Yavar Abbas

참여 작품

Down To The Earth's Core
Down to the Earth’s Core takes viewers from the sidewalk to the centre of the planet in one epic unbroken shot. Using spectacular computer generated imagery; the camera smashes through almost 9 000 kilometres of solid rock to explore the hidden world beneath our feet. Experience an earthquake inside the San Andreas Fault, blast out of a volcano, encounter bizarre cave-dwelling creatures and enter caves full of giant crystals – all inside planet Earth. As the camera lowers into Earth's bosom, the planet’s extraordinary story, is laid bare layer by layer, showing how prehistoric forests became modern-day fuel, witnessing the dinosaur’s cataclysmic death, and watching as stalactites form and gold grows before our eyes. Deeper, beyond the reach of any mine, any drill, we find wonders beyond imagination: towering molten metal tornadoes, forests of solid iron crystals, until we reach the strangest, least understood place on the planet – the core.
Il était une fois notre planète
Earth: Making of a Planet
Take a photographic journey thorough time from the violent birth of our planet four and a half billion years ago, through ice-ages, massive volcanic eruptions and the dinosaurs' reign to the first humans. For the first time, see the incredible story of our planet unfold in one single, seamless camera move.
Earth: Making of a Planet
Take a photographic journey thorough time from the violent birth of our planet four and a half billion years ago, through ice-ages, massive volcanic eruptions and the dinosaurs' reign to the first humans. For the first time, see the incredible story of our planet unfold in one single, seamless camera move.
The Human Ape
Human Ape[1] is a National Geographic documentary film on the genetic and evolutionary origins of human behavior, and covers the genetic and behavioural similarities and differences between humans and other great apes. The award-winning independent production company Pioneer Productions of London was commissioned by National Geographic Channels International to produce Human Ape.
우주의 끝을 찾아서
내쇼널지오그래픽은 화려한 CGI 기법을 통해 하나의 연속된 숏으로, 지구로부터 우주의 끝을 향한 여정을 선보인다. 허블 망원경에서 가져온 이미지들에 기반, [우주의 끝을 찾아서]는 태양계 멀리 천체 너머의 과학과 역사를 조명한다. 우주를 가로지르는 이 장엄한 항해를 통해 우리는, 지구로부터 달과 이웃행성들을 지나, 우리 태양계를 벗어난 후, 가장 가까이에 있는 항성들, 성운, 은하계에 다가가며 - 결국 우주의 끝에 이르게 된다.
Engineering Egypt
Egypt's two greatest Pharaohs, Khufu and Ramesses II, built their way to immortality through architectural marvels including the temples of Abu Simbel and the Great Pyramid of Giza
Engineering Egypt
Egypt's two greatest Pharaohs, Khufu and Ramesses II, built their way to immortality through architectural marvels including the temples of Abu Simbel and the Great Pyramid of Giza
In The Womb: Animals
Using 4-D technology, the early stages of a Golden Retriever puppy, a dolphin, and an elephant are examined.
In The Womb: Animals
Using 4-D technology, the early stages of a Golden Retriever puppy, a dolphin, and an elephant are examined.