Josef Ber

Josef Ber

프로필 사진

Josef Ber

참여 작품

The Defector
Teddy Knox
1967, the height of the Red Scare. Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt is embroiled in a power struggle after discovering his spymaster has illegally investigated and exposed Red sympathisers embedded within Holt's administration.
Things to Do
The things we do for love. How far would you go for the one you love?
직장을 잃고 낙심한 짐은 길을 걷다 천사의 도움으로 목숨을 건진다. 이를 핑계로 술에 찌든 천사는 짐에게 달라붙어 그의 아파트에 얹혀 살게 되고 가족은 변화를 겪게 된다. 10달러에도 못 미치는 삶의 가치를 찾아가는 성인을 위한 동화이다.
Joe Byrne / Orderly
Parody of the legend of Australian bushranger Ned Kelly.
By the time his Qantas flight from Bangkok had taxied to the terminal Brad's brain was fried. A lot was riding on this deal for Chrissie. Money had changed hands. Promises made. The consequences of missing the drop were fatal. Peter Jess, recovering prescription drug addict, struggling med student and ex-lover was her last, best hope. Brad's prognosis was bad - he was dead. Chrissie had a contingency plan. But none of them counted on Detective Lyle Draper stumbling into the picture.