Jean Pierre
Over the years, the monthly meetings of the Stew Club – a fraternity that has gathered seven long-time friends for decades – has gone from rituals of power to melancholic failure assemblies. The end would be its only worthy fate. Until a mysterious cook appears, and starts serving them magnificent feasts. The bonds of friendship are back, gluttony as a celebration of life. But there is a catch: after each dinner, a member of the brotherhood is found dead the next morning.
Paralyzed from the waist down after an accident, Cássio's relationship with Julia goes through difficulties. Feeling rejected, she starts a new romance. Based on the novel "Lady Chatterley's Lover" by D. H. Lawrence.
Zé Macaco
아버지가 모는 택시 안에서 태어난 우노는 차와 소통할 수 있는 능력을 얻게 된다. 비유가 아니라, 진짜로 우노는 차와 대화를 나눈다. 15년 이상된 차를 금지하는 정부의 정책으로 아버지의 택시 회사가 위기에 처하자, 농사의 꿈을 접고 아버지를 돕는다. 차와 대화할 수 있는 우노의 초능력과 삼촌의 노력은 성공하지만, 자의식을 얻게 된 택시들은 점점 우노의 통제를 벗어나기 시작한다.
마을의 마스코트 염소, 셀레스치나를 찾아라! 그동안 무시만 당하던 경찰 둘이 힘을 합쳐 최대 작전을 시작한다. 사라진 염소가 거대 범죄 조직으로 안내할 줄은 꿈에도 모른 채.
The quiet life of the small town Piedade's inhabitants is shaken up by the arrival of a big oil company, which barges in taking over houses and local businesses, throwing everyone out, to better reach and use the area's natural resources.
Rufus (voice)
어머니와 함께 사는 수줍은 10살 소년 티토. 어느 날부터 갑자기, 두려움을 느끼면 병에 걸리는 특이한 전염병이 마을에 번지기 시작한다. 티토는 실종된 아버지의 새 소리 연구가 이 병의 치료와 연관되어 있음을 알게 되고, 친구들과 함께 이 전염병으로부터 세계를 구하기 위한 여정에 오른다.
A film director faces a complex situation in the production of his new film: Laerte, the protagonist of the story, begins to renegade her former characters, the Pirates of the Tietê. Lost in this situation and determined to be faithful to his whims after seeing the approach of death, the director decides to tell his drama mixing his persona with the story, creating a chaotic labyrinth between fiction and real life.
How Do You See Me? is a Brazilian documentary feature that entwines both experienced actors and beginners to explore the hardships and the happiness that are inherent to the job when detached from the glam and glitz of the gossip industry, creating a diverse and comprehensive mosaic of what it means to be an actor in Brazil, a country so full of contradictions. The film brings forward a reality that the masses usually don't get to know: the men and women moved by a deep passion for acting and touching people. With Julio Adrião, Matheus Nachtergaele, José Celso Martinez, Cássia Kis, Nanda Costa, Babu Santana, Luciano Vidigal and Letícia Sabatella, among others.
"All Paulos in the World" is a cinematographic essay about Paulo José, one of the greatest artists in Brazil, in the year in which he turns 80 years-old.
