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With his distinctive voice and unusual view of life, Harris takes us through his story: a harrowing journey of humour, grief, resolution and redemption. Harris, as a child of five, sits underneath his house amongst the cobwebs making 'sugar' by pounding sandstone rocks into fine grains and wrapping them into bags. Harris at 17 falls in love with Helen and when a tragic accident leads to a breakdown he ends up at 'The Cottage'... Thrust up against the lives of other innocent victims, Harris begins to make sense of his own guilt, grief and the secret of his past.
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베이브는 지역 양몰이 대회에서 우승하지만 주인인 호지트씨의 사고로 은행에 농장을 빼앗기게 되자 에스미는 거액의 사례비를 받고 베이브를 품평회 개막식에 보내기로 한다. 공항에서 에스미와 헤어진 베이브는 돼지가 투숙할 수 있는 유일한 모텔 '벼룩지대'에 서커스 출연자들인 동물들과 함께 투숙한다. 그러나 베이브의 실수로 서커스가 엉망이 되고 모두 보호소로 끌려간다. 베이브는 보호소에서 탈출해 다른 동물들도 모두 구출, 에스미와 많은 동물들과 농장으로 돌아온다.
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The romantic myth is exposed for Guy when he is plagued by memories of an old girlfriend on his wedding day.
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Harry and his much-younger girlfriend surprise their friends one vacation weekend by announcing their desire to marry immediately. As they are visiting a small island village off the coast of west Australia, that is easier said than done.
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Sixteen-year-old Mars wants more from her life than just a fistful of flies which, to her, is a fistful of nothing. Stifled and dominated by her family, Mars just wants to be free. Denied relationships with the people who truly understand her, Mars battles her family on her own, and in her quest to be treated as a grown-up she gives her mother the courage to act and forces her father to make the choice of his life. A story about how a young girl finally finds the courage to have faith in herself.
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니키(Nikki: 프란체스 오코너 분)는 남자 친구인 알란과 작당해서 부유한 남자들을 호텔 방으로 유인해 약을 먹이고 돈을 훔치는 절도범. 어느 날 약물과용으로 죽어버린 폴이란 변호사와 그의 가방에 든 유명한 축구선수 지퍼의 정사장면을 담은 포로노테이프 때문에 졸지에 두 사람은 쫓기는 신세가 되고 경찰은 이들에게 지명수배를 내리고 뒤쫓기 시작한다. 니키와 알란은 도주 중에 머무는 호텔과 집마다 연쇄적으로 이상한 살인사건이 벌어지고 니키는 어릴 때 어머니가 방화범에게 살해 당하는 현장이 보이고 몽유병 증상을 보인다. 연쇄 살인사건을 수사하던 형사들은 원주민 해리의 도움으로 지퍼가 진범이라는 사실을 알게된다. 지퍼가 니키 일행을 쫓아 테이프를 회수하고 니키의 머리에 총을 겨누고 지시하던 중 니키는 발작 증세를 보이며 차를 몰고 마구 달리는데.
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A US criminal profiler (of sorts) is sent over to Queensland to help catch a serial slayer, who leaves biblical scriptures behind at the scene of his crimes.
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In New South Wales, Jared surfs with his mates and has a first girl. He hosts a beach party for his older pal, Ricko, and witnesses four of his mates gang-rape a 15 year old. He does nothing, and the next day, she's found murdered. At school, the boys and the girls react: the girls with anger at the perpetrators, the boys with jeering at the dead girl's morality. The students' parents have their own responses. Jared retreats into angry silence, disgusted that he did nothing to help the dead girl. Meanwhile, his mother wants to talk to him about her impending cancer surgery, the police want to know what he saw, and his friend Ricko wants an alibi. Jared's cracking under the pressure.
