Irina Gubanova

Irina Gubanova

출생 : 1940-03-03, Leningrad, USSR

사망 : 2000-04-15

프로필 사진

Irina Gubanova

참여 작품

Beautiful stranger
Strangers on a train. Late in 1916, a brave and idealistic Russian officer in his 20s comes to his superiors' attention when he stands up to Rasputin at a nightclub. He's asked to carry important papers from Petersburg to Stockholm by train in the dead of winter, a dangerous mission. The first-class carriage may be full of spies, and soon after the train embarks, the man in the next compartment searches Obozow's luggage. A beautiful stranger approaches him, a woman older than he, on a concert tour; a game of cat and mouse ensues with patriotism and emotion sometimes on opposite sides. Can Obozow consummate the affair, reach Stockholm, and maintain his ideals?
Love Is a Deadly Game
Zhenshchina v galeree
Ihor is a famous photographer whose works are published in a number of magazines and presented at international exhibitions. In the cycle of affairs and trips, he meets a girl. The image of Lera, her beauty and mystery awaken in him both romantic feelings and the creative interest of the photo artist - they inspire him to create a series of beautiful photographs of his beloved. A fast-paced novel brings confusion into the hero's life and puts him in front of a choice: a new unexpected relationship or a proposed multi-month business trip to America, which causes envy among colleagues. Somehow, while completing the documents, Igor accidentally notices on the bulletin board a photo robot of a dangerous criminal who resembles Lera. Getting confused in comparisons, facts and doubts, he tries to find the truth. The struggle between love and the realization of the bitter truth ends tragically.
Homo Novus
A divorced young math teacher is tormented by her high school students.
Travels of Mr. Blot
Banialuka, królowa Bajdocji
The second part of adventures of Mr. Blot and the students of his magic school.
Murder complicity
Based on the novel of the same name by Judah Waten. Beth Tyson is killed in his mansion. Chief Inspector Fields, Inspector Bramell, and Detective Filbert have three different versions of this crime...
The Music of Life
The Soviet-Hungarian film version of the biography of one of the most talented composers of our time, the classic of the Vienna operetta - Imre Kálmán, known for all his music for operettas "The Csárdás Princess", "Countess Maritza", "The Circus Princess", "The Violet of Montmartre", "Die Bajadere" and many others. The music of Imre Kálmán has no equal in operetta for its festivity, “elegance”, and the refinement of melodics and orchestration.
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Private Life
Nelli Petrovna
Mikhail Ulyanov is the Bergmanesque protagonist of the Russian Private Life. A government-appointed factory executive, Ulyanov is reduced to quivering confusion when he is dismissed. Recovering from this blow, he decides to review and realign his life. In so doing, he discovers that there's plenty left in the world to make life worth living. Private Life was nominated for the "best foreign picture" Academy Award in 1983.
The Woman in White
Countess Fosco
A detective-mystery film based on the novel of the same name by Wilkie Collins, which takes place in the middle of the last century in Victorian England. The young aspiring artist gets a place as a teacher of painting on the estate of land-owner Fairlie, where his sisters Marian and Laura become his students. Returning home late in the evening, he unexpectedly meets a strange woman, dressed head-to-toe in white on a deserted road...
Eighth World Wonder
The heroines of the film are Soviet basketball players who take part in international competitions for the Hera Cup. Exciting basketball matches, the nobility of a Soviet athlete who saved the life of a Greek basketball player, the anxiety of first love-all these and other events make up the plot of the film.
Someone Else's
Леночка помощник режиссера
Heavenly Swallows
Denise de Flavigny, a young convent student, discovers a double-life of the organist Célestin, who teaches her music at the convent. He secretly composes popular operettas for his mistress Corinne. Célestin visits the city to witness the premiere of his latest effort; Denise escapes the convent as well. Following a quarrel with Célestin, Corinne walks out and instead, Denise appears in her role, taking the name Mam'zelle Nitouche. Denise falls in love with Fernand, a handsome young soldier. Both Denise and Célestin are mistaken for soldiers absent without leave and shipped off to an army camp. A series of coincidences brings happiness to all concerned.
Stepan's Remembrance
Nastya Yegorovna
The heiress of a gem mage travels to St. Petersburg to fulfill her father's dream and her destiny.
Each Evening After Work
