Thomas Schubert
출생 : 1993-08-15, Vienna, Austria
Rural policewoman Andrea wants to end her marriage and become a detective inspector in the city. After a birthday party, her drunken soon-to-be ex-husband runs out in front of her car. In a state of shock, Andrea commits a hit-and-run.
Thomas Mattl
A hot, dry summer, like so many in recent years. Forest fires are uncontrollable. Four young people meet in a holiday home on the Baltic Sea not far from Ahrenshoop. Slowly and imperceptibly they are enclosed by the walls of flame. A red sky arches over them. They doubt, they are afraid – not because of the fires, it is love that scares them.
Martin Heller
Julius, an eloquent young museum attendant loved by the people around him, invites his colleagues on a sailing trip on his aristocratic family's boat, but something goes wrong. Julius is not who he seems to be.
An overwhelmed young mother, her hard-working boyfriend and her lonely sister are trapped in their daily routine and social conventions, until one of them breaks out of her role and turns everything upside down.
Evas Friend
A routine check-up reveals that the Pilates trainer Kathrin is suffering from kidney disease and needs a transplant. Her husband Arnold is a successful architect in the middle of a large project and is afraid of donating one of his kidneys. Götz, a friend of the couple's, would undergo the operation immediately if it means saving Kathrin's life - even though this causes problems with his partner Diana. Confronted by issues of life and death, the fragility of the relationships within and between the couples is laid bare. Eventually, the question can no longer be avoided: what is true love?
The washing machine bites the dust: turning the humdrum life of a young couple upside down.
Franz "Burschi" Aigner jun.
Encouraged by her father who hopes to save her from a life in the provinces, Jette is about to spend a year volunteering overseas. But love stands in the way of her father's plans, and she no longer knows what she wants.
베키, 토미 그리고 마이크는 3인 우파 테러 조직을 구성하여, 지하에 살며 전 국민의 이목을 끌 날을 꿈꾼다. 사랑, 증오 그리고 우정이 뒤얽힌 복잡한 관계 속에서, 파괴를 향한 이들의 계획은 잇따른 강력범죄로 나아가게 된다. 그 사이, 명예, 자존심 그리고 의리와 같은 명목적 가치들은 점점 의미를 잃어간다.
In 1849, the liberation war against the Habsburg Empire is close to its end in Hungary. Having hidden from military draft, Barnabás leaves his hometown and walks across the country to find and save his wounded brother who has been hiding with a guerilla group deep in the forest. Despite their exhaustion, lack of food or information, they are still fighting for their cause. Barnabás finds his brother alienated and distrustful. The tension between the boys further increases when they turn out to be attracted to the same nurse in the camp. Hoping he can earn his brother's trust and take him home, Barnabás decides to stay and lie about his past. In the meantime, he has to face the cruelty of war.
Xaver (A Nocturnal Breath)
A feature-length anthology film. They are known as myths, lore, and folktales. Created to give logic to mankind’s darkest fears, these stories laid the foundation for what we now know as the horror genre.
Anton Peschka
오스트리아 빈 근교의 툴른에서 태어난 에곤 쉴레는 유복한 가정에서 태어났지만, 매독에 걸린 아버지의 광기로 인해 어린 시절 큰 상처를 받은 인물로 기록되고 있다. 매독에 걸린 아버지가 모든 집안 소유물을 아궁이에 던져 태워버린 것, 어머니의 무관심 등은 에곤 쉴레가 짧은 일평생 동안 여동생 게르티 쉴레에 집착하고 자신을 예술에만 몰아치게 한 원동력을 만든 트라우마로 분석되고 있다.두 살 때부터 무엇인가를 그리기 시작했고 어려서부터 그림에 천부적인 재능을 보였던 에곤 쉴레는 정식으로 미술 교육을 받지 않았지만, 명문인 빈 예술 아카데미에 최연소로 입학 허가를 받으며 천재성을 인정받는다. 하지만 아카데미의 보수적인 학풍에 반대해 학교를 그만두고 ‘신예술가 그룹’을 결성하며 자신만의 독특한 화풍을 발전시키며 작품 활동을 펼쳐 나간다.특히 당대 최고의 화가 구스타프 클림트는 에곤 쉴레의 재능을 아끼면서도 질투했는데, 서로 그림을 교환할 때마다 그가 매번 ‘왜 그림을 교환하려 하지? 네 그림이 훨씬 나은데?’라고 한 것은 유명한 일화. 구스타프 클림트와 에곤 쉴레는 서로에게 자극과 영감을 받는 사이였고 구스타프 클림트는 그의 가장 친한 친구이자 조력자 역할을 했다. 도발적이고 과격한 터치로 적나라하게 인체를 표현, 금기를 깨고 죽음과 에로티시즘이 결합된 충격적이고 매혹적인 작품들을 남긴 에곤 쉴레는 28세라는 젊은 나이에 스페인 독감으로 아내와 뱃속의 아이를 잃고 자신도 짧은 생을 마감한다.
Paul Hechtle
A Roma boy is placed in a mental hospital and experiences the Nazi euthanasia program. Aware of what was happening and attached to friends, the lad attempts to sabotage the program. The film addresses the complexities of the program director, the lives of the child victims, and the struggles of the child protagonist. More than five thousand children died in the Nazi euthanasia program.
Mae quit school and ran away from home. After her brother’s death her family is broken. Only his red shoes (Chucks) remain. Mae has to start working in a social institution where she meets Paul. He is funny, sensitive, takes Mae as she is - and he is terminally ill. In a book named Chucks Mae writes down her own story about growing up between life and death: wild, tender and absolutely honest.
Sylvia (34) has every reason to be proud. On her son and on herself. After all, she raised Ben all by himself, and today the 18-year-old is an all-round successful boy. Ben knows about his conception only as much as that he is a child of pure love. He never knew his father, so he does not miss him either. Sylvia is his mother and closest confidant at the same time. But this trust threatens to break as Sylvia is caught up in her past and Ben has to learn that he is actually the product of a rape. Everything seems to be in question in one fell swoop.
누가 서부극을 잊혀진 장르라 말하랴? 정의가 승리한다는 믿음이 있는 한 고독한 서부의 영웅은 결코 총을 놓지 않을 것이다. 알프스 산을 따라 카우보이가 마을에 도착한다. 누구도 그가 어디서 온지, 왜 온 것인지 모른다. 서서히 조용하게, 그러나 한 치의 실수 없이 강렬하게… 비밀스러운 카우보이는 마을 사람들을 향한 복수의 총을 뽑아 든다. 의 고독한 까마귀, 샘 라일리의 기묘하게 매력적인 알프스 웨스턴! (2014년 제18회 부천국.
Roman Kogler
살인범으로 유죄 선고를 받고 복역 중인 19세의 로만 코글러는 지방자치제에서 운영하는 장례기관에서 일하며 새로운 삶을 꾸려간다. 그러나, 직장의 동료는 그를 믿지 않는다. 로만은 시신들 중에 자신과 같은 성을 가진 시체가 있는 것을 본 후 자신의 어머니에 대한 궁금증이 일기 시작하고, 자신의 정체성을 추적하기 시작한다. (2011년 16회 부산국제영화제)
Lene and Timo have retreated to a house by the sea. Here it feels as if the world consists of the two of them only. But something unspoken clouds their time together.