A mother's worst nightmare becomes reality when her five-year-old daughter mysteriously disappears.
A mother's worst nightmare becomes reality when her five-year-old daughter mysteriously disappears.
23년 마다, 23일 동안 벌어지는 살육의 항연. 낡은 트럭을 타고 다니면서 사람을 잡아먹는 남자 지퍼스 크리퍼스(조나단 브렉)가 마을에 등장하게 되고, 그를 쫓는 보안관 댄(스탠 쇼)은 23일 안에 그를 잡아 살육의 향연을 막으려 한다. 하지만 그의 살인 행각은 계속되고, 마을의 사람들은 그의 손에 하나 둘 씩 희생되기 시작한다. 한편 오래 전 지퍼스에게 아들을 잃은 게리(멕 포스터)는 아들이 죽기 전에 남긴 물건을 찾아 괴물에 대항하기로 한다. 하지만 키우는 말의 건초를 구입하러 시내에 나간 게리의 손녀 애나(가브리엘 호우)가 지퍼스에게 붙잡히게 되고, 지퍼스의 계속되는 살인 행각에 사람들은 불안감을 느끼게 된다. 시간이 지날 수록 점점 더해가는 지퍼스의 살인들. 과연 괴물에 맞서는 마을 사람들의 운명은 어떻게 될 것인가?
Benny certainly wasn't much to look at when he first arrived as a puppy on the doorstep of the pet store. Sam and Emma found him waiting there in a little box when they arrived for work one morning, just staring up at them with those tiny, lovable little eyes, and to this day no one knows where he came from or who brought him there. He's growing up to be the smartest, cutest dog you are ever likely to meet. This is his adventure!
Benny certainly wasn't much to look at when he first arrived as a puppy on the doorstep of the pet store. Sam and Emma found him waiting there in a little box when they arrived for work one morning, just staring up at them with those tiny, lovable little eyes, and to this day no one knows where he came from or who brought him there. He's growing up to be the smartest, cutest dog you are ever likely to meet. This is his adventure!
차량 공포증을 극복하기 위해 정신과를 찾는 페니의 이야기를 그린 공포물.
차량 공포증을 극복하기 위해 정신과를 찾는 페니의 이야기를 그린 공포물.
차량 공포증을 극복하기 위해 정신과를 찾는 페니의 이야기를 그린 공포물.
In the dark, throbbing world of underground raves, people are vanishing without a trace and Detective Hank Holten is the only one who knows the terrible truth. Vampires.
In the dark, throbbing world of underground raves, people are vanishing without a trace and Detective Hank Holten is the only one who knows the terrible truth. Vampires.
In the dark, throbbing world of underground raves, people are vanishing without a trace and Detective Hank Holten is the only one who knows the terrible truth. Vampires.
Executive Producer
A sleepy Oregon village turns deadly when Adam, introducing himself as an English professor working on his first novel, befriends Kate and Mike, a brother and sister trying to put their lives back together after the death of their father. The two welcome the stranger, unaware that their actions will lead them down a dangerous path into the mind and grip of a deadly serial killer.
Psychopath Debbie Strand escapes from a mental institution for the criminally insane and takes the identity of a co-ed she meets and sets herself up on a college campus where she once again begins killing students who get in the way of her obsession with her former high school teacher Sam Deckner now teaching at the college.
Psychopath Debbie Strand escapes from a mental institution for the criminally insane and takes the identity of a co-ed she meets and sets herself up on a college campus where she once again begins killing students who get in the way of her obsession with her former high school teacher Sam Deckner now teaching at the college.
After the fatal crash of a small airplane in the high Sierras, six greedy strangers clash over a fortune in stolen gold. The torturous trip down the mountainside becomes a frightening ordeal as each has his own plans for the gold.
After the fatal crash of a small airplane in the high Sierras, six greedy strangers clash over a fortune in stolen gold. The torturous trip down the mountainside becomes a frightening ordeal as each has his own plans for the gold.
Pilot #2
After the fatal crash of a small airplane in the high Sierras, six greedy strangers clash over a fortune in stolen gold. The torturous trip down the mountainside becomes a frightening ordeal as each has his own plans for the gold.
When her mother is killed in a mysterious house fire, rebellious teen Debbie Strand is sent to live with her grandmother, where she becomes even more unhinged. She develops an intense crush on her hunky creative writing teacher, Peter Rinaldi, but her numerous attempts at seduction end in failure. Soon Peter's friends start turning up dead, and he fears that his fiancée, Marilyn, may be Debbie's next victim.
A traumatized nurse plots revenge against a catatonic businessman, whom she blames for the death of her family, by integrated herself as his personal nurse and plots revenge by killing off his family members one by one.
A traumatized nurse plots revenge against a catatonic businessman, whom she blames for the death of her family, by integrated herself as his personal nurse and plots revenge by killing off his family members one by one.
A girl's bright smile masks a psychopathic soul that will eliminate anyone who comes between her and her doting father.
