Alice Tzeng

Alice Tzeng

프로필 사진

Alice Tzeng
Alice Tzeng
Alice Tzeng
Alice Tzeng
Alice Tzeng
Alice Tzeng

참여 작품

Lawrence Lau directs Ballistic, a crime thriller that uses the turbulent world of Taiwanese politics to tell a riveting story of cops, corruption, and how righteousness still has value in this grey-shaded world.
Forgive And Forget
Alice returns to Hong Kong from Taiwan with great sadness. Two weeks ago, Alice's boyfriend ANDY (Andy On) passed away in an automobile accident. A month before the accident, Alice found out Andy has been cheating and decided to break off their relationship. Alice never thought the day they broke up would also be the last time she saw him. Alice is back in Hong Kong after receiving an invitation for a memorial service that Andy's friends are holding in his memory. During her stay, she moves into Andy's home, their home. Alice is familiar with every table, every chair, every cranny and nook, but now, it's no longer theirs or Andy's, she spends her day retracing their past in pain.
L for Love, L for Lies
Everything was going well for Ah Bo until recently. After graduating from college, she decided to open a shop with her long-time boyfriend, Ah Jun, thinking that she would eventually marry Jun when everything has been set up and running smoothly. One day, Bao met her old classmate Kei Kei. Kei Kei decided to steal Ah Jun for her own, not caring about Ah Bo's feelings.
말할 수 없는 비밀
Qing Yi
예술학교로 전학 온 상륜(주걸륜)은 아버지의 영향을 받아 피아노에 천부적인 소질을 보인다. 학교를 둘러보던 중 신비스러운 피아노 연주가 흘러나오는 옛 음악실을 발견하게 되고, 그곳에서 샤오위(계륜미)를 만난다. 그들은 아름다운 피아노 선율처럼 즐거운 시간을 보내고, 둘 사이에는 애틋한 마음이 싹튼다. 그러나 상륜이 샤오위를 더 알고 싶어할 때마다 그녀는 비밀이라고 일관하며 의미심장한 미소만 짓는다. 어느 날 샤오위는 우연히 상륜이 같은 반 여학생 칭요와 키스하는 모습을 보게 되고, 그의 곁에서 사라지는데…