Lyusyena Ovchinnikova

Lyusyena Ovchinnikova

출생 : 1933-09-10,

사망 : 1999-01-08

프로필 사진

Lyusyena Ovchinnikova

참여 작품

The Night of The Yellow Bull
1948 year. The hero of the film Serdar recalls his childhood, which he spent in post-war Ashgabat. At that time it was truly an international city, united by the bitterness of military losses and the happiness of the Victory that had happened. However, the subject of memories, alas, is far from nostalgic feelings. Indeed, on that day, the Ashgabat earthquake, tragic in its consequences, took place, which claimed the lives of two-thirds of the city's residents.
Once the actor Rebrov flatly refused to participate in an obscene performance and flew, as they say, out the door. When he came home and found out that his family was going to be replenished, the exemplary family man was not upset, but organized a cooperative "Sibiryak", where lonely childless women were guaranteed the appearance of beautiful babies. Assistant Rebrov became Vovik also an actor-loser. Hopeless drinker and completely indifferent to the female sex, the fat man will be very talented to play the role of a psychic as long as the "Siberian" does not attract the attention of the racket and until a sweet woman with a dream to give birth to a son from a psychic appears in his apartment.
The Murder at Zhdanovskaya
Irina Sergienko
The Big Exchange
Hotel Administrator
USSR. The time of the monetary reform of 1961. One hundred rubles turned into ten overnight. But the reform did not affect copper money. Enterprising administrator of the Park of culture and recreation Prokhor Ignatievich, wanting to increase his capital, tries to exchange a big amount of money for small copper with the help of simple-minded driver Zhora Grakin and ex-convict Roland Babaskin...
KGB Agents Also Fall in Love
A Russian agent is sent to a mission in Chile as a punishment. While there, he continues his adventures in a massage parlor where he meets Paola - a young prostitute he falls in love with.
Valentin and Valentina
Valentin and Valentina love each other and want to marry. But their mothers are strongly against this marriage. So strong is their hate that they can use any possible means.
Aniskin Again
Third and final part of the comedies about the funny adventures of countryside cop named Aniskin.
Risk is a noble cause
The thirty-year-old decathlete leaves the big sport and becomes a stunt performer in the cinema. About how the movie is shot, and about the development of personal relationships between the main characters.
A Lullaby for Men
Klavdiya Ivanovna
A single mother for years had an amazing relationships with her son. But all ended when a young girl joined the family.
전쟁 없는 20일
Xenia Sergeevna, former wife of Lopatin
종군기자 로파틴은 20일의 휴가를 맞아 기차를 타고 타슈켄트로 향한다. 전선에서 멀리 떨어진 그곳에도 사람들의 인식 속에 전쟁이 자리잡고 있다.
We Didn't Learn This
Mila's mother
The heroes of the film are students of a pedagogical university, those who, after a year or two, have to carry knowledge to schoolchildren, "to sow the rational, good, eternal." In the meantime, student practice. True, the practice is not quite ordinary, because for the first time students leave far from the walls of their own university, for the first time they meet with students in the classroom not in the presence of their teachers, those with whom life encounters them daily at the institute, but with those who have been working for more than a year at school.
The Big Space Travel
Zoya Petrovna
From the same studio that produced Richard Viktorov's diptych Moscow-Cassiopeia / Adolescents in the Universe comes this second teen-themed sci-fi adventure, in which three youngsters have to take command of a space flight when their adult captain comes down sick and is forced to quarantine himself.
Olga Sergeevna
The cunning king Polidekt of the island of Serif sends the young hero Perseus to get the head of Gorgon Medusa, whose gaze turns people to stone. He is accompanied by the god of commerce and profits and the patron of thieves and athletes, Hermes, who pursues his personal interests. Perseus gets the head of Medusa, but uses it to save Andromeda, the daughter of King Kef.
Сокровища затонувших кораблей
Nochnoy seans
The Adventures of Mowgli
Raksha (voice)
Adventures of Mowgli is an animated feature-length story originally released as five animated shorts of about 20 minutes each between 1967 and 1971 in the Soviet Union.
We're Waiting for You, Lad
The team elected a young worker Timur Gulyamov as a member of the Executive Committee. There were not very good reasons for this in the team — the guy inspired not so much trust as sympathy. However, he took the decision of his colleagues seriously and the assigned task helped him to rethink a lot and look at others in a new way...
The Long Recess
A young teacher goes to a school for adults. He is younger than many of his students and some of them are starting to miss school.
Adventures of Mowgli: Return to Mankind
Raksha (voice)
Episode 5. Mowgli stood the leader of the wolf pack. It's time to settle with the main enemy of Mowgli tiger Shere Khan. In addition, the jungle comes the time of renewal, blossom and love. Mowgli feels vaguely disturbing. It's time to leave the jungle and return back to the people.
On the Way to Lenin
A train travels through the vastness of Russia, a train with German prisoners of war returning home, and Viktor Kleist, a young German communist from an intellectual home in Munich, travels back home with them. During the journey, the stations on his way to Lenin wake up again.
Adventures of Mowgli: The Fight
Raksha (voice)
Episode 4. A terrible threat hanging over the wolf tribe and all living inhabit the jungle. On native places for Mowgli is approaching a huge flock of wild red dogs, destroying everything in its path. It seemed nothing to resist them, but Mowgli comes up with as they confront the red Horde.
