Anne Dorval

Anne Dorval

출생 : 1960-11-08, Rouyn-Noranda, Québec, Kanada


Anne Dorval was born in Noranda, Quebec on November 8th, 1960. Since appearing in her first professional theatre role in 1985, she has acted in and won awards for numerous theatre productions, films, and television series. Anne is also a prominent dubbing actress in Quebec, having dubbed the voices of many famous English-speaking actresses. In addition to acting, Anne is a talented singer, being featured in songs on multiple albums. Outside of Quebec, Anne is most known for her collaborations with director Xavier Dolan. Xavier was a big fan of Anne's and asked her to be in his first movie, and since then they have collaborated many times and have become close friends.

프로필 사진

Anne Dorval
Anne Dorval
Anne Dorval
Anne Dorval
Anne Dorval

참여 작품

Quitter la nuit
The day after a party turned nasty, Dary, Aly and Anna must face the echoes of the violence that transformed all three of them.
French Ottilie Moore (voice)
The true story of Charlotte Salomon, a young German-Jewish painter who comes of age in Berlin on the eve of the Second World War. Fiercely imaginative and deeply gifted, she dreams of becoming an artist. Her first love applauds her talent, which emboldens her resolve. When anti-Semitic policies inspire violent mobs, she escapes to the safety of the South of France. There she begins to paint again, and finds new love. But her work is interrupted, this time by a family tragedy that reveals an even darker secret. Believing that only an extraordinary act will save her, she embarks on the monumental adventure of painting her life story.
14 Days, 12 Nights
Isabelle Brodeur
Isabelle Brodeur embarks on a journey to Vietnam, her adopted daughter’s birthplace. Throughout this stunningly beautiful journey, Isabelle discovers her daughter’s country through the eyes of the woman who brought her into this word.
마티아스와 막심
단지 친구 사이의 ‘마티아스’와 ‘막심’이 뜻밖의 키스 이후 마주한 세상, 그 시작을 담은 이 순간 뜨겁게 빛나는 우리들의 드라마. 너와 나의 드라마는 지금부터
Jaeborn By Numbers
A triptych consisting of three paint-by-number tableaux is auctioned for $14 million at Christie’s. Signed by top-selling artist Matt Jaeborn as a child, the art market is apparently blind to the obvious.
A divorced teacher suddenly becomes jealous of everyone, including her daughter, friends and neighbors.
Il était une fois... Mommy
In 2014, the movie « Mommy » directed by Xavier Dolan, got the Special Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival. This was a great achievement for this director prodigy from Quebec, who had just turned 25. The script - a tumultuous relationship between a single mother and his hyperactive and violent son - and the bold direction electrified the audience. Shot in Montreal, the documentary by Tessa Louise Salomé tells the genesis of this family drama. It also reveals the failures of the society in Quebec : the failure of the mental institution and the impoverishment of the middle class.
Heal the Living
It all starts at daybreak, three young surfers on the raging seas. A few hours later, on the way home, an accident occurs. Now entirely hooked up to life-support in a hospital in Le Havre, Simon’s existence is little more than an illusion. Meanwhile, in Paris, a woman awaits the organ transplant that will give her a new lease on life.
자비에 돌란: 불가능을 넘어서
뱅상 카셀, 멜빌 푸포, 모니아 초크리, 안느 도발 등 많은 배우들이 감독 자비에 돌란에 대해 이야기한다.
불 같은 성격이지만 유쾌하고 당당한 엄마 '디안'은 거칠지만 사랑스러운 사고뭉치 아들 '스티브'가 보호시설에서 사고를 쳐 쫓겨나자 홈스쿨링을 시작한다. 엄마가 행복하다면 무엇이든 할 수 있는 아들 스티브와 함께 행복한 생활을 꿈꾸는 디안. 하지만 홀로 생계를 책임지며 불안정한 성격의 스티브를 돌보기란 쉽지 않다. 이때 이들 앞에 나타난 이웃집 여인 '카일라'. 카일라의 등장으로 세 사람은 유일하게 서로에게 의지하며 지금까지 느껴보지 못한 작은 행복을 찾아가게 된다. 그러던 어느 날, 디안 앞으로 한 장의 편지가 날아오는데…….
Sometimes, we're just waiting for a miracle. A nurse who is a Jehovah's Witness, grows fond of the miracle survivor of a plane crash. Two sexagenarians, a bartender and a parking lot attendant want to explore their forbidden passions. A conservative, well-off couple drown their disappointments in booze and gambling. And a man does his utmost to make amends for an irredeemable action, bringing us to a plane bound for Cuba. An ensemble film where every character affects the lives of others.
The Rooster of St. Victor
