Dome Karukoski

Dome Karukoski

출생 : 1976-12-29, Nicosia, Cyprus


Thomas "Dome" Karukoski is a Finnish-Swedish film director. He is considered to be one of the most successful Finnish film directors with over 30 festival awards and having directed six feature films that have all become blockbusters in the territory.

프로필 사진

Dome Karukoski

참여 작품

Lapland Odyssey 4
Executive Producer
Hunt for the elusive tofu in the Arctic Circle.
Wedding of the Century
Executive Producer
A celebrity psychiatrist struggles to find a date for a wedding. Her dearest ex is getting married and she needs to find someone fancy enough to hide the fact that she is lonely, drinks too much and is pretty fucked up in any imaginable way.
토베 얀손
Executive Producer
핀란드의 퀴어 예술가 토베 얀손에 대한 전기 영화. 토베는 화가로서 자신을 지지해 주지 않는 아버지와 갈등을 겪지만, 2차 세계 대전 도중 방공호에서 창작한 무민 캐릭터로 점차 명성을 쌓아간다. 한편, 연극 연출가 비비카 반들레르와의 만남과 관계는 토베의 삶과 예술에 중요한 영향을 가져 온다.
아모르파티: 인생은 즐거워
평범한 주부 '잉케리'는 밥투정하는 남편의 말에 잔뜩 화가 나서 머리를 프라이팬으로 내려치는 사고를 저지른다. 당황한 잉케리는 쓰러진 남편을 집에 버려두고, 두 언니들과 무작정 길을 떠난다. 도피 여행을 통해 잉케리는 한때 반항적이고 자유로웠던 젊은 날을 회상하게 되고, 자신이 원하는 삶을 되찾기 위한 노력을 시작하게 되는데...
개는 바지를 입지 않는다
Executive Producer
사고로 아내를 잃고, 혼자서 딸을 보살피며 사는 싱글 대디 '유하' . 일과 육아의 반복된 일상에서 외로운 나날을 견디던 유하는 우연히 SM 클럽을 방문하고, 낯선 여자를 통해 '마조히즘'의 짜릿한 쾌감을 경험하게 된다. 목이 졸리면서 죽음에 가까워지는 순간, 환희의 절정을 느끼게 된 남자는 점점 강한 자극을 원하게 되는데...
유명 작가 존 로널드 로얼 톨킨의 학창 시절을 그린 영화로서, 톨킨이 재학중인 학교의 문제아들과 어울리게 되면서 예술적인 영감과, 우정을 찾아가는 내용
My Brother's Keeper
The story of a Finnish rap artist Cheek and his brother.
Executive Producer
Recently divorced Helena is getting anxious about spending christmas alone. Her best friend invites her to spend old time christmas on a farm - only place they can afford.
희망의 건너편
Hooligan at the Bus Stop
우정에 관한 인간미 넘치는 아키 카우리스마키의 신작으로 올해의 꼭 봐야 할 영화. 시리아 난민 칼레드는 석탄 화물선에 잠입하여 헬싱키에 밀입국한다. 망명신청이 기각된 그는 거리에서 지내야 하는 처지가 된다. 괴짜 핀란드인 위크스트룀은 칼레드를 데려와 자신이 운영하는 식당에 고용한다.
톰 오브 핀란드
2차 대전 속 활약으로 조국 핀란드의 훈장까지 받았지만 인권을 존중 받지 못하는 사회에서 전쟁터만큼이나 피폐한 삶을 살고 있는 토우코 라크소넨. 그는 ‘톰 오브 핀란드’라는 필명으로 금지 된 욕망을 담은 일러스트를 그리며 조금씩 세상을 뒤흔들기 시작한다. 그러다 우연히 미국에까지 그의 그림이 알려지면서 뜻하지 않았던 해방구가 펼쳐지는데…
Gold Digger
Executive Producer
Marja (Minka Kuustonen) is a blogger. Olavi is one of the richest men in the country. She might be able to save her blog if she dates him, but what if she falls for him for real?
Gold Digger
Marja (Minka Kuustonen) is a blogger. Olavi is one of the richest men in the country. She might be able to save her blog if she dates him, but what if she falls for him for real?
The Mine
Executive Producer
A young and ambitious civil servant Jussi finds himself being in charge of the environmental permit of a huge nickel and uranium mine in Northern Finland. The Talvivaara mine, led by a charismatic globe trotting visioner Pekka Perä is introducing an entirely new method of collecting minerals whilst creating jobs in one of the poorest areas in Scandinavia. Jussi slowly discovers that he has been led astray by several people and that the new method has serious downsides he did not forsee. The mine is causing environmental hazards that are being hushed down. A new application for another permit is brough to his table by the same mine. Along with the application comes an interesting job offer and a chance of a new beginning. Jussi has to decide whether he will play along and if so, with whom.
Lapland Odyssey 2
Executive Producer
It’s been three years since we last met Janne and Inari. Since then, they’ve had a daughter named Lumi. Janne and his friends experience a new adventure, this time on an autumn night. The boys go to a party but end up chasing Lumi who has disappeared. Meanwhile, Inari enjoys a girls-night-out and has an adventure of her own.
Executive Producer
Headfirst is a black comedy about a single mother with anger management problems and her teenage daughter who is always in trouble at school. With yet another school comes a new teacher and a blast from the past for the mother. Before long, an accidental pickpocket and a notoriously lousy storyteller teams up with this one dysfunctional sort of a family. Nothing is the same anymore. Headfirst is a story about missing teeth, strange friends, hidden dreams and long-gone love. And about a hare.
