Zhang Lu

Zhang Lu

출생 : 1983-10-18, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China

프로필 사진

Zhang Lu

참여 작품

중화영웅 욕화수라
중화루의 영웅인 화영웅이 사라진 후, 아들 화검웅이 중화루를 지키며 살아간다. 일본인들의 만행이 계속 되고 무고한 중국인들에 이어 소중한 이들마저 목숨을 잃자 화검웅은 각성하고 진정한 무인으로 거듭나는데...
Where I Started
He Jaqing
Mars Chase
Bandage Face
In the year 2324, a criminal of unknown origin is relentlessly pursued across the galaxy by an Interpol police officer who will stop at nothing to bring him to justice.
The Blizzard
Brother Pony
Liu Haiyang and Song Chao were best friends at Police Academy. After witnessing his trusted friend escape after the murder of his father, Liu Haiyang embarks on a quest for bitter revenge that takes him from Harbin to Hainan, only to uncover an illicit relationship between his wife- Chu Jie and his best friend. But neither of them realize they are mere cogs inside a deeper, more sinister conspiracy.
Young Love Lost
In the latter part of the last century, Lu Xiaolu has just graduated from technical school and is currently working in a chemical factory. He hasn't a clue about what he will do in the future or how he should lead his life. Lu Xiaolu lacks skills. Moreover, he loves to play games, fight with his colleagues and is often found redoing poorly executed tasks. However, Lu Xiaolu is captivated by a beautiful young girl named Bai Lan, who he pursues and eventually falls in love with. Bai Lan in the end applies for graduate school and abruptly leaves for Shanghai...
Tomb Mystery
TGu Ye was born in a family of intellectuals, from small to generate a strong interest in history, especially during the Tang Dynasty princess Gao Yang is particularly obsessed with the legend. Because of his father's paranoia, he has entered the University of Gu Ye have been unable to enter their favorite historical archeology. By chance, Gu Ye Xie Chunan and friend for many years led the expedition club also sponsors mysterious boss Qiu went into a deserted tomb of the Tang Dynasty ...... a vajra, a piece of jade Jue, a few broken incomplete Tomb diary, actually opened a period of thousands of years of love and hatred disputes, it will also be the tomb of a pedestrian into an unprecedented crisis
Xiao Yong
라오싼은 해군 복무 중 머리를 다쳐 지능은 떨어지지만 언제나 정의를 위해 살아가는 용맹한 택배배달원이다. 어느 날 범죄자인 블랙드래곤은 동생과 함께 샤오훼이가 근무하는 은행을 털려다가 마침 배달을 위해 온 라오싼을 만나 계획은 수포로 돌아가 자신은 잡히고 동생은 머리를 다쳐 식물인간이 된다. 교도소에서 1년간 복수만을 꿈꾼 블랙드래곤은 결국 탈옥에 성공하고 오랜 세월 자신을 노렸던 한 경위의 동생인 샤오훼이를 납치해 식물인간으로 누워있는 동생과 맞바꾸려 한다. 한편 그 사건의 인연으로 샤오훼이와 사랑을 키운 라오싼은 소식을 듣고 그녀를 구하기 위해 미친 듯이 블랙 드래곤을 찾아 헤매는데...