Vladimir Samoylov

Vladimir Samoylov

출생 : 1924-03-15, Odessa, Soviet Union

사망 : 1999-09-08

프로필 사진

Vladimir Samoylov

참여 작품

Ranger From the Nucleus Zone
Ranger from a Nuclear Zone
Dusha moya, Mariya
A Boulevard Romance
The film was shot on the story of Valentin Pikul “Go and do not sin”, which tells about the real events that took place in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. The story of the young beauty Olga Palem from a poor large family is replete with tragic events. Olga's passionate disinterested love for student Alexander Zapolsky becomes her evil rock. Spoiled and selfish, Alexander is not able to appreciate her feelings. Exhausted by humiliation, a young woman kills her lover. The high-profile trial of Olga Pale becomes a sensation that stirred up the whole of Russia ...
The Gray Wolves
General Kurayev
The film depicts the events of 1964 when Nikita Khrushchyov was forcibly replaced by Leonid Brezhnev as a head of USSR.
Провинциальный бенефис
Life in art based on the plays of A. Ostrovsky: "Talents and Admirers", "Forest", etc.
Цена головы
Komissar Megre
Spawn of Hell
Andrei Petrovich
Late-Soviet screen adaptation of the novel "A Pale Horse" by Boris Savinkov. A group of anti-tsarist revolutionary terrorists plot to assassinate the governor of a provincial town.
Air pirates
The chief of the airline agency gives the command to the special team not to drink, not to stand in the drafts and not to have contact with the girls, as these guys will have to hijack their own plane ... In order to identify weaknesses in the aviation services. During its implementation, our heroes are faced with real terrorists - this was not taken into account.
His Nickname Is Beast
Saveliy Govorkov, an Afghanistan war veteran tries to fight mafia in his own town.
Sons of Bitches
Petr Yegorovich
The Trial
Based on materials from real criminal cases, it follows the trial of the trade mafia.
Сэнит Зон
Благородный разбойник Владимир Дубровский
State Border. Movie 7. Salty Wind
Visiting the Minotaur
Old Times Pranks
A bride decides to check her fiancé feelings by staging the kidnapping of herself.
The Will
Ivan Yegorovich - a front-line soldier, secretary of the rural district party committee in Siberia - receives a directive on reclamation of the area, but he believes that irrigation work will disrupt the water balance and adversely affect crops. Not having received support in the regional committee, he goes to Moscow. The second storyline is the story of Krylov's complex relationship with Seraphim, whom he has loved since childhood. Having separated for many years, fate gives them the opportunity to start all over again.
Неудобный человек
The Kidnapping
A father takes he six years old son to the nature in order to make him a real man.
Серафим Полубес и другие жители земли
Государственная граница. Фильм 4. Красный песок
Тревожный вылет
The Adventures of Count Nevzorov
полковник Теплов
Someone Nevzorov served in the office, did not stand out. But one February morning he heard the word “revolution” - and his life changed dramatically. He robbed an antique dealer, appropriated the title of count ... And after the revolution he ended up on the streets of Istanbul.
Nicolo Paganini
Biopic about Niccolo Paganini. He receives training from his father in early childhood. The best teachers of Parma are unable to give him more, so Paganini turns to a daily 15 hours of rigorous self-training. He makes sensational concert tours in Vienna, Paris, London and many other cities of Europe. He is always playing from memory, wearing black, and his stage appearance supports the rumors of his supernatural abilities. He is a wealthy man, but gambling and reckless spending forces him to pawn his violin. He is given a Guarneri violin by a wealthy listener to keep. He later gives this violin to the city if Genoa. The Paganini's violin is played by Leonid Kogan in this film.
Horses Aren't Changed at the Crossing
A story about a process of building a huge car factory in USSR.
White Snow Of Russia
The screenplay of his own novel, wrote the grandmaster, the champion of the USSR chess Alexander Kotov. Tape of the world chess champion Alexander Alekhine.
Smoke of the Fatherland
The Great Russian scientist, famous politician and poet M.Lomonosov is severely ill. Understanding that there is not much time left for him to live, he decides to visit his beloved small native town. Taking a coach, he heads for the motherland of his ancestors. A shaky road raises thoughts and reminiscences about his days of youth, about the time when he was young and unknown, how he made first steps on his long way of the truth comprehension. He recollects early death and funeral of his mother, the repeated, and not very successful marriage of his father, hatred of stepmother, care of godfather, who gave him the books of Peter the Great, wandering monk, who taught him the fundamentals of science, Latin, and, of course, his first love.
Shot In The Back
Константин Константинович
Particularly Important Task
Strategical factory should be evacuated. The movie shows how destinies of those working on the factory and their families are being broken. And yet - they have no choice, but to live.
По следу властелина
С любовью пополам
Afanasi Ustyuzhanin
The story about a very small god-forgotten village in Siberia reflects the history of Russia from the beginning of the century till early 80s. Three generations try to find the land of happiness and to give it to the people. One builds the road through taiga to the star over horizon, the second 'build communism' and the third searches for oil. The oil is found but the destruction of the old cemetry and everything the people of the village cared for followed to get the 'black treasure' of Siberia.
Любовь моя, печаль моя
Pyotr Demyanovich Volovich
Право первой подписи
Lyubov moya, pechal moya
The Captain's Daughter
TV show based on the novel of the same name by Alexander Pushkin.
Запасной аэродром
The Drummer's Fate
A young boy is trying to find his family and fights enemies of the state.
Days of the Turbins
Masterfully done re-telling of Bulgakov's brilliant play (itself a version of the novel, "White Guard"), "Days of the Turbins".
Diamonds for Mariya