The Grump
A stubbornly traditional eighty-year-old farmer - whose social attitudes verge on the prehistoric - raises hell when he is forced to move in with his sadsack, city-dwelling son and domineering daughter-in-law.
The Grump
A stubbornly traditional eighty-year-old farmer - whose social attitudes verge on the prehistoric - raises hell when he is forced to move in with his sadsack, city-dwelling son and domineering daughter-in-law.
하트 오브 어 라이언
Neo-Nazi falls in love with a woman who has a black son and finds himself fighting with conflicting feelings.
Above Dark Waters
A ravishing story about little Pete and his survival and growth in the gray area between love and fear.
Lapland Odyssey
Lapland Odyssey is a comedy about Janne, a man from Lapland in northern Finland, a man who has made a career out of living on welfare. Inari, his girlfriend, is tired of Janne's incapability of getting a grip on life, Janne wasn't even able to buy a digital TV box that Inari had given money for. Inari gives an ultimatum: a digital box needs to arrive by dawn or she leaves. Janne sets out into the night with his two friends to find a box. On their way to the city of Rovaniemi, Janne and his friends face many challenges, obstacles and temptations. They learn that they need to be daring. There's no room to give into bitterness. The most important thing isn't success, but rather the journey in itself.
On the Trail of the New Wave
Forbidden Fruit
Two 18-year old girls from a christian fundamentalist community flee to a city for a summer job.
The Home of Dark Butterflies
Haunted by his traumatic past and cautious about the prospects of an uncertain future, a fourteen year old boy named Juhani winds up in an isolated boys' home known as The Island. Juhani has been shuttled between foster homes and temporary families for the past six years, leaving any prospect of stability in his life a faded dream. When Juhani winds up in a remote shelter for troubled youth known as The Island, he has little idea of how ruthless superintendent Olavi Harjula can truly be.
Beauty and the Bastard
Modern finnish movie about two very different young adults that after a chance meeting end up making music together and fall in love. While Nellis parents have the perfect career and man planned, she dreams of becoming a singer. Through a chance meeting at the studio, she meets the young and grungy Hip Hop music artist Sunen and asks him to help her make a demo tape. Not only is the ensuing story about differences growing closer and the difficulties that have to be overcome, well told. Also the music is exceptionally well made. It is quite unbelievable that this is the first feature of the director.
Beauty and the Bastard
Rowdy Hip-Hopper
Modern finnish movie about two very different young adults that after a chance meeting end up making music together and fall in love. While Nellis parents have the perfect career and man planned, she dreams of becoming a singer. Through a chance meeting at the studio, she meets the young and grungy Hip Hop music artist Sunen and asks him to help her make a demo tape. Not only is the ensuing story about differences growing closer and the difficulties that have to be overcome, well told. Also the music is exceptionally well made. It is quite unbelievable that this is the first feature of the director.
Beauty and the Bastard
Modern finnish movie about two very different young adults that after a chance meeting end up making music together and fall in love. While Nellis parents have the perfect career and man planned, she dreams of becoming a singer. Through a chance meeting at the studio, she meets the young and grungy Hip Hop music artist Sunen and asks him to help her make a demo tape. Not only is the ensuing story about differences growing closer and the difficulties that have to be overcome, well told. Also the music is exceptionally well made. It is quite unbelievable that this is the first feature of the director.