‘훌리오’는 평범하고 화복한 농촌 가정에서 자란 독실한 기독교인이다. ‘훌리오’의 유일한 고민은, 브라질의 여느 시골 청년들과 같이 앞으로 먹고 사는 문제였다. 그러던 어느 날. 도시에서 경찰 일을 하는 삼촌 ‘시세로’에게 일을 소개받은 ‘훌리오’는 경찰 제복을 입을 거란 꿈에 부푼 채 도시로 올라간다. 그러나 ‘시세로’에게 처음 소개받은 일은 일면식도 없는 남자를 살해하는 데 가담하는 것. 얼떨결에 휘말린 ‘훌리오’는 ‘시세로’에게 절대 이런 일은 못 한다고 펄쩍 뛰었지만, 절대 만질 수 없을 거금의 유혹에 ‘훌리오’는 점점 사람을 죽이는 일에 익숙해지고. 어느 날 청부업자 일을 하기 위해 들른 마을에서 만나게된 ‘마리아’에게 한눈에 반해 평범한 가정을 꾸리게되고, 가족들에겐 평범한 경찰이라고 거짓말한 ‘훌리오’는 여전히 이중적인 가면을 쓰고 살인 청부업자 일을 계속 한다. 하지만 한편으로 살해한 이들을 회상하고 양심의 가책을 느끼는 ‘홀리오’. 그러던 어느 날 삼촌 `시세로`에 대한 충격적인 비밀을 알게 되는데…
Vicuña Porto / Gaspar Toledo
18세기 아순시온의 스페인 장교 자마는 새 부임지로의 발령을 간절히 기다리지만, 왕의 전갈은 도착할 기미가 없다. 안토니오 디 베네데토의 원작 소설을 아르헨티나의 여성 거장 감독 루크레시아 마르텔이 영화로 옮긴 작품. 감독 특유의 시적 화면과 실존에 대한 성찰이 돋보인다.
Two years of research and visits to collections, cinematheques and museums; almost seventy interviews that generated 30 hours of recorded material; more than two hundred scanned photos and more than one hundred films watched. In total, more than a thousand hours of work were needed to prepare Brazilian Cinema in the 20th Century. The work is a fascinating journey through all the cinematic cycles that Brazil lived, from the pioneering Belle Époque, through the great studios like Atlântica and Cinédia, Cinema Novo, the urban comedies of the 70's, until the resumption in the late 90's. The documentary is unique, it gives the floor to who really wrote and lived this story intensely.
Two sisters live in the same house with their husbands in bedrooms separated by a single wall. One of the sisters, Lígia, is still a virgin. Dissatisfied, she wants to dissolve the marriage and thinks about suicide. To prevent her sister’s suicide, Guida offers her own husband, Paulo, for one night.
Pierre is seventeen and in the middle of puberty. He plays in a band, has sex at parties and secretly tries on women’s clothing and lipstick in front of a mirror. Ever since his father’s death, his mother Aracy has looked after him and his younger sister Jacqueline, spoiling them both. But when he discovers that she stole him from a hospital when he was a new born baby, Pierre’s life changes dramatically. In her new film, director Anna Muylaert explores the mother-child relationship through the eyes of a rebellious son whose whole world unravels overnight.
Seu Xico/Nelson
The boy Francisco spent his days accompanying his father at work, or rather, on the roads. The man is a driver of the imposing Big Jet, a pickup truck used to clean the city's cesspools without basic sanitation. But the boy is more interested in the ideas of his uncle, a libertarian and anarchist artist. As he discovers his first love, Chico realizes the vocation to become a poet.
When the Netuno Circus returns to Fernando de Noronha, it brings back a young man with a turbulent past. Pedro is now Zolah, the human cannonball. When secrets surface, bizarre family reunions rival the circus performances.
Joãosinho Trinta
Biopic about the late Joãozinho Trinta, a self-taught classical dancer who turned Rio's Carnival into an international phenomenon in the 1970s and '80s by directing parades for samba schools and putting focus on costumes and decor.
Coronel Carvalho
단짝 친구인 줄리아노와 조아킹은 1980년 브라질 골드러시 때 대박의 꿈을 품고 세라 펠라다로 향하나, 그만 탐욕에 빠져 계획이 어그러진다.
Centered on two young boys, an aristocrat and a native, chronicles the period in which Brazil went from colony to the center of the Portuguese Empire.
Olegário, a poor man from the Brazilian Northeast, must cross an arid region to sell his animals. He faces several dangers like poisonous snakes, a jaguar, hunger and thirst.
Fernando de Souza
Picucha may seem old-fashioned, but she has modern ideas and a great sense of humor. As the matriarch of a big family, she is involved in the daily lives of her children, grandchildren and other relatives. Undeterred by the typical problems of old age, she uses her many years of experience to solve problems in the best way possible.
