 캠퍼스 내에서는 지도교수 뱅크스 주재로 징계위원회가 열린다. 친구 고든(Gordon Bloomfeld : 아리 그로스 분)의 열렬한 대변으로 모든 해결을 원만히 본 마크는 본래의 모습으로 돌아가 활기찬 캠퍼스 생활로 돌아간다.
톱니바퀴의 칼날
Ms. Barne's Secretary
샌프란시스코, 폭풍이 몰아치는 어느 날 밤, 해변의 호화스러운 별장에서 의문의 살인사건이 발생한다. 피해자는 샌프란시스코의 명사이자 출판왕의 손녀인 페이지 폴레스타. 그녀의 막대한 재산의 상속자인 남편인 잭 포레스터는 살인혐의로 체포되고, 피의자로 법정에 서게 된다. 한편, 5년 전 도덕적 딜레마로 고생한 후 형사 재판을 꺼리는 테디 번즈가 잭의 변호를 맡게 된다. 자신이 무죄임에 대한 설득력 있는 주장에 테디 역시 그의 무죄를 확신하게 된다.
Marigold Pixietwiddle
When Fantasyworld veteran, Early Knapp, decides to retire because the kids of the World no longer believe in him or the need for sleep, Fantasyworld's middle-management fairy-official in charge of Non-Human Resources, Marigold Pixietwiddle, gets involved. Together they go out in to the "field" to investigate a child who can actually see Knapp. Once there, the child, Tina Golden, manages to steal their magic, freeing the World's children from nightly sleep, jeopardizing the existence of Fantasyworld and generally unleashing a slapsticky Mayhem on the duo. In the end, both Knapp and the children learn valuable lessons about doing the right thing and the necessity for kids to go to sleep.