대통령궁이 공격당했다! 독립기념일 만찬 중인 대통령궁. 무장 테러리스트들이 습격해 점령하고 대통령과 각국 외교관을 인질로 협상조건을 내민다. 일급비밀 EU특수팀의 진압작전이 시작되고 놈들은 대통령을 납치해 공항으로 탈출하는데… 대통령을 구출하라! 끝까지 추격해서 모두 제거한다!
대통령궁이 공격당했다! 독립기념일 만찬 중인 대통령궁. 무장 테러리스트들이 습격해 점령하고 대통령과 각국 외교관을 인질로 협상조건을 내민다. 일급비밀 EU특수팀의 진압작전이 시작되고 놈들은 대통령을 납치해 공항으로 탈출하는데… 대통령을 구출하라! 끝까지 추격해서 모두 제거한다!
10-year-old Vinski feels like an outsider and invisible among his age-mates, and even with his single mother Krista. Vinski meets a mysterious pharmacist who gives him a bottle of magical powder. A powder, that allows you to become invisible for real and walk through walls. It is fantastic to have the powers of a super hero, but soon a group of crooks becomes interested in the secret of invisibility as well.
Late 40’s after the war. Strange languaged and religioned immigrants fleeing from Karelia region are hated by Finns in the countryside. 19-year old Anni is living her life wanting to forget the war and hostility surrounding her. Falling in love with a man who hasn’t left fighting, threatens Anni’s whole family’s future and hope for mutual forgiveness..
교통수단은 자전거, 일터는 도서관, 고질병은 무대울렁증. 무대 경험은 방구석 1열뿐인 12년 차 메탈바라기 시골 밴드. 어느 날, 대규모 메탈 축제 담당자가 우연히 동네에 찾아오고 용기를 내 데모 테이프를 전달한다. 단 한번도 계획대로 된 적은 없지만 지금이 아니면 안 된다고 생각한 그들, 축제가 열리는 노르웨이로 무작정 찾아가기로 하는데…
8-Ball tells the story of single mother Pike who, having just been released from prison, is trying to start her life anew. When her former boyfriend Lalli comes back from abroad, it opens a window into a past that Pike wants to put behind her.
There is civil war in Finland between "Whites" and "Reds". A woman soldier of the Reds is captured by the Whites. She is ordered to be executed.
A lieutenant is enforced into a homosexual relationship with his commanding officer to save the Red female with whom he is infatuated.
When a schoolteacher is sacked, he projects his bad mood at his troubled teenage son. The son, in turn, buys a CD player from a pawnshop with counterfeit money. This starts a chain reaction of misery as every victim projects his problems on to another person.
The town of Hömpstad is once again under threat from criminals and Vinski's help is needed. When the criminals manage to steal the invisibility powder for themselves, Vinski has a real showdown on his hands.