Additional Soundtrack
An orphan, with a brilliant mind, joins RAW and is burdened by the killing of his entire team. Until he doesn't avenge their death, he can't live in peace with his love. So, he hatches a genius plan.
Additional Soundtrack
In 1895, Shivkar Bapuji Talpade constructs and flies India's first unmanned plane, despite having the odds stacked against him.
Additional Soundtrack
Ran and Leela are passionately in love with each other. The only problem is that their respective clans have been enemies for 500 years.
Laxminarayan Kapoor lives a wealthy lifestyle in London along with his religious wife, Maya; son Ravinder; and two nephews, Sandeep and Randeep. While the nephews have adapted themselves to the country and women, Ravinder is still a virgin at 40, and is a sleep-walker. After getting his leg pulled constantly, he asks his father to get him married, and is introduced to a statuesque beauty - who rejects him after discovering his sleep-walking disorder. His parents then get him married to Gauri, and he hopes to end his celibacy, in vain albeit, as she turns out to be child-like and naive. Frustrated, unable to get intimate he befriends a Caucasian female, Sharon, and decides to marry her. Watch what response he gets, and the impact this has on everyone.
Original Music Composer
A story-writer attempts to convince a producer to accept four erotic stories from the Panchtantra.
Original Music Composer
Two cops who are best friends have a friendly rivalry until their need for supremacy leads them to fight to be top dog.
Original Music Composer
Dr. Duke Chawla, a paralytic patient awaits death as his fiancee leaves him. However, he befriends a boy who's terminally ill, helps him to live life the fullest.
A traumatized child becomes a political activist but agrees to become an assassin upon being captured.
Music Director
An investigation is immediately opened up into the alleged death of Trishna, who was in the car. CBI suspects Rana of committing planned murder. Here enters Vivek Varma, CBI officer who intent in nailing Rana with murder. Vivek does have his own agendas though, as his girlfriend, an ardent fan of Rana himself, has gone on to join Rana as an assistant, and has gradually grown more attached to Rana than she is to Vivek himself, causing their relationship to strain. Vivek probes continuously to try to convict Rana with murder, as he reveals that two more murders took place within his film sets during the shooting of 'Cinema', and believes now that Rana is responsible for all three murders.. He hires her as his new muse, and in the shooting spot, they are shown to share a very intimate relationship, fueling existing rumors that he is a womanizer
Original Music Composer
우연히 다리 위에서 만난 여인 사키나에게 첫눈에 반한 라지. 그러나 그녀는 1년 전에 떠난 옛 연인을 매일 밤 그 자리에서 기다리고 있다. 끈질긴 구애로 그녀의 마음이 움직이는 듯 하지만, 떠났던 그녀의 옛 연인이 운명처럼 돌아온다. 과연 라지의 사랑은 이루어질 것인가.
세계 제2의 영화제작소인 인도의 발리우드에서 본격적인 할리우드 자본으로 탄생한 첫 작품. 로 인도 영화 아카데미에서 감독상을 수상한 산제이 렐라 반살리 감독이 메가폰을 잡았으며 란비르 카푸르, 소남 카푸르가 주연했다. 도스토예프스키의 단편 에서 영감을 얻은 이 작품은 한 편의 마술 같은 사랑 이야기를 노래와 춤이 조화된 아름다운 영상으로 승화시킨다. 그린과 블루, 그리고 블랙의 톤으로 유지되는 영상은 꿈 속 같은 몽환적인 분위기 연출하기에 충분하고 호수와 안개, 흩뿌리는 눈과 비, 바람에 흔들리는 나무 등의 자연과 네온사인의 조화는 신비롭고 환상적인 장면장면을 탄생시킨다. 인도 영화에서만 만날 수 있는 맛깔 나는 춤, "Saawariya", "Thode Badmash", "Sawar Gayi" 등 이국적인 느낌이 물씬 풍기는 배경음악들을 듣는 재미도 놓칠 수 없다.
Original Music Composer
Mr. Sekhri is the Indian Ambassador in Russia, and his Chief Assistant is Mr. Negi. Sekhri is widowed with a son named Aditya, while Negi is married and has brought his wife, Anjali, and two daughters, Lucky and Dhara, with him to Russia. One day while going to school, Lucky's bicycle has a flat tire...
Original Music Composer
소리는 침묵이 되고, 빛은 어둠이 되던 시절, 불가능을 가능으로 바꾼 한 소녀의 희망의 메시지! 세상이 "블랙" 자체인 보지도 듣지도 못하는 8살 소녀 미셸에게 끊임없는 사랑과 노력으로 세상과 소통하는 법을 가르쳐주고 그녀의 꿈을 펼칠 수 있게해 준 사하이 선생님.. 그러나 알츠하이머로 기억상실증에 걸려 그녀조차 알아볼 수 없게 된 사하이 선생에게 이제 미셸 자신이 기적을 보여주려하는데..
Music Score Producer
Indian (Sohail Khan), or I, as he goes by, is distraught when he must move to London with his father in order to live with the rest of his family, who have been living in England for a while. Once there, I begins to realize that many of the minority families are being bullied by white skinheads, and he decides he must get involved in order to stop the cycle of hatred.
Original Music Composer
영국에서 10년간의 유학생활을 마치고 막 귀국한 데브다스. 그는 어머니보다도 파로를 먼저 만나러 간다. 파로는 데브다스와 어릴 때부터 단짝친구로 지내온 이웃집 아가씨. 헤어질 때부터 촛불을 켜놓고 데브다스를 그리워한 파로와 데브다스는 격정적인 사랑에 빠져든다. 그러나 둘이 결혼하는 것을 못마땅해하던 데브다스의 집안은 파로의 어머니를 공개적으로 망신을 주고 결국 둘을 갈라놓는다. 데브다스는 파로에게 이별을 통고하는 편지를 쓰는 한편, 고통을 잊기 위해 고급유곽을 드나들다가 아름다운 찬드라무키를 알게 된다. 술에 탐닉하기 시작한 데브다스를, 찬드라무키는 마음 깊숙이 사랑하게 된다. 한편 파로는 지역의 막강한 유지와 결혼을 하고, 자신의 남편이 죽은 전처를 잊지 못하고 있다는 사실과, 남편과 전처 사이에 세 명의 자식이 있다는 사실을 알게 된다.
Lover Boy is a 1985 Indian Bollywood film produced and directed by Shomu Mukherjee. It stars Rajiv Kapoor, Meenakshi Seshadri and Anita Raj in pivotal roles.
Arun is a shy accountant in Bombay who dreams of romancing Prabh, but never gets past following her around without managing to actually speak up. While Arun twiddles his thumbs, suave Nagesh steps into the picture and turns on the heat, prompting Arun to take "love coaching" from "romance specialist" Julius Nagendranath to win Prabha back.