조작된 채 종결된 4년 전 실종사건… 유일한 목격자의 침묵에 숨겨진 진실이 밝혀진다! 실종된 공무원의 여권 소지 혐의로 국경 통제소에 14세 집시 소년 마르코가 체포되자
칼 마크와 그의 미해결 처리부서 Q팀은 여권과 관련된 과거 미결 실종사건에 대해
몇 가지 의심스러운 요소를 발견하게 된다. 사라진 공무원은 실종 직전 소아성애 혐의로 기소되고,
이 사건은 이례적으로 2주 만에 빠르게 종결되었다는 것. 더 많은 단서를 찾기 위해 담당했던 형사와 실종자의 가족,
그리고 피해자까지 찾아가 보지만 제대로 된 실마리를 찾지 못한다.
정신적인 충격으로 모든 대화를 거부하고 침묵만 유지했던
유일한 목격자 소년 마르코가 갇혀있던 보호소에서 도주하고,
그 뒤를 추적하면서 어둠에 가려져 있던 범죄자들과
덴마크 금융계의 지원금 횡령, 수많은 사기 사건들이 드러나기 시작하는데…
The Shamer's Daughter, Dina, with the magical power of compelling people to admit their most secret shame, must save her family with her newly found father. But he is a Blackmaster, with the power to make people see and believe things that aren't true, so Dina must deal with having inherited this horrible power, while forging a relationship with a father she fears and mistrusts.
The two tradesmen Ib and Edward are tired of their lifeless marriages and dream of living the good life from the stash of money they've earned moonlighting for years. After a huge fight with their wives the two men get drunk and hire a Russian contract killer to do a hit on their spouses. But they have badly underestimated their wives, and this becomes the start of an absurd journey where Ib and Edward to their own horror end at the top of a kill list.
Michael lives in a housing project. He and his friends make music together. Michael is clearly the biggest talent in the group, and one day he is discovered by the established rapper Apollo who makes Michael his ghostwriter. A big opportunity for Michael, this also means moving forward without his friends and breaking the unwritten rule of loyalty. Michael focuses on his music, hoping that the situation will resolve itself. As his friends lose their patience, a dramatic showdown is inevitable.
Wanting to start a fresh, Katrine moves from the province into a dormitory in Copenhagen and enrolls at the University. But when she crosses conniving Sanne by getting together with Sanne's ex, all hell breaks loose. Sanne and her friends frighten Katrine with an old myth surrounding the ghost of a former resident. Yet the myth very soon becomes reality.