Zizo, a radical and anarchist poet living in a marginal quarter of Recife in the north eastern state of Pernambuco, distributes his social angst-filled thoughts through a publication named Febre do Rato, and spews poetry to anyone who’d listen. Our character always revolves within the universe that he has created around himself. A very particular world, in which satisfying the unfortunate is a mixture of a kind of benefit with high dose of malice.
Dirceu Borboleta
Based on the homonymous work of Dias Gomes , The Well Beloved tells the story of the mayor Paraguassu Odorico, whose primary goal in his administration in the city of Sucupira is the inauguration of a cemetery. One side is supported by the sisters Cajazeiras. On the other, he has to fight against strong opposition led by Vladmir, owner of rag city. For lack of a corpse, the mayor can never accomplish his goal. Not even the arrival of Ernesto - a dying man who does not die - and hiring Zeca Diabo, a bandit killer, provide him with the realization of his dream. Odorico gun situations for someone to die, but the first body to be buried in Sucupira may be the mayor himself, that the hunter becomes the hunted and goes from villain to martyr.
Original Music Composer
"The Dead Girl's Feast" narrates the story of Santinho, a young man who has been exalted to the position of a saint in a remote riverine community of the upper Amazonas state, after performing a “miracle” upon the suicide of his own mother. The film seeks to be an intimate picture of the ones who are involved in this sect and of the infinite human capacity of “fabricating” faith and seeking for some sense in the horrifying experience of death.
"The Dead Girl's Feast" narrates the story of Santinho, a young man who has been exalted to the position of a saint in a remote riverine community of the upper Amazonas state, after performing a “miracle” upon the suicide of his own mother. The film seeks to be an intimate picture of the ones who are involved in this sect and of the infinite human capacity of “fabricating” faith and seeking for some sense in the horrifying experience of death.
"The Dead Girl's Feast" narrates the story of Santinho, a young man who has been exalted to the position of a saint in a remote riverine community of the upper Amazonas state, after performing a “miracle” upon the suicide of his own mother. The film seeks to be an intimate picture of the ones who are involved in this sect and of the infinite human capacity of “fabricating” faith and seeking for some sense in the horrifying experience of death.
Life of inhabitants of a small fishing village of the caribbean , changes drastically after the apparition of a Black Virgin, which disallowed the skies to get dark, stopped the vandals from invaden town. After months of intense changes in the chaotic life of this fishing town, the inhabitants had to face the most cruel of changes in their lives.La vida de los habitantes de un pueblo pesquero del caribe, cambia drásticamente tras la aparición de una Virgen Negra, ésta no permitió que el cielo volviera a oscurecer, impidió que los vándalos invadieran el pueblo. Luego de meses de intensos cambios en la caótica vida de este pueblo pesquero, sus habitantes tuvieron que enfrentarse al más cruel de los cambios en sus vidas
Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, the present. When a young Guarani-Kaiowá woman commits suicide, Nádio leads his community to form a protest camp on the borders of a local farm that sits on their ancestral burial ground.
Queixão / Moisés
During Carnival at the historic site of Pelourinho, we follow the lives of tenants in a run-down rental house who try to survive using creativity, irony, humor and music. This is an adaptation of the TV show, not the 2007 movie which inspired the TV show.
The film deals with the process of globalization based on the thought of geographer Milton Santos, who through his ideas and practices, inspires the debate about Brazilian society and the construction of a new world. Santos discusses his views on the importance of respecting difference and his belief that an alternative globalisation model could wholly enfranchise all citizens of the world. An illustrious presence in 20th century social sciences, the man dubbed as ‘geography’s philosopher’ eloquently elucidates a developing world perspective on the global age.
A man falls in love with a teenage girl, who is exploited by her own grandfather, who sometimes takes her to a gas station to show her naked to whomever pays him some money.