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Lewis, a young amateur theater director, is offered a job with a governmental program for the rehabilitation of mentally ill patients in a Sydney institution. His project is overrun by one of the patients who wants to stage the opera Cosi Fan Tutte by Mozart despite the fact that none of the patients are able to sing and none of them speak Italian. A comedy of errors ensues, but one which unifies the patients and their director in unexpected ways.
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This movie is all about a normal guy called Billy Apples. He is a social drinker and sometimes lead singer of a band. While he is doing all of this, he still manages to bring up his teenage daughter. One night while sitting at home Billy finds that he has a talent! He finds that he is able to sing like his idol, 50's singer Billie Holiday. From there he is going places, from huge live performances to even cutting a hit record, but in the end he must make a choice between the life he has, and the life he once knew. Written by Graham Wilson Jr
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A young ambulance driver befriends an elderly woman.
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남태평양의 외딴 섬 이스터섬. 이섬에는 위대한 조상 호루마루아가 미래의 어느날 서쪽에 나타나 섬의 가장 강한 자를 선택하여 함께 떠난다는 전설이 있다. 그리고 그 징표로서 섬에서 1마일 정도 떨어져 있는 바위 정상의 새 둥지에 1년에 한 번씩 새를 보낸다는 것. 이에 따라 섬에서는 강한 자를 가리는, 버드맨을 뽑는 의식이 있어왔다. 라파누이에는 두 계급이 존재하고 있다. 지배계급인 대이족과 노예계급인 소이족이다. 대이족 추장인 느가아라와 간사한 사제장 투파는 그의 손자인 노로에게 버드맨 대회에 나갈 것을 종용한다. 노로는 소이족의 아름다운 처녀 라마나를 사랑하지만 추장의 반대로 결혼하지 못한다. 이에 노로는 라마나와의 결혼을 조건으로 버드맨 대회에 출전을 약속한다.
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틱은 여장을 하고 춤을 춰서 관객을 즐겁게 하는 여장남자, 혹은 드랙쇼 가수의 직업을 가진 남자이다. 틱은 어느날 앨리스 스프링스의 한 호텔로부터 공연 제의를 받는다. 대도시의 생활에 싫증을 느끼던 틱은 과거의 쇼걸 버나드에게 함께 떠날 것을 제안하고 둘은 의기투합한다. 함께 떠나기로 한 아담은 버나드와 앙숙이 되지만 공연을 위해 자제를 한다. 그들의 공연이란 여장을 하고 화려한 의상을 선보이며 흥겹고 인기있는 노래에 맞춰 춤을 추는'드랙쇼'이다. 앨리스 스프링스까지 사막을 횡단하는 긴 여정을 함께 할 교통수단은 애덤의 스쿨버스다. 그들은 버스의 이름을'사막의 왕'이라는 의미의'프리실라'라 붙이고 스프링스에 도착할 때까지 많은 우여곡절을 겪는다.
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A narcotics detective, suspected of corruption, gets a transfer to the Police Rescue Squad. An unstable man holds a daycare center hostage.
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The spiritual and sexual coming of age of a Seventh-Day Adventist boy in 1950s Australia. Ken Elkin is a "randy young man" who is told that the world is about to end. In a race against time, there's only one goal Ken wants to accomplish: bedding the love of his life, who just happens to be the local pastor's daughter.
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Justin Thorne is a liberal arts professor. One of his college students is Jennifer Carter. She seduces Justin, then accuses him of rape. But it turns out that she has an unusual relationship with her father.
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Lucy is apparently very confident, and quite "forward," as the saying used to be; she has made all the moves to pick up a staid lawyer-type for sex. Once back at her apartment, she sets a video camera going to record their coupling. However, someone breaks into the place while they are having at it, and she is barely able to leave the bed and hide before her sex-partner is killed. She never sees the intruder's face herself. In the aftermath, the terrified lass finds herself with a sympathetic female state-appointed attorney (since she's the obvious suspect) and together, they try to track down the murderer.
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A struggling actress with an affinity for horses meets wealthy rock music promoter and stable owner Digby Olsen.
