Nikolai Rybnikov

Nikolai Rybnikov

출생 : 1930-12-13, Borisoglebsk, Russia

사망 : 1990-10-22


Nikolai Rybnikov was a russian actor, awarded Honored and People’s Artist of Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR).

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Nikolai Rybnikov
Nikolai Rybnikov
Nikolai Rybnikov

참여 작품

Get Thee Out
In Russia at the turn of the century, a wealthy Jewish merchant enjoys the best of relations with his Russian neighbours, while his respected home forms the obvious social centre of the entire community. However, the atmosphere grows more tense as the local authorities come under pressure to fall in line with the officially sanctioned anti-Semitic policies of the Tsarist Government. The village elder is one of our hero's best friends and together they seem to find a way to outwit these evil intentions but unfortunately they fail to understand what forces they are dealing with in a country where anti-Semitism is state policy.
Private Detective, or Operation Cooperation
The first private enterprises are started in the Soviet Union in the late 80s. A gang of bad guys, owners of a private restroom, kidnap a good guy - owner of a toy store. Private eye Dmitri's first job is to try and free the store owner.
Запретная зона.
Nochnoy ekipazh
To Marry the Captain
Kondrat Petrovich
Captain Alexander Blinov goes on vacation and has to give a package to Lena. Lena is freelance photo journalist who runs from job to job. She also has a long conflicting relationship with her retired neighbor who thinks that people like her shouldn't live. Somehow, Blinov get's involved in that conflict and all other Lena's crazy adventures, and falls in love.
Без году неделя
Cheers, My Dear!
Nikolay Fyodorovich Yerofeev
Four novels "Dinner", "Secret", "business Trip" and "Mozart", United by a common theme of kindness and attention to the surrounding people, tell about the adventures of two elderly, but not lost the taste for life of Georgians!
A Second Spring
The front-line friends during the heavy battle swore to each other that the one who would survive would continue the work of the deceased. Mikhail Nesterov remained alive and the main business of his life was the search for a deposit of valuable clay. These searches began his friend before the war, in remote taiga places. Yevdokiya Perevalova — the widow of a deceased friend decides to help Nesterov get to those deaf places...
The grandmother has in two told
About the adventures of pop artists Boris Vladimirov and Vadim Tonkov, who met during the tour with their heroes, popular characters of the Soviet stage of the 70s — Veronika Mavrikievna and Avdotya Nikitichna.
Последняя охота
When leaving, leave
Дявитин Семён Семёнович, главный бухгалтер
Незаметный, скромный бухгалтер Сулин часто попадает в полусмешные-полугрустные ситуации — часто робеет, боится идти наперекор хоть кому-то. Пока однажды случай не помог ему вспомнить, что и он был когда-то решительным и отважным.
Есть идея!
The Second Attempt of Viktor Krokhin
Fyodor Ivanovich
During the flight, the hero of the film, the boxing champion, recalls his life's journey. The hero’s childhood was in the first post-war years. He grew up without a father, his mother was busy with work, his older brother was in prison, the relationship with the new stepfather did not work out, and the boy was brought up on the street. There he learned to fight, and this led him to the boxing ring. Over time, the stubborn street boy became the champion of Europe.
Развлечение для старичков
Semyon Petrovich Nepeyvoda
The Ivanov Family
Ivan Ivanovich
Aleksei comes to Chelyabinsk from Moscow — a young student who proclaims a free lifestyle, not constrained by everyday hard labor. Aleksei falls in love with a young singer Lyudmila, the daughter of hereditary workers. When a Moscow student enters the family of noble steelworkers — people who are proud of their working roots, his self-identity changes. From now on, to Aleksei idleness already seems shameful, and idleness is shameful. To be worthy of such highly respected people as the Ivanov family, Aleksei goes to work as a steelworker.
kapitan Wsiewołod Iwanowicz Polak
Because I Love
Roman Ignatyevich Belyy
Fighter pilot Nikolai Muravyov is experiencing a personal drama: his wife and son left for the mainland - they are tired of life beyond the Arctic Circle. Colonel Belyy, thinking that his wife will return to her husband if he serves on the mainland, sends Nikolai on a business trip. In the new unit, Muravyov meets his fellow student Yevgeni Shelest. Friends have to fly in pairs.
