A detail of random people are told that they are a part of a live testing for data on their reactions in the woods without any technology at their disposal . . . when in reality they are the stars of a bored and twisted family who have gathered together for the holidays to watch them all die.
A hopeful neurologist gathers a detail of antisocial criminals for weekly meetings in an attempt to cure them of their dysfunctional ways -- but it does not take long for him to realize that this was a bad idea from the get-go.
For years, Tony and Leo have been a happy couple. They had always talked about having a child... someday. So when a sickly infant is abandoned at a local hospital, Tony sees it as a sign. Suddenly, Leo is confronted with making good on his promise to start a family; he must face his deep-seeded fears of being a father, or risk losing Tony altogether.
A struggling actress finds herself in the middle of a real-life spy movie when her younger brother shows up after being chased by a mysterious stranger who murdered his lover.
The story involves a young waiter Sebastian, who meets an older man, Max. It seems that Max has a fascination with violence and is looking to indulge his fantasy. So, when the two men meet a perfect stranger, it seems only fitting that they kill him. The two then move from feeling guilty to feeling exultation, and soon they're on the hunt for more victims to feed their rush. They both have a female friend, both of whom know that something is going on with their friend, suspecting that this relationship isn't exactly healthy.
Singer at Wake
처참하게 폭행당한 아내, 법보다 빠르고 확실한 복수를 약속하는 의문의 남자와 조직. 어느 날, 집으로 돌아오던 아내가 정체불명의 괴한에게 처참하게 폭행을 당한 윌(니콜라스 케이지). 하지만 범인을 잡을 수 없다는 절망과 분노에 빠져있던 그 때, 정체불명의 남자(가이 피어스)가 다가와 은밀한 제안을 한다. 바로 아내를 폭행한 범인에게 대신 복수를 해주겠다는 것. 그들의 제안을 수락한 순간, 대리복수의 함정에 빠졌다! 윌은 고민 끝에 그들의 제안을 수락하고, 아무도 모르게 범인은 살해된다. 그리고 다시 찾아온 그들이 요구한 대리복수의 대가는 그 역시 타인의 복수를 대신 해줘야 한다는 것! 평범한 일상에서 일급살인 용의자가 되어 쫓기는 신세가 된 윌. 그는 이제, 경찰과 비밀조직 모두의 추격을 피해 진실을 파헤쳐야 하는데… 사랑하는 사람이 처참하게 폭행당했고, 가해자는 법의 심판조차 받지 않았다. 그리고, 다가온 은밀한 제안… 당신은 복수를 의뢰하시겠습니까?
Long-term couple Simon and Jason, along with daddy-ish Cooper and his boy du jour, escape to a mountain cabin for a three-day weekend away from their hectic city lives. Looking to spice up this long-standing tradition, they add a special twist to this years retreat - each of them must invite one attractive single friend to their mountain getaway.
Daniel Strong
Claudia Wagner dreams of being a lawyer and, along with her boyfriend Sonny, must put all her knowledge into use when, one by one, her girlfriends become victim to a serial killer. Can she uncover his identity before she becomes the next victim?