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Wallace is an efficiency expert, managing the high-profile downsizing of a major auto parts factory. But when he is hired to evaluate a small moccasin factory which seems from another era, Wallace has to reconsider the rapid modernization he advocates, as he is confronted by the human faces such plans hurt.
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Over the five days after a military coup, army troops arrive to enforce martial law and encounter a growing resistance movement.
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A young woman takes off with a charming stranger in Australia, then begins to think he's a killer.
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기숙사 학교로 보내진 대니는 가학적이고 폭력적인 선생들과 학교에 만연한 왕따 현상 속에서 힘들게 학교 생활을 하게 된다. 그 와중에 강 건너 여학교에 다니는 아프리카에서 온 탠디아와 사랑에 빠지고, 주위의 반대와 방해가 심해질수록 둘 사이의 사랑은 더 깊어만 진다.
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On an obscure Pacific Island just north of Australia, the Japanese Empire has operated a prisoner of war camp for Australian soldiers. At the close of World War II, the liberated POWs tell a gruesome tale of mass executions of over eight hundred persons as well as torture style killings of downed Australian airmen. In an attempt to bring those responsible to justice, the Australian Army establishes a War Crimes Tribunal to pass judgement on the Japanese men and officers who ran the Ambon camp. In an added twist, a high ranking Japanese admiral is implicated, and politics become involoved with justice as American authorities in Japan lobby for the Admiral's release. Written by Anthony Hughes
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In the small town of Coopers Bay, there are two high schools situated right next to each other. There’s Winchester, an all boys comprehensive and St Elizabeth’s, a girl’s only Catholic faculty. They are separated by woodland where pupils from both can meet and engage the things that attract the attention of maniac killers. It’s not surprising then that an unseen one begins murdering the youngsters as they fornicate, strangling them with a length of barbed wire before removing their eyes and burying them under the soil. Mary, the daughter of a Hollywood movie actress, becomes involved when the killer targets her and Kevin, her boyfriend. But who is this twisted psychopath and why does he want to kill all the kids?
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극장 구경을 갔다가 만나게 된 로라(Lola Lovell-Hansen: 카일리 미노그 분)와 브라우니(Brownie Hansen: 찰리 쉬레이터 분)는 서로 사랑하는 사이가 되지만 부모들은 단지 어리다는 이유만으로 그들의 사랑을 달기와 하지않는다. 로라가 임신을 하자 그들은 사랑의 도피행으로 기차에 오르지만 로라의 엄마는 경찰과 함께 뒤쫓아오고 로라를 중절 수술시켜버린다. 로라는 엄마와 다투고 집을 나오게 되고, 브라우니는 선원이 되어 행방불명 된 그녀를 찾아 떠돌아 다닌다.
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세계 최대의 조직을 자랑하는 마피아 조직원이 5년 동안 '퍼니셔'라고 불리는 정체 불명의 인물에 의해 125명이나 살해되자 조직은 큰 타격을 입는다. 캐슬 일가의 폭사를 명령한 것으로 알려져 투옥됐던 마피아 두목 디노 모레터가 5년여의 재판에서 무죄로 석방됐으나 석방되는 날로 '퍼니셔'의 손에 참살 당해서 마피아는 또다시 크게 흔들린다. 한편, 마피아의 조직이 흔들리는 틈을 타 일본 야쿠자 조직이 손을 뻗쳐온다. 아큐자 두목은 다나카(킴 미요리 분)라는 여자로, 조직을 위해 자신의 누이 마저 죽인 냉혹한 자였다. 그녀는 마피아 조직 두목들의 아이들을 납치하여 마피아를 자신의 조직으로 흡수하려 한다. 한편 퍼니셔는 전직 경관이었던 프랭크 캐슬(돌프 룬드그렌 분)로 밝혀지고, 가족을 살해당한 보복으로 조직을 상대로 무자비한 응징을 하고 있었다. 그는 야쿠자 조직에 잡혀 고초를 받으나 탈출하여 납치된 아이들을 구하지만 경찰에 체포된다. 이때 마피아 두목인 프랑코는 캐슬이 구한 아이들 중 유일하게 자신의 아들가 빠져있자, 호송 중인 캐슬을 납치하여 자신의 아들을 구해오게 한다. 캐슬이 응하지 않자 프랑코는 캐슬의 동료였던 제이크 버코비치 경위(루이스 고셋 주니어 분)를 인질로 삼고 캐슬을 굴복시킨다. 결국 캐슬과 프랑코는 야쿠자 본부에 침입하여 조직원들을 모두 사살하고 결국 다나카도 최후를 맞이한다. 그러나 아들을 구한 프랑코는 캐슬을 죽이려하자 결국 프랑코가 그를 사살하게 된다.
