Mika Orasmaa

참여 작품

There's Something in the Barn
Director of Photography
An American family fulfills their dream of moving back to their roots after inheriting a remote cabin in the mountains of Norway. But there's a surprise waiting for them.
The Mushroom Trip
Director of Photography
PJ, a struggling screenwriter and his best friend Jami, a successful car dealer, are fed up with how painfully stuck their heads are in their ways. They decide to do something about it and rent a cabin on the Finnish archipelago for the weekend to get their minds blown - with magic mushrooms. A little getaway between the men gets out of hand when a series of coincidences turn their plans upside down.
Director of Photography
대통령궁이 공격당했다! 독립기념일 만찬 중인 대통령궁. 무장 테러리스트들이 습격해 점령하고 대통령과 각국 외교관을 인질로 협상조건을 내민다. 일급비밀 EU특수팀의 진압작전이 시작되고 놈들은 대통령을 납치해 공항으로 탈출하는데… 대통령을 구출하라! 끝까지 추격해서 모두 제거한다!
Bordertown: The Mural Murders
Director of Photography
A mural painted with blood is found on the wall of Pasila train station, which depicts Finland's best-known serial killer Lasse Maasalo. The text in the mural, “Making the world a better place”, is linked to a voting circulating in social media, where people can vote for persons that world would be a better place without. Soon the first body is found and Sorjonen must find the person who has named himself as The Judge.
Shoot for the Moon
A documentary about the trials and tribulations of being a entrepreneur and film maker in Finland from the makers of Iron Sky franchise.
아이언 스카이2: 더 커밍 레이스
Director of Photography
2047년, 달 나치의 침략으로 멸망해버린 지구. 살아남은 마지막 인류는 달의 뒷면으로 이주해 살아간다. 하지만 인구 과잉에 물자 부족까지, 인간들이 살아가기엔 너무나 열악하다. 달에서 버틸 수 있는 시간도 얼마 남지 않은 상황에서 ‘오비’는 인류를 구할 단 하나의 방법이 지구에 있다는 사실을 알게 되는데…
언노운 솔저
Director of Photography
잃어버린 국토를 찾기 위해 기관총부대는 최전방에 투입되어 소련과 필사의 전투를 벌인다. 3년의 전투에서 매번 승리하지만 끝없는 전투에 지쳐간다. 마침내 소련의 총공격이 시작되고 마지막 방어선에서 최후의 전투를 벌이는데… 진정한 영웅의 위대한 승리를 목격한다!
White Rage
Director of Photography
About Lauri, and through him the story of other victims of both school bullying and a separate childhood trauma: victims full of white rage, which may lead to school shootings and other extreme acts of violence. The film is also about our society: a society without sufficient understanding or desire to address the emergence of school violence.
The Island of Secrets
It was supposed to be just an ordinary holiday on sunny Kos, but Toni has to rescue a beautiful local girl, a talented free-diver, from the clutches of kidnappers. When it appears that nobody else can be trusted, Toni must reluctantly rely on his step-brothers' assistance.
빅 게임
Second Unit Director of Photography
대통령이 사라졌다? 미 대통령 윌리엄(사무엘 L. 잭슨)은 전용기 에어포스 원을 타고 핀란드의 헬싱키로 향하던 중 의문의 습격을 받아 핀란드의 야생 숲에 떨어지고 만다. 그 곳에서 사냥꾼의 아들 오스카(온니 톰밀라)의 도움을 받아 구사일생으로 살아난 윌리엄. 하지만 그는 자신을 노리는 테러리스트 때문에게 위기에 처하게 되는데….
빅 게임
Director of Photography
대통령이 사라졌다? 미 대통령 윌리엄(사무엘 L. 잭슨)은 전용기 에어포스 원을 타고 핀란드의 헬싱키로 향하던 중 의문의 습격을 받아 핀란드의 야생 숲에 떨어지고 만다. 그 곳에서 사냥꾼의 아들 오스카(온니 톰밀라)의 도움을 받아 구사일생으로 살아난 윌리엄. 하지만 그는 자신을 노리는 테러리스트 때문에게 위기에 처하게 되는데….
Director of Photography
8-Ball tells the story of single mother Pike who, having just been released from prison, is trying to start her life anew. When her former boyfriend Lalli comes back from abroad, it opens a window into a past that Pike wants to put behind her.
아이언 스카이
Director of Photography
2018년, 지구를 침략하러 ‘외계인’이 아닌 ‘그들’이 왔다. 재선을 노리고 있는 최초의 여성 대통령이 통치하고 있는 미합중국에 예기치 않은 소식이 들어온다. 바로 달 탐사선이 연락두절 됐다는 것. 그리고 얼마 후, 지구를 침략하러 ‘그들’이 우주에서 온다. 미국은 UN안보정상회의를 소집하는데 …….