In a dark and decadent area of São Paulo, the exiled Americans Rosso and his son Paul own a brothel. Paul is a compulsive gambler addicted in cocaine and his father is married with the former prostitute Angie, and they have a little son. When a client is killed by his wife in their establishment, they find a suitcase with drugs.
Associate Producer
A group of bored well-off young adults come up with anarchic concept of Conceptionism, that promotes absolute looseness when it comes to sex and drugs, but total rejection of money and ego. However, their movement won't last long.
A group of bored well-off young adults come up with anarchic concept of Conceptionism, that promotes absolute looseness when it comes to sex and drugs, but total rejection of money and ego. However, their movement won't last long.
Quinzinho (Matheus Nachtergaele) has a promise to keep: take your child, Neco (Vinicius Miranda), to the city to watch a movie Mazzaropi. They live in a small farm in São Paulo. In this odyssey by the cities of São Paulo, he also leads his wife Zulmira (Gorete Miracles), which part unwillingly, and the donkey Policarpo. On the journey, they find regional peculiarities and undergo magical situations, related to popular belief.
Actor in play 'woyzeck o brasileiro'
Antônio Martins, respected theatrical critic, is a very rational man. But a chance meeting with young Inês, a nude painting model, is going to rock him. Inês keeps a relationship with painter José Torres Campana, an older man with a deep influence over her. Antônio gets jealous, and the three become characters of a drama saturated with desire and danger.
Weatherman from a TV network goes back to his hometown, Vale da Rocha, a place in Northeast Brazil, devastated by the drought. He is forced to face the geographic elements and his own memories.
Psychological thriller larded with manga-like animations about the young, poor comic strip illustrator Nina, living with her mean landlady. She sinks further and further into a violent fantasy world.
A small poor community called Javé is under threat of being flooded by a new dam that is being built, and the only way to prevent this is to prove the town's historical value. As most of the inhabitants are illiterate, they have no choice but to ask for the help of Antônio Biá, a man who has been ostracized ever since it was discovered that he had sent out letters with lies about their reputations as a way to keep his job in Javé's seldom-used post office. He now has the task of documenting people's memories of how the city was founded, yet each inhabitant has his or her own version of what happened.
Documentary on the preparation of actors for "City of God".
The writer Pia and the painter Gil live by the Rio Negro deep in the Amazon jungle. One night, during a lunar eclipse, Pia is murdered. Her death plunges Gil into a world of shadows. He leaves the town by the river and does not return to the house he shared with Pia until two years later. There, Pia is present in the flood of memories that keep coming back to him, and also lives on deep in his heart. This love, the comfort it brings him, and the girl Elsa lead him out of the darkness and back into the light, back to life. And he will meet Pia's murderer. 'Eclipse' is a love story set against the background of a crime: compelling, poetic, and delicately told.
Sandro Cenoura
빈민가가 막 형성되기 시작한 1960년대, 마을을 지나가는 배달 트럭을 털면서 가족을 부양하는 텐더 삼총사가 주름잡던 그 시기에는 엄연한 룰이 존재했다. 돈은 훔치되 살인은 삼가는 것이다. 이들은 엉뚱한 용의자를 사살하고도 지갑을 챙기는 악질 경찰에 비하면 약자에 불과했다. 텐더 트리오 시대에 종지부를 찍은 제빼게노는 큰 돈을 만지기 위해서는 마약을 다뤄야 함을 알게 된다. 단짝친구 베네는 악랄하기만 할 뿐 주변을 다독일 줄 모르던 제빼게노를 보좌하며 또 다른 룰을 만들어내지만, 위태로운 평화의 유효기간은 그리 길지 않다.
In a poor neighborhood in Recife, the lives of exotic and bizarre characters entwine in a bar and in a very low-budget hotel. The queer Dunga works in the hotel and has a crush on the butcher Wellington that is married with the religious Kika and has an affair with his mistress Dayse. The sick necrophiliac Isaac owns a yellow Mercedes Benz and wants to have sex with Lígia that owns of Bar Avenida.