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초월적인 힘에 의해 삶이 결정된다고 믿고 있던 케이(Kay: 카렌 콜스톤 분)는 내성적인 성격에도 불구하고, 이마에 물음표가 있는 남자를 만나게 되리라는 점장이의 말을 듣고는 앞머리가 그 모양을 한 동료의 약혼자 루이스(Louis: 톰 라이콘스 분)를 유혹해 자신의 남자로 만든다. 동거를 시작한지 1년이 되자 루이스는 그것을 기몃하기 위해 들에 묘목 한 그루를 심는다. 그러나 나무에 대해 까닭모를 공포감을 지니고 있는 케이는 강박관념에 시달린 나머지 루이스 몰래 그 묘목을 뽑아버린다. 그로 인해 두 사람의 관계는 다소 어색해지고 만다. 그 무렵 제멋대로이고 자아 도취에 빠져있는 케이의 언니 스위티가 밥이라는 남자를 데리고 나타남으로써 순식간에 케이의 삶은 혼란스러워진다. 게다가 무조건적으로 스위티만을 편애함으로써 어린 시절 케이를 외롭게 만들었던 아버지 고든의 연이은 방문은 더욱 스위티의 어리광을 부채질하게 되는데 고든에게 스위티는 그저 사랑스럽고 천진난만한 어린아이일 뿐이다. 마침내 온가족이 모였지만 자신의 뜻대로 되지 않자 흥분한 스위티는 온몸에 진흙을 칠하고 통나무집에 올라가 난동을 피우는데 그녀의 몸무게를 견디지 못한 집이 무너지는 바람에 숨을 거두고 만다. 그녀의 죽음으로 남은 가족들은 실로 오랜만에 평화를 되찾는다.
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Underrated leading man Jeff Fahey carries most of the dramatic weight of the Australian Wrangler. Fahey plays a handsome, athletic businessman who vies for the hand of rancher's daughter Tushika Bergen. Our hero must not only contend with his romantic rival, a dashing but dangerous cattleman, but also with a villainous creditor who craves the land left to Bergen by her late father. By nature of its plotline and setting, Wrangler can't help but invite comparisons to the popular The Man From Snowy River. Still, the stars and director Ian Barry keep up the appearances of freshness and originality
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Flesh and fantasy fill the nights of the call girls at Bambi’s, a flashy back street brothel. Join Bambi, Candy and the girls for an evening or two and find out what happens in the violent world of sex for sale. Candy is new to the business. She follows all of the rules of the house - she arrives on time, doesn’t take drugs, is polite to customers, and numb to all the men who used her. Then she meets Reg and breaks the most important rule - don’t fall in love with one of your customers. Their first encounter leaves her longing to see him again. She fantasizes about the love they share and how idyllic their life together would be. But the facts are clear. Candy is a hooker and she will never be a real part of his world … she’s one of Bambi’s girls. She has seen his life and felt his love, a brief glimpse is all she’ll ever have, KISS THE NIGHT!