School of working youth. A new teacher of Russian language and literature comes here. Soon, Yelena Nikolayevna realizes that it is impossible to make concessions to adult students who are tired after work, but you need to interest them, awaken in them a desire to learn.
Где вы, рыцари?
Olga Viktorovna
Поздний ребенок
Dreams of Love
Olga Janina
This is a romantic biographical film about Franz Liszt. In a distinguished saloon of Paris, the unknown composer, Liszt, defeats the renown Thalberg at a piano competition. Through his playing, he wins the favours and later the hand of the countess D'Agoult. A daughter is born in their marriage, Cosima. Liszt is better and better known, Marie introduces him to the circle of artists.
The Beginning
assistant director (uncredited)
A talented girl from the provincial Russian town Pasha Stroganova dreams of becoming an actress. She plays the role of Baba Yaga in the amateur theatre — and does it so organically that the visiting filmmaker offers her the most difficult role in the historical drama about Joan of Arc. She was given not only great acting talent, but the talent of deep, selfless love. A dream comes true: she is invited to the main role, and she begins a completely different life, full of real creative torment, insights and true happiness.
The Snow Maiden
A fairytale based on the play by Aleksandr Ostrovskiy.
The Snow Queen
The film tells a story about the extraordinary journey of the modest little girl Gerda. She is looking for her friend Kai, who was kidnapped and taken to her kingdom by the powerful evil Snow Queen. In search of her beloved friend, Gerda ends up in the castle to the cunning, insidious and at the same time funny king, meets forest robbers. On the way, the girl will have many obstacles before the decisive battle with the Snow Queen. But Gerda’s faithful heart will overcome all adversity...
전쟁과 평화 4부
나폴레옹군의 전진으로 위기에 몰린 러시아를 구하기 위해 안드레이와 피에르는 전장에 뛰어든다. 폐허화되었던 모스크바는 전력을 빼앗긴 프랑스 나폴레옹 군을 역습하여 후퇴하게 한다. 모스크바에 돌아온 피에르는 슬픔에 빠진 나타샤를 위로하며 새로운 사랑을 느낀다.
전쟁과 평화 3부
러시아의 젊은 귀족 안드레이는 아내의 반대를 무릎쓰고 군에 자원했다가 중상을 당한다. 그의 친구 피에르는 재산을 탐하여 시집을 온 엘렌과의 불화로 별거에 이른다. 구사일생으로 돌아온 후 아내의 죽음으로 실의에 잠겨있던 안드레이는 백작의 딸 나타샤에게 매료당하여 청혼을 하게 된다. 나폴레옹군의 전진으로 위기에 몰린 러시아를 구하기위해 안드레이와 피에르는 전장에 뛰어든다. 폐허화되었던 모스크바는 전력을 빼앗긴 나폴레옹군을 역습하여 마침내 승리를 거둔다. 모스크바로 돌아온 삐에로는 안드레이를 잃은 슬픔에 빠진 나타샤를 위로하다 그녀와 사랑이 싹트게 된다.
전쟁과 평화 2부
첫 번째 이야기에 이어 ‘2부- 나타샤 로스토바 Natasha Rostova’ 편에서는 역사의 소용돌이 속에 있는 러시아의 젊은 귀족 안드레이, 그의 친구 피에르와 백작의 딸 나타샤의 삶과 사랑 이야기가 펼쳐진다.
전쟁과 평화 1부
서자인 삐에르는 부친의 죽음 이후 거액의 재산을 상속받게 된다. 그 후 애정이 없었던 삐에르와 엘렌의 결혼 생활은 엘렌의 방탕한 생활로 별거에 이르게 된다. 한편 구사일생으로 아버지인 볼콘스키 공작에게로 돌아온 안드레이에게는 아내 리차의 죽음이라는 또 다른 시련이 다가온다. 그러던 중, 삐에르와 안드레이는 오랫만에 재회해 마음의 상처를 달랜다. 안드레이는 성숙한 여인이 된 나타나에게 매료 당하고 마침내 결혼을 신청하기에 이른다. 그러나 안드레이가 전쟁터로 떠나자 나타샤는 불안과 초조 속에서 방황하다가 결혼 약속을 취소해 버린다. 그러한 사실을 알 리가 없는 안드레이는 전장에서 자신의 모든 것을 걸고 조국애를 발휘하는데...
전쟁과 평화
러시아의 젊은 귀족 안드레이는 아내의 반대를 무릎쓰고 군에 자원했다가 중상을 당한다. 그의 친구 피에르는 재산을 탐하여 시집을 온 엘렌과의 불화로 별거에 이른다. 구사일생으로 돌아온 후 아내의 죽음으로 실의에 잠겨있던 안드레이는 백작의 딸 나타샤에게 매료당하여 청혼을 하게 된다. 나폴레옹군의 전진으로 위기에 몰린 러시아를 구하기위해 안드레이와 피에르는 전장에 뛰어든다. 폐허화되었던 모스크바는 전력을 빼앗긴 나폴레옹군을 역습하여 마침내 승리를 거둔다. 모스크바로 돌아온 삐에로는 안드레이를 잃은 슬픔에 빠진 나타샤를 위로하다 그녀와 사랑이 싹트게 된다.
Where Are You Now, Maxim?
A story of a young man who is returning to his home town after being evacuated as a boy during WWII.
The First Trolleybus
Svetlana Soboleva
Svetlana, young pretty girl, works as a trolleybus driver in a small town and almost all her permanent passengers are at least a little bit in love with her.
I Accept the War
A Trip Without a Load
health resort's doctor (uncredited)
Based on the story of the same name by Sergei Antonov. The young journalist of the central newspaper Sirotkin came to the Siberian timber industry to write an essay about the glorious driver Khromov. But soon Sirotkin’s inquiring mind calculated the trick of Khromov, who, noting one kilometer in the vouchers, traveled a short route he knew only, draining the remaining gasoline from the curbside. Having revealed yet another fraud, in which the director was also involved, Sirotkin realized that he would not write an essay, but that he would be lucky with materials for the trial. This was announced by the authorities of the timber industry. Khromov himself took the journalist on the return trip...
Cherry Town
new settler (uncredited)
Lida Baburova, a tour guide of an architectural museum, unexpectedly receives a warrant for a two-room apartment in the new district of Zarechye, among the new settlers called "our Cheryomushki". Lida and her father go to inspect the apartment, but it turns out that it doesn't exist. The manager of the house, Barabashkin, conducted fictitious documentation, and the Baburovs' apartment merged with the neighboring one, owned by the head of the construction trust Drebednyov.
Following the Sun
A story about a boy walking across the town following sun.
Queen of Spades
Screen adaptation of Tchaikovsky's opera based on the Aleksandr Pushkin short story of the same name.