Arthur P. Schmidt

출생 : 1912-08-21,

사망 : 1965-07-22

참여 작품

이스케이프 아티스트
The young and self-confident Danny bluffs at the local police-station that he will escape from prison within an hour. What follows is a flashback showing his childhood with his uncle and aunt, who are 'vaudeville'-artists themselves.
The Family Jewels
Associate Producer
A young heiress must choose between six uncles, one of which is up to no good and out to harm the girl's beloved bodyguard who practically raised her.
The Disorderly Orderly
Associate Producer
Poor Jerome Littlefield. He wants to be a doctor – but that's not exactly the perfect career choice when you're hopelessly squeamish. So he settles for the job of orderly at the Whitestone Sanitarium, a career move that's guaranteed to keep the patients – and viewers – in stitches!
The Patsy
Associate Producer
When a star comedian dies, his comedy team decides to train a 'nobody' to play the Star in a big TV show (a Patsy). But the man chosen, bellboy Stanley Belt (Lewis), can't do anything right. The TV show is getting closer, and Stanley is getting worse.
Who's Minding the Store?
Associate Producer
Jerry Lewis plays Norman Phiffer, a proud man in a humble life, who doesn't know that his girlfriend, Barbara, is heir to the Tuttle Department Store dynasty. Mrs. Tuttle, Barbara's mother, is determined to split the two lovers, and hires Norman in an attempt to humiliate him enough that Barbara leaves him. Will she ruin their love, or will he ruin her store?
스콜피오 라이징
오토바이 갱들을 통해 전통적 종교 집단이나 나치즘의 잔재, 미국 문화의 동성애적 하위 문화 등을 드러낸 작품. 일련의 비일상적이며 인상적인 결합들을 창조했으며 편집과 점프컷, 귀에 거슬리는 음악 사용 등의 뛰어난 형식도 갖추고 있다. 영화는 남근 숭배적인 나르시시즘에 대한 희화화였고, 당시로서는 대담한 성적 주제 때문에 가장 표현적인 언더그라운드 영화라고 평가받고 있다.
너티 프로페서
Associate Producer
A timid, nearsighted chemistry teacher discovers a magical potion that can transform him into a suave and handsome Romeo. The Jekyll and Hyde game works well enough until the concoction starts to wear off at the most embarrassing times.
Associate Producer
할리우드의 메이저 스튜디오인 파라뮤추얼 영화사는 경영이 여의치않게 됨에 따라 제작 비용이 제대로 쓰여지고 있는지 확인할 필요를 느낀다. 영화사 사장은 현장의 사정을 제대로 파악해서 알려줄 스파이를 필요하다고 보고 모티(제리 루이스)를 사환으로 고용한다. 회사의 통신실에 배치된 모티는 각 부서를 매일 돌아다니게 되지만 정보를 수집하려 하면서 오히려 자신이 사고를 일으키고 만다.
The Ladies Man
Producer's Assistant
After his girl leaves him for someone else, Herbert gets really depressed and starts searching for a job. He finally finds one in a big house which is inhabited by many, many women. Can he live in the same home with all these females?
When his father dies, poor Fella is left at the mercy of his snobbish stepmother and her two no-good sons Maximilian and Rupert. As he slaves away for his nasty step-family, Maximilian and Rupert attempt to find a treasure Fella's father has supposedly hidden on the estate. Hoping to restore her dwindling fortunes, the stepmother plans a fancy ball in honor of the visiting Princess Charmein whom she hopes will marry Rupert. Eventually, Fella's Fairy Godfather shows up to convince him that he has a shot at winning the Princess himself.
Producer's Assistant
마이애미 비치에 있는 특급 호텔 퐁텐블로에서 벨보이로 일하는 스탠리(제리 루이스)는 아무 말없이 자신의 임무를 수행하려 하지만 매번 사고를 일으키고 만다. 영화는 특정한 플롯이 없이 스탠리가 투숙객들의 요구를 수행하면서 겪게 되는 여러 상황들을 보여줄 뿐이다. 제리 루이스의 감독 데뷔작인 이 작품은 이야기가 거의 없다는 점에서 오히려 그의 재능을 여실히 확인할 수 있는 작품이 되었다.
Li'l Abner
A comedy musical based on the comic strip charcters created by Al Capp. When residents of Dogpatch, USA are notified by the government that they must evacuate because of atomic bomb testing, they try to persuade the government that their town is worth saving. Meanwhile, Earthquake McGoon wants to marry Daisy Mae; Daisy Mae wants to marry Li'l Abner, and Li'l Abner just wants to go fishing.
