While his neighbors, friends and family all prepare for an emission-free Constitution Day celebration, Gunnar struggles to cope with life in the materialistic suburbs of Norway. A satirical slice of Norway’s new-wealth middle class and their unspoken rules for achieving the perfect life.
Gritt / Gry-Jeanette
The troubled artist Gritt is struggling for relevance and belonging in an unwelcoming society, but then she undergoes a radicalization process in the name of art.
Ingrid tries, together with several acquaintances, to compose a song for the wedding of a common friend. However she's more occupied with her mother's death that she by accident contributed to.
The unemployed performance artist Gritt struggles to make sense, as she moves below the successful surface of Oslo.
The unemployed performance artist Gritt struggles to make sense, as she moves below the successful surface of Oslo.
A couple decide to open a home for refuges in the remote cold mountains of Norway.
Siri H Kverneland
A nurse gets into a dispute at work because she switches to speaking English when she gets nervous. A translator compromises her integrity when persuaded to translate a book she doesn't believe in. An elderly woman and her daughter are humiliated when offered a present of one million kroner from a relative. A warm and nuanced film about people who all mean well, but end up hurting one another.
A filmatic essay about the gap between the well known and the new.
안드레아는 직장과 집과 아내가 있는 평범한 40대 남자다. 단 한 가지, 도대체 그것들이 어디서 생겼는지 혹은 자기가 그 낯선 도시에 어떻게 도착하게 되었는지 알 수 없다는 점만 빼면 아무런 문제도 없다. 이 완벽한 도시는 이상할 정도로 깨끗하고 주민들은 기계적이어서, 안드레아는 여기서 도망치고 싶다. 안드레아의 유일한 동료는 휴고뿐이다. 어느 날 휴고가 지하실에서 갈라진 틈을 발견하고, 그 틈으로부터 두 남자의 탈출 계획이 시작된다. 디스토피아를 배경으로 한 블랙 코미디로, 공포스러운 만큼 코믹하고 익숙한 만큼 낯설다.