In this fun family comedy, a village rooster's punctual (and loud!) crowing keeps everyone awake until a group of sleepy locals hatch a scheme to get rid of him.
An Extraordinary Person
A 30 year-old scholar, intelligent and beautiful yet socially crippled, is forced to attend a bachelorette party where her quest for authenticity leads to an unavoidable confrontation with old acquaintances.
로렌스 애니웨이
Marthe Delteuil
몬트리올에서 소설을 쓰는 청년 로렌스와 그의 정열적인 피앙세 프레드는 미래를 약속한 사이. 서른 번째 생일을 맞이한 어느 날, 로렌스는 사랑하는 프레드에게 그 동안 숨겨왔던 비밀을 고백한다. 남은 일생을 여자로 살고 싶다고… 절망의 끝에서도 차마 ‘이 사랑’을 놓지 못하는 두 사람. 이들은 다시, 사랑할 수 있을까?
A Sense of Humor
A serial killer abducts two stand-up comedians after they mock him as part of their on-stage act. If they teach him how to be funny, he might let them live.
마리와 그녀의 절친한 친구이자 게이인 프랑시스. 영리하고 날카로운 마리와 다정하고 섬세한 프랑시스는 서로를 보완하는 좋은 친구사이다. 취미는 달라도 취향은 같은 두 친구는 늘 함께 어울리며 서로를 아끼며 지켜주는 든든한 버팀목이 되어왔다. 어느 날, 두 사람은 친구들과 어울린 파티에서 아름다운 니콜라를 만나 둘 다 첫눈에 반한다. 만남이 거듭될수록 운명적 사랑이라 느껴지는 그가 보내오는 셀 수 없는 무수한 사랑과 관심의 신호들에 설레며, 프랑시스와 마리는 점점 더 깊이 니콜라에게 빠져든다. 마리와 프랑시스는 서로의 우정이 변할 수 있을 거라고는 단 한번도 의심해 본 적이 없지만 아도니스를 닮은 매력적인 니콜라 앞에서, 두 사람 모두 사랑 앞에서 한치도 물러설 수 없는 라이벌이 된다. 곧 두 친구는 자신들이 결코 깨지지 않을 거라 믿었던 우정이 이 사랑의 경쟁 앞에서 무너질 위기에 처했다는 것을 알게 되는데….
아이 킬드 마이 마더
Chantale Lemming
16살 사춘기 소년 후베르트는 엄마에 대한 불만으로 가득하다. 자신을 이해해주기는커녕 제멋대로 행동하는 엄마에게 진절머리가 난 후베르트는 그의 연인 안토닌과 함께 자유로운 독립을 꿈꾼다. 하지만 엄마의 눈에 후베르트는 그저 철없는 사춘기 소년으로만 보일 뿐이다. 어느날 엄마는 상상치도 못했던 아들의 비밀을 전해 듣게 되고, 방황하던 후베르트는 결국 기숙학교에 강제 입학하게 되는데...
Grande ourse : La clé des possibles
Catherine Laplante
To save his best friend, Louis-Bernard Lapointe has to transport himself to a parallel world to find the 'Key of Possibilities', a magical and legendary object that allow his user to visit an infinite numbers of universes where everything is possible.
Waitresses Wanted
Mère de Milagro
Brazilian native Priscilla Paredes is intent on staying in Montreal, despite the expiration of her student visa. Out of desperation, she takes a job as an exotic dancer at the Elixir, a downtown strip club, where she meets Milagro, a headstrong Quebecoise and fellow dancer who, ironically, longs to move to Brazil. Priscilla is welcomed into Milagro's secret family life, and introduced to her young daughter Chloé; Milagro in turn teaches Priscilla how to fight for what she wants, for what she needs.
Super Phoenix
Unemployed Woman
An absurd dramatic comedy about Phoenix Jones, an overly dedicated travel agent who suffers from a burnout after the downsizing of the travel agency where he works.
La vie secrète des gens heureux
Élevé par des parents parfaits dans une banlieue proprette, frère cadet d'une fille à qui tout réussit et flanqué d'un ami tombeur, le pauvre Thomas se sent bien ordinaire. Alors qu'il tente désespérément de terminer ses études en architecture avec succès, le jeune homme rencontrera Audrey, une belle ténébreuse qui lui donnera des ailes. Évidemment, le bonheur n'est jamais simple et la vie peut être parfois cruelle...
The Lost Garden: The Life and Cinema of Alice Guy-Blaché
Alison McMahan (voice)
A biodoc about the first female filmmaker and her relative disappearance from the history of cinema.
As the paramedics pry her hand apart from her dead lover's grip a woman's life flashes before her eyes. Racing to the hospital the stunning skies and rooftops of Montreal from the back of the ambulance are inter-cut with the most exquisitely cinematic memories.
La corriveau
Film produced by Radio Canada, Quebec.
Montreal Stories
Six stories about Montreal. 1: A young housewife from Toronto samples the nightlife using basic French. 2: The tale of a painting of Montreal's first mayor, Jacques Viger. 3: During a hockey game, Madeleine tries to tell Roger she wants a divorce after forty years of marriage. 4: A visitor to a conference on pictographs arrives at the airport, where the female customs officer steals a momento from each person. 5: As she is being driven to the hospital in an ambulance after an auto accident, Sarah recalls her life. 6: At a diplomatic reception, an older woman reminisces about her grand love in Montreal.
Ding et Dong : Le film
Two harum-scarums who think they are good stand-up comics try to make a career in showbiz, partly for the career, partly to seduce women. They try alternatively the scene, a movie set and TV. They only succeed in making a fool of themselves