16 years later, Tanguy, now 44, returns to his parents' house with his daughter Zhu under his arm because Meï Lin left him. Disappointed to see their "little one" in this state, Paul and Edith do everything to give him a taste for life, without realizing that by doing so, they braid the rope to hang themselves. Because Tanguy is starting to feel good with his parents.
Octave Parango, the former concept creator/editor of 99 francs has become a model scout in Moscow. This cynical hedonist leads a very pleasant life in the arms of young Russian models and in the private jets of his oligarch friends... until the day that he is contacted by The Ideal, the world's leading cosmetic's firm, embroiled in a huge media scandal. Our antihero has seven days to find a new muse by traveling through the confines of post-Communist Russia, under the orders of Valentine Winfield, a hard and authoritarian visual director.
Olivier and Leo, two brothers that are moved to Paris and that life has separated ... If the first sees himself as a journalist without concessions, the second is an ambitious and opportunistic communication adviser. Noémie, a charming presidential adviser, can not, over the years, choose between them. To the amusement of Sylvain, their childhood friend, who made his fortune in Pink Minitel, their destinies intersect over 20 years, are intertwined, in a funny epic, tender and nostalgic, in the 80 / 90.
With his off-kilter sense of humor, polyglot Gaspard Proust takes a mischievous delight in undermining the human quirks in this stand-up comedy, mixing insolence with elegance. A new sensation of the french stand-up scene and an outspokenness that needs to be heard to be believed.
Michel suffers from a strange pathology. A perfectly old-fashioned and rare type of racism: the hatred of Englishmen. This obsessional fault, led him to create an association (which the only members are, except himself, his brother and a friend) and to lead commando operations (covering of English terms with stickers, and street hawking of a violently anti-British review).
믿었던 사랑과 이별 후 그 어떤 사랑도 믿지 않는 남자 마크(개스파드 프로스트)는 자신의 경험담을 총동원, 사랑에 비판적인 시선을 담은 [사랑의 유효기간은 3년]이라는 소설을 필명으로 집필한다. 하지만 졸작이라는 비난만 쇄도하고, 우연히 만나게 된 매력적인 여자 알리스(루이즈 보르고앙 분)에게 첫눈에 반하게 된 그는 “사랑은 3년이상 지속되지 않는다”던 자신의 사랑관은 뒤로 한채 그녀에게 빠져든다. 그녀와의 만남으로 행복함에 들뜬 마크는 슬쩍 자신의 책에 대해 알리스에게 묻지만 “쓰레기 같은, 형편없는 책”이라는 신랄한 비판과 함께 작가의 사랑관에 절대 공감할 수 없다고 한다. 책의 인기가 더해감에 따라 실제작가에 대한 대중의 관심이 높아져가던 어느 날 마크는 알리스가 그토록 혐오하는 책의 작가임이 만천하에 공개되는데.. 그렇게 찾아온 사랑의 위기! 다시금 마크에게 ‘사랑의 유효기간은 3년’이란 법칙은 적용되는 것일까? 아니면 이번만큼은 그 유효기간이 연장될 수 있을까? 그의 사랑에 대한 정의가 흔들리기 시작한다!