L.A. Puopolo

참여 작품

The Turning
Gillian Anderson in her first ever screen role. Anderson's psycho boyfriend, Cliff, returns to his home town seething with pent-up frustration and rage. Four years earlier his family was on the verge of breaking up. Now he's returned to put things right, fired by a psychopathic determination he is intent on destroying his father's new relationship...whatever it takes.
The Turning
Gillian Anderson in her first ever screen role. Anderson's psycho boyfriend, Cliff, returns to his home town seething with pent-up frustration and rage. Four years earlier his family was on the verge of breaking up. Now he's returned to put things right, fired by a psychopathic determination he is intent on destroying his father's new relationship...whatever it takes.
The Turning
Gillian Anderson in her first ever screen role. Anderson's psycho boyfriend, Cliff, returns to his home town seething with pent-up frustration and rage. Four years earlier his family was on the verge of breaking up. Now he's returned to put things right, fired by a psychopathic determination he is intent on destroying his father's new relationship...whatever it takes.
꿈의 구장
Second Unit
1987년 미국 아이오와주. 36살의 평범한 농부인 레이(Ray Kinsella: 케빈 코스트너 분)는 아내와 딸과 함께 옥수수밭을 일구며 평범하게 살고 있다. 어느날 밭에서 일하던 그는 훗날 그의 인생을 변화시키는 소리를 듣게 된다. 자신의 옥수수밭에 야구장을 만들면 그가 온다는 계시에 따라, 레이는 야구장을 짓지만 주위의 시선은 냉담할 뿐이다. 그러나 돌아가신 아버지의 우상이었던 맨발의 조(Shoeless Joe Jackson: 레이 리요타 분)와 1919 시카고 블랙 독스의 선수들이 그의 야구장으로 나타나고 레이의 꿈은 점차 현실화 되어 가는데...