Coral Browne

Coral Browne

출생 : 1913-07-23, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

사망 : 1991-05-29


Coral Browne (23 July 1913 – 29 May 1991) was an Australian-American stage and screen actress. Her film appearances included Auntie Mame (1958), The Killing of Sister George (1968), The Ruling Class (1972) and Dreamchild (1985). She was actor Vincent Price's third wife since 1974 when she met him on the set of British film, Theatre of Blood (1973).

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Coral Browne
Coral Browne

참여 작품

Sparky's Magic Piano
A boy becomes a virtuoso pianist, but when he gets too big-headed the piano decides to teach him a lesson.
Alice Hargreaves
Exploring the somewhat darker and more mysterious side of the Lewis Carroll's classic book, the movie follows Alice Liddell (the book's inspiration) as an old woman who is haunted by the characters she was once so amused by. As she thinks back on it, she starts to see her relationship with the shy author/professor in a new way and realizes the vast change between the young Alice and the old.
아메리칸 드리머
Margaret McMann
American housewife Cathy Palmer loses her memory on a trip to Paris after being hit by a car. She wakes up in the hospital believing she's the fictional international spy, Rebecca Ryan.
An Englishman Abroad
Actress Coral Browne travels to Moscow, and meets a mysterious Englishman. Turns out he's the notorious spy, Guy Burgess. Based on a true story, with Ms. Browne playing herself.
명탐정 하퍼 2
Harper is brought to Louisiana to investigate an attempted blackmail scheme. He soon finds out that it involves an old flame of his and her daughter. He eventually finds himself caught in a power struggle between the matriarch of the family and a greedy oil baron, who wants their property. Poor Harper! Things are not as straight-forward as they initially appeared.
The Importance of Being Earnest
Lady Bracknell
Adaptation of the play by Oscar Wilde.
피의 극장
Chloe Moon
에드워드는 셰익스피어 극에만 출연하는 배우다. ´올해의 배우상´ 수상에 실패하자 그는 딸을 끌어들여 셰익스피어 희곡들에 나온 살인 장면들을 연기한다. 컬트적 매력이 충만한, 엉뚱하고 신선한 코미디 호러 각색물.
Mrs. Warren's Profession
Mrs. Warren
Performed in 1902, after being banned by the censor for eight years, Shaw's indictment of the hypocrisy surrounding prostitution still shocked its audiences. Mrs. Warren has graduated from prostitution to opening and operating a chain of brothels throughout Europe. When her educated daughter Vivie discovers the truth about her mother's profession her reactions affect everyone around her.
지배 계급
Lady Claire Gurney
When the Earl of Gurney dies in a cross-dressing accident, his schizophrenic son, Jack, inherits the Gurney estate. Jack is not the average nobleman; he sings and dances across the estate and thinks he is Jesus reincarnated. Believing that Jack is mentally unfit to own the estate, the Gurney family plots to steal Jack's inheritance. As their outrageous schemes fail, the family strives to cure Jack of his bizarre behavior, with disastrous results.
Charley's Aunt
Donna Lucia D'Alvadorez
Adaptation of the play by Brandon Thomas.
조지 수녀의 살해
Mercy Croft
중년의 여배우 준은 BBC TV의 드라마에서 명랑한 교구수녀 역을 맡아 인기를 누리고 있다. 그녀가 맡은 조지 수녀는 자전거를 타고 마을을 돌아다니며 자잘한 사건들을 해결하는 태평하고 마음씨 좋은 인물. 하지만 현실의 ‘조지’는 머지 않아 역할을 잃을 위기에 처해있다. 게다가 오랫동안 동거해온 젊은 연인 앨리스의 태도도 근래엔 어딘지 냉랭하다. 긴장감이 고조되던 중 준을 드라마에서 방출시키려는 방송국의 간부 머시 크로프트가 준과 앨리스의 집을 찾아온다. 머시는 두 사람을 만나면서 자신의 숨겨진 동성애 성향을 깨닫게 된다. 머시는 준의 인형처럼 집에만 있던 앨리스에게 일자리를 제공하고, 머시와 앨리스는 점차 가까워진다.
라일라 클레어의 전설
Molly Luther
A dictatorial film director hires an unknown actress to play the lead role in a planned movie biography of a late, great Hollywood star.
바르샤바의 밤
Eleanore von Seidlitz-Gabler