뜨거운 것이 좋아
색스폰 연주자인 조와 베이스 바이올린 연주자 제리는 갱단의 살인장면을 우연히 목격하게 된다. 얼굴이 노출되고 얼떨결에 갱들에게 쫓기는 신세가 되어 버린 두 사람은 도시를 무사히 빠져나갈 방법을 궁리하게 된다. 유일한 방법은 여자로 변장하고 마이애미로 향하는 여성순회 공연단에 숨어드는 것. 감쪽같이 변장하고 오디션을 통과한 두 사람은 아름다운 여인들과 그야말로 꿈만 같은 생활을 시작하게 된다. 그 중에서도 극단의 리드싱어인 슈가에게 홀딱 반해버린 조는 서서히 그녀와 가까워진다. 조는 그녀가 좋아하는 남성상으로 자신을 위장하고 그녀에게 접근하는데...
노인과 바다
어부 산티아고는 한참 동안 고기를 한 마리도 못 잡자 마을사람들에게 놀림당한다. 하지만 소년 마놀라는 따뜻하게 그를 감싸준다. 산티아고는 사람들의 냉대에도 불구하고 바다로 다시 나간다. 거대한 고기를 만난 노인은 사투를 벌인 끝에 대어를 낚게 된다. 그리고 기쁜 마음으로 마을을 향하지만 이번엔 상어떼들의 습격에 맞서 싸워야만 한다.
나자와 사자
커밍스 장군의 지휘 아래 섬에 상륙한 미군들 사이에는 전쟁에 대한 공포심이 만연해 있었다. 일본군과의 싸움에서 일부 병사들이 죽어가는 가운데 하버드 대학 출신의 '헌' 중위가 커밍스 장군의 부관으로 오게 된다. 헌 중위는 커밍스 장군의 전쟁을 바라보는 견해와 권위적인 지휘 방식이 맘에 들지 않고 이를 표출한다. 그러자 커밍스 장군은 그를 전방 부대로 복귀시키는데... (채널 더 무비)
2차대전 후의 일본을 무대로 미군과 일본인 여성간의 국적을 넘어선 로맨스를 그린 작품. 아카데미 남우조연(레드 버턴스), 여우조연(우미키 미요시)상 수상작. 우메키 키요시는 아시아인으로는 최초로 아카데미 연기 부문 수상자가 되었다. 한국전쟁에서 격추왕의 별명으로 알려진 글루버 소위는 인사이동으로 일본으로 갔다. 어느날 가극단의 꽃인 하나오기와 만난 글루버는 그녀와 뜨거운 사랑에 빠진다. 과거 부하인 켈리 중위가 일본인여성과 사랑을 할 때 그 결혼식에 참석했을 정도로 친일적이었던 글루버는 약혼녀와 헤어지고, 하나오기와의 사랑을 선택한다. 한편 하나오기는 글루버와의 이별을 결심하나, 퇴역각오로 결혼을 설득하는 그의 사랑에 다시금 미래를 약속한다.
저것이 파리의 등불이다
세인트 루이스에서 우편항공기를 조종하던 찰스는 대서양 횡단에 도전하기로 결심한다. 그의 무모한 도전은 재력가들을 사로잡고, 후원으로 마련한 비행기로 이륙에 성공한다. 그러나 기류 이상으로 방향을 잃고, 나침반도 고장 나 그는 오직 별에 의존할 수밖에 없다. 동 틀 무렵, 졸음 속에서 저 멀리 불빛이 보이기 시작한다. 찰스 린드버그가 1927년 대서양을 횡단한 실제 모험을 영화화했다. 개봉 시에는 크게 주목 받지 못했으나, 한 사나이의 고독한 도전 정신과 강인한 의지를 잘 표현한 명작으로 재평가 받고 있다. 원제는 린드버그가 조종했던 비행기의 이름이다.
감옥에 수감중인 조셉, 알버트, 줄스는 감옥을 탈출하여 프랑스의 작은 마을로 도망친다. 그곳에서 옷과 여비를 마련하기 위해 돈을 훔치려는 계획을 세우는데.. 1989년에 닐 조단 감독이 이 영화를 리메이크했다.
아일랜드의 부유한 래러비 저택. 이 집안에서 운전기사로 일하는 사람에게는 사브리나라는 딸이 있다. 사브리나는 래러비 집안의 둘째 아들 데이비드를 짝사랑하고 있다. 둘째 아들인 데이비드는 아버지 소유의 회사에서일을 하긴 하지만, 일은 열심히 하지 않고 바람둥이로 유명하다. 반면 첫째 아들인 라이너스는 동생과는 정반대로 일만 하는 매우 냉정한 사업가이다. 결국, 데이비드의 관심을 전혀 받지 못한 사브리나는 데이비드에 대한 마음을 접고 파리 유학을 간다. 파리에서 2년간의 유학생활을 마친 사브리나는 예전과는 딴판으로 매우 아름답고 세련된 여성으로 변해 돌아온다. 그러자 데이비드가 그녀에게 관심을 갖기 시작하는데...