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The film is set in Australia, where an accidental future time traveler finds himself going back in time to change events to prevent a calamity.
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Albert Einstein is the son of a Tasmanian apple farmer, who discovers the secret of splitting the beer atom to put the bubbles back into beer. When Albert travels to Sydney to patent his invention he meets beatuiful French scientist Marie Curie, as well as several unscrupulous types who try to take advantage of the naive genius and his invention.
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A comedy of life's temptations - lust, greed and power. The city in question is Sydney and the colour green signifies greed and envy in David Williamsons amusing satire on its film and publishing industries. The story centers around the Rogers family, loosely modelled on Williamson's own.
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A Post-apocalypse thriller about snooker
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A schoolteacher (John Waters) becomes obsessed with the idea that his wife (Joy Bell) did not die in a car accident, as everyone else thinks.
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A game becomes deadly serious! An insane cop hunts down five students in a shopping mall after closing time. His life is ruined as he was dishonorably discharged from the police force because of these people. Armed with a Rambo knife and a crossbow, he initially only wants to scare them off, but when he accidentally injures one of the boys deadly, there is no turning back. The witnesses to the murder must be eliminated! So begins a relentless hunt through the mall at night…
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The love story between an Australian woman and a Balinese dancer.
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Rikky (Nina Landis) and her brother Pete (Stephen Kearney) struggle to keep their lives from spinning out of control in small town Australia.
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A small desert town in western Australia is the scene of several love affairs in this romantic drama. Forty-year-old Stella (Wendy Hughes) works at her father's hotel and bar. She receives annual New Year's marriage proposals from rodeo rider Andy Ford (John Hargreaves), who talks himself into asking her one more time. Stella's father Billy (Norman Kaye) is a former cricket star whose career ended early when he was involved in a sex scandal. She spends the night with vacationing Arthur (Michael Siberry) when his car breaks down. Andy elects not to pop the question to Stella in lieu of her one-night stand with the stranger. When Billy elects to marry June Thompson (Julie Nihill), the local gossipmongers have a field day recalling the woman's promiscuous past.
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서기 4039년, 미래의 지구. 과학의 발전과 함께 평화롭게 살아가던 유일한 생명체인 인간들은 인지와 의식이 가능한 무한 능력의 기계인간들로 부터 침입을 받고 생존을 위협받는다. 인간들은 젠디키라는 기계 인간들이 어디서 왔으며 무엇을 원하는지를 알아내기 위해 요새 침입을 허용하고 그들과 격렬한 전면전을 치루게 되는데. 전면전의 결과로 도시가 파괴될 위기에 처하자 인간들은 뜻하지않은 과거로의 시간 여행을 하게 된다. 전사인 발라드(Ballard: 톰 버링슨 분)는 젠디갠 5백년동안 축적해온 이 도시의 엄청난 양의 동력을 얻기 위해 인간을 공격하고 있음을 알아내고 누군가가 과거로 돌아가 역사의 뒤바뀜을 막고 파괴되어 가는 이 도시를 지탱시켜줄 거대한 언던을 미리 확보해야한다는 결론을 내린다. 임무를 맡고 20세기로의 시간 여행을 떠나는 전사 발라드와 사학자 패트라(Petra: 캐리 피셔 분) 그들은 자신들을 쫓아 시간추적을 해온 젠디키 일당과 치열한 전투를 벌이다가 패트라가 심한 부상을 입고 그곳에서 우연히 만난 지질학자 애니(Annie: 니키 코그힐 분)의 도움을 받게 된다. 발라드는 애니에게 자신이 미래의 인간임을 밝히지만 그녀는 그말을 전혀 믿으려 하지 않았다가 기계 인간들이 발라드와 패트라를 쫓는 위기 상황이 벌어지면서 현재에 일어날 기계 인간들과의 전쟁의 승패가 미래 역사를 바꿔놓을 수 있음을 깨닫는데. 한편 처음부터 발라드의 신분을 의심하던 보안관이 시간여행 장비를 잘못 건드려 발라드의 위치를 기계 인간들에게 알려주게 되면서 기계인간들과의 치열한 마지막 전쟁이 시작되는데.
