Sada Thompson
출생 : 1927-09-27, Des Moines, Iowa, USA
사망 : 2011-05-04
Stella Pollock
뉴욕의 그리니치 빌리지. 알콜 중독자이자 무명 화가인 잭슨 폴락에게 어느 날 여류 화가 리 크레이즈너가 찾아온다. 눈앞에 펼쳐지는 독특하고 화려한 색채의 그림들에 그녀는 폴락의 천재성을 감지하고 그에게 강하게 이끌리게 된다. 둘은 동거를 시작하지만, 날마다 술에 취해 비틀거리고 송년회 파티에서 벽난로에 오줌을 누는 추태를 벌이는가 하면 며칠동안 길거리를 헤매며 걸인행세를 하는 등 폴락과의 동거생활은 그녀에게는 너무 버겁다. 하지만 그의 재능에 대한 그녀의 집념은 굽힐 줄 모른다. 끊임없이 재촉하는 그녀의 집착은 결국 둘 사이를 멀어지게 하고, 폴락은 예술적 한계에 부딪히게 되면서 다시 술에 빠져들게 되는데...
Sister Evangeline
Unhappy in her marriage, expectant mother Rose (Dana Delany) flees to a home for unwed mothers in rural Tennessee in this adaptation of Ann Patchett's novel. When she stays on after her baby is born, Rose becomes friends with an elderly nun (Sada Thompson) and begins a relationship with the local handyman, Son (Clancy Brown). Everything seems fine until Rose's first husband tracks her down and she's forced to relive her troubled past.
A Mother is devastated when her sailor son is murdered by two of his crewmates in a homophobic attack.
Virginia McMartin
맥마틴 가족은 아직도 캘리포니아에 거주하고 있다. 페기는 신경쇠약에 걸려 광장공포증에 시달리고 있고 엄마인 버지니아와 아들 레이하고 함께 산다. 페기앤은 교원자격을 되찾았고 결혼해서 두 아이를 낳았다. 1990년 루빈은 대법원장 후보 공천에서 자격을 취소 당했고, LA 지방검사실에서 일한다. 1992년 웨인 새츠는 심장마비로 47살의 나이로 세상을 떠났다. 키 맥팔레인은 아직도 국제아동협회에서 일하고 있다. 대니 데이비스와 글렌 스티븐스는 변호사 생활을 계속하고 있다. 현재 레이 버키는 대학생이며 법대에 진학할 예정이다.
Andre's Mother
Written by Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award winner Terrence McNally, Andre's Mother is the story of Katherine Gerard (Sada Thompson) who has lost her son to AIDS. Set at Andre's memorial service, the film follows Katherine's journey as she confronts the death of her son, the anguish of his lover Cal Porter (Richard Thomas), and, in flashbacks, the key moments of denial and miscommunication with those closest to her. Originally broadcast as part of "American Playhouse" on PBS (season nine, episode four).
A producer from Beverly Hills is shocked when someone steals all of her belongings out of her purse. The thief begins to make threatening phone calls and withdraws money from her accounts. The stalker becomes more and more dangerous until he finally tries to kill the producer.
Pastine Tibbettes
When a WW2 veteran comes back home,he realizes how the war affected Americans by seeing the changes in his wife,family,and best friend.
Maria Pello
Frank Dowling has to solve the mystery of a young man who is obsessed with finding his natural parents.
A widow emerges from her mourning after a year. She moves into a new apartment, gets a new job, and a gains a 'gentleman caller,' her late husband's partner and former best friend. Her daughter opposes the relationship and causes considerable confusion. As she tries to work out her problems, she confides in a fellow worker. The friend offers her a shoulder to cry on and ultimately suggests that they have a relationship. Surprised and more confused than ever, she does find herself drawn to her friend.
Widow Douglas
Adventurous Huck Finn prefers rafting on the Mississippi River rather than being a part of civilization.
Mrs. Antrobus
Production of Thornton Wilder's Pulitzer-winning play "The Skin of Our Teeth."
Narrator (voice)
Frida Kahlo: declared a symbol of Mexican national heritage, made into a cult figure by the women's movement, praised by the likes of Picasso and Breton, this film uses images and music to reveal the soul of an icon.
Mrs. Gibbs
3-act play by American playwright Thornton Wilder.
Phoebe Rice
A vaudeville entertainer approaches middle age still not having attained success or stardom.
Sophie and Otto Bentwood are a middle-aged, middle class, childless Brooklyn Heights couple trapped in a loveless marriage. He is an attorney, she a translator of books. Their existence is affected not only by their disintegrating relationship but by the threats of urban crime and vandalism that surround them everywhere they turn, leaving them feeling paranoid, scared, and desperately helpless.