Mary and Ivan are working on a diamond factory. The wedding day is already set. But Ivan has a secret: during his stay in prison, the leader of the gang gave him a bag of diamonds for safekeeping. Return the "stones" factory — means to Express itself as a partner in crime, throw — sorry, but left for Mary — to destroy love. Soon the "friend" made itself felt and demanded to repay the debt…
Front Without Flanks
A first episode in the trilogy about the Russian partisan's resistance against the Nazi occupation of Russia during WWII. The film is set in August of 1941, when the Nazi forces invaded and occupied the European part of Russia. Major Mlynsky is in charge of the special group of partisans. His group is absorbing other small groups of Russian soldiers, who managed to survive from the attacks of the overwhelming Nazi forces. The Nazi Armies are advancing to Moscow. Major Mlynsky is organizing the Russian partisan's resistance against the Nazis, behind the enemy lines.
The Bread Smells of Gunpowder
Based on the story "Echelon to Germany" by Ivan Shamyakin.
The Bonus
Pavel Batartsev, managing director
A small construction team led by Potapov suddenly refuses to receive a bonus payment from their company for exceeding performance targets. The team accuses its construction company HQ with artificially reducing the targets, so they can be easily exceeded. It makes the management looks good, yet leads to frequent downtime reducing earnings for common construction workers even with fake bonuses. On a hastily organized meeting the management tries to subdue the "unruly" gang leader charging that he cannot know all details. It turned out that Potapov and his team prepared a detailed business analysis, which proved their point. Managers, who had different interests and positions, have to decide how to deal with the real problem leading to unexpected results.
The Stepmother
Viktor Vikentyevich
Based on novel of the same name by Mariya Khalfina. In Pavel Olevantsev’s family suddenly comes news that his daughter by another woman was orphaned. Pavel did not know about the existence of the girl, nor could his wife know about it... It is not easy to decide to take the child to his house. But it will be much more difficult to endear the girl to them, to return her the joy of childhood and the belief that she is not alone...
Tracer Element
KGB agents are organizing the disinformation campaign for a western spy.
Сергей Иванович
A group of children are trying to find a war hero known by a code name "Kingfisher".
The Stars don't Fade
Drama na okhote
Угол падения
Gavrila Kubantsev
Liberation: The Break Through
A grandiose military film epic, which does not know analogues in world cinema: the history of the Great Patriotic War from the Battle of the Kursk Bulge to the installation of the Banner of Victory over the Reichstag - "Liberation".
Liberation: The Fire Bulge
The "Fiery Arc" tells of a grandiose battle on the Kursk Bulge in the summer of 1943. Here was the largest tank battle in the history of World War II. Along with the personal fate of the heroes, the film shows battle scenes, the activities of headquarters and intelligence, those who worked at the front and in the rear.
A Tale of a Chekist
Kraft (voice)
At the end of 1943, during the occupation in Odessa, a new specialist Kraft arrives at the shipyard and soon becomes a chief engineer. It never occurred to anyone that a Soviet intelligence officer was hiding under the guise of a leader showing official zeal. At the decisive moment, when the victorious offensive of the Soviet troops forces the German-Romanian invaders to leave Odessa, on the instructions of the Center, Kraft leaves with them for further work behind enemy lines.
Борис Савинков
The GPU secret service develops and conducts in 1923-24 an operational game aimed at the elimination of the Savinkov anti-Soviet underground.
The Sixth of July
Nikolai Podvoisky
In 1918, V.I. Lenin and Dzerzhinsky are destroying opponents and strengthening dictatorship using the Soviet secret police, predecessor of KGB.
Wild Honey
1943 year. On the instructions of the military newspaper, the photojournalist Varvara Knyazhich goes to the front line to take some pictures of the knocked-down powerful German tank "Tiger". In a combat situation, she has to face a difficult relationship between officers and subordinates. During the execution of a journalistic assignment, Varya is literally two steps from death. But it is here that she is destined to find her love...
Wedding in Malinovka
Назар Дума
The movie takes place during Russia's civil war between the Reds (Bolsheviks) and the Whites (Mensheviks). Andrejka and Yarinka are a young betrothed couple in the village of Malinovka, caught between the battle lines. Gritsian is the leader of a Menshevik band who are planning to attack the village. Yarinka appeals to the local Bolshevik commander for his faction's help. The Bolsheviks quickly come up with a plan to save the village... but the plan requires Yarinka to enter into a pretend marriage with Gritsian.
The Twenty Six Comissars
The film is about dramatic revolutionary events happened in 1918 in Baku.
On Tomorrow's Street
How Do I Call You Now?..
Vasiliy Nikiforovich Maykov
A story about a brave Soviet spy working behind the enemy lines during WWII.
Секретарь обкома
Vasiliy Denisov (pervy sekretar obkoma)
Trust Me, People
Col. Anokhin
A criminal tries to regain the trust of fellow citizens after the release from prison.
The Very First Space
Boris Mikhailovich
After a test flight, pilot Sergei Sazonov was invited to a group of astronauts. Intensive preparation begins for the flight into space: classes in the weightlessness chamber, constant study. Sergei decides that he does not have the right to meet with a cheerful student Natasha, whom his friends accuse of frivolity. But their telephone conversation ends up asking him to marry him.
И снова утро
Professor Aleksey Severtsev
Ребята с Канонерского
Николай Трофимович, отец Вали
Without Prejudice
Episodic role
The film was made on the basis of the literary version of events in the life of the famous Russian ethnographer, anthropologist, biologist and traveler who studied the indigenous population of South-East Asia, Australia and Oceania.