Georgina Reilly

Georgina Reilly

출생 : 1986-02-12, Guildford, Surrey, England, UK


Georgina Reilly is an English-born actress born in Surrey, England, UK.

프로필 사진

Georgina Reilly

참여 작품

Pat Morey
The life of a professional hockey player was not always a glamorous one. For legendary goaltender Terry Sawchuk, each save means one more gash to his unmasked face and one more drink to numb the pain. Sawchuk traveled across the country racking up 103 shutouts and 400 stitches to his face, proving that this is a man who lives, breathes, and dies a goalie.
Ken Andrews has been the orchestrator of the hazing pranks at all of his buddies' stags - elaborate, hilarious pranks that have left many emotional scars and a few physical ones. And now today is Ken's stag! He nervously awaits the fate that his pals surely have in store for him, comforted only by the knowledge that Carl will be there to watch his back. That is, so long as Carl can extract himself from the Hollywood celebrity, Veronica. Ken will soon discover that payback is worse than he could ever imagine.
잠자는 에디를 조심하세요
한 때 잘나가던 젊은 예술가 라스는 슬럼프를 잊기 위해 한 시골마을 미술교사로 들어가는데, 그만 뜻하지 않게 덩치만 큰 자폐아 에디를 떠맡게 된다. 하지만 순해 보이기만 한 에디는 사실 위험한 몽유병에 걸려있는데, 그것은 잠들면 사람 먹는 살인마가 되는 것이다.
This Movie Is Broken
Bruno wakes up in bed next to Caroline, his long time crush. But tomorrow she's off for school in France, and maybe she only granted this miracle as a parting gift for her long time friend. So tonight is Bruno's last chance. And tonight, as it happens, Broken Social Scene, her favourite band, is throwing a big outdoor bash. Maybe if Bruno, with the help of his best pal Blake, can score tickets and give Caroline a night to remember, he can keep this miracle alive.
Laurel-Ann Drummond
한적한 소도시 폰티풀. DJ 매지는 여느 때처럼 마을의 사소한 소식을 전하며 무료한 방송을 하고 있다. 그런데 수상한 제보들이 하나씩 들어온다. 알코올 중독자와 경찰의 대치, 병원을 둘러싼 폭동, 그리고 주민들 사이의 집단살인까지. 평온하던 폰티풀에서는 찾아 볼 수 없던 사고가 연이어 터지는데 이어 알 수 없는 주파수를 통해 들어온 이상한 메시지. “안전을 위해서는 가족조차 피하시기 바랍니다. 그리고..” 과연 지금 폰티풀에선 무슨 일이 벌어지고 있는 것일까.
Match Me If You Can
Kip Parsons
It centers on Kip Parsons, a computer nerd who declares war on online dating services when she’s rejected by one as “unmatchable.”