Here Come the Girls
Bob Hope stars as an inept member of the chorus boy in a turn of the century stage show. After being fired, he finds himself starring acting as a decoy when a killer goes after the real star.
Off Limits
Wally Hogan has things going his way. He is the manager-trainer of Bullet Bradley, a fighter who has just won the lightweight championship. However, life suddenly takes a not-so-happy turn when Bullet gets drafted.
The Savage
The only white survivor of a Crow Indian raid on a wagon train is a young boy. He is rescued by the Sioux, and the Sioux chief raises him as an Indian in very way. Years later, the white men and the Sioux threaten to go to war and the Indian-raised white man is torn between his racial loyalties and his adopted tribe.
세계가 충돌할 때
When a group of astronomers calculate a star is on a course to slam into Earth, a few days before, it's accompanying planet will first pass close enough to the Earth to cause havoc on land and sea. They set about building a rocket so a few selected individuals can escape to the planet.
비장의 술수
일류 신문사에서 기자생활을 하던 테이텀은 주벽과 성추문 등으로 신임을 잃고 한 조그만 신문사에 취직하게 된다. 따분한 지역 소식이나 써대던 지루한 나날들이 이어지던 어느 날 테이텀은 우연히 인디안 유적지에서 도굴을 하다 사고를 당한 레오에 관한 이야기를 취재하게 되는데...
선셋 대로
캘리포니아주 로스앤젤레스의 선셋 대로에 위치한 대저택에서 살인사건이 발생한다. 유명 여배우의 풀장에서 한 시나리오 작가가 총에 맞은 채 죽어서 발견된 것이다. 경찰이 출동한 가운데 세상 사람들은 이 사건에 눈과 귀를 기울인다. 사건이 일어나기 정확히 6개월 전. 주로 B급 영화의 시나리오를 썼던 조셉 길리스는 벌이가 좋지 않아 차까지 압류당할 위기에 처한다. 해결사들의 추격을 받던 조셉은 선셋 대로에 위치한 대저택에 숨어들었다가 그 곳의 주인이자 과거 무성영화 시절 스타인 노마 데스몬드을 만나게 된다. 노마는 조셉에게 자신이 쓴 시나리오를 보여주며 유혹하는데...
Top o' the Morning
A singing insurance investigator comes to Ireland to recover the stolen Blarney Stone...and romance the local policeman's daughter.
Sorrowful Jones
A young girl is left with the notoriously cheap Sorrowful Jones as a marker for a bet. When her father doesn't return, he learns that taking care of a child interferes with his free-wheeling lifestyle. Sorrowful must also evade crooked gangsters and indulge in a bit of horse-thieving.
I Walk Alone
Bootleggers on the lamb Frankie and Noll split up to evade capture by the police. Frankie is caught and jailed, but Noll manages to escape and open a posh New York City nightclub. 14 years later, Frankie is released from the clink and visits Noll with the intention of collecting his half of the nightclub's profits. But Noll, who has no intention of being so equitable, uses his ex-girlfriend Kay to divert Frankie from his intended goal.
The Perils of Pauline
Funloving Pearl White, working in a garment sweatshop, gets her big chance when she "opens" for a delayed Shakespeare play...with a comic vaudeville performance. Her brief stage career leads her into those "horrible" moving pictures, where she comes to love the chaotic world of silent movies, becoming queen of the serials. But the consequences of movie stardom may be more than her leading man can take
Monsieur Beaucaire
A bumbling barber in the court of King Louis XV becomes engaged in political intrigue when he masquerades as a dashing nobleman engaged to the princess of Spain.
블루 달리아
Soon after a veteran's return from war his cheating wife is found dead. He evades police in an attempt to find the real murderer.
Duffy's Tavern
The staff of a record factory drown their sorrows at Duffy's Tavern, while the company owner faces threats of bankruptcy.
A Medal for Benny
Benny's girl friend is being romanced by the town ne'er do well who keeps coming up with get-rich-quick schemes. Benny's father is a simple man who is bewildered by the world at large.
Rainbow Island
Three merchant seamen fleeing the Japanese take refuge on a Pacific island, where they come across a doctor and his daughter who take care of the natives, a hostile tribe that wants to kill the sailors for trespassing on their sacred ground.