A Circle
Viktor Vasiltsev
Police captain Aleshin is investigating a case related to the theft of opium at a chemical factory warehouse. Everything suggests that the offender must be sought among the employees of the enterprise. One of the workers, Frolov, is familiar to Alyoshin in another matter. And although Aleshin is confident in Frolov’s honesty, he suspects something was wrong, seeing how he hides something from him and himself suffers from it. At the dacha, the factory director Vasiltsev killed his stepfather, who turned out to be an unnecessary witness. A trace brings Aleshin to a plant employee, a certain Olga ...
The Marble House
A group of boys are hunting for treasure supposedly hidden in a ruins of the old marble house.
Седьмое небо
Liberation: Direction of the Main Blow
Gen. Panov
This five part epic war drama gives a dramatized detailed account of Soviet Union's war against Nazi Germany during world war two. Each of the five parts represents a separate major eastern front campaign.
Liberation: The Break Through
Gen. Panov
A grandiose military film epic, which does not know analogues in world cinema: the history of the Great Patriotic War from the Battle of the Kursk Bulge to the installation of the Banner of Victory over the Reichstag - "Liberation".
Новогоднее похищение
An Old Acquaintance
Сергей Сергеевич Анохин
The continuation of the adventures of Serafim Ivanovich Ogurtsov after the events of the Carnival Night...
Люди, как реки...
Kierunek Berlin
kapitan Wsiewołod Iwanowicz Polak
Wake Mukhin Up!
Benckendorff / Titus Valerius / inquisitor
During lectures on literature, evening student Sasha Mukhin, a subway driver, sleeps and dreams. In approximate accordance with the subject of the lectures, he either tries to prevent Pushkin’s duel with Dantes, either intervenes in the events of Spartak’s rebellion, or is present at Galileo’s abdication, then meets a person from the future and learns from him his future fate.
Длинный день Кольки Павлюкова
Kolya Pavlyukov lives in a small village. He can never find a job to his liking. But here in the village, many years after the Great Patriotic War, a front-line friend of the deceased father Kolya arrives. Only one day goes by, one long day...
전쟁과 평화 4부
나폴레옹군의 전진으로 위기에 몰린 러시아를 구하기 위해 안드레이와 피에르는 전장에 뛰어든다. 폐허화되었던 모스크바는 전력을 빼앗긴 프랑스 나폴레옹 군을 역습하여 후퇴하게 한다. 모스크바에 돌아온 피에르는 슬픔에 빠진 나타샤를 위로하며 새로운 사랑을 느낀다.
Uncle's Dream
An important event is taking place in a small provincial town, an elderly rich prince arrives. The local "lioness" Maria Alexandrovna Moskaleva decides to marry him to her daughter Zinochka. But the "noble" Mordassov society is by no means inclined to voluntarily give up its positions: after all, in the head of every mother who has a marriageable daughter, the dream is to get a rich man as a son-in-law.
전쟁과 평화 1부
서자인 삐에르는 부친의 죽음 이후 거액의 재산을 상속받게 된다. 그 후 애정이 없었던 삐에르와 엘렌의 결혼 생활은 엘렌의 방탕한 생활로 별거에 이르게 된다. 한편 구사일생으로 아버지인 볼콘스키 공작에게로 돌아온 안드레이에게는 아내 리차의 죽음이라는 또 다른 시련이 다가온다. 그러던 중, 삐에르와 안드레이는 오랫만에 재회해 마음의 상처를 달랜다. 안드레이는 성숙한 여인이 된 나타나에게 매료 당하고 마침내 결혼을 신청하기에 이른다. 그러나 안드레이가 전쟁터로 떠나자 나타샤는 불안과 초조 속에서 방황하다가 결혼 약속을 취소해 버린다. 그러한 사실을 알 리가 없는 안드레이는 전장에서 자신의 모든 것을 걸고 조국애를 발휘하는데...
전쟁과 평화
러시아의 젊은 귀족 안드레이는 아내의 반대를 무릎쓰고 군에 자원했다가 중상을 당한다. 그의 친구 피에르는 재산을 탐하여 시집을 온 엘렌과의 불화로 별거에 이른다. 구사일생으로 돌아온 후 아내의 죽음으로 실의에 잠겨있던 안드레이는 백작의 딸 나타샤에게 매료당하여 청혼을 하게 된다. 나폴레옹군의 전진으로 위기에 몰린 러시아를 구하기위해 안드레이와 피에르는 전장에 뛰어든다. 폐허화되었던 모스크바는 전력을 빼앗긴 나폴레옹군을 역습하여 마침내 승리를 거둔다. 모스크바로 돌아온 삐에로는 안드레이를 잃은 슬픔에 빠진 나타샤를 위로하다 그녀와 사랑이 싹트게 된다.
They Conquer the Skies
The end of the 1940s. Test pilot Aleksei Kolchin was commissioned for the first time to fly the first Soviet jet fighter. The tests are successful, but it is necessary to improve the aircraft. When performing a test flight, Kolchin dies, his last words are recorded on tape. Having studied them, Kolchin's friend Sergei Sharov makes a new attempt and completes the test of the aircraft.
The Girls
A graduate of the culinary technical school of the cook, Tosya Kislitsyna, a naive and eccentric girl, came to the village lost in the northern forests. She sticks her nose in all affairs, seeks to help everyone. She met Ilya on the day of arrival: the "first guy in the village" fell upon her indignantly, and in the evening, to brighten up an unpleasant meeting, she decided to "make happy" with an invitation to a dance and was refused. Not accustomed to refusals, Ilya argues with Filya that during the week he will fall in love with Tosya...
