Blanca Jara

참여 작품

Lope enamorado
The poet and playwright Lope de Vega is already a priest officially. The love affairs of the Spanish writer and actress Lucía Salcedo, whom he nicknamed as "La loca", are publicly known. Cervantes dies. Lope falls madly in love with Marta de Nevares. She is an intelligent and delicate woman, interested in literature and music. The two attract and live a romantic story.
Te esperaré
로마로 향하는 기차 안, 바티칸 취재 기자 '아나'는 우연히 남미의 베르골리오 신부를 만나게 된다. 이를 인연으로 친구가 된 '아나'는 그에게 평범한 청년에서 지금에 이르기까지 지난 날의 이야기를 듣게 된다. ‘아나’가 듣게 된 베르골리오 신부의 이야기는 어머니의 반대에도 불구, 사제의 길을 걷기 시작한 청년 시절로 시작된다. 첫 눈에 반한 여인과의 만남, 갖은 협박과 외압의 위기도 있었지만, 이 때 마다 베르골리오 신부는 흔들리지 않고 가난하고 소외된 자들과 함께 세상으로 나아간다. 그리고 대주교로서 정년 퇴직만을 기다리고 있던 어느 날, 베르골리오는 교황을 선출하는 선거 콘클라베의 강력한 후보로 오르게 되는데... 모든 이들의 축복과 함께 그가 우리 곁에 옵니다!
Ni pies ni cabeza
Two clumsy policemen, Kiko and Castro find during a routine patrol in the forest a dead body without feet and head. After several inquiries, they discover that it belongs to a prominent member of the union, frowned upon by the officers. To solve the case they choose Elias, an agent with little experience who will investigate the case with the help of Conda, the medical examiner, and the clumsy agents that discovered the body.
La conjura de El Escorial
16th century ruler King Philip II of Spain maneuvers within a court of deceit and betrayal
Ekipo Ja
The Ekipo Ja, a group of sane gypsies led by the gypsy Juan De Dios, is in possession, unknowingly, of a sacred seal able to make wishes to him who possesses it. And who wants to possess above all is the Marquesa, a wealthy stranger who does not hesitate to use cunning Italian art dealer persecuted by the police and associated with the Russian mafia, to remove the seal from Juan de Dios. But neither the Marquesa, neither the Italian nor the Russian, not even the Spanish Police, known the capacity Juan de Dios and his men to mess things up and, incidentally, become involved themselves.
Vete de mí
Y decirte alguna estupidez, por ejemplo, te quiero
The adventures of a group of secondary school . Juan, one of the group, falls in love with Sara, the new girl.