Rahul Khanna

Rahul Khanna

출생 : 1972-06-20, Bombay, Maharashtra, India


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Rahul Khanna (is an Indian actor, event host & television presenter.

프로필 사진

Rahul Khanna

참여 작품

Megaphone Announcer
한 무리의 친구들이 영국으로 이민을 가기 위해 목숨을 걸고 '당나귀 비행(밀입국)'이라는 비밀 루트를 통해 위험한 여행을 떠난다.
Ranjan Varman
Crime reporter Vidhi investigates the sudden disappearance of a college student. While society associates different theories for his disappearance, what really is the true story?
예스, 발레!
Show judge #3
뭄바이 서민 가정에서 자란 두 청소년. 뛰어난 재능 덕에 괴짜 선생님의 눈에 띄어 발레를 배우지만, 세상의 편견과 가족의 압박에 부딪힌다. 무용수가 되는 길은 왜 이리 힘든 건지. 하지만 포기할 순 없다. 발레의 꿈을 이루고 말겠어.
Visual Effects Coordinator
제1차 세계대전이 한창인 1917년 4월 6일. 독일군에 의해 모든 통신망이 파괴된 상황 속에서 서부전선의 영국군 병사 스코필드와 블레이크에게 하나의 미션이 주어졌다. 독일군의 함정에 빠진 영국군 부대의 수장 매켄지 중령에게 에린무어 장군의 공격 중지 명령을 전달하라는 것. 블레이크는 데본셔 연대에 있는 형을 구하기 위해 기꺼이 임무를 수행한다. 동료인 스코필드는 처음엔 당황스러워하지만 이내 1600명의 동료들을 구하기 위해 전쟁터 한가운데를 가로지르는 여정에 동참한다.
Fireflies come out in the night, just to light up the darkness. They live as long as the glow lasts. Even if it is a lifetime, being lived in a day. FIREFLIES is the story of two estranged brothers, Shiv and Rana. Living disparate lives, sometimes illuminated by unexpected intimacies and newfound hope, the brothers still remain shackled to the darkness of their past. Haunting memories of a tragic incident must be resolved before they can be brothers again.
Wake Up Sid
Wake Up Sid! is the story of a lazy Mumbai college student who does absolutely nothing, with a turn of events will Sid realize his potential in this world and become a success in the fast-paced life of Mumbai.
Love Aaj Kal
Vikram Joshi
Two lovers break up after they realize that their career goals are pulling them in different directions.
Dil Kabaddi
Kuka Saab
A tender fable about childhood innocence amid the realities of war is set against the rugged landscape of Kashmir, so long a flash point for the territorial claims of neighboring India and Pakistan. The title character, an eight year old mountain boy, often hears distant gunfire. But it is not until he goes on a quest to reclaim his beloved donkey, which has been confiscated as payment of his poor family's debts, that he is drawn toward a violence he has no capacity to understand.
We have an intelligent and rich bachelor, Remo, an aspiring entrepreneur. He has complete world with no women in it. Thanks to his mischievous friend Siddarth that he meets Siddarth's chat friend, and soon falls in love with her.They soon marry and their world is full of happiness, until Sunny comes in the picture, as the lover of Sophie, from her past. Along with him comes the dilemma of choosing love of Sunny over comfort given by her spouse Remo. A diabolical plan is hatched between Sunny and Sophie to kill Remo by natural means, by just threatening him by fake bullets, so that he dies in an asthmatic attack, so that no suspicion is raised. And Remo is killed by Sunny, not by asthma, but by the gun. The bullets were real, indeed. Are there any other meanings behind the scenes more dark than this?
India is held at ransom by international extortionist, Baba Sikander and his brothers. It is up to five heroes to stop him.
엠퍼러스 클럽
Older Deepak Mehta
헌더트 선생님의 교육인생에 가장 큰 아픔으로 기억되는 제자 세드윅 벨... 그에게서 뜻밖의 연락이 온다. 상원의원의 아들로, 학교에 온 첫날부터 말썽을 부렸던 문제아, 그가 지금은 거대 기업의 최고 경영자가 되어 자기회사 소유의 리조트로 스승과 옛 급우들을 모두 초대한 것. 초대의 이유는 25년전에 자신이 참가했던 교대 경시대회를 다시열어 그때 잃어버린 명예를 회복하겠다는 것이다. 세인트 베네딕트 아카데미에서 매년 개최하는 ‘줄리어스 시저 경시대회’는 학부모와 내빈의 참석하에 로마사에 관한 지식을 겨루는 권위있는 대회로 예비시험을 거쳐 최종 선발된 세 사람만이 마지막 자웅을 겨룰수 있었다. 한사람의 학생이라도 낙오자를 만들지 않길 바라는 선생님의 교육철학은 문제아 세드윅 벨에게 대회에 참가할 수 있도록 많은 격려와 도움을 아끼지 않지만 결국 세드윅 벨의 배신행위로 그의 마음에 지울 수 없는 아픔과 밝힐 수 없는 비밀을 남긴다. 그리고 25년후, 다시 그때와 똑같은 상황은 재현되고 선생님은 다시 한번 선택의 기로에 서는데...
Rahul Seth
Rahul Seth is a dashing young millionaire who believes he is "western" enough to rebel against his mother and grandmother. They are not too keen about his Caucasian girlfriend Kimberly who, to make matters worse, is a pop star. Before you can say "karmic intervention," Kimberly dies in a freak accident and Rahul is devastated. Instead of allowing him to mourn in peace, Rahul's mother sees the opportunity she's been waiting for. She threatens to call off his sister's wedding unless he finds himself a "nice Indian girl." Rahul enlists the services of Sue, a fiercely independent escort whom he believes to be Hispanic, and therefore not "married" to the conventions taught to young Indian women. With a wink in her eye, Sue accepts the deal to pose as his Indian bride-to-be. She needs the money and having never been a fan of the typical Indian male, she feels her heart is safe. The charade begins....
3 A.M.
The feature film directing debut of Spike Lee protege Lee Davis takes the viewer into the world of taxi drivers. Developed in the Sundance Laboratory, this film offers dove-tailing stories centering on the lives of individual taxi drivers as they reflect on and experience romance, politics, sociology, and spirituality.
Shoba T. Mathur works for the Central Government in India and her job is to create awareness against child-marriage and other social evils that prevail due to general misinterpretation of the Hindu Shastras that demean women, particularly in Dhabri, a village in the state of Rajasthan. She does succeed in recruiting a young housewife, Saanvri, the mother of a young girl, Kamli, and wife of rickshaw driver, Sohan. Saanvri goes around the village raising awareness, and incurs the wrath of the village elders, mostly members of the Gujjar family.
1947년 영국으로부터의 독립 과정에서 인도와 파키스탄으로 분할 되는 시대의 폭력을 다룬다. 영화는 파시교도 소녀 레니와 힌두교도인 보모 샨타의 관계를 중심으로, 오랜 세기 동안 함께 섞여 살아왔던 사람들이 반목 하게 되는 과정을 그린다.