Two Lives
Semyon Vostrikov
In the center of the film - two lives, two destinies. A simple, illiterate soldier Vostrikov of the Tsar's Army during the years of Soviet power grew into a devoted fighter of the revolution, he became a general of the Soviet Army, respected by all. A guards officer, a brilliant prince Naschyokin, who fought against Soviet power, emigrated from his native country and eventually became a lackey in a port restaurant.
Thrice Resurrected
Nikolay Shmelyov (uncredited)
In 1919, on the tow boat Komsomol went to beat the whites. During the Second World War, during the heroic battle on the Volga on this boat were transporting wounded soldiers and children
Normandy - Neman
Le capitaine Tarasenko
A certain number of French fighter pilots who will not accept the Second Armistice at Compiègne nor Vichy's orders decide to join the USSR. Once they have reached Moscow they resume training and form a squadron they call "Normandie". Reinforced in 1944, the squadron wins many victories. Following the acts of valor displayed by its pilots during the Battle of the Nieman River, it becomes the "Normandie-Niemen" squadron for the rest of times...
Млечный путь
A story of Kochubey - a hero of Russian Civil War.
Girl without an Address
The amusing adventures of the young builder Pasha Gusarov began from the moment when he met and fell in love with Katya on the train, who was going to conquer Moscow. Happiness makes a person careless, and the station is just the place where you can lose it. But it is at the station after all kinds of adventures that they meet again and now they will never part.
Next to us
The engineer and the reporter arrived at one of the plants of the Altai. They have just completed the institutions and are confident that the future is in their hands. At the plant, all relations are formed around the dubious glory of the Turner Milovidov. A fresh look, self-confidence and each other help friends to expose the "record holder".
Nikolay Pasechnik
For the construction of the plant comes a team of ironworkers, they will carry out the installation of the blast furnace according to the new method. A film about the difficult characters of ordinary Soviet people who know how to work, dream, love - to build a great human happiness.
자레크나야 거리의 봄
Sasha Savchenko
공장에서 일하는 노동자들을 대상으로 러시아어와 문학을 가르치는 티티아나는 자신의 수업을 듣는 공장 노동자 샤샤를 만나게 된다. 샤샤는 첫눈에 티티아나를 사랑하게 된다.
Other People's Relatives
The young machine operator Fyodor Soloveikov marries Stesha from a neighboring village and moves to live with her parents in a house. Young and energetic, he suffocates in the petty bourgeois world of the family, living away from collective farm life. Quarrels arise between young people, where old men pour oil of discord. Not receiving proper support from his wife, Fyodor leaves home.
Restless Youth
A story about three young men - three best friends - and their adventures during the first years of Soviet Union.
The Boys from Leningrad
Comedy about brothers Vesnushkin, Sasha and Vasya, who are playing for one team in a National Soccer Competition. However, Sasha falls in love with a beautiful girl and loses his confidence just before the final game, so his brother has to take the lead on the field in order to save the game.
Mysterious Find
Three kids from a coastal village in the Far North discover an old rifle in a cave. They learn about a national hero Guriy Gagarka and organize an expedition to gather more info on him.
The Last Night
Otets Leontyeva
On one of the October nights at the ball, gymnasium pupils and officers scoff at the love of Kuzma Zakharkin, the “cook's son”, to Lena, the daughter of the manufacturer. Cannon volley interrupts the fun. In the city begins the Moscow armed uprising of workers. At the center of the fate of two families is the capitalist Leontyev and the worker Zakharkin, whose sons became the organizers and participants of this uprising.
Loss of Feeling
Military Officer in Charge
In an unnamed English-speaking capitalist land, a young engineer invents inexhaustible giant robots to replace the fragile human workers on high-volume assembly-lines, and soon finds his invention co-opted by the military-industrial complex.