33살의 데이비 스톤은 자신이 사는 덕스베리 마을 사람들이 유대인들의 연례축제인 봉헌절 하누카를 즐기는 것이 못마땅하다. 그래서 하누카의 첫 번째 밤에 온갖 사고를 일으킨 그는 결국 경찰에 체포되고 만다. 판사는 그에게 무려 10년형을 선고하는데, 이때 나타난 나이많은 농구 코치 휘트니 듀발이 그의 개과천선을 돕겠다고 약속함으로써 데이비는 풀려난다. 휘트니와 함께 8일간을 함께 보내며 데이비는 하누카의 진정한 의미를 깨닫게 된다.
When Spongebob first learns of Christmas and Santa from Sandy, he wastes no time to notify everyone in Bakini Bottom. Before long, everyone in town is exited and stays up all night on Christmas Eve to see Santa. But when he doesn't come all hope is lost for The Bakini Bottom's first Christmas. Is Christmas lost forever, or is there a snowball's chance of the holiday spirit coming underwater?
A lonely young boy, overshadowed by his older brother, picked on by other boys at school and ignored by his businessman father, finds strength and companionship from a stately old oak tree. When his father, a real-estate developer, plans to demolish the old tree in order to make way for a factory, the boy decides to stand up for his friend and stand up to his father.
After getting blamed for spoiling Christmas, the richest kid in the world wishes he'd never been born. Unfortunately, a wishing machine, invented by professor Keenbean, picked up the wish and made it come true. Now Richie finds himself in a parallel world where his only hope is to find professor Keenbean and the wishing machine so he can wish things back to normal. Written by Peter Huiskes