The White Weathervane
A story about the adventures of two teenage brothers helping ChK during twenties.
Mama Got Married
A sublime, exceptionally well acted film about a single working class mother and her teenage son. She finds a man and marries him, her son is jealous and full of hot air at first but comes to understand her in the end. That's all. The simplicity of the story notwithstanding, this is one of the most sincere and lyrical films to have been produced in the 1960s-1970s Soviet Union. Very realistic, too, showing the life as it was then. Lyusyena Ovchinnikova is superb, it is this film that makes one realize what a wonderful and under-appreciated actress she was. Nikolay Burlyayev is very good as a lanky teenager, the final scene with him carrying a glass of carbonated water for his mother is stunning. Oleg Efremov is very convincing as a working class man who found his happiness at last.
Встречи на рассвете
Adventures of Mowgli: Akela's Last Hunt
Raksha (voice)
Episode 3. Mowgli has grown and in order that he might take his place in the pack he needed to arm themselves. Kaa helped Mowgli find the Iron Tooth in the abandoned cave. It happened just in time because the old enemy tiger Shere Khan raised havoc in the pack was going to overthrow Akela leader of the wolf.
Adventures of Mowgli: The Kidnapping
Raksha (voice)
Episode 2. Mowgli — the adopted son of a wolf family. He grows quickly and learns from his mentors. The rumor that the wolf pack living human child, comes to banderlogs. The monkey tribe, decided to make Mowgli their leader. They steal Mowgli and transfer it into a towns ruins in the jungle.
The Journalist
A successful young journalist goes to a small industrial city in order to understand the written complaints of a certain girl. When he met the author of the letters and the girl whom she had slandered, he didn't immediately understand the complexity of the situation and the measure of responsibility to those whom he was obliged to protect...
Strong with Spirit
Story of a Russian intelligence officer Nikolai Kuznetsov (known as lieutenant Paul Wilhelm Zibert) who worked in the capital of occupied by fascist troops Ukraine. 960 days and nights were left until the end of the Second World War.
Adventures of Mowgli: Raksha
Raksha (voice)
Episode 1. A small child falls into the jungle in the wolf family. He liked the mother wolf Raksha, which gave him the tiger Sher Khan. The wolves raised a human baby named Mowgli. But life in a wolf pack is subject to the law of the jungle. The Council of the pack should decide whether Mowgli live among the beasts or eaten by Shere Khan.
Second widow
A story of a first love between two recent high school graduates who meet one another evening before start of the WWII.
On Tomorrow's Street
The Girl and the Bugler
It is a story about 12 or 13 years old girl in the middle of 60-th in USSR. She is a pioneer. She is in love with her pioneer leader - 16-17 years old boy, who doesn't even notice her. In order to impress him she tries to find someone, who was a member of pioneer squad in 1923 - one of the first Soviet pioneers...
Morning Trains
The film is about the working youth of a giant factory in Moscow - the story of a young girl Asya, who had to endure a lot of disappointments before she found true friends
The Girls
A graduate of the culinary technical school of the cook, Tosya Kislitsyna, a naive and eccentric girl, came to the village lost in the northern forests. She sticks her nose in all affairs, seeks to help everyone. She met Ilya on the day of arrival: the "first guy in the village" fell upon her indignantly, and in the evening, to brighten up an unpleasant meeting, she decided to "make happy" with an invitation to a dance and was refused. Not accustomed to refusals, Ilya argues with Filya that during the week he will fall in love with Tosya...
Nine Days of One Year
Two young scientists are exploring new fields of nuclear physics. Dmitry Gusev and Ilya Kulikov are good friends, but rivals in love. Dmitry marries Lyolya and they live happily together. Luck has it that he makes an important discovery. Unfortunately he exposes himself to radioactivity during the experiments. As a result he falls seriously ill. However Dmitry has a strong spirit. His will to live, the deep passion for his work and his strong love for mankind makes it possible for him to recover.
The Maiden's Spring
The Maiden Spring choreographic ensemble goes on tour in the Volga cities. In love with the soloist of the ensemble Galina, the optician Volodya could not be among the passengers of the ship on which the artists sailed: on the occasion of the special flight, tickets for the ship were not sold. And then Volodya gets a job as an assistant cook in the galley (the only vacant place on the ship). A lot of adventures have befallen the new nutrition worker. The galley’s female team received him with pleasure, and the beautiful Nastya even fell in love with the young man a little, causing Gali’s jealousy ...
Разноцветные камешки
The Sun Shines to Everyone
The Day the War Ended
A Home for Tanya
The adopted daughter of Dr. Skvortsov, Tanya, having learned that her mother Natalya Avdeyevna is alive, who was considered dead during the bombing of World War II, decides to go to her in a distant village on vacation. She recognizes the woman who gave her life and lost her husband and sons due to the war, but cannot call her mother. Meetings on the collective farm with interesting people make Tanya think a lot and experience a lot. She discovers for herself a completely new, largely alien world to her. It does not immediately penetrate the sense of inner kinship with this world, its people, so unusual for her.