Georges Deblache, a despondent middle-aged cop, falls for his partner's wife.
From the French television series Encyclopédie audiovisuelle du cinéma, the episode uploaded here, Jean Epstein ou le Cinéma pour lui-même, was produced and (I'm pretty certain) directed by Claude-Jean Philippe. There isn't much info out there-- especially not in English-- regarding the series in general (though there is an imdb link for the series as a whole) or the episode devoted to Epstein. Running around 25 minutes, the episode combines lengthy excerpts from Epstein's cinematic canon with the ideas contained in his theoretical texts to uncover the personal and conceptual underpinnings running beneath the work of this most exquisite filmmaker. I treasure this documentary in particular as it contains extensive footage from L'Auberge rouge.
Mr. M.
유부남인 프레데릭은 우연히 친구의 옛 애인 클로에를 만난다. 프레데릭의 규격화된 삶과 달리 보헤미안적인 삶을 사는 클로에는 프레데릭의 단조로운 오후의 일상에 활력을 선사한다. 마침내 그녀의 다락방에서 한나절의 사랑 행각이 막 벌어지려는 순간 프레데릭은 갑작스런 깨달음을 얻고 부인에게 돌아간다.
A “Cinéastes de notre temps” series episode directed by french film critic Claude-Jean Philippe, originally aired 4 August 1966.