Rat King
18 year old Juri is seriously addicted to online gaming, so much so he becomes isolated from his single mother and pushes his girlfriend to the brink of leaving him. He decides to quit, but is soon lured back by one of his net-mates, Niki, who - when they meet for the first time - turns out to look strikingly like Juri. Niki has a web-address tattooed on his arm and when Juri types it into his computer, he gets drawn into a curious game that grants him the username RAT KING. As the game becomes increasingly dangerous, Niki vows to help Juri get through it. But the game triggers a series of life-threatening events and pretty soon Juri realizes that he is gaming for his life.
Play God
Director of Photography
Play God is a humorous documentary that neither apologizes nor whines but simply recounts, with brutal honesty, the story of a failed splatter film project.
Play God
Play God is a humorous documentary that neither apologizes nor whines but simply recounts, with brutal honesty, the story of a failed splatter film project.
산타를 보내드립니다
Director of Photography
호기심 많은 어린 소년 피에타리는 산타클로스에 대한 어두운 진실을 알아낸다. 그리고 어느 날, 땅속에 묻혔던 무시무시한 산타클로스의 좀비들이 피에타리의 마을을 습격하면서 크리스마스는 악몽으로 돌변한다. 산타클로스의 전설을 현대적으로 각색한 액션 호러 영화로 2010년 핀란드 최고 흥행작. 영화 제목의 의미를 5분만에 알려주는 라스트 씬을 놓치지 말 것. (2012년 제16회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
크리스마스 스토리
Director of Photography
Hundreds of years ago in Lapland, a little boy named Nikolas loses his family in an accident. The villagers decide to look after the orphaned boy together. Once a year - at Christmas - Nikolas moves to a new home. To show his gratitude, Nikolas decides to make toys for the children of the families as good-bye presents. Over the years, Nikolas's former adoptive families become many, and soon almost every house has presents on its doorstep on Christmas morning. At thirteen, Nikolas is sent to live and work with Iisakki, a grumpy old carpenter, who forbids Nikolas to continue making presents for Christmas. Gradually, however, Nikolas wins Iisakki's trust. Together they begin to look after the Christmas traditional that Nikolas has begun. When the aged Iisakki has to leave Nikolas and move away, the tradition of Christmas presents is once again at risk. Thankfully, Nikolas comes up with a solution that brings children joy every Christmas, even continuing to today.
The Fakir
Director of Photography
The Fakir is fairy tale about the responsibility of ones life, and avoiding it.
The Fakir
The Fakir is fairy tale about the responsibility of ones life, and avoiding it.
Gourmet Club
Director of Photography
"Gourmet Club" follows a doctor who belongs to a small but exclusive gourmet club, in which the five upper-class members take turns providing the main course, wagering as to who can identify a mystery exotic ingredient. Things get interesting when the doctor's gambling problem catches up with him. Desperate, he comes up with the idea to use a truly shocking mystery ingredient to fool his colleagues, but he gets more than he bargained for when the mystery meal has a surprising and powerful effect on the members.
Riot On!
Director of Photography
The year is 2000 and investors are going crazy about a new mobile phone company called Riot Entertainment. Many high profile companies, like Nokia, invest millions on this unknown firm. Two years later, when all the money has been spent and the company is bankrupt, the fun is over. What happened?
Director of Photography
Ella, a girl from the province, starts her freshman year at the Helsinki Business School. The capital's party scene introduces her to ecstasy, and together with her new friend Silja and boyfriend Jokke she can't help finding it an easy and lucrative business opportunity. The three soon develop an addiction not so much to the drug but to all the good things that the money can buy. But before long, reality bites back.
Director of Photography
Ukkonen (means Thunder) is a short film about a man called Ukkonen who was turned into a radioactive man in an accident in the Generator Corporation research plant, company secretly designing radioactive weapons with an energy business as a cover. Ukkonen starts his crusade to bring the company down and get his revenge. Nice quality for an independent production, even some special effects and some funny, overdramatic monologue by Ukkonen. Unfortunately the film is very short, lasting only about 20 minutes. Worth checking out if you somehow find this film.
Maxmillian Tarzan
Director of Photography
The authorities are after a time-traveler identifying as Maxmillian Tarzan.
Let's Fucking Die
Director of Photography
Let's Fucking Die
Let's Fucking Die
Let's Fucking Die
Let's Fucking Die
The Ark: An Iron Sky Story
Two Chinese university dropout audiophiles set out on a quest to decode a mysterious message received from the Moon, but quickly find themselves fighting against the mother of all conspiracy theories – the Illuminati.