The Good Fellows
The title of Grand Caesar in the Ancient Order of Noblest Romans of Wakefield, Indiana keeps Jim "Pop" Helton (Cecil Kellaway) so involved and distracted that he forgets to pay the family's bills, nearly makes a shambles of a real estate deal his oldest daughter, Ethel (Helen Walker)is working on,almost wrecks her romance with Captain Tom Drayson (James Brown), and gets involved in a game with a pool shark in an effort to raise the remaining $75 of the $6,750 needed (that they didn't have) by the Wakefield Lodge to host the national convention of the Noblest Romans.
Street of Chance
In this Cornell Woolrich thriller, a man's memory is recovered after being injured by falling construction material. Discovering a year-long lapse, he returns to his old life and discovers a lot of mysterious happenings.
Young intern Jeff Burton, impulsively offers a lift to an odd-looking gentlemen. It soon turns out that Jeff's passenger is an inventor has just escaped from a shady sanitarium, where he has been held prisoner by Nazi spies.
Aloma of the South Seas
A young South Seas native boy is sent to the U.S. for his education and returns to his island after his father dies to try to stop a revolution.
The Texas Rangers Ride Again
With thousands of cattle being rustled from White Sage ranch the 1930's Texas Rangers are called in. They manage to get one of their agents into the gang by making them think he is the Pecos Kid on the lam.
Queen of the Mob
Ma Webster (Blanche Yurka) and her boys rob a bank on Christmas Eve; G-men stop them with Tommy guns.
A high-school student in a small town becomes smitten with the sophisticated new girl who's just arrived from Chicago. Based on Booth Tarkington's story.
All Women Have Secrets
When they decide they might as well be penniless husbands and wives as penniless campus sweethearts, three couples at a Midwestern university, against the advice of their friends, get married. Joe and Susie Tucker prove that two can live as cheap as one by setting up housekeeping in a trailer, and working at whatever odd jobs turn up.
Million Dollar Legs
At Middleton College, controlled by rich donor Melton, only paying sports are allowed. But Freddie Frye, conniving student body president, has to get a letter in some sport to win back his girl Susie; he schemes to revive crew boat racing. Sinking boats, no money, and his own waistline stand in his way. Can they win the big race with State University?
Bulldog Drummond's Secret Police
Captain Drummond and his girlfriend want to marry but a hidden treasure in the house in which they want to celebrate their marriage is complicating the situation involving a series of deaths and an elusive murderer.
The Bar Association disbars attorney Tyler Cradon when it appears he was implicated in the murder of a prominent vice crusader. Cradon, not wishing to be without an income,is impressed by the way Joan Carroll handled a small-town murder, poses as a real estate agent and offers to get her into a law firm of a friend of his. Placed in the office of Roberts, running a front for Cradon, Joan is taught every trick of the trade. With her cases all prepared for her, she goes from one courtroom victory to another, soon becoming the darling of the underworld and the despair of all law-enforcing authorities.
Touchdown, Army
Prep football star Jimmy Howal gets a reception far different from what he expected when he enters West Point.
Dangerous to Know
Racketeer Steve Recka, art patron and political power-maker, rules his town and Madame Lan Ying, his beautiful friend and hostess (read:mistress), with an iron hand. He meets Margaret Van Kase, a socialite not impressed by his power nor his wealth, having no money herself, and Steve makes frantic efforts to win her and turns away from the loyal Lin Yang.
Bulldog Drummond's Revenge
Captain Drummond is travelling to Switzerland to marry his girlfriend. However, when a cargo containing dangerous explosives goes missing from its place, Drummond is forced to delay his plans.
Teenage orphan Jenny Yates becomes starstruck when a revival of an old Victorian melodrama passes through her small New England town, to the disapproval of her stern grandfather, Uriah. Stowing away in the car of Philip Greene, a wealthy young man working with the theater troupe, Jenny talks her way into the play's lead role. But director Archie Fisher doesn't tell her that the new version of the play is meant as a spoof.
In Person
Carol Corliss, a beautiful movie star so insecure about her celebrity that she goes around in disguise, meets a rugged outdoorsman who is unaffected by her star status.
The Return Of Peter Grimm
The ghost of a recently deceased family patriarch tries to help his surviving relatives, in part by preventing a marriage that he knows will go wrong.
Chasing Yesterday
An elderly bachelor, feeling nostalgic for his youth, seeks out his late sweetheart's teenage daughter, now an orphan forced to attend a strict boarding school.
Anne of Green Gables
Anne Shirley, an orphan, is fostered by farmer Matthew Cuthbert and his sister Marilla, who were expecting a boy to be sent them to help with their farm work. They accept Anne, who quickly endears herself to them and to the local villagers.
Finishing School
Virginia, who studies at a boarding school for upper-class girls, falls in love with a medical intern who works as a waiter for a living. Both the director of the school and her mother oppose such a relationship.