Visual Effects Coordinator
A rock'n roll singer gets stranded in a small Australian town after losing her job in a band. She winds up in a trailer park only to encounter, by accident, the teenage daughter she deserted following her husband's death.
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Two people who have had disastrous love affairs meet on a tropical island resort.
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인간을 닮은 유대목 짐승이 호주에서 발견된다. 이것을 연구하는 학자가 암컷 짐승과 사랑에 빠지게 되는데...
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In pre-WWII Australia, a love triangle develops between a man, his wife and the man's brother.
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In the near future, drive-in theatres are turned into concentration camps for the undesirable and unemployed. The prisoners don't really care to escape because they are fed and they have a place to live which is, in most cases, probably better than the outside. Crabs and his girlfriend Carmen are put into the camp and all Crabs wants to do is escape.
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제시카는 오스트레일리아의 한 농장에서 외롭게 삶을 꾸려나가는 미모의 아가씨이다. 어느날 그녀는 괴물차와 무장트럭의 세 사내로부터 추격을 당하고 끝내 자동차 사고를 내게 된다. 우발사고처럼 보이는 이 사고 이후 세 무법자는 제시카의 농장에 침입. 그녀를 감금하고 끔찍한 폭행을 한다. 이유없는 테러에 지친 제시카는 도망갈 생각을 하지만 이미 무법자들에 의해 전기선은 끊기고 차까지 망가져 있었는데...
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Teresa is a spirited young girl chafing under the oppressive attitudes of 1930s society, and her father in particular. She fancies her poverty-stricken Latin tutor Johnathan Crow, without realising he merely considers her a pleasant diversion and nothing more, and eventually follows him from Sydney to London. En route she meets the gentle banker James Quick. Whilst navigating her relationships in London, including with a political poet bound for the Spanish Civil War, she experiences a transformation in her understanding of love. Based upon Christina Stead's best-selling Australian novel.
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The action moves along quickly, jumping over holes in the script, in this made-for-television drama about Eve, an ex-terrorist from Germany who is forced to escape to Australia with her teenage daughter Chrissie when she is sought by Riley, a lover from 17 years in the past. In turn, the IRA has sent two members after Riley because he shot an IRA soldier and must pay the consequences. The two IRA operatives looking for Riley come across a really nasty biker who wants vengeance on Eve for setting his car on fire -- and the three men finally track her and Chrissie to the wine-growing country of Barossa Valley. The final denouement is about to explode, as Riley also arrives on the scene. With under-par acting and a patchy plot, this film was never released theatrically.
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Sister Honour Langtree (Wendy Hughes), is in charge of a military hospital for psychiatric patients. She however transgresses boundaries by developing a sexual attraction for a new patient.
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도시와 아주 떨어진 한 외딴 마을. 음산하고 독특한 분위기를 취재하기 위해 뉴욕에서 온 여기자. 적극적이며 극성파인 그녀는 마을을 누비며 취재를 하다 땅이 꺼지는 듯한 괴음과 함께 의문의 죽음을 당한다. 그녀의 연인 칼(Carl Winters: 그레고리 해리슨 분)은 직접 마을로와 그녀의 죽음을 파헤치고 마을에 오래 살았던 노인에게서 '레저백'의 정체를 알게 된다. 복수심에 레저백을 쫓아온 노인. 애인을 잃어버린 슬픔으로 집요한 추적을 벌이는 칼. 그들앞에 엄청난 요동 소리와 함께 서서히 모습을 드러내는 공포의 레저백.
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The plot centres on Queensland's Gold Coast in the early 1980s, when a disgraced former cop, Michael Stacey writes a book exposing police corruption, does an investigation resulting in 2 murders, exposes a religious cult and watches the army begin a military coup.