When a carjacking leaves L.A. screenwriter Eric recovering from a gunshot wound to the abdomen, wife Alicia nurses him back to health. Four months later, the two depart for a second honeymoon in an idyllic setting in the mountains. They are snuggly ensconced in front of a crackling fire when Cale, a hunter who's ostensibly lost his sense of direction in the snow storm and nearly frozen to death, appears at their cabin door.
When a carjacking leaves L.A. screenwriter Eric recovering from a gunshot wound to the abdomen, wife Alicia nurses him back to health. Four months later, the two depart for a second honeymoon in an idyllic setting in the mountains. They are snuggly ensconced in front of a crackling fire when Cale, a hunter who's ostensibly lost his sense of direction in the snow storm and nearly frozen to death, appears at their cabin door.
When a carjacking leaves L.A. screenwriter Eric recovering from a gunshot wound to the abdomen, wife Alicia nurses him back to health. Four months later, the two depart for a second honeymoon in an idyllic setting in the mountains. They are snuggly ensconced in front of a crackling fire when Cale, a hunter who's ostensibly lost his sense of direction in the snow storm and nearly frozen to death, appears at their cabin door.
심리학을 전공하는 리차드(Richard: 에디 보우즈 분)는 정신과 의사 지망생. 그러나 그는 잠재 의식 속에 내재된 어린 시절의 악몽으로 고통받고 있었다. 리차드는 인간이면 누구나 한가지쯤 가지고 있는 공포의 실체를 파악키 위해 자신이 어린 시절 살았던 산장에서 워크샵을 열기로 하고 가까운 친구인 트로이(Troy: 다린 헤미스 분), 민디(Mindy: 모니끄 마넨 분)와 죠, 그리고 리차드의 연인 애쉴리(Ashley: 헤더 메드웨이 분) 등을 워크샵에 초대한다. 산장에 도착한 그들은 마치 살아있는 듯한 인디언 주술사가 만들었다는 목각 인형 '모티'를 보고 섬뜩한 느낌을 받지만 별 신경을 쓰지않고 워크샵을 진행한다. 그러나 일행은 모티의 차가운 눈이 그들의 행동을 주시하고 있는 듯한 느낌을 받고 이상한 일들이 연속 벌어지면서 일행간에 갈등이 표출되기 시작한다. 한편 눈사태로 잠시 산장으로 피신한 리차드의 삼촌이 그의 일행을 자신의 유원지로 초대하는데, 즐거운 시간도 잠시 철 지난 음산한 유원지에서 민디가 성폭행을 당하고 죠가 살해당하면서 일행은 지금까지 경험하지 못한 공포를 체험하게 된다. 한편, 민디가 성폭행을 당하자 일행 중에 캠퍼스의 성폭행범이 있음을 직감한 애쉴리는 공포에 떠는데 절친한 친구인 트로이가 성폭행범임이 드러나면서 위기에 직면하고 이 모든 일련의 사건들이 모티의 소행임을 알게 된 리차드는 모든 것이 자신의 어린 시절의 악몽에서 비롯된 것임을 깨닫게 되는데...
A lifeguard bets he can be true to just one woman.
A lifeguard bets he can be true to just one woman.
A lifeguard bets he can be true to just one woman.
Sean and Billie are undercover cops and martial arts masters. Investigating the death of a cop, they uncover a deadly ring of murder and corruption at a glitzy nightclub where the rich are entertained by seductive women and protected by martial arts experts. Billie goes undercover to infiltrate the crime ring, leading to an explosive finale.
Detective Willis
An undercover cop teams up with a martial-arts expert to stop a gang of drug smugglers and car thieves.
An undercover cop teams up with a martial-arts expert to stop a gang of drug smugglers and car thieves.
범죄와 환락의 도시, 비버리 힐즈, 어느날 아침, 고급 호텔에서 한 여인이 변사체로 발견된다. 육감적인 그녀의 직업은 고급 콜걸. 방송국의 사건보도기자 샤론(Sharon: 샤나 리드 분)은 취재차 사건 현장에 도착한다. 현장에 도착하자마자 그녀가 처음 만난 사람은 강력계 베테랑 수사관 댄(Dan: 로버트 포스터 분).
댄과 샤론은 일찍이 결혼했다가 이혼한 사이. 둘은 서로 간의 불편한 심기를 내보일 겨를 없이 서로의 일에 열중한다. 댄이 현장에서 발견한 증거물은 피해자의 몸에 박힌 인디언 화살한 자루와 겨울에 그려진 묘한 문신 하나. 그날 저녁, 뉴스보도시간에 샤론은 언론과 수사반이 피해자가 윤락녀라는 이유로 사건을 축소.은폐.왜곡보도하고 있다고 공격하고 이 사건은 철저히 규명되어야 한다고 보도해 사내의 분위기를 살벌하게 만든다.
그녀의 보도가 나간 이후, 그녀를 찾는 전화가 빗발치고 살인범은 TV를 통해 그녀와 만나는데...
A rich brother and sister are crazed killers. She lures men into her bed, and he attacks them and murders them. A detective is assigned to find the killers and bring them in.
A rich brother and sister are crazed killers. She lures men into her bed, and he attacks them and murders them. A detective is assigned to find the killers and bring them in.