Richard Blair-Oliphant

참여 작품

디노소어 어드벤쳐
수석 연구원 ‘조나단’과 그의 조수와 의사, 승무원으로 형성된 영국 원정대는 공룡의 증거를 찾고 현지 가이드와 헬리콥터 조종사가 팀에 합류하여 공룡을 추적하기 위해 정글로 향한다. 거기에 호기심 가득한 ‘조나단’의 아들 ‘루크’가 이 원정대에 몰래 참여한다. 그들이 탄 헬리콥터가 의문의 생물체에 의해 공격을 받고 한 번도 본 적 없는 미지의 세계에 추락하게 되는데..
Great Barrier Reef
Original Music Composer
It is the world's largest coral reef, the largest living structure on the planet and one of the wonders of the natural world. The three episodes of this documentary series explore in depth this biological miracle located in the Coral Sea in northeastern Australia and its complex life along more than 2,000 kilometers long. A journey from Heron Island in the south to the remote Torres Strait in the north. From the depths beyond the reef to the coral gardens and forests on the shores.
Mermaids: The Body Found
A story that imagines how these real-world phenomena may be related. In this story, startling amateur video and photographic evidence, as well as additional audio recordings, suggests whales weren’t the only creatures affected by the Navy’s sonar. The film follows the two scientists who tracked the whale beachings for years and delivers first-hand, on-camera accounts of what they claim to have discovered in the aftermath of one particular beaching. Their story is nothing less than fantastical: they claim to have found the remains of a mermaid.
Moonshot: The Flight of Apollo 11
Man's landing on the moon was our greatest technological achievement. The Apollo 11 mission was truly the stuff of dreams. For the first time, our species walked on another celestial body. Even more remarkable was their ability to make it back. This is the story of the July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 moon landing. Drama with digitally remastered original footage.