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Australia 1946. A young woman escapes from an unhappy affair to become tutor to three children who are being raised by their uncle.
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After discovering that a group of car thieves may have something to do with his father's untimely death, Steve pursues the criminals and attempts to capture them as well as prove his prowess as a racecar driver.
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Three young friends trying to break into the entertainment business inadvertently anger a mob boss, setting in motion a chain of events that results in their being hunted by every thug and killer in town.
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A cynical Australian Vietnam War veteran runs a sleazy bar in the Philippines. His old flame enters his life again asking for help when her husband, an investigative journalist, is prosecuted by the junta for discovering too much.
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Tim Burstall directs then-up-and-comers Mel Gibson and Sam Neill in this action-packed Cannes Film Festival selection about the grim realities of World War II, a gritty drama based on actual events. Sent to rescue survivors from the site of a plane crash in the South Pacific, Capt. P.G. Kelly (Gibson) and his elite squad of Australian commandos must keep tabs on a defecting Japanese official who could hold the secret to peace.
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Jessica Simmonds returns from overseas to find her retired professor father in a bitter public fight to save the historic Sydney waterfront houses on Angel Street. After her father's mysterious death, she joins forces with local residents and a union leader against corrupt forces. Based on the real life mysterious disappearance of Juanita Nielsen.
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When a 747 crashes shortly after take-off, the sole survivor is the pilot. Virtually unhurt, he and the investigators look for the answers to the disaster. Meanwhile mysterious deaths occur in the community and only a psychic, in touch with the supernatural, can help the pilot unravel the mystery surrounding the doomed plane.
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Fran, the assistant to university professor Paddy, is about to turn 30. She is having an affair with a married minister's aide, Stephen. She returns home to the country town she grew up in and has a fling with an old flame, Alan. She also begins sleeping with Paddy.
Visual Effects
퀴드(Pat Quid: 스테이시 키치 분)는 오스트레일리아 동서부를 가로질러 정육을 운송하는 트럭 운전사이다. 모텔 앞에서 조심스럽게 쓰레기 꾸러미에 온 신경을 쓰는 수상한 자를 보게 된다. 하이웨이를 달리던 퀴드는 그 모텔에서 살인 사건이 일어난 것을 알게 되고 곧이어 인적없는 벌판에 차를 세운채 무언가를 묻는 사람을 다시 본다.
섬뜩한 느낌과 함께 하이웨이에서의 토막난 여인 살해 사건이 계속 보도되는데...
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A young girl with a background of urban poverty and juvenile crime, attempts to become a fashion model. The hypocrisy and double standards of society are juxtaposed against the confusion and frustration she feels as she struggles to become part of a community that has no place for her.
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In this modern-day version of the Rasputin story, David Hemmings plays an up-and-coming senator, Nick Rast, whose young son is terminally ill with leukaemia. A mysterious faith healer, Gregory Wolfe, appears and seems to cure the boy. Rast's wife Sandy falls in love with Wolfe, but the powerful interests behind Rast's career, represented by geriatric monster Doc Wheelan are less happy with events.
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19세기 말의 호주. 밝고 씩씩한 처녀 시빌라 (주디 데이비스)는 젊고 부유한 청년 해리 (샘 닐)를 사랑하지만 작가로서 독립적 여성으로 살기 위해 청혼을 거절한다.
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When a suburban couple goes camping for the weekend at a remote beach, they discover that nature isn't in an accommodating mood.
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A powerful drama relating the intimate aspect of teenage boys and their priest/educators behind the walls of a religious institution where rigid discipline backfires natural feelings are deemed unnatural acts and human lives are controlled in the names of good intentions.
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Sydney homicide detective Sergeant Scobie Malone (Jack Thompson) and his offsider (Shane Porteous) investigate the murder of Helga (Judy Morris), whose corpse is found in the basement of the Sydney Opera House.