On 17 May 1931, the young director Mário Peixoto released his masterpiece "Limite" in a premiere in Capitólio Theater in Rio de Janeiro to astonished audiences bewildered by the impressive and poetic images. Considered by many viewers the best Brazilian movie ever made, this feature has never been released commercially. However, in a great paradox, Mário Peixoto has never made any other movie. The director Sérgio Machado pays a great tribute to the life and work Mário Peixoto a.k.a. Maçarico by his close friends with this documentary, using his diary; footages of "Limite", the never concluded "Onde a Terra Acaba" (1933) and the short "O Homem do Morcego" (1980); and interesting testimonies of Olga Breno, Ruy Solberg, Nelson Pereira dos Santos and Walter Salles among others.
Ivan Canabrava is a writer, turned insurance ivestigator who investigates mysterious deaths involving Bufo Marinus. Bufo Marinus is a frog poison causing catalepsy in humans, simulating death, enabling grand insurance fraud and other crimes. Ten years later, now as a successful writer, similar characters possibly using Bufo Marinus reappear and create an intricate plot full of surprises.
João Grilo
The lively João Grilo and the sly Chicó are poor guys living in the hinterland who cheat a bunch of people in a small in Northeastern Brazil. When they die, they have to be judged by Christ, the Devil and the Virgin Mary before they are admitted to paradise.
A young wizard must create new spells in his magic book before the planets align. His uncle and aunt, powerful mages themselves, help him achieve that. Based on the award-winning Brazilian TV series.
A male nurse goes to a small village in Bahia's countryside. Based on the Machado de Assis short story.
Identical twins Iara and Marilena like to play games and deceive men by pretending to be each other. But when they fall in love with the same man, a rivalry with devastating and horrifying consequences begins.
Isaías Paiva
글을 모르는 사람들을 대신해 편지를 써주는 것으로 생계를 이어가는 초로의 전직 여교사 도라는 어느 날 안나와 그 아들의 부탁을 받는다. 아버지에게 보낼 편지를 써달라는 부탁을 받고 도라가 잠시 역을 나선 순간 안나가 그만 차에 치여 사망한다. 도라는 갑자기 엄마를 잃은 아이를 어쩌지 못해 아이의 아버지를 찾기 위한 여행을 떠난다.
베를린영화제에서 최우수 작품상과 여우주연상을 받은 작품으로, 월터 살레스는 도라와 아이의 여정을 통해 브라질의 현실을 보여준다. 원주민들의 모습, 순례와 축제, 황량하고 마른 땅과 한없이 뻗은 신작로 등 브라질의 풍광을 배경으로 영화는 도라와 아이 사이에 싹트는 인간에 대한 사랑을 전달한다. 살레스는 반문맹인 여성 장기수와 저명한 조각가 사이에 오랜 세월 주고받은 편지를 기초로 만든 자신의 다큐멘터리 <또다른 어떤 곳의 삶>에서 <중앙역>의 아이디어를 떠올렸고 아이 역을 맡은 배우는 리우 공항에서 구두닦이를 하던 소년이었다.
In the village of Kenoma, inside Brazil, the artisan Linnaeus tries to make a big and quixotic dream: to build a perpetual motion machine. His contract is opposed by Jerome, powerful local landowner, but he wins the aid of mysterious drifter who decides to stay in town after charmed with the beauty of the young Tari.
On December 31st 1999, destiny brings a fugitive prisoner and a depressed middle class teacher together, as the new millennium approaches bringing hope to everyone.
Told by gauchos from Brazil, Argentina and Uruguai, the legend says that Anahy de las Missiones wandered around the Plata Basin during the time of Cisplatina War (1825-1828), stealing the dead.
Fernando, a journalist, and his friend César join terrorist group MR8 in order to fight Brazilian dictatorial regime during the late sixties. Cesare, however, is wounded and captured during a bank hold up. Fernando then decides to kidnap the American ambassador in Brazil and ask for the release of fifteen political prisoners in exchange for his life.
How a bad company can ruin a teenager?