Production Design
When an Asian American girl from the wrong side of the tracks is accepted by a prestigious university, she finds that her academic prowess can be put to lucrative use.
Production Design
다섯 명의 사람들이 무작위로 납치됐다. 그들의 삶을 송두리째 앗아갈 죽음의 게임 속으로 그들은 점점 빨려 들어가게 되는데… 12 시간의 지옥 속에서 과연 누가 살아남을 것인가? 호러 천재 롭 좀비가 관객의 멘탈을 갈기갈기 찢을 영화로 돌아왔다!
Production Design
A comedic thriller that re-imagines Mark Twain's iconic literary characters of "Huckleberry Finn" and "Tom Sawyer" as grown men in current day.
Art Direction
It's All Hallow's Eve. A trio of costumed misfits with very special dietary requirements seizes a Mexican cantina and force the staff to engage in a late night of gaming, food and libations. The only caveat is what's on the menu.
Production Design
사이코패스적인 교도소장 빌 보스(디에터 레이저)는 그의 회계사 드와이트(로렌스 R. 하비)와 죄수들을 상대로 매일 악행을 저지르며 생활한다. 그러던 어느날 '인간지네'를 시청한 빌과 드와이트는 영화에 역겨움을 표하지만, 무언가 느끼는 것이 있다. 죄수들에게 나날이 강력한 고문을 실행하지만 빌에게 머리를 숙이지 않는 죄수들에게 더 큰 벌을 주기를 원하는 그는 드와이트로부터 죄수들을 '인간지네'로 만들자는 제의를 받는다. 그 계획을 위해 영화감독 '탐 식스(본인)'의 조언까지 구했다는 드와이트는 '인간지네'가 의학적으로 가능하며, 인체에 치명적인 해는 없다는 것까지 증명하고 마는데...
Art Direction
When Fred suspects that his new music teacher is a vampire, he and his friend Bertha set out to save the town from this garlic-hating fiend.
Set Dresser
Six friends receive a mysterious chain letter via text messaging and in their email accounts from a maniac who's hunting down teenagers who fail to forward his online chain letter. Who knew they should take the threats in the chain letter seriously? Or that chain letters using the teens' favorite technologies to track them can kill? This maniacal game pits friend against friend as they race to beat rules that seem impossible to escape. Break the chain, lose a life. Do you pass it on? Does friendship mean anything?
Art Direction
The neglected child of parents living on a commune, Victor is helpless to resist the atmosphere of sex and drugs that permeates his world, but he's smart enough to know that if he is going to survive, he has to get out.
Production Design
A young and successful insurance underwriter must allow her mentally unstable mother to move in with her after the institution in which the mother had been living is deemed unfit for occupancy. The mother then begins to dislike how close her daughter is with her boss.