Katharine Blake

Katharine Blake

출생 : 1921-09-11, Johannesburg, South Africa

사망 : 1991-03-01


Katharine Blake (born Illonne Katharine Inglestone, September 11, 1921 – March 1, 1991) was a British actress, born in South Africa, with an extensive career in television and films. She won the BAFTA for Best Actress for her work in television in 1964. She portrayed Elizabeth Boleyn in the film Anne of the Thousand Days (1969). In 1969/1970, she played the character Chris Nourse in first an episode of Public Eye and then in Armchair Theatre's Wednesday's Child; one of the first lesbian love affairs to be seen on UK television. She replaced Googie Withers as the Prison Governor in the ITV series Within These Walls in 1977, but only appeared in one season, leaving the role due to ill health. Her first husband was actor Anthony Jacobs (1942-1948,1 child), her second husband was actor/director David Greene (1948-1959,1 child), and her third husband was director Charles Jarrott (1959-1982). She was estranged from her 2 daughters at the time of her death.

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Katharine Blake
Katharine Blake

참여 작품

Hell's Angel
Cynthia McKenna
Dick Foster is adopted as a child, but has grown into a youth who causes problems and upsets.
천일의 앤
Elizabeth Boleyn
16세기의 영국 튜더 왕조의 국왕인 헨리 8세(King Henry VIII: 리차드 버튼 분)는 자신의 왕후인 앤 볼린(Anne Boleyn: 제네비에브 부졸드 분)을 처형하기 위해 재상 크롬웰(Thomas Cromwell: 존 콜리코스 분)이 가지고 온 문서에 서명을 하려고 한다. 영화는 서명을 하려는 헨리 8세가 자신이 앤과 결혼하기 위해 해왔던 일들을 회상하는데서 시작된다. 왕의 무도회. 프랑스에서 이제 막 돌아온 볼린가의 막내딸인 앤도 약혼자인 퍼쉬(Harry Percy: 테렌스 윌톤 분)와 무도회에 참석했다. 울지 추기경(Cardinal Wolsey: 안소니 쿼일 분)은 이 젊은 남녀의 결혼을 허락해 줄 것을 왕에게 간청하지만 아름다운 앤에게 이미 마음을 빼앗겨 버린 왕은 허락은 커녕 앤과 퍼쉬를 떨어뜨려 놓고 자신이 앤을 차지하려고 한다. 하지만 앤은 이미 왕에게 농락당해 아이를 가지고 있던 언니(Mary Boleyn: 발레리 거론 분)의 모습을 보곤 절대 왕의 여자가 되지 않겠다고 가족들에게까지 말하고 왕에게도 냉랭한 태도를 갖는다. 앤의 이런 싸늘한 태도에 왕은 더욱 더 매력을 느끼고 앤의 집에 머물며 그녀의 환심을 사려고 노력한다. 결국 앤의 안위를 걱정한 퍼쉬는 다른 아가씨와 결혼을 하고 앤은 괴로워한다. 앤의 계속되는 냉담한 반응에 왕은 캐서린 왕비의 시종으로 앤을 궁궐로 불러들이고 궁으로 옮긴 앤은 점점 권력과 사치의 맛을 배우게 된다. 하지만 왕의 애타는 사랑은 여전히 앤을 떠나지 않는다. 권력의 맛을 느끼게 된 앤은 왕에게 자신과 결혼하여 아들을 낳아주는 대신 자신이 영국의 왕비이여야 하며 자신의 아들이 왕위를 계승하게 해주어야 한다고 이야기한다.
Male of the Species
Miss Saville
Never trust a man whoever he is. This is the bitter lesson learned by Mary MacNeil in her relationships with three different men: her father, a mendacious womanizer; a smooth-talking office flirt, Cornelius; and an aging barrister, Emlyn, who is enchanted by Mary's youthful vitality and charm.
To Have and to Hold
A young woman is harassed by a man and seeks help from the police. The officer who visits her falls in love with her, but shortly after she is murdered.
The Man Out There
A Russian astronaut trapped in space in a faulty rocket, has five hours to live when his radio makes contact with Marie, a hunter's wife also trapped, in a blizzard swept area of Canada. Her daughter is dying of diphtheria, he as a doctor can help her.
Now That April's Here
Hilda Adams
An anthology based on the works of Canadian author Morley Callaghan “Silk Stockings” is about a shy teenager buying a gift out of love for his landlady’s daughter only to be disappointed in his affections. “Rocking Chair” is about a widower rebuffing his late wife’s friendship out of loyalty. “The Rejected One” is about a humble shop girl being insulted and scorned over supper by her rich boyfriend’s family. “A Sick Call” is about young woman returning to Catholicism on her sickbed over the objections of her Protestant husband, who fears religion will come between them during a priest’s visit.
Hammer the Toff
Janet Lord
A detective proves that a Robin Hood-type crook did not steal a metal formula.
Saturday Island
When their hospital ship sinks in the South Pacific during World War II, military nurse Elizabeth Smythe (Linda Darnell) and Marine Michael Dugan (Tab Hunter) find themselves stranded — and soon enough, falling in love — on an idyllic tropical island. But when British pilot William Peck (Donald Gray) crash-lands on their cozy little atoll, Dugan suddenly discovers he has a rival in love.
An unexpected bond develops between a fugitive killer and a runaway orphan on an odyssey across England.
The Dark Light
The crew of a lighthouse rescues people they believe to be survivors of a shipwreck, only to find out that they are a gang of bank robbers on the run from the law.
Assassin for Hire
Maria Riccardi
Antonio Riccardi, a rare stamp dealer who is secretly a hired killer, pays for the violin lessons of his gifted brother Giuseppe. To meet the expenses of Giuseppe's concert debut he accepts a further job, but his decision to do so provides Detective Inspector Carson, who has long hoped to ensnare Tony, with an opportunity that might now enable him to bring about his downfall.
Trottie True
Ruby Rubarto
Tottie True is a gay-90s British music-hall performer who has her sights set on moving from rags to riches, who loses her heart to the pure-and-true blue balloonist, Sid Skinner, but continues her upward search on improving her social status. She finally settles for Lord Landon Digby who has lots of assets and a very-stiff upper lip. She gets a lot of the latter and very little of the former, and decides Sid might have been a better choice.
Wuthering Heights
Catherine Earnshaw
Tale of love and revenge set against the backdrop of the Yorkshire Moors.