2차 대전, 전시 중에 살인사건의 수사를 맡은 정보 장교 그라우 소령. 목격자의 증언에 의해 뜻밖에도 범인이 3명의 독일군 장성급 중 하나라는 증거가 드러나 사건은 더욱 중요해진다. 외교상의 외전과정보국의 상반된 증거. 전쟁임무 수행 등 미묘한 상황으로 사건은 더욱 복잡해지는데. 어느 날 수사를 진행하던 그라우 소령마저 살해된다. 비록 점령군이었으나 그라우 소령의 따뜻한 인간미로 도움을 받았던 지배국 폴란드의 수사관은 이 사건을 전쟁이 끝나고 전범 처벌까지 끝난 용의자들을 추적 하여 결국 장군 3명중에 1명을 범인으로 지목, 그를 검거하기에 이르지만... 한스 헬무트 키즈스트의 소설이 원작. 인간의 심리를 예리하게 파헤친 뛰어난 작품으로 명배우 피터 오톨, 오마 샤리프, 필립 느와레의 심층적 연기가 돋보인다.
Dr. Crippen
Belle Crippen
A British physician stands trial for murdering his wife after he and his mistress are captured while fleeing to Canada.
Mme. Becque
The headmaster of a stuffy British boys' school receives a surprise visit from the now-grown, and very voluptuous, daughter he fathered years earlier in the Pacific islands.
Go to Blazes
A gang of aspiring bank robbers involve themselves with arsonists and purchase their very own fire truck in an attempt to create the ultimate diversion. But posing as firemen leads them to disaster.
로마의 애수
Critics and the public say Karen Stone is too old -- as she approaches 50 -- for her role in a play she is about to take to Broadway. Her businessman husband, 20 years her senior, has been the angel for the play and gives her a way out: They are off to a holiday in Rome for his health. He suffers a fatal heart attack on the plane. Mrs. Stone stays in Rome. She leases a magnificent apartment with a view of the seven hills from the terrace. Then the contessa comes calling to introduce a young man named Paola to her. The contessa knows many presentable young men and lonely American widows.
앤티 맘
Vera Charles
아버지가 죽고 패트릭은 아버지의 유언에 따라 뉴욕의 메임 고모 집으로 가게 된다. 또한 니커버커 은행의 드와이트 배브콕이 패트릭의 전 재산을 관리하고 자유분방한 성격의 고모로부터 아이를 보호하도록 되어있다. 자유분방한 고모와 보수적인 배브콕의 성격 때문에 많은 갈등이 생기는데, 결국 메임을 믿지 못한 배브콕의 의견에 따라 패트릭은 메임과 떨어져 기숙학교에 다니게 되는데...
Beautiful Stranger
An ex-chorus girl lives on the Riviera, supported by a married man she doesn't know is a crook.
The Courtneys of Curzon Street
On New Years Eve, 1899, baronet's son Edward Courtney becomes engaged to Kate, his mother's maid, much to the scandal of London society. The film then follows their family through four generations, with separations, joys, tragedies, and service in the Boer War, WWI, and WWII.
Piccadilly Incident
Virginia Pearson
A newly married WREN, presumed drowned when her ship is torpedoed, spends three years on a tropical island before returning to England to find her husband remarried with a baby son.
Let George Do It!
Shortly after the start of World War II, a ukelele player (George) takes the wrong boat and finds himself in (still uninvaded) Norway. He is mistaken for a fellow British intelligence agent by a woman (Mary), and becomes involved in trying to defeat Nazi agents.
The Nursemaid Who Disappeared
An overheard conversation leads to clues that a kidnapping plot is afoot.
We're Going to Be Rich
A perpetual dreamer talks his wife into moving with him from their home in Australia to South Africa, where he hopes to discover gold and finally become wealthy.
Guilty Melody
A British spy falls in love with a singer whose husband is working for the enemy.
The Amateur Gentleman
Pauline Darville
A former boxing champion, now an innkeeper, is accused of stealing a watch from a party of guests at his inn, who happen to be members of English royalty. The old man is arrested and thrown in prison. His son, knowing that his father didn't steal the watch and suspecting a frame-up, follows the royal party to London, where he poses as a wealthy "gentleman" and insinuates himself into the English court in an effort to find out who framed his father and why.
Charing Cross Road
Lady Ruston
British drama film directed by Albert de Courville.
Waltzing Matilda
Chic Williams (Pat Hanna) and his friend James Brown (Norman French) elude a private detective who's been following them, and head off to the bush (only later is it revealed that the detective wants